by Jim Richards
You may think it strange to bring physics into a discussion about Wily Coyote, but you have to admit that there is a consistent yet subtle reference to the strangeness of the quantum world in the cartoon above. If you remember, Wily frequently finds himself in the position of going past the edge of the cliff, generally as a result of over-pursuit of the Roadrunner, or occasionally the Wabbit, as we see here. What happens next is fascinating: gravity ignores his mid-air status until he looks down and suddenly realizes his predicament, whereupon he falls instantly. You may remember from your introductory quantum physics the fascinating “observer effect” leading to wave-form collapse. Most know of this effect through a simple example called Schrodinger’s Cat. Something tells me that the writers of the cartoon understood this topic of quantum decoherence quite well and played with it knowing that very few would get the joke. Most would just see that Wily has a sudden realization – and then he falls.
2023 will be the year of realization.
A hundred years from now, I think it’s quite possible that 2023 will be viewed as the pivotal year. Yes, more so than ’21 or ‘22. I see this coming year as the culmination of so many world-changing events, on par with 1945. For example, we are nearing the end of a multi-decade period in which America has been the sole global hegemon, and we are entering conflicts with the two aspiring Asian world leaders, which is leading to a self-inflicted energy crisis, and the resulting recession worldwide. Remember, the current administration wanted this war in Ukraine. NATO provocation led to a war that the Pentagon needed to fill the gap of peace following our disgraceful exit from Kabul. So, normal service is resumed for the defense contractors. Eisenhower was so prescient.
Surprising many in the next few months, Russia will dominate Ukraine, which will sue for peace. Here at home, shocking revelations of Deep State control of almost everything will finally be told. This all started with Elon buying Twitter and spilling the beans on government involvement in forcefully determining what we see and hear. We are just now emerging from the greatest propaganda and gaslighting scheme of all time.
All of a sudden, in just the past few years, we have a guy named Klaus Schwab on the scene, a man who bears a striking resemblance to Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers film series. He stood before the World Economic Forum in Davos last year and warned his cult of politicians that implementation of their accelerated plans to gain outright control would meet tough resistance; the unspoken realization for them was that the serfs and commoners really like their cars, home heating, meat, gas stoves, and fertilizer. Taking these things from them was going to be difficult.
Back when Obama sought to transition to the Great Green Utopia, they used what were called “nudge” methods. Not anymore. The view in Washington now is that there may only be two more years to implement a paradisical green earth - and to crush Russia along the way - so best to quit hiding the agenda, as we’re in the fourth quarter. Biden is now officially a placeholder, which is revealed by the Deep State suddenly “finding” official documents here, there, and everywhere. Have you ever noticed that major sporting events get a lot more exciting toward the end because of the inevitability of the clock running out? This is where we find ourselves in 2023.
We have been living through a concerted effort by a very small group of influential politicians to implement autocratic rule over much of the global population. They were playing a long game, which has been in a slow implementation phase (through academia) for several decades, sort of simmering on a back burner. Suddenly an obviously manmade virus “escapes” from a lab giving perfect cover for a campaign of fear. Before you know it, entire populations are being told what to wear on their faces - and to cower in their homes. Remember all of the control edicts that were implemented in the first two hours of the Biden administration?
In many countries, autocratic World Economic Forum “Young Leaders” with suppressed psychopathic traits have come to the fore in places like New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain, and Canada, where people are instructed to rat on their neighbors. Wow, just Wow! I find it odd and instructive that these are all the Commonwealth countries that, like us, were under The English Crown. Now there’s a sociological cultural experiment just begging to be done!
Like so many who have been fascinated about Germany’s rapid descent into Nazi rule in the late 1930s, I studied long ago the Asch conformity, Milgram shock, and Stanford prison experiments. These were the pivotal psychological experiments that revealed the native human weakness to conform and obey. If you haven’t studied them, I recommend you do so – you will understand the past three years with enhanced clarity. These days you don’t have to read long books. You can get the gist of all three by watching YouTube for a half hour. As for the one that started it all, I co-authored a peer-reviewed/published study that sought to find neurological correlates for the behavioral findings of the original concept piece (Asch) some twenty years ago.
