Jul 26, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Most of us don’t know how brainwashed people are. My unvaccinated brother now has covid and sounds terrible on the phone. Yesterday the mother of his girlfriend heard his voice and immediately called an ambulance to take him to the hospital. He found out and canceled it. A bit later she called for it again and when the paramedics arrived my brother told them not to come up to his apartment. Another member of the insane family brought them up. They checked him out and told him to rest and hydrate and he would be fine. I supplied him with ivermectin and HCQ a while ago and he is taking the proper dosage but that idiot family told his doctor who told him not to take it. The insanity is far from stopping!

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

The family of a "girlfriend" has no rights to talk to his doctor. He needs to dump this broad ASAP. He's looking at half his entire life will be run, by her and her family, if he doesn't. (Edited: because I can't type.)

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Too late. He stopped the ivermectin and HCQ and is now on Paxlovid. Lost cause.

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Thanks but we can’t fix stupid.

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I’m so sorry!

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I feel your pain, I could not reach my family, five are gone; 3 have had horrific side effects. Never did I ever imagine the world so evil. Research so dark, it near destroyed me — until it didn't. Now relentless in pursuit of retribution - to the fullest extent. Still, they cannot, or will not ‘see.'




Godspeed All✞🕊

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

A magnificent tour-de-force of truth.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I think the first plank of the commie manifesto should be changed to delete the elites!

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I might hold a different view of the Founders based on Colonial Masonry. And the absence of uniform ideology other than land development took Civil War to settle.

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uniform ideology was subverted from day 1.

allodial property ownership and direct and un-apportioned taxation are total and complete uniform concepts with the latter being an actual tacit law, yet all is subverted.

and now we may add the "unvaccinated" or anti-"vaxxers" as homo sacer.

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Do you feel this is Federalism? If the Articles had held would property be more secure? Or would each state have her crazy quilt with little uniformity and Federalism provided a layer of uniformity?

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It would have been just like direct un-apportioned taxation today subverted by the federal gov. EDIT: using a private corporation like the IRS as the legitimization of illegal theft via taxation.

The federal gov as outlined by the Founders is a foreign nation with the most essential and minimal more at restricted role or function in securing borders and enforcing the Constitution and Bill of Rights across the united (lowercase "u") States of America. That is it. Nothing more.

On the state level then property taxes would be unconstitutional because the Constitution overrides any state law(s).

Basically, the Constitutional Republic was subverted by the likes of the spy Hamilton and the Federalists, and then of course 1913 was when the nation was (un)constitutionally taken over. Even the ratification of 16A is questionable, and it could not be ratified legally anyhow. It would be like creating an Amendment in direct opposition to any of the Bill of Rights amendments i.e. gun grabs on federal level and the existence of the ATF. Etc. & etc.

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Everyone needs to be weary of the changing of definitions (such as gender and recession.) The changing of definitions is being weaponized to change reality and bring about these great reset agendas. Same old, but effective play. Stay grounded. Stay in reality. Cultivate parallel societies with good and like minded people!

Also, regarding the centralized communications and transportation tenant, I always am interested in communication (in a technical way). Losing control, access, and privacy over communications is scary. It would be amazing to create your own form of communications.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Communists always control language.


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Absolutely ! Unfortunately, I see a lot of people accepting of this (most unwillingly).

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I love your honesty and commitment to truth. Since we know this is coming, how can we possibly organize a resistance? I love the “Do Not Comply” but will that be enough to prevent these disgusting Godless sicko’s from carrying out their diabolical plans? People say the 2nd amendment will keep us safe but we need an organized resistance and it needs to be massive. IMHO. I don’t expect you to have an answer but just putting it out there for feedback.

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The answer is noncompliance.

See this article and the plane passengers simply ceasing all compliance:


Now imagine if 80% stopped paying taxes, stopped masking, stopped any and all cooperation with a criminal government through nonviolence noncompliance?

That is your answer.

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1/2 the country has been brainwashed to actually believe the left is looking out for the common man. Not sure they will ever figure it out.

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Many are already figuring it out.

And as mortality soars along w/ food and energy their CogDis will crack.

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They’ll still blame Trump lol

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We had better hope so.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

I agree, the vast majority of Americans regardless of their political affiliation want to be left alone after these last 2.5 years.

This commie totalitarian movement is the small fringe minority and we are the majority! There is strength in numbers! Make the demsheviks meaningless, laugh at there faces and make fun of them! Better dead than red!

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We are well past the point of wanting to be left alone. We must come together locally and ensure that the globalists and their apparatchiks are not subverting local laws, etc.

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How do 12 evil dorks tell 7 billion people what to do?

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022

Communism is Gangsterism.

Bankster Gangsterism, namely a Satanic Death Cult.

Starvation and slavery awaits all those who not oppose and thwart these psychopaths.

In Canada Trudolt, the Schwaub lackey moves in lockstep with the Dutch Quislings to unilaterally cut Nitrogen fertilizer by 30% and finances bug food with tax payers dollars to the tune of $8.5M


Can it get any more transparent?

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Makes sense then that our lockstepping Jacinda Ardern was president of internation socialist youth comrades: On 30 January 2008, at 27, Ardern was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) at their world congress in the Dominican Republic for a two-year term until 2010.[43][44] The role saw her spend time in several countries, including Hungary, Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China.[34] It was mid-way through her presidency term that Ardern became a list MP for the Labour Party. She then continued to manage both roles for the next 15 months. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9rsxFaq6Ig

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Put klaus in prison ASAP

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"Both Russia and the CCP have all the dirt in the world on the entire Biden Crime Syndicate. The senile adult diaper soiling ice cream eating pedo criminal has quite literally worked his entire grifting “career” against We the People."

Well now at least all this shit is out in the open. No longer pretending we do not know , what we have been extremely suspicious of when smelling a rat yet not identifying the rat. We are in an Apocalyptic stage where everything "All things shall be revealed"

The enemy operates on stealth. Evil exist sucking the life blood of the unknowing innocent. Evil exist because we have allowed it to.

This all good information.....and actually the worse IT gets....the more people slowly wake up. $ 5 dollar gas, no borders, global warming emergency, monkeypox emergency, young people dying SAD, it all adds to WTF man is going on. Klaus keep talking your days are numbered....all good WEF puppets have had their moment of glory and now will do anything to maintain their short stay as "Kings of the heap" how fall they will fall.

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