Sep 9, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Thanks 2nd. You ruined my night. I guess it was comforting to have just a smidgen of doubt left. You stole that.

The fight begins again tomorrow.

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Aiming to please on the daily.

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Luv Montagenair? said it was gain of function in June 2020 and instantly attacked for telling the truth!

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Thankful for everyone shoveling through the gaslighting and outright lies.

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Another impeachable offense for Brandon and nothing will happen. The WH directly told Facebook to censor any disinformation on the mRNA shots. I don’t see how this isn’t treason! And the POS EO to vax all private companies of a 100 workers or more. It all makes sense when realize your own goobermint wants you dead or dying while enriching there big pharma buddies with endless health treatments for big Harma!

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So suspicious that China allegedly gave out “ vaccines “ with vastly different ingredients.

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Our country and schools have been completely infiltrated by China and our government does nothing. We virtually have no spies in China!

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Their fingerprints are on everything: SARS, MERS, GWS, AIDS, Zika, Ebola, Anthrax, Swine Flu…starting coincidentally with the BSL Labs.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

So maliciously lab RELEASED chimeric GOF bio-weapon it is!


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Sep 9, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

it is amazing to me, a non-scientist (with merely a B.:S. degree), to see rock-solid proof form from what I have "known" intuitively from the beginning of all of this. I'm grateful to the scientists for sharing their research, debates and conclusions with us regular folk, as it has developed over this COVID era.

I feel vindicated and deeply saddened and horrified. This changes nothing; I have not and never will comply, but every single one of my loved ones has been deceived and I don't think they are capable of taking in this information. I weep for them. And I'm not sure what else I ought to do. Will it make a difference if I attempt to share this information with them. We can't undo what's already done.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This post is breathtaking in its revelation of pure evil. We need to outlaw the R & D of bioweapons NOW.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

I remember Dr. Li-Min Yan coming on Both Bannon and Tucker in the Spring of 2019 trying to explain in layman's terms why Covid was without question a bio-weapon deliberately released. She essentially said the virus can be deconstructed in a way that all the human-engineered modifications are plainly visible, and that it would have been impossible for them to have occurred naturally. She also said she knew Fauci was well-aware of this. She claimed she was sure it was released deliberately rather than accidentally because of information given her by colleagues at Hong Kong University who had at one time or another been involved in virus research at various facilities in China. She said to expect many more slightly different variants of the disease to be released as well as a given strain began to lose its potency over time. She didn't want to name names of those from whom she had gleaned the info because doing so would put them in jeopardy with the CCP. She said the virus was being essentially manipulated and its release was controlled by the PLA. She had to flee to the US and go into hiding as a result of her 'whistleblowing'.

The fact that the left constantly pushed hard to say it was a freak of nature when it first appeared in Wuhan where the only Chinese level 4 lab existed at the time... and the 'bat caves' where the liars claimed it originated from were 2000 miles away.... and nobody or nothing between Wuhan and the caves ever got sick displayed serious consciousness of guilt.

Fauci knew, Daszak knew, Redfield knew, Byrx knew, Moderna and Pfizer and a slew of other lesser pharmaceutical companies knew.

The only question in my mind is were those clowns producing it to intentionally assist the Party of Davos with the Great Reset? Or were they just in it for the money and power? I suspect the latter, as Fauci had been doing that sort of thing with those for a good half century (See: "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robt F Kennedy, Jr). Either way, they are directly responsible for the deaths of millions, and need to be brought to justice. Skinning them alive would be too good for them.

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Nice work, like Dr. David Martin said, you can't patent anything in nature. Bioweapons

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Agree; there are too many lottery wins in a row for that virus to have naturally developed and the shot is the biggest dose of the spike toxin by far.

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Tremendous article here. I have been in CAMP A as well. There is ample evidence supporting the intentional release of the bioweapon(s) and the globalist's depopulation agenda against humanity. Thank you for your work and your candor.

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Oh hell no, it was a bioweapon. No one will ever convince me otherwise. I felt it attack my body in stages. It was just creepy. It was no run of the mill flu.

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Jesus wept. covid is a collection of symptoms not an infectious agent. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believingThere is no evidence an infectious agent exists other than in a computer https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/x-ray-crystallography-and-3d-computer

The most important covid debate is in fact keeping the narrative of a scary virus and viruses in general going for long enough for the next scamdemic to come along and the tyranny to continue.

Please don't fall for this nonsense.


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These statistics are mostly illusionary as it refers to those that "died with" COVID when most of these deaths are to a large extent medical malfeasance in elder care centres, especially designed to give the illusion of a "pandemic".

The virus itself was engineered to zero in on those that are immunocompromised that indeed is the elderly or sick.

However, this is a two part bioweapon the second part being the injections with its toxic genetic payload. The stats shown in excess death statistics show a 84% increase in the 25-44 age crowd or about 61k in the US alone that as Edward Dowd put it this cohort experienced the equivalent of those that died in the Vietnam war in the space of less than a year.

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Yes, nobody at all died OF covid https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing all the deaths were from loneliness, midazolam, remdesivir or whatever else a person was going to die of, after 5 years of low excess death and a median age of 83. There is no test for 'covid and 'covid' is not an actual thing so all 'cases' and 'deaths' are meaningless.

There is no virus engineered or otherwise https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/x-ray-crystallography-and-3d-computer the only place it exists is in a computer.


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Poundland bioweapon falls apart in 5 minutes, love it.

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Behavior of these predator companies and countries is so malign that no doubt remains of their intentions or character. All these stories are old and we need to start talking about WTF to do. I simplified and retold the story about how they killed us like Guinea pigs here:


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We know they are lying.

They know they are lying.

They know that we know they are lying.

We know that they know we know they are lying.

And still they continue to lie.

— Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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He’s lucid, isn’t he? Americans are not there yet. Russians sometimes feel sorry for us. Most of us can’t see through it yet. Russians develop a sort of preternatural ability to suss out the truth through the propaganda.

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My new solution Cross the Floor. Please share. https://youtu.be/WQG9HlEJPoI

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Do NOT LET YOUR TEENAGER BABYSIT VACCINATED BABIES!! They are dying suddenly and your teenager cam easily be blamed or have their life ruined. LISTEN TO THIS INTERVIEW https://www.brighteon.com/8b896477-b422-455c-bbd2-a7c6b5439010

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Funny. It’s going to bug me all night now.

I just read something today about Tau and I can’t remember where. It was not related to covid I think. Geeeesh. I wish I could remember.

Lol. I’m tired. I’m old. Lol. Hopefully it comes to me soon. Lol

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This may help...


"knowingly attempting to induce Alzheimer’s disease (AD) with their COVID-19 bioweapon research...

...lab-made Spike Protein causes Amyloid plaques and a dangerous “tangled” iteration of the protein called Tau.

When Tau tangles, or “tangled Tau” and beta-amyloid plaques accumulate in large enough numbers, these microscopic brain protein fragments impede a person’s ability to think and remember; this condition is diagnosed as AD."

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Thank you for referencing that.

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