Aug 9, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I've only been a lurker/avid reader on this platform, until now. I am really starting to despair. It gets worse every single day, and I fear that nothing will ever be done about it. "They" just keep beating us down and beating us down, and I honestly have no idea what the answer is anymore. I am LIVID.

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We will win.

Do NOT despair.

Do NOT comply.

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No complying here, but plenty of despair (at least for tonight), and the constant rage. Glad to be here with like-minded people. Keeps me sane.

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They are literally laughing at us plebs.

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Behold, The White Horse… ~ Revelation 19:11-16

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When will they have crossed the line. They go further and further, one illegality after the other. I've been watching a Russian film on the mass murdering early Bolsheviks. And then this came in. Not quite on the same level. But the same showing power.

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Just curious, what film was that? I'm really interested in Russian history too.

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It's a link from The Birth of the Cabal. In Russian. I only watched the first 5 min or so. Casual callous executions. I didn't register the title.

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If anyone thinks we are not re-living Nazi Germany you haven’t been paying attention.

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So they’re not really looking into Hunter’s laptop. They didn’t care to look into Epps who we’ve all seen repeatedly urging everyone to “GO INSIDE the Capitol!” in his bullhorn, but he hasn’t even been brought in. They’re allowing Pfizer to release documents on an EUA medical

product at the rate of a slow crawl but they are breaking into the home and safe of a president 7 months gone? Got it. Makes perfect sense.

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And not looking at all of Hiliary’s crimes!

Furious that they did thei to DJT!

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We are living under a tyrannical government. If you doubt this then don’t bother to take your head out of the sand. Unfortunately, for most of us life seems to go on pretty much as usual. That’s not what really is happening and every day we let this go on we fall farther into the abyss. Our reaction to what happens in the rest of this year may well determine our future.

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Yeah what the hell are you Americans doing? Protests by farmers and fisherman and truckers and firemen all over Europe, but Americans seem to be quiet as mice! I’m Australian so I can’t talk of course haha

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I am an American and I agree with you 💯 %!!! We’re like the German people as the Nazis took power. We continue as if everything is fine while communism and tyranny take over. We’re soft and have several generations of brainwashed people and even though many of us get it we’re on an accelerating decline and we will likely go the same route as all previous communist countries.

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Two tier Just US system and soon to be third world banana republic!

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In the works

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Must be some serious shit hitting the fan with Hunter and Joe because this is one hell of a distraction

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It’s to destroy Trump in 2024.

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To destroy him now!😡😢

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He's teflon

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Ya think???

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I hope so

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Well, it does amaze me that with all they’ve thrown at him they’ve not managed to get anything on him yet. You would think a rich guy like him would have all sorts of skeletons. I suppose he’s had sexual ones but they don’t ruffle him - in that way he’s Teflon

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There isn't anything for them to find. The tried manufacturing (Russian hoax)

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Maybe Joe dragged out his bike again.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Welcome to the republic. Pass the bananas.

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I honestly don’t know what to make of this sinister turn, but this doesn’t seem to translate to “Trump is in control.”

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Xi is in control.

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Soros would be closer to the mark.

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Is anyone buying that Soros crap?

He ain't nothing but a KGB bagman.

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Of course he’s not in control, that was always a Q thing which I believe was a psyop. Don’t believe in anything without cold hard evidence. NEVER believe those people who say “X is preparing to go public with Y”! That’s almost always bullshit. If it were something serious X would not give people time to stop them from revealing Y by announcing it first. Those sorts of things just keep people waiting patiently and docile when they could be doing something to change their life themselves

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Like I say, "There is no 'deep state' but only THE STATE."

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An author and friend of mine puts it this way “the modern state relates to everything in a ‘parts to whole fashion’”. All other institutions are subsumed by the state, and while they may be permitted to function in some circumscribed way, ultimately the state decides...he’s been warning of this for 20 plus years...

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I disagree here. There’s bureaucracy (the state) and then there is the people who aren’t in government but who decide the policies and wield loads of influence (eg Council on Foreign Relations, AkA the “mother ship” according to Hillary Clinton)

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Compare FBI with Hillary and Trump


In an earlier post here I pointed out that all Top DOJ positions are presidential political appointments. As such the DOJ is effectively political in some high level prosecutorial considerations. I’m not including agents - only political appointees. So, Trump is a target. Hunter Biden, Joe himself, Hillary Clinton, etc. get passes under Democratic regimes.


We saw clear evidence of that with Hillary and her at home, hackable and hacked, email system, containing four years worth of official US emails. Even tho she, in my opinion, clearly violated US Code, she was never prosecuted, by a slight of hand in public by Comey.


As I understand English, Hillary Clinton violated US Code: TITLE 18. SECTION 793(f) (“... being entrusted ... national defense ... THROUGH GROSS NEGLIGENCE ...permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust ... Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both”) That is very clear.


