Jan 19, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

And yet Lord Fauci and Sleepy Joe are tripling down on the jabs.

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The rifts are there. Not going away. They tried to murder us. Ww3 is over when we say it's over

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I agree 100%. Unfortunately It's still very much happening in places such as canada (small c deliberate). They are still pushing very hard to jab and boost everyone...I hope every one of the evil pushers rots in hell.

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Totally agree... they are actively trying to kill us.

It just ebbs and flows.

Icke said this in 2020, early.

Way to beat us down.


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I still wonder who the They are. If it is Schwab, he is in his 80s and won't last long anymore. I think his cult will probably end with him, just like Maoism and Stalinism. People are too different to try a communistic tactic. I don't think there will ever be a world government, although Europe is trying very hard. But it is already crumbling. The UK is out, and I think the end of the EU is in sight, too.

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New World Order, Illuminati, Commies, Freemasonry.... I don't know, and certainly don't know org chart.

They work over the centuries.

One example. Czar of Russia thwarted one of their plans, early 1800s. They vowed retribution. Not on him... his descendants.1917.

Bella Dodd, commies into Catholic Church.... that took decades.

Permanent Instructions of Alta Vendita. Written in 1800s. Fulfilled: Roncalli, fake Pope 1958.

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No... . Rothschilds and his gang, I believe.

Definitely not napoleon

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probably bought a gazillion jabs and now have to give them out before they expire and people notice their hard earned tax dollars have been wasted... like everywhere, on useless jabs.

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The shots are doing exactly what they were designed for

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Yes indeed, Justa Turd bought more than 30M doses for each of the next 2 years and has the option for the same in the following year or two...maybe he's trying to get bonus points from $chwabby and $oros.

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Yes he did, complete with the media circus fillmng it...but one has to wonder whether anything other than saline was in them!

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I just heard my cousin's triple jabbed husband was sick for 3 days from the booster and is now sick in bed... you guessed it... covid.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Just wait, the climate change lockdowns and attendant virtue signals are just around the corner.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

As per usual: follow the money. The greedy little shysters with their hands caught in the till will get dragged over the coals, but the real damage has been done to millions of folks' health with the bogus 'gene therapy' and the guilty, I'm sure, will get away with it. Again.

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Agree. But this is about mass depopulation and totalitarian control of those left

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Agree. Just been watching a TV program about how the NAZIs reorganised the German economy and financed the war effort. Basically wholesale theft and slave labour figured highly: just what the today's psychos are doing today.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Distract attention away from their next move. Destroy any and all confidence. Confuse, create more "free floating anxiety", paranoia, and further eliminate connections within society & between people. Anger, conflict, let masses take care of each other. Some will still look up to the 'holy' gov't to save them from their insanity (Stockholm types). Those still afraid of SARS-CoV-2: "we aren't protected? When will another shot be available? Sign me up! I want to get another leaky 'vax' that has negative efficacy, aka destroys my immune system and therefore makes me vulnerable to all pathogens, latent viruses, cancers!" More insanity and mass formation psychosis.

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This is all too well-coordinated- something else is going on. Perhaps "covid" deaths will suddenly ramp up again (due to the new 5G update) and governments world-wide will be "forced" to reverse course.

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Good Czechia isnt that far from where I live. would be easy to move there to get out of Germany if needed

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I agree that it’s too early to break out the party hats and balloons. If there’s one thing I learned over the course of the last 6 years, it’s always a game of whack-a-mole with these puppet masters. So eyes on what rumblings start to be blasted from the MSM as a new narrative is no doubt ready in the wings. The real end to this insanity will come, but we aren’t there yet.

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Corona Committee in Europe.

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg from Germany was the one that put an end to the H1N1-‘vaccine’ in 2009. The precursor to this one.

This is a small part of one of the latest meetings they have had. Approx 20 min


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So what about the US of A?

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