Dr Kulldorff proves that intelligence is not a prevention against stupidity. We are surrounded by people like him who have been indoctrinated into the vaccine mythology, "safe and effective" has been drummed into their psyche and even if someone dropped in front of them following the injection they will not make the connection. None so blind as those who will not see, in effect he has decided he does not want to see.
I don't believe the constant attempts to define types of intelligence related to the primary metric, "G" in psychology. There is no scientific test for any of them.
The truth is that pattern recognition is a huge part of intelligence and it gets better as intelligence increases. That is what the real evidence shows.
The reality is how a person reacts to their pattern recognition. Ted Kacszynsky wrote a very accurate critique of the modern world. How he got from that to blowing people's fingers off with a pipe bomb was not a product of his intelligence. It was his madness that caused that. Dr. Kulldorff may know exactly what he is doing but he's a very evil man. Intelligence won't proof you against that. As with the Unabomber, it might make you a very dangerous evil man.
If intelligence is akin to resourcefulness that the Dr. is anything but intelligent.
Having a brain full of knowledge does not equate to intelligence. One cannot bypass knowledge on the way to wisdom, so we love knowledge as we should. However do not think that equates to intelligence.
Thank you, 2SG and everyone who commented on the flawed logic of Dr. K. I am not science literate, but even I could reason through his errors. It seems as though he’s trying to walk on both sides of the argument, which still makes him wrong on various points. I greatly depend on reading the comments from folks who know the real science. I appreciate that you take the time to comment bc it helps me. I am unvaxxed, but married to a physician who is still getting boosters. The pressure during the first year was intense and our marriage is not better for it. I’ve lost so much respect for the man I love and trusted, and he thinks I’m crazy in spite of all the evidence! With your helpful posts hopefully I can wake him up! Peace.
Oh my gosh this has to be a "worst case scenario" imo. I couldn't imagine not being in alignment on this particular subject with my husband who only has a high school diploma but is one of the smarter people I know-dyslexia has consequences when not recognized and then appropriately educated around. His distrust of "authority figures" like doctors and teachers came at an early age and at the expense of his own "formal" education but not his acumen with regards to many topics. As someone who has always found learning easy and fun I could never imagine having such road blocks and surmounting them as he has-he is a wonderful carpenter and mechanic who can fix or build anything. I am just grateful that my own education was in a time before the full capture of every educational apparatus and that I was raised on a farm by a mechanic and book keeper who taught me that hard work was an essential part of life and to think for myself. Bless you for your obvious will to keep your marriage together with love and commitment in what has no doubt been a troubling time.
Your point is well taken, as it is the "best" educated that are the easiest to hoodwink.
I have been studying this for several years. Know many PhD's. They are so invested in their education, considering a false belief of this magnitude is beyond their grasp.
Hey, Be This Person, I’m in a “mixed marriage “ too. I’ve found that certain topics between us are just taboo. My talking about the jab is like talking about an old girlfriend. Best left alone!
And you know, it’s kinda’ funny. My sons and I went to public universities. None of us are jabbed. My wife is a dukie and my daughter is a yalie. Both are jabbed ( no boosters tho, thank God. It seems to me their schools didn’t teach them “to know.” They were taught that they know better, oh well.
Totally empathize with your situation. You have to choose, loyalty to the relationship vs your own moral compass. His world view is imploding with or without you. No one can remain unscathed. I strongly believe the medical cartel and Big P their bosses are going south.
Hard to admit, but medical education does a great job brainwashing us. Covid psyop finally ended my trance for good. I was always a skeptic, thanks to my knowledge of what transpired with opioids & our govt’s ridiculous nutritional advice, but sadly, I never believed vaccines were a big fraud too. Now I know, & my practice is growing, especially among young families who choose not to vaccinate.
Thanks for your honest disclosure. I knew, despite 9 year of science education and a doctorate. Possibly due to the failure of the medical profession to even ask why is this kid sick? If one actually comprehends science as being inquiry, then the real question is why did so many not inquire? The evidence was always available. They were never safe, and they certainly were not effective. The antigen antibody storyline is woefully inadequate to explain immunity and remains now as it was decades ago. Its pathetic.
Excellent book... and I was someone who used to think that vaccines were a major step forward in medical science and would be upset if my grandchildren were not getting vaccinated. But the COVID shots and pandemic opened my eyes. I thought that if things went off the rails so egregiously with the COVID shots, what about other vaccines. Turtles all the way down and similar books including Brian Hookers 'Vaxxed Unvaxxed' (or something like that) were all that I needed to disabuse myself of a view I held throughout most of my professional career!