The law requires neither intent nor any classification markings ... Only necessary to prove “gross negligence” in the handling of anything which could effect national security. Because every official email (tens of thousands) from and to the US Secty. Of State over four years was mishandled, including several above top-secret, and Hillary’s system was hacked successfully, there can be no quibbling about National Security not being endangered. Comey, on his public speech to the nation, July 5 2016, misled the nation by talking about lack of intent, therefore, concluded no prosecution was appropriate. The wool was pulled over the nation’s eyes by not referencing the correct US Code to protect a favorite.


Trump is not a favorite of this regime.

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This raid feels like a performance to distract and divide.

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This is stunning. This is the end of America.

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The manner in which this warrant service was conducted was official misconduct, plain and simple.

Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."


I have personally written and been the affiant to a number of search warrants, and served dozens more. As Derschowitz said, seeking documents by court order (if it was felt that was necessary) should have been accomplished through a subpoena....not a search warrant. You use a search warrant when the search is specifically related to criminal activity, and there is probable cause to believe evidence or fruits of the criminal activity are in the place to be searched.... and that a reasonable suspicion exists that the evidence might be destroyed or asportated to an unknown location if not seized in a timely manner. Neither was the case here. In fact, the boxes of documents had been boxed-up and sent to Trump by the GSA. When he was contacted by the National Archives and told they believed he might have some documents that belonged in the national archives, he gave them carte blanch to come to Mara Lago at their convenience to go through the boxes of documents, and remove anything they thought appropriate, AND the FBI had done just that just two months prior.... gone through the documents.

Secondly, when you serve a search warrant, the warrant has to name, among other things, the specific items being sought. You are NOT allowed to seize anything other than those items, unless they are discovered in the normal course of the search, and there is probable cause to believe that they are the fruits or evidence of a crime. In this case, the FBI seized boxes of documents without looking through them for the specific items sought, saying they would go through them later at FBI headquarters and see if any of what they sought was there. They had NO IDEA what it was they were taking out of his house. It could have been 15 boxes of personal finance documents, or family matters or anything, for that matter. You don't get to just snatch whatever catches your eye and say you'll look through it all later and see if there is any evidence or fruits of a crime.

Third, when you remove something during a search warrant service... everything removed has to be documented and a comprehensive list of what was taken either personally handed to the property owner or, or the property owner's lawyer, or if nobody is there, left in a prominent location where they are sure to be found and that location documented. They could not possibly have done that, as they took boxes of things without knowing what was in them.

Fourth, as soon as is reasonable upon completion of a search warrant, but no later than a specified time, a report to the issuing court (called a 'return') must be completed which also lists the items seized, so that the court can judge if the items seized were, in fact, specifically related to the probable cause for which the warrant was issued. They could not have done that either, because they had not even gone through the boxes to see what it was they were taking.

Fifth, Trump's lawyers were on the scene or arrived at the scene shortly after the FBI arrived. However, they were NOT allowed entry into the building to observe how the search was being conducted or what specifically was taken. This means, among other things, that the FBI could manufacture evidence of a crime and say they found it at Mara Lago. Keeping the lawyers out, when they were present at the scene and wanted to observe the search, is thoroughly inappropriate and (at least in California) could well be sufficient cause to exclude seized evidence in any subsequent prosecution. And, unfortunately, I do NOT think it realistically outside the realm of possibility that this FBI/Justice Department would manufacture evidence if they thought doing-so could get them an indictment that could preclude his running for president.

Sixth, Trump's locked safe was forcibly opened by the FBI. There was nothing in it... but the point is opening a locked safe during a search requires a special addendum to the warrant. I don't know if they got that or not, but the legally reckless way they did everything else with this warrant service suggests it should be looked-into.

If I, as a police officer, had conducted a search warrant service in this manner, I'd have been at least officially reprimanded. ANY evidence I garnered would likely have been thrown out at an exclusionary hearing, and the subject of the search warrant could have sued me personally, because my qualified immunity would not cover me because I'd have been acting outside the scope of my training and authority and in violation of written departmental policies and procedures.

There was zero justification for this warrant to begin-with, and the manner in which it was conducted was atrocious.

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If this can happen to (ex) President Trump, it can happen to anyone. Absolutely anyone at all. It's difficult to imagine the level of malevolence needed to give the orders to carry out this raid, rather than negotiate it through in a civilized manner. Though I still think the reasons they're giving are complete BS. Where is the outrage? What if this was Clinton/Bush/Obama etc?

We live in increasingly darkening and dangerous times. In fact, I would actually see this as some kind of tipping point. If this action goes without anything but the chattering classes cheering it on, we truly have front row seats to the end of the US as we know it. But but ... soon to be visited upon the rest of the western world... I will never comply, but it is difficult to see the bright side to this.

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The Parasitic Overclass, otherwise known as the Antiwhite Poisoner Oligarchs, seem to fear this man, no?

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(It's sometimes hard to tell because so much of "the news" is staged and scripted.)

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And they will drag it out for years so he can’t run with a open case against him. Get Duram on it, he will take six years lol.

I was never a trump fan, but I will say I voted for him and life was better under him. Many things I don’t like, life long Democrat, his daughter has been friends with killery”s daughter for a very long time and trumps daughter is a 2015 WEF young globalist leader graduate slave master. These WEF plants will be the human species undoing! Time is running out!

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