Jan 12, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Check out Joel Salatin...talking about solutions we can implement locally with like minded people.

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Also..Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity is a force for building community, creating parallel systems to avoid the psychopaths.

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Do you have a good place to find him? Thanks!😊

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He was harassing me on Instagram before I had to block him.

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? Weird he doesn’t come across like that in his videos?

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Just horny, I guess.

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All the regular digital platforms. Plus books and podcasts

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Something wrong with the link.

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Link is for the “beyond labels podcast”. Episode #71. Free preview full episodes are paid. Basically he’s a regenerative farmer in the US whose awake to the scene....to sum up “if you cant grow your own food it’s time to get to know a local farmer”.

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Thanks much! This is something I'm very concerned about and appreciate your interest as well. If we can't grow our own food AND there are no more local farmers left, we'll be force-fed insects and fake meat. As WEF's "useless eaters" we have to do something about it - fast. I regurgitate every time I even think about it - lol.

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Thank you

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They have or will have the technological capacity to achieve their aims. Therefore, what do we do? We must singularly focus on taking away their power. There are few of them and many of us. We must disconnect from control mechanisms, unite and defeat them. There are no other options.

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What are we going to do when they take away cash and collapse the banks (with our money) and the only way to purchase anything (or support anyone for that matter, such as substack authors) is through their life-liberty destroying central bank cryptodigital currency through the spying / tracking cell phones that can also tell if your vaxxed or not? The BIG NON-COMPLIANCE IS HERE:


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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023

Yes, spot on Martin Bassani. Here's how we BEGIN IT AND END IT: http://pppway.net/#Vision

Do contact the site to get it happening. We're ALL IN IT TOGETHER.

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They really are psychotic maniacs with breathtaking god complexes.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This extremely comic and tragic video shows that some of us have an indomitable spirit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB8iCBogmSU

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"Jabracadabra" - LOL. Spreading it around. Thanks for the link.

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Let's not forget that Gates has been leading the charge to dim the sun for years. And at the same time has developed a fake meat product made of, you guessed it, fungus, which do not require light to live.

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I read that the sun dimming project has already quietly begun. Search “Make Sunsets” (at least I think that’s the company’s name)

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Yes. And animals are even more vulnerable than we are, they can make fewer moves to escape and even fewer to change what is being done.

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Before I had read a few paragraphs (even less) I was, and am, infuriated! It’s evil in every respect! First kill them and the ecosystem, then through the ones we eat kill the rest of us that avoided the vaxx directly.

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This message needs to reach the entire world population.

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Malone did a lengthy piece on this yesterday. It’s getting really bad. The prion disease is the thing -- that’s going to be fairly common once they push these poisoned food animals on people.

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I don't read Malone anymore, even though i am subscribed.

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Same here!

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I don’t read him often, but the topic of this latest one interested me.

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Oh I get it, totally. And I DEFINITELY know what you mean about not being able to put your finger on it. Would be a fun private discussion for a group of us someday. I mean, he’s DEFINITELY intelligent, seems nice and kind, appears genuine, but there’s that something...

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This one really burns my bacon! Especially since most animal vaccinations are completely BS, due to the fact that they are live vaccines and a dog or cat only needs one rabies shot in their adult life to give them immunity. This death racket has been going on for a very long time. The continuing shots lead to cancer, but you are all seeing it now in real time.

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I wonder if water boarding Bill Gates would provide us with discoverable information? As Steve Deace from Blaze TV often says - let's find out. Whoops, I just let out a fantasy... :)

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I’d PAY to watch that.

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I'd volunteer to do it - not for vengeance, but for deterrence. Yeah, it might be fun too :)

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Yes!!! So my grandpapa witnessed a hanging when he was 5 years old. The man was hanged for stealing another man’s horses. Seriously!

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No matter what Bill Gates says or does, no matter what promises or excuses he makes, all I hear is "I want to sell more vaccines. More, more, more!" Then I imagine him dancing in glee, singing "Depop-a-loola" retching with laughter out of the mouth of the devil itself.

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Billey Gateo’s video clip: “... helping animals survive ... vaccines, better genetics ... ” What’s with this guy, really? “Animals” have been around a long, long time, Billey, and don’t need helpful poisoning or messing with their genetics to “survive”, nor do those of us who would eat meat from your targeted animals. And what’s with Billey boy’s rocking back and forth, like a ship in a hurricane with torn sails - perhaps evidence of mental instability or his brain is in permanent “Blue Screen” mode.

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there's fewer of them than us. ever seen the dot video by larken rose? on another note, are you noticing the use of the word human? noticed this in the bottom of an email i received: This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance.

Human generated data vs ?? ai

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