Like Berenson, he just can't connect the final dots. All he has to do is explain why it was pushed so hard at pregnant women.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Both David Martin and Karen Kingston have been following the patent trail and it goes beyond 2014. Along with them Whitney Webb has been exposing DoD and Moderna.

Btw assuming the above, and Breggin exposing the LONG HISTORY of the predators, who else finds it rather convenient that both are being sued? He wouldn’t touch the legal expert David Martin.

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Psych hat on now.

Many people cannot absorb the reality that these psychopaths have aimed to KILL people in a variety of ways. From protocols to kill the ill and disabled quickly (Frailty scoring for applying Liverpool care pathways and Midazalam/Morphine /Profonol/Benzodiazepines), deadly hospital treatment protocols (Ventilators and Remdesivar) and the quick/slow kill jabs.


Because it would shatter their assumptions that our governments and corporations are EVIL PSYCHOPATHS. That these ‘experts’, advisers, and politicians follow Satan.

Not the Satan part, but accepting that the world is not nice is part of PTSD’s shattered assumptions.

For Kirsch it would mean he’s been giving his money, and support to Evil satanic sickos who are equal to depravity to Mao, Stalin and Hitler.

Far better to dupe oneself, avoid existential angst, and feeling uncomfortable with cognitive dissonance.

He’s compartmentalised what he will accept and what he can’t. Normal. I know many aware of jab danger but ignoring everything else. Even the sky graffiti is normalised. (geoengineering).

So if they lied with the jabs, how can they believe they didn’t lie with the planning, design and implementation of Covid PsyOp?

Easy. Their world schema has not changed.

Ps Spoke to a newbie on her awakening path and she says she sometimes wondered if it would be better not to know how dark the world is and how much is a fabrication.

Answer: No. the truth however difficult to accept is always better. The veil has been ripped open and now you can see reality.

FYI I suspect they released the original bioweapons at pre-selected locations. Just like in Utopia (BBC version)

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I just asked Steve this question in the comment section of his most recent piece. I do find it interesting that he gained his pied piper status out of no where while on a podcast with a similarly unknown person named Dr Malone. The good Dr is also up to the stratosphere in DOD funded research. Seems odd to me🤔 The government wouldn’t use social media platforms to influence/guide peoples decisions by giving the people a perceived hero that speaks for them and leads them about, would they? Nah.

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The next wave coming- announced on MSM chanel 7 tonight in Australia. Moderna is starting more fake trials for 3 in 1 vaccine, and asking for volunteers between 50-75 years old f age. This shot contains mRNA flu call vid and RSV and participants will be paid $150 Au for each visit. Shame on all our politicians.

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I could not agree more. I’m very frustrated by these people who arrived at the grown-up table late and think they are the informational be all and end all. Wake the hell up. In fact, anyone who’s reading this and didn’t bother, at least a decade ago, to look into children’s vaccines and the VAERS system back then… Shame on you. Those bread crumbs led me to knowing what was all bullshit way before anybody else. And yet, I, am one of the one who’s been eviscerated, and rejected, and disinvited, and abused verbally. All of you come latelys can kiss my ass. This goes for that sweet, but stiff, British nurse/doctor who makes the YouTube videos and occasionally says things like “oh my.” Can you tell I’m pissed?

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

It’s interesting that Steve was introduced to the world with Malone on the Weinstein podcast. They all seem to be limited hangouts with the same agenda.

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I’m surprised. I knew that the “Frankenshots” were bioweapons back in early 2020 when Francis A Boyle said so. Further studies have proved this so. Look at the “vaccine” design. 1. A non sterilising vaccine is not going to work against coronavirus for a start. Knew that mid 2020. This “vaccine” has later proved to be a prototype countermeasure, a bioweapon. Studying this is the proof.

Cells don’t lie.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Dr. Michael Yeadon clearly lays out why these vaccines are toxic by design. There is no escaping the fact that these were designed to injure and kill. Period.


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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

For me, it's the evidence from Sasha Latypova and Katherine Webb that is most compelling.

Edit: Sorry, I meant Katherine Watt. :)

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Great article! The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five.

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OK Boomer!

This is probably his first major wake up event. And he cannot fully fathom the gravitas of it all. Cognitive Dissonance is right. Just presuming here that Steve:

A) believes the official JFK narrative

B) believes men landed on the moon

C) believes 9/11 was caused by Saudi hijackers who trained in Cesnas.

Then it makes more sense. What has been his "Truther Trajectory"? There's a track record here that he is ignoring. Why hasn't he submerged himself into the history of corp/govt waging war on their own population? Just saying. He's really smart, he just ain't really wise. Growing up I know a few poor ghetto hoods who have more insight and awareness as to what is happening and has been happening. He clearly hasn't submerged himself into the deep sea of available material that would prove otherwise.