Read that too. Frightening to realize how easily we can be misled. But not everyone, and at some point one has to open one's eyes. We did. Many did not, and still have not, and WILL not.
40% increase in death and disability since the third quarter of '21, insurance actuary tables, healthiest wealthiest demographic ever studied. the numbers have not decreased since. It is hardly a matter of blinking the mirage away.
There must and will be retribution. It does not matter whether one was misled, compliant, or complicit.
there are many exposes, here is another comprehensive well reviewed synopsis of the peer reviewed data proving that NONE are safe, and NONE are effective
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
They push vaccines (the Covid bioweapon was not a vaccine) ad nauseum in medical practices. I was injured by the polio jab. First at a few months of age when it almost killed me and again when I got my FOURTH booster (why do we need boosters if vaccines "train" the immune system to fight the targeted disease?). After the 4th polio booster at age 8, I developed spinal meningitis and was quarantined from the family of 7, couldn't walk for a while, and have had gut issues ever since....for the last 60 years. I recently had reason to see what happens in a children's ER. Every sick kid that comes in, the nursing staff immediately asks about the flu vaccine. Vaccines, by definition, cause the body to inflame. So if the body's immune system is already fighting something, why in hell would you want to further inflame it? Makes no sense. But as I observed, they push that flu shit until the cows come home. Really sick system. No pun intended.
Horrible...I was in the first group of guinea pigs for the completely untested Salk vaccine, when we 7yo's were just lined up and jabbed with a concoction that contained the potent cancer causing SV-40...Later, there was a major bump in cancer cases caused by this stuff...I eventually got an aggressive cancer myself, but will never know whether the Salk vaccine caused it.....
EVERYTHING, not merely the medical profession (aka for-profit Industry), has been undermined by forces greater than anyone is aware of.
That's the problem, people cannot make the leap to reality given the distance of that leap.
Consider however, in 1914, then President Woodrow Wilson stated;
“Since I have entered politics I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere. A power so subtle, so organized, so complete and pervasive that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
They are today for sure. They were then too, just not with nearly as much control.
Today it's pervasive, globally.
In fact, and not making any judgement as to any politician as any modern politician (200 years back +) was all but corrupt, but what they've done globally now they tried to corner Europe with in the '30s. People can do their own research and draw their own conclusions from that. Most aren't knowledgeable enough however to understand history to anywhere near that extent.
The picture of the Harvard gates remind me of the picture of the gates at the entrance to Auschwitz. The motto in that instance also portrayed a lie of what was actually happening beyond the gates.
2SG, that was fantastic. I too was enthralled at first by Kulldorff’s statements until he started lauding the use of the vaccine in the elderly,( the untested group for who brandy benefit should always be questioned ) then went on to small pox etc. He is not yet truly “red-pilled”, so maybe he is hoping for another position in case he is but does not have the courage to really speak the truth. If that is the case he needs to grow a pair like the many professors and doctors who have courage to speak and search for truth rather than to espouse the status quo positions.
I suffered mental whiplash reading Dr. Kulldorff's account, as many of your readers did...On the one hand, he made a brave stand against the killshot and lost his position..On the other hand, he couldn't force himself to understand and acknowledge that it had to be just as bad for the elderly as anyone else, and to investigate the history behind vaccines...too much cognitive dissonance...The programming is strong and deep, but he's a researcher and that should not have stopped him...
Every institution of government;s of the world have been hijacked by the Imperialists parasites. Putin said it best, the Vampires Ball is ending. Thats why the Globalist empire is cracking and world chaos is the bill of fare.
Another academic who has one foot in the truth and the other in the fiction of vaccines.
He may not realize it, but being fired from Harvand is a feather in his hat.
The institution is completely fraudulent and deep state.
Some of us have known the truth about the vaccine fraud for 30 years with details.
Now that the Quaxcine has killed millions and disabled countless others it is time for the Medical Cartel and their bosses Big Pharma to implode. It is not a few bad apples, its the whole rotten bushel.
Nobody's perfect. And he did speak out against most of the inappropriate things done including the NPIs, and giving the shots to kids. And even when still actually recommending the shots, he was still fired! Moreover, I THINK I heard him shift his position when he was interviewed by Laura Ingraham on Fox. I was waiting for him to say something along the lines of saving the shots for the elderly. He did mention that, BUT, he added a caveat, that being something along the lines of, and I paraphrase, 'presuming the vaccine was safe and effective' in the first place. I could be wrong about that.
