"But a vaccine effectiveness of -50% would mean that the unvaccinated were 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the fully vaccinated."

"As you can see the vaccine effectiveness has been falling month and month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 40-49-year-olds at minus-248.92%."

Oh lord, to be 45 years old again! And not "jabbed."

But I am stuck at 66, so I have to settle for minus-72.35%.

Wow, aren't you GLAD you didn't get the shot NOW.

"Do not comply."

"Never get out of the boat. Absolutely goddamn right."


This is the end

Beautiful friend

This is the end

My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end

Of everything that stands, the end

No safety or surprise, the end

I'll never look into your eyes...again

Can you picture what will be

So limitless and free

Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand

In a...desperate land

Lost in a romance...wilderness of pain

And all the children are insane

All the children are insane

Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

Remember that movie?

"Apocalypse Now"

Haven't seen it in years, might be time to watch it again.

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I find these statistics and analyses confusing. They are measuring 'positive covid test' cases only. Were they symptomatic or asymptomatic I wonder. I think that is important.

The under 18 group continuously have higher unvaxxed covid numbers. Why? These are healthy, robust, youthful children and teenagers. That suggests to me that catching covid is a healthy and good thing and will boost their immune systems. Kids always seem to catch whatever is going around.

So is the vaxxed catching covid also a good thing? If they are symptomatic, is that good? If they are asymptomatic, is that bad?

AIDS/HIV apparently destroys CD4 cells or T cells in the immune system. So is covid also destroying these cells?

I guess I am having trouble seeing the connection between the affinity of catching covid with the destruction of the immune system. The vaxxed just catch covid more than the unvaxxed in the over 18 groups.

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If the vaxxed covid positive people are asymptomatic then this suggests their immune systems aren't producing chemicals like cytokines and killer T cells that attack the virus and cause aches and pains (symptoms) as a response. This has to be bad right? They have the virus and their immune systems aren't responding appropriately. What will the virus do? Will it cause cancer? Is that AIDS/VAIDS? I worry about the asymptomatics. My 20 year old son was jabbed and asymptomatic when he tested positive as a close contact. Is that something to worry about? Do these statistics have anything to say about that? 🙏

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Not sure if this is an on-target answer to your question as to why the under 18 group seems more prone to getting "covid", but perhaps it's a statistical trick? https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/bayesian-datacrime-defining-vaccine?r=10ai8&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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"Lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Very nice article. Basically the data is all a load of crap so any conclusions drawn from it are crap too.

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I agree that the data--to the extent it relies on the "tests"--is crap, but the statistics about hospitalizations and deaths are harder to dismiss. Of course, it is absolutely reasonable to question claims that those are due to "covid", but that makes it even worse: adverse reactions to the poison shot being passed off as the magical disease that was used to scare people into getting jabbed in the first place.

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But the hospitalization and death statistics would suffer from the same dodgy unvaxxed/vaxxed definition. We need smart analysts to tease some truth out of it. But can you make silk purses out of sows' ears?

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

As I understand it, until they decided to hide them (apparently they will no longer be available--which tells you something), statistics from the UK were pretty good, which is why analysts tend to refer to them. Also, Israel's were good too. Yes, they suffer from that problem, but it is designed to make the jabs look safer and more effective than they actually are, so I don't think we can take comfort in just throwing out the baby with the bathwater. And there are very accomplished analysts working on making sense of them: El Gato Malo (Bad Cattitude), Jessica Rose, Matthew Crawford (Rounding the Earth), to name just a few. Most of their math is over my head, but they are top drawer experts in statistics.

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022

And, evidence for reduction or destruction of immune response has come from other sources beyond these official statistics--doctors' clinical experience and the findings of pathologists and autopsies. I would prefer not to believe it either as I have jabbed loved ones, but it's something that the evidence from insurance companies is pointing to. https://jessicar.substack.com/p/covid-19-is-not-the-problem?r=10ai8&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I don't doubt the harm from these vaccines, just drawing conclusions from dodgy statistics. 👍🏻

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022

I've been doing a little research on things that might be helpful for folks struggling...check out my posts - all the recent ones are relevant to those who may or may not be at risk for HIV or (v) AIDS and those who have someone in their lives who may be. Let's look for how we can help those at risk and create positive outcomes for everyone who isn't an asshole or would like to stop being one.

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Looks like a premeditated bioweapon to depopulate.

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022

These negative VE number may largely be due to self selection in the population of unvaxxed having a large fraction as previously recovered. We know previously recovered have much better immunity than the vaxxed. So this does not require ADE or OAS to explain. Furthermore given the prevalence of Omicron over last few months, the unvaxxed are likely to have ever increasing fractions of recovered individuals which may easily explain the trends in VE.

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