Here's the bottom line on how Klaus Schwab’s disciples almost took over the world: these are very smart people who understand Freud (psychopathy), Bernays (propaganda), Goebbels (propaganda on steroids), Asch (social conformity), Milgram (obedience to authority), and Fauci (concentration of the levers of fear). They made their play in the past two years, and it almost worked. It was the overweening hubris of the science guys that led them to make a critical epidemiological mistake: viruses inevitably weaken over time, sacrificing virulence as they prioritize infectiousness when they run up against the most complex and effective virus destruction mechanism in the cosmos: the human native immune system.
Everyone has learned more than they ever thought they would about the immune system in the past three years. It is a wondrous marvel of intricate mechanisms that have evolved over millions of years to cope with whatever we may encounter. Consider the Spanish Flu of 1918: there was no medical intervention whatsoever, so there were three waves over three years driven by seasonality before the native immune system dealt with it once and for all. No Pfizer or Moderna forcing experimental medications on the world population. The age-old well-established system just simply worked. As it always had.
In the modern era, we are led by tremendous egos that view everything as fixable with all of the new tools that we have at our disposal, where central banks really take center stage, but I digress (I could go on forever about that but want to stay focused here.) Whether the release of the virus was intentional or not (it sure is curious that it contains a unique genetic fingerprint that was patented by Moderna back in 2017), there was a mad scramble to classify it as a bioweapon, which put the security state in charge behind the scenes. Biodefense requires fast-tracked vaccines, and, lo and behold, Moderna seems to have one that they created in 48 hours! Yep, it’s got that curious little (patented!) genetic fragment at its core. Go figure.
Before you know it, all of the powers that be have seemingly forgotten that we all have this stunningly effective virus-fighting machinery onboard, a mechanism that has carried us through sudden meetings with novel viruses for literally hundreds of millions of years. But no – just like the outdated concepts that sex is binary or men cannot menstruate, the immune system is suddenly passé.
Even a year into the chaos, there was disdain from the experts about the hundreds of millions of unvaccinated who seemed to be doing just fine. The entire continent of Africa was supposed to be a bloodbath, but they were skating through unscathed (they all take Ivermectin for parasites.) No, in the “sophisticated” countries, compliance was required: get the vaxx - or else! I feel sorry for those eighty million Americans that were under the thumb of misguided leaders that were oh-so certain that a mandate was the right thing to do. If the fear factor wasn't abounding everywhere in 2021, someone in power should have instituted a requirement that everyone in leadership positions must read the Nuremberg Laws that we - the entire world - agreed to following the Nazi atrocities of World War II. You know, the laws that state that you cannot force someone to participate in human drug experiments without their consent.
Shakespeare famously said: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." What you will see in the next few years will help the legal profession to regain some respect among the masses. It is the lawyers that will prosecute the greatest injustices the world has ever seen. Yes, they will make a killing, but disregard that. What they will be doing is what The Founders of our great country foresaw with such incredible prescience: using the third branch of government as a check on a presidency run amok - an administration that has shown complete disdain for all established guardrails. Beginning in the next few months, some balance will be restored with each successive legal victory that reestablished systemic sanity. If you want to appreciate this, just consider the counterfactual; imagine where we would be if that judge in Texas had allowed the FDA, Pfizer, and Moderna to hide all of their records for 75 years. In the distant future, he will be regarded as a true hero (and we are finding out, day by day, why they wanted to hide it all.)
What our science leaders like Fauci (“I am the Science!”) forgot, as if they didn’t take pre-med sophomore molecular biology, is that mRNA is an unproven intervention in the most complex system known to mankind. It’s as if they had never studied complex systems before. They knew about Original Antigenic Sin from RSV vaccination in the 60s. They knew about ADE from Dengue fever vaccinations in the 2010s. They certainly knew that mRNA could go off and do its own thing once it’s onboard. These were not, to quote Rumsfeld, unknown unknowns.