But again, can nobody make mistakes anymore, or not agree with mainstream thought without being tarred and feathered? I agree with most positions being mentioned here vis a vis the total uselessness of the shots and their dangerous effects. And I respectfully disagree with Dr Kuldorff if he still maintains that the shots should have been targeted to the elderly. But even then he has said that they should NEVER have been mandated. And to those who insist on calling him an idiot, I also respectfully disagree.
Howard take gander at the date he penned his op-ed piece; he is still to this very day shilling the DEATHVAX™, and that makes him at best egregiously uninformed and at worst a dangerous player.
Someone should listen to the interview he did with Laura to see if I was right (from last night). And if he's still pushing for the COVID shots in elderly, he is wrong in my opinion and this is dangerous. So we counter his arguments. I just note that just as we all experienced when objecting to the NPIs and the shots, we're doing the same to Dr. K. I point out that from the get-go, I'd also said they were not indicated for anyone, *especially the elderly*, at a time when giants like Peter McCullough were still saying that they knew about the AEs but felt that elderly should still receive the shots, thus putting my position in direct opposition to people like Peter. Peter eventually came around but it took quite a while I would add! But I must say that this is most confusing given the date of his Editorial, and then what I thought I'd heard when interviewed on The Angle (I was primed to hear him recommend it for the elderly).
Well, we know he's wrong. And I guess he could not have changed his mind so fundamentally in 3 days (despite what I thought I'd heard on The Angle). So somehow he must be brought into the debate with people like Peter McC, Pierre Kory, Harvey Risch. He's brave to have come out as he did initially with the GBD but clearly needs more exposure to arguments regarding the COVID shots, and vaccination in general. I know I've learned about vaccination in general now and am not proud of my stance over my professional career which was to think that so-called anti-vaxxers were nutters. They were not and are not.
The interesting thing about medical doctors is they were presented with 1000 get out of jail free passes upon graduation with infinite refills. No more passes and no more refills. Retribution for being wrong, the reason is actually irrelevant.
No pass given! Our lives, our whole family & 30 year business was too damaged. At 64 I’m sitting here, healthy, unjabbed, yet heartbroken & lost. You can not cause such enormous, devastating, world-wide & long term damage & think “we did our best”, is gonna fly!!
I’ll never, ever, EVER trust a doctor or nurse again!
You are exactly right! No more get out of jail free passes. Medical Docs are so used to them they gloss over the issue or consequence or retribution. They most definitely did not "do their best" regardless of personal beliefs. You simply need the right doctor and not a cartel refugee. They do exist!
Being fired from Harvard is possibly the best thing that could happen to an honest person.
Tis not a tar and feathering, its a horrid fence sitting perch. No respect needed as genocide, death and disability is not in question. Vaccines are a great fraud, kool aid drinkers that asked for refills, its not surprising their world views are imploding. No way to avoid the unforseen carnage.
Nobody is perfect and grass is green. So physicians were hoodwinked into being virus chasing do gooders. Wow. Can't be perfect. Public figures have a million times more accountability by definition. If you decide to play at a high court then you have a long way down. The entire Medical Cartel and their masters Big P are imploding now that the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on humankind is evident. No more get out of jail free passes!
Good ol’ Harvard, the CNN of academia.
Dr Kulldorff proves that intelligence is not a prevention against stupidity. We are surrounded by people like him who have been indoctrinated into the vaccine mythology, "safe and effective" has been drummed into their psyche and even if someone dropped in front of them following the injection they will not make the connection. None so blind as those who will not see, in effect he has decided he does not want to see.
I don't believe the constant attempts to define types of intelligence related to the primary metric, "G" in psychology. There is no scientific test for any of them.
The truth is that pattern recognition is a huge part of intelligence and it gets better as intelligence increases. That is what the real evidence shows.
The reality is how a person reacts to their pattern recognition. Ted Kacszynsky wrote a very accurate critique of the modern world. How he got from that to blowing people's fingers off with a pipe bomb was not a product of his intelligence. It was his madness that caused that. Dr. Kulldorff may know exactly what he is doing but he's a very evil man. Intelligence won't proof you against that. As with the Unabomber, it might make you a very dangerous evil man.
If intelligence is akin to resourcefulness that the Dr. is anything but intelligent.
Having a brain full of knowledge does not equate to intelligence. One cannot bypass knowledge on the way to wisdom, so we love knowledge as we should. However do not think that equates to intelligence.
