But my thrice vaxxed liberal acquaintance who is recovering from

Covid told me it’s my fault since I am unvaxxed.

Btw this is a person who is a realtor in Chicago and just lost a sale because the seller preferred to sell to a black person.

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arghahhahahahahahhhahahaha....... i am glad he is an acquaintance, as who would wants friends like that.. the left eating the left. I love it

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It was the highlight of my week!

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i think the big show will be next winter when a different virus shows up.

i might buy a cremation facility

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you might end up the next millionaire

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I've not seen "VAIDS" used before. I'm definitely going to use that...it describes what is happening perfectly.

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Vax Aids....

My ability to read science has limits. Quickly I am on the bench.

But when I don't see fierce debate on this horrible sounding term... something is wrong.

There is massive failure somewhere. And it's not the fault of Science. It is moral cowardice

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