So, here we are in the third year, and just as it did in the third year of the Spanish Flu a hundred years ago, the wondrous human immune system seems to have won out. With the sudden resignation of Ardern in New Zealand, we are starting to see that the populace has come to a realization: fear and compulsion were used on everyone to an extreme degree. These people have stolen three years of our lives, our businesses, our family gatherings, and our funerals. This is what I call the grand realization of 2023, and I foresee a simmering rage that will build over the course of the year, a rage that will dwarf all other issues in the run-up to the election year of 2024.
The Renaissance, some 400-500 years ago, represented a dramatic break from the past. There was a new way of thinking about the world that affected virtually every aspect of culture and science. What we have just lived through was a technological renaissance that was oversold. Unproven concepts were foisted upon us, and we are just now coming around to the proper response: realization that leads to rejection and change. The next few years will be a heavy slog, but I foresee a turn away from the autocracy that almost captured us just recently. Dr. Evil, at the ripe old age of 84, is late in the fourth quarter of his life by any standard. He wanted to see his dreams play out, and he knows that his chosen successor is what the English would call “weak tea.” He threw up a Hail Mary, even though his cult is thoroughly irreligious. He has truly be-clowned himself, not to those disciples gathered in Davos – to the rest of us.
The game is up. The world will be a better place without a maniacal narcissist at the head of the current version of these cult-like organizations that want to play wizards behind the curtain. Think back, and you will realize that the WEF is just the current iteration of crazed Dr. Evil types that really do want to rule the world. It all started with simple gatherings of like-minded folk that thought they had special wisdom, groups like the Knights of Malta, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Club, the Trilateral Commission, and now the WEF. These people are quite self-confident, and when they are invited to Davos, I’m sure that they view it as an epiphany of self-realization.
They made a gigantic play for control of much of the world by making everyone confront their own mortality in stark terms, which is truly the ultimate fear. They did their best to get 100% compliance on “vaccine” uptake, which would then lead naturally to vaccine cards, digital ID, and social credit scoring. These are the tools of absolute control. This simply wasn’t digestible, and now we’re seeing the gag reflex. We’re just at the end of Denial, and this year will be the Anger. I don’t see any place for Bargaining or Acceptance. I think Depression will loop back to Anger. This will be a realization of bodily harm. Look up: “How do I devaccinate?” Consider going on a ketogenic diet, or get yourself some of the proteolytic enzyme Nattokinase.
I see these past two years as a giant Milgram experiment. Government not only sought to restrict free speech; they also actively worked through corporations to do so (which is textbook Fascism.) Government can’t just close all churches for a year, nor can they simply do away with jury trials so as to expedite confinement of those who refuse to do their bidding. Our country has survived pandemics of Smallpox, Yellow Fever, Cholera, and Polio – all without imposing on the basic human freedoms that are implicit in being an American. There is no “Epidemic exception” in the U.S. Constitution! There are ten items in the Bill of Rights, and during the past two years, nine of those were violated repeatedly. Let’s face it: we are living under a regime that is prepared to cross all boundaries that have been established to ensure our basic rights. Like a bully or Mafia boss, their unspoken taunt is to sneer and say: “So, what are you gonna’ do about it?”
Here's what the WEF didn’t count on: stubborn, iconoclastic, self-reliant individuals who just wouldn’t play along. In ours, the critical country that others follow, most of these holdouts were quite well-armed at home, giving us once again an example of how the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution grants so much hidden leverage to the core of real leaders that always seem to help us re-center ourselves as a global family. That is the true realization.
Just for fun:
Real-Life Coyote and Roadrunner Meet
Coyote Chases Roadrunner in Scene Straight Out of Looney Tunes Cartoon
Do NOT comply.
I pray that you are correct.
Because these perpetrators are not humans. They are demons straight from the pit of hell. What they have done to mankind is so evil that I'm still struggling to fully comprehend it.
Magnificent writing. Thank you.
This isn't over yet. I don't say these people are evil because I like using that word.