Thank you, 2SG and everyone who commented on the flawed logic of Dr. K. I am not science literate, but even I could reason through his errors. It seems as though he’s trying to walk on both sides of the argument, which still makes him wrong on various points. I greatly depend on reading the comments from folks who know the real science. I appreciate that you take the time to comment bc it helps me. I am unvaxxed, but married to a physician who is still getting boosters. The pressure during the first year was intense and our marriage is not better for it. I’ve lost so much respect for the man I love and trusted, and he thinks I’m crazy in spite of all the evidence! With your helpful posts hopefully I can wake him up! Peace.
Oh my gosh this has to be a "worst case scenario" imo. I couldn't imagine not being in alignment on this particular subject with my husband who only has a high school diploma but is one of the smarter people I know-dyslexia has consequences when not recognized and then appropriately educated around. His distrust of "authority figures" like doctors and teachers came at an early age and at the expense of his own "formal" education but not his acumen with regards to many topics. As someone who has always found learning easy and fun I could never imagine having such road blocks and surmounting them as he has-he is a wonderful carpenter and mechanic who can fix or build anything. I am just grateful that my own education was in a time before the full capture of every educational apparatus and that I was raised on a farm by a mechanic and book keeper who taught me that hard work was an essential part of life and to think for myself. Bless you for your obvious will to keep your marriage together with love and commitment in what has no doubt been a troubling time.
Thank you for your kind thoughts!
Your point is well taken, as it is the "best" educated that are the easiest to hoodwink.
I have been studying this for several years. Know many PhD's. They are so invested in their education, considering a false belief of this magnitude is beyond their grasp.
World Views are imploding.
Hey, Be This Person, I’m in a “mixed marriage “ too. I’ve found that certain topics between us are just taboo. My talking about the jab is like talking about an old girlfriend. Best left alone!
And you know, it’s kinda’ funny. My sons and I went to public universities. None of us are jabbed. My wife is a dukie and my daughter is a yalie. Both are jabbed ( no boosters tho, thank God. It seems to me their schools didn’t teach them “to know.” They were taught that they know better, oh well.
Good luck. a hard road you are on.
Many prayers of peace & total resolution for you.. 😔🙏
Thank you!
I SHED a tear for anyone mired in your unenviable situation.
Totally empathize with your situation. You have to choose, loyalty to the relationship vs your own moral compass. His world view is imploding with or without you. No one can remain unscathed. I strongly believe the medical cartel and Big P their bosses are going south.
Interesting thought. Thank you.
Hard to admit, but medical education does a great job brainwashing us. Covid psyop finally ended my trance for good. I was always a skeptic, thanks to my knowledge of what transpired with opioids & our govt’s ridiculous nutritional advice, but sadly, I never believed vaccines were a big fraud too. Now I know, & my practice is growing, especially among young families who choose not to vaccinate.
Hang onto your license!
And the US Govt put more time, effort & funding into stopping ivermectin, then fentanyl… That’s a huge point to ponder…
Thanks for your honest disclosure. I knew, despite 9 year of science education and a doctorate. Possibly due to the failure of the medical profession to even ask why is this kid sick? If one actually comprehends science as being inquiry, then the real question is why did so many not inquire? The evidence was always available. They were never safe, and they certainly were not effective. The antigen antibody storyline is woefully inadequate to explain immunity and remains now as it was decades ago. Its pathetic.
If you have not already read it, the book "Turtles All the way Down" is essential to understand how fraudulent the entire history of vaccines are.
Excellent book... and I was someone who used to think that vaccines were a major step forward in medical science and would be upset if my grandchildren were not getting vaccinated. But the COVID shots and pandemic opened my eyes. I thought that if things went off the rails so egregiously with the COVID shots, what about other vaccines. Turtles all the way down and similar books including Brian Hookers 'Vaxxed Unvaxxed' (or something like that) were all that I needed to disabuse myself of a view I held throughout most of my professional career!
Even better:
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/hzcy9Mz
Especially: The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio https://a.co/d/84BKW66
Read that too. Frightening to realize how easily we can be misled. But not everyone, and at some point one has to open one's eyes. We did. Many did not, and still have not, and WILL not.
40% increase in death and disability since the third quarter of '21, insurance actuary tables, healthiest wealthiest demographic ever studied. the numbers have not decreased since. It is hardly a matter of blinking the mirage away.
There must and will be retribution. It does not matter whether one was misled, compliant, or complicit.
