
EDIT: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s stand on gun rights makes him 100% unelectable for anyone that supports 2A.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Climate change and gun control make him a non starter.

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Win or lose, the American people will be educated! RFK Jr will not play dirty!!

Until 1986, the vaccine manufacturers were losing $$$ because of lawsuits. Some closed their production lines. Then they got Congress to absolve them from liability and created a federal vaccine court to ajudicate. Since that day, there have been parallel exponential growth curves in the number of autism cases identified and the the financial growth of the vaccine manufacturers. So we went from 1 in 10,000 with autism to 1:36 today. SIDS is defined as a separate and unknown disease state that takes the lives of our infants. IMO it is caused by the infants immune system over reacting to a non-self component of the injection administered (25 in CA in first 6 months!) and is a fatal anaphylactic reaction. Now, they have created the push that Tylenol taken during pregancy is the culprit and they want retail chains to be blamed. Many drugs taken during pregancy have adverse reaction on the fetus, as well as mother's to be negative lifestyle issues. Over vaccination is an assault on the immune system and is creating the expanding speciel needs schooling which is often accompanied by adminstering psychotropic drugs that harm! Result is school shootings. All connected!

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My own family has TDS. They all voted for Biden and they either do not believe Biden is senile, or they don't care. They all are aware of who RFK Jr. is and all have expressed what the TV has told them to think about him: he is a crazy anti-vaxxer (my family is jabbed to the hilt). They will not vote for RFK Jr. Even though they all are in favor of gun control and believe in climate change.

The anti-vaxx stance is a dealbreaker for them.

I see RFK Jr. potentially splitting the middle of people "on both sides" who appeared to unite over the vaccine issue. People who come from Democrat backgrounds, who didn't vote for Trump, but who are more focused on the vaccine tyranny than anything else.

I initially became interested in Trump as a candidate in 2015 primarily because of his position on vaccines, and because he was going to involve RFK Jr. And Trump was the ONLY candidate at the time who had anything reasonable to say about vaccines: i.e., we should look into them and question the schedule.

Is there anything beneficial that can come from RFK Jr. being a Democrat candidate? I mean strategy-wise, in terms of waking people up? How will the media treat him?

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We need all of it. And we don't need to pretend and vote. It's completely rigged. I refuse to vote in 2024. Fuxk them all. Its rigged. I'm not playing their charade

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Hopefully Kennedy will expose more broadly the dirty side of vaccines but there is not a chance in hell they will ever let him be the Democrat candidate.

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As far as Steve Kirsch goes I have friends that took the poison shot and regret it. They took it for work. At least he admits he regrets it and in his own with his own money he’s trying to wake up the masses. RFK Jr did an interview in which he said the 2A is the ONLY thing left in the Bill of Rights. Plus RFK Jr has been fighting against Farma and quackzenes for 20 years not celebrating HIS big beautiful vaccine that saved billions of lives. My main issue in voting is medical freedom. I KNOW Trump didn’t MANdate them but he still has NOT come out against them👿

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Every single person in the public spot light is chosen. Every.

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As the author of this Substack says, the jury is still out on who to vote for. As much as I like some aspects of Kennedy I cannot vote for him because of the 2 issues mentioned. Regardless, we need to oust the communist regime that is destroying our country.

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RFK Jr doesn’t stand a chance by running with the Democrats, Hell, they wouldn’t even let spineless Bernie in, and besides the parties can do anything they want, they don’t have to run primaries at all. Talk about theater. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

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Actually, the correct attitude is don't do anything to someone else that THEY don't want done to them. A lot of the jab-happy nutjobs were perfectly OK with forcing the jabs on others because they took the DeathVax themselves.

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Democrats have admitted that they can choose the candidate no matter how many people have rejected the one they want. And we saw them rig the last 2 primaries so why would Kennedy think that he has a chance?

Besides you can’t vote for the lesser evil and then expect evil not to win. Both parties serve the same donors and take their orders from them so unless you can get money out of politics voting will never change anything in this country. Our voices don’t matter either. Look up the video, Corruption is Legal. It shows that our voices have gone unheard for the last 2 decades.

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I’ll repeat myself. RFK Jr. is an excellent candidate. As a neutral (independent), I expect I’d vote for him due to his high integrity and courage to stand up for what’s right. I am further delighted to read his foreign policy position, as quoted in the Reuters insert, and with which I am in full agreement. He is a powerful candidate who understands domestic and international issues. We need such a man.


As for Trump, based on his promises made during his first run for Pres, I voted for him, and was delighted when he won. Terrible mistake on my part. The man is driven by his blind arrogance into one error after another, not the least of which was starting an economic war with China, another in April 2017 launching 59 Tomahawk missiles against a Syria airbase, deliberately ignoring our own intelligence, as the airbase had not been used for anything claimed by Trump, and committing an international war crime in the process.

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He will definitely shine the spotlight on the pharmafia, and the public serpents that they own. It will be interesting to see how the presstitutes treat him. I hate the lesser of two evils concept, but unfortunately voting has become an act of self defense and damage control. (Which one of these grifters is likely to harm me the least?)

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Debating Kennedy's run is moot. The Democrats hate him and their corrupt policy of hand picking super delegates means he will not get the nomination.

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Jewish interests fund nearly 100% of the money for the Democrats. RFK Jr. will probably not get their support, so will he be able to fund an effective campaign?

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