Jul 10, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The creation of the USSR had Trotsky fundraising in NYC backed by Schiff. Trotsky was detained in Nova Scotia as a German agent. Col. House worked the phones and ultimately after 20 days got him out. Money intact. Lenin was sent in a sealed train to the Finland station. Anthony Sutton documents technology given by USA to Russia over the Cold War. Red Cocaine documents drugs imported to USA from behind Iron Curtain. Super Capitalism has a myriad faces.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I still don't understand why people keep sharing that low-res picture of Klaus with the bust of Lenin over and over instead of sharing the video source on full HD, so there's no doubt about it. I let the video here for you if you want to embed it. https://youtu.be/EeXjEQW03uY

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Thanks, i pulled high rez screenshot of it ;)

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Please see updated image now.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Excellent post! I am delighted to see Nyquist agree with Golitsyn regarding the Soviet strategy to “fundamentally transform” in appearance only. (I read somewhere that he thought Golitsyn was wrong.)

I want to pull on this red thread a little more in another comment post.

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You are underpaid....this is like a free university course.......I am beyond grateful.....

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Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022

So, should we be learning Russian or Mandarin? LOL! 🤣

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just learn to say no and mean it.

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A proper history lesson. If we can't learn from our mistakes then history will repeat itself.

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The Biden Administration seems to google the answers to everything and "hope" for the best.

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Great insights thanks!

But Bill Gates “unwittingly”?

His goal is depopulation and control. How is that not “wittingly” aligned with communism?

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Makes you wonder about the port container backups actually holding equipment.

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No. Communism isn't about billionaires owning everything.

I live in a former Communist country, today an EU country. From a certain point of view life was better back then. I had a happy childhood. Today's capitalism is way worst.

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Today's "capitalism" is anything but true free market capitalism. I assure you, you are living today in communism that they tell you is some kind of capitalism, but it is nothing more than crony capitalism which is essentially communism.

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

invektor is so young he can't remember there was no detergent, coffee, bananas, jeans and countless other things were unobtanium.

because he never learned the true history he will enjoy his "you'll own nothing and be happy" future.

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It's okay, he's fed up with this substack. If he bothered to pay for his subscription I would have gladly issued a refund.

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I remember perfectly everything. I said: "From _a certain point of view_ life was better back then.”

I stand by my opinion, this is NOT communism. In fact, the author himself is caught in the propaganda trap of the communists: when asked why the life wasn't better although it was supposed to be a communist paradise, the communist elite always said: "No, no, this is not REAL communism, it's just its avanguarde, is the socialism. Socialism has imperfections, but the REAL communism will be better and will be the paradise on Earth."

This is the same with "Today's "capitalism" is anything but true free market capitalism."

Boys, wake up and smell the coffee: THIS IS capitalism. Capitalism naturally transforms into corporate fascism. It's nothing new under the sun. It's the same fascism of the roaring '20s, but much smarter and much more technologized.

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Oh yeah? I was born in that system . When I was 3 years old the commies wanted to blind

me " officially" . The most terroristic nightmare to most . If you were better then you must belonged to the ruling garbage . So we learned who you really are .

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And todays capitalists are prepared to mutilate your genitalia. Do you think it's better? By the way, in which country are you born? I'm from Romania.

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Ugh! Our rosy future is draining the blood from my body.

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RED blood, LOL

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Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022

Blood coarses through our body as a BLUE color, but when it hits air containing oxygen, we bleed red.

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I thought so, too. But here's an explanation of our blood colour: https://www.healthline.com/health/is-blood-blue

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I'm not sure if Antony Sutton was the first to write authoritatively of the west's creation of the soviet union but he sure was very detailed in his writings. There would be no soviet union without the help of a certain group of individuals from the west. Bella Dodd, is another great source of the wests involvement in the creation of the soviet union. An American communist at the very highest levels, Dodd revealed in her book "school of darkness" if she was unable to reach moscow for direction on a matter she was instructed to call a certain number that just happened to connect to a very posh ny hotel. I don't remember which, but she realized then wtf am I calling someone that is staying at a posh ny hotel for matters dealing with ussr. We've been played for a long, long time.

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The weird obsession with calling everything you don't like communist is getting very tiresome. It's an ideology. Currently, we're experiencing mass fascism under capitalism. These people have no allegiance to anything but themselves. Team sports makes us victims every time.

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There is only your weird subjective interpretation. The terms were used rather interchangeably here.

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Calling Obama a communist when he wrecked 7 nations simultaneously under capitalism does no one any good. None. "2nd Smartest Guy in the World" can't even define economic models without venturing off into team sports. The "leftist" agenda you speak of is literally the same agenda as the neocons currently working with Biden. Make it make sense. You can't.

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Communism, fascism and socialism are close relatives.

There has not been true free market capitalism in America for a very long time.

What Obama was pushing when destroying nations was far, far from anything to do with free market capitalism. He was bombing from a crony capitalist democratic unconstitutional position.

at some point i will write a post on this subject to help people appreciate why it may not on the surface make sense, or why my interchangeable use of the 3 isms may seem incorrect, but is anything but.

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What about the work being done by Adorno and Marcuse long before 1988. Was this all part of the long term plan or just bit of serendipity. Also, no one unleashed a bio weapon in 2019, if they did then its the most pathetic bio weapon ever created, though I will tip my hat to propagandists, if they would just take the boot off my neck and undo the handcuffs.

I have seen nothing in 30 months that has convinced me that covid exists anywhere except in the minds of the brainwashed.

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Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022

Thank you for the article. I'd like to draw your attention to a rather subplot of communism called communitarianism: this is essentially the social credit system China is operating & keeps getting mentioned & referenced in the west directly linking WEF, Build Back Better, Greater Good & all the other 'grassroots' community projects into steering the left & right into a single outcome https://archive.org/details/AntiCommunitarianManifesto / https://communitariannetwork.org/ > fluffy language with the goal of making sure your neighbour has a vote in how you act, sounds familiar right... Mark Windows of https://windowsontheworld.net/ summarises the system well in this interview : https://www.bitchute.com/video/5d5U9wicOmU/

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Yeah, I saw a great presentation by Rosa Koire (I think that's her name) all about communitarianism. Its amazing how many words they can come up with as try to roll the communism turd through glitter.

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Transgender Origins: Six Genders in Judaism? – AskTheRabbi.org


Circumcision Origins:


And Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your traditions?

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💯👀 When will everyone wake up to this.

How do “we the people’ circumvent or subvert the subversion.

Also... what’s your guess on the timing of the martial law / takeover?

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