You are exactly correct! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9655981045/ref=ox_sc_act_image_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
there are many exposes, here is another comprehensive well reviewed synopsis of the peer reviewed data proving that NONE are safe, and NONE are effective
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
They push vaccines (the Covid bioweapon was not a vaccine) ad nauseum in medical practices. I was injured by the polio jab. First at a few months of age when it almost killed me and again when I got my FOURTH booster (why do we need boosters if vaccines "train" the immune system to fight the targeted disease?). After the 4th polio booster at age 8, I developed spinal meningitis and was quarantined from the family of 7, couldn't walk for a while, and have had gut issues ever since....for the last 60 years. I recently had reason to see what happens in a children's ER. Every sick kid that comes in, the nursing staff immediately asks about the flu vaccine. Vaccines, by definition, cause the body to inflame. So if the body's immune system is already fighting something, why in hell would you want to further inflame it? Makes no sense. But as I observed, they push that flu shit until the cows come home. Really sick system. No pun intended.
Horrible...I was in the first group of guinea pigs for the completely untested Salk vaccine, when we 7yo's were just lined up and jabbed with a concoction that contained the potent cancer causing SV-40...Later, there was a major bump in cancer cases caused by this stuff...I eventually got an aggressive cancer myself, but will never know whether the Salk vaccine caused it.....
Lot of money in pushing that flu "vaccine"... plus, the nurses are probably required to ask so that they can check the box.
Harvard: Trampling the Truth for Decades!
EVERYTHING, not merely the medical profession (aka for-profit Industry), has been undermined by forces greater than anyone is aware of.
That's the problem, people cannot make the leap to reality given the distance of that leap.
Consider however, in 1914, then President Woodrow Wilson stated;
“Since I have entered politics I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere. A power so subtle, so organized, so complete and pervasive that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
That “power so subtle, so organized, so complete and pervasive…”. They are Legion…
Ahhh, but so are we!!!
They are today for sure. They were then too, just not with nearly as much control.
Today it's pervasive, globally.
In fact, and not making any judgement as to any politician as any modern politician (200 years back +) was all but corrupt, but what they've done globally now they tried to corner Europe with in the '30s. People can do their own research and draw their own conclusions from that. Most aren't knowledgeable enough however to understand history to anywhere near that extent.
The picture of the Harvard gates remind me of the picture of the gates at the entrance to Auschwitz. The motto in that instance also portrayed a lie of what was actually happening beyond the gates.
Evil in action!
2SG, that was fantastic. I too was enthralled at first by Kulldorff’s statements until he started lauding the use of the vaccine in the elderly,( the untested group for who brandy benefit should always be questioned ) then went on to small pox etc. He is not yet truly “red-pilled”, so maybe he is hoping for another position in case he is but does not have the courage to really speak the truth. If that is the case he needs to grow a pair like the many professors and doctors who have courage to speak and search for truth rather than to espouse the status quo positions.
Bonus points for “…corporate plantation of the United Banana Republic of America”.
I suffered mental whiplash reading Dr. Kulldorff's account, as many of your readers did...On the one hand, he made a brave stand against the killshot and lost his position..On the other hand, he couldn't force himself to understand and acknowledge that it had to be just as bad for the elderly as anyone else, and to investigate the history behind vaccines...too much cognitive dissonance...The programming is strong and deep, but he's a researcher and that should not have stopped him...
Every individual has their own process confronted with irrefutable facts.
But those at the top of the tree bear far more responsibility.
There has been and will continue to be serious mental breakdowns.
The truth always surfaces.
Just a heads up that of as yesterday, that little article has been garnering a lot of traction here in Japan Yahoo News.
Every institution of government;s of the world have been hijacked by the Imperialists parasites. Putin said it best, the Vampires Ball is ending. Thats why the Globalist empire is cracking and world chaos is the bill of fare.
Another academic who has one foot in the truth and the other in the fiction of vaccines.
He may not realize it, but being fired from Harvand is a feather in his hat.
The institution is completely fraudulent and deep state.
Some of us have known the truth about the vaccine fraud for 30 years with details.
Now that the Quaxcine has killed millions and disabled countless others it is time for the Medical Cartel and their bosses Big Pharma to implode. It is not a few bad apples, its the whole rotten bushel.
Nobody's perfect. And he did speak out against most of the inappropriate things done including the NPIs, and giving the shots to kids. And even when still actually recommending the shots, he was still fired! Moreover, I THINK I heard him shift his position when he was interviewed by Laura Ingraham on Fox. I was waiting for him to say something along the lines of saving the shots for the elderly. He did mention that, BUT, he added a caveat, that being something along the lines of, and I paraphrase, 'presuming the vaccine was safe and effective' in the first place. I could be wrong about that.
But again, can nobody make mistakes anymore, or not agree with mainstream thought without being tarred and feathered? I agree with most positions being mentioned here vis a vis the total uselessness of the shots and their dangerous effects. And I respectfully disagree with Dr Kuldorff if he still maintains that the shots should have been targeted to the elderly. But even then he has said that they should NEVER have been mandated. And to those who insist on calling him an idiot, I also respectfully disagree.
Howard take gander at the date he penned his op-ed piece; he is still to this very day shilling the DEATHVAX™, and that makes him at best egregiously uninformed and at worst a dangerous player.
Someone should listen to the interview he did with Laura to see if I was right (from last night). And if he's still pushing for the COVID shots in elderly, he is wrong in my opinion and this is dangerous. So we counter his arguments. I just note that just as we all experienced when objecting to the NPIs and the shots, we're doing the same to Dr. K. I point out that from the get-go, I'd also said they were not indicated for anyone, *especially the elderly*, at a time when giants like Peter McCullough were still saying that they knew about the AEs but felt that elderly should still receive the shots, thus putting my position in direct opposition to people like Peter. Peter eventually came around but it took quite a while I would add! But I must say that this is most confusing given the date of his Editorial, and then what I thought I'd heard when interviewed on The Angle (I was primed to hear him recommend it for the elderly).
Howard the article I am referencing of his was written by him literally 3 days ago. He is still pushing these slow kill bioweapons.
PS and these "vaccines" are especially dangerous for the elderly demographic that he is so gung ho on getting "vaccinated," more at exterminated!
Well, we know he's wrong. And I guess he could not have changed his mind so fundamentally in 3 days (despite what I thought I'd heard on The Angle). So somehow he must be brought into the debate with people like Peter McC, Pierre Kory, Harvey Risch. He's brave to have come out as he did initially with the GBD but clearly needs more exposure to arguments regarding the COVID shots, and vaccination in general. I know I've learned about vaccination in general now and am not proud of my stance over my professional career which was to think that so-called anti-vaxxers were nutters. They were not and are not.
Risch still doesn't appreciate the true nature of these slow kill bioweapons despite recently invoking the term. It's both sad and frustrating.
The interesting thing about medical doctors is they were presented with 1000 get out of jail free passes upon graduation with infinite refills. No more passes and no more refills. Retribution for being wrong, the reason is actually irrelevant.
No pass given! Our lives, our whole family & 30 year business was too damaged. At 64 I’m sitting here, healthy, unjabbed, yet heartbroken & lost. You can not cause such enormous, devastating, world-wide & long term damage & think “we did our best”, is gonna fly!!
I’ll never, ever, EVER trust a doctor or nurse again!
You are exactly right! No more get out of jail free passes. Medical Docs are so used to them they gloss over the issue or consequence or retribution. They most definitely did not "do their best" regardless of personal beliefs. You simply need the right doctor and not a cartel refugee. They do exist!
Being fired from Harvard is possibly the best thing that could happen to an honest person.
Tis not a tar and feathering, its a horrid fence sitting perch. No respect needed as genocide, death and disability is not in question. Vaccines are a great fraud, kool aid drinkers that asked for refills, its not surprising their world views are imploding. No way to avoid the unforseen carnage.
Nobody is perfect and grass is green. So physicians were hoodwinked into being virus chasing do gooders. Wow. Can't be perfect. Public figures have a million times more accountability by definition. If you decide to play at a high court then you have a long way down. The entire Medical Cartel and their masters Big P are imploding now that the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on humankind is evident. No more get out of jail free passes!
Did someone say "the C-19 “vaccines” that Martin Kulldorf fell for hook, line and sinker "?
Don't get me started. Uh-oh dang it now I'm started....
They tossed out the bait of two weeks to flatten out the curve
But it's been 3 years playing this game, man, they got some nerve
When we started out that first bite, we never guessed this is how we'd feel
We swallowed the hook, the line, and the sinker now we're choking on the rod and reel
It began with a little nibble, then caution to the wind we took a big bite
Did you ever go to the used car lot and get taken for a ride?
It's like driving down the highway and you suddenly end up in a ditch
Right now what we're experiencing is a plandemic bait and switch
It was an intended lie from get-go.