Steve's 3rd eye is opaque and in need of penetrative divine light. Maybe it's just a matter of time.

Either that or he's yet another layer of the onion of The Controlled Opposition. I'd like to think not.

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Steve is so dilligent and fervent against the bioweapon...hard to understand how it is that he is missing this very important, piece of the puzzle.

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Hi 2nd Smartest,

Although I am sympathetic with the bull-dog tenacity that Steve has shown over the last few years, with reluctance, I agree with you. The reluctance is because it is an admission to my own slow process of triangulating between rabbit holes, and not having the technical knowledge to clamber down very far in any of 'em.

But then again, the specialized technical knowledge (statistics, virology, public health policy, law, you name it) comes at a price. If interested in reading further, forgive my solipsistic self-indulgence. It does have a purpose.

I am a somewhat superficial jack-of-all-trades and master of none. My scarcity of credentials or social currency, and ever-downward career trajectory even before the plandemic, gives testament to the latter. Tomorrow morning, Japan time, I will be on a commuter train, stuffed with mute, masked, and disposable … if not distanced … workers, to play my role as an Assistant Language Teacher for a public elementary school. Just prior to the winter holiday, I was informed that from April this year, my yearly contract will not be renewed because I do not meet unspecified standards expected of even an assistant at a public school.

On the other hand, 40 years as a 'professional outsider' (token foreigner), even in the rarefied 'heights' of academia in Japan (former tenure in a Japanese college, nearly 20 years as a 'liberal arts oriented' biology lab director, one of only a couple of foreigners on the Ministry of Education's textbook committee, board member and vice-president of a city-funded NPO, yadda, yadda, yadda ... ) has allowed me that lateral, inter-disciplinary, cross-domain access to the edges of those rabbit holes, without either the career-track traction (or the limitations) of becoming pigeon-holed as a 'semmon baka' (Japanese for 'specialized idiot').

Though I would not classify any of those I follow on substack as specialized idiots, it is difficult to find in a single person someone else who is equally comfortable exploring the implications of Sapir-Whorf on the limits of language and mathematical models (scaling Wittgenstein's Ladder on rungs smaller than a planck unit), exploring those constantly changing goal posts distinguishing human intelligence from animal intelligence or the possibility of artificial sentience, to triangulating between the emptiness of zen aesthetics with the pregnant silence of a Miles Davis solo with John Cage's sometimes rather raucous 4'33''.

But I've paid, and am still paying the cost. I have bought the farm, as we all have. Nobody gets out of this room alive. But in the words of Donald Fagan ... 'I've already bought the dream.' Now suffering buyer’s remorse.

(music break) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICK6e9WK2A8

At age 67, living most of my life, alone, as a stranger in a strange land ... never married and without family other than the few other single friends I can count on one hand ... I am not on an upward trajectory. If I struggle, it is for the sake of those who can not struggle for themselves. If we even have a future, I struggle for those yet to come.

Another price for not being well read in any single domain ... I am often wrong. In the dim light of misinformation, disinformation, and an overload of genuine information — I often fail to distinguish between real rabbit holes, and those which are illusions, holograms, or laser pointers.

I began the pandemic with a buying spree of goggles (ha, anyone else remember the virus that could enter through the eyes?), masks, and disinfectants ... put my lab chops to work and started exploring portable autoclaves and then UV-c lights as sterilizing measures ... and only gradually started smelling something fishy with the changing narrative and only slightly deeper dig into what I should have already known through biology.

And then came the books … Judy Mikovits, Kary Mullis, Laura Dodsworth, RFK Jr, and a string to follow from there. Now digging deeper into the social dynamics of an alternative to Desmet, but not without its own flaws (coming soon to a C.C. post near you), A. Lobaczewski’s ‘Political Ponerology; The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of the Totalitarian State’.

And then there were my political blind spots. I wept when Trump won his first presidential bid. But though suspicious of the blunt opportunism behind the two Bush family business, I was yet to discover the depths and depravity of the Clinton Cartel, or the role that ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ / ‘Wall Street Poster Boy’ Obama played in ushering in the surveillance state. Now I am so post-Howard Zinn cynical, that I don’t think ‘democracy’, or any other ideology has ever been effectively implemented, save in the imaginations of naive, though well-meaning idealists … and we all know with what that road to hell is paved. JMHO, but even with the signing of the Magna Carta, the self-appointed ruling class did not give up their relentless drive to build and game ‘King of the Mountain’ for sociopathic levels of self interest. They simply shifted their self-entitlement from 'God's Will' to ‘Prosperity Theology’ … building that Horatio Algeresque propaganda so as to game the narratives, laws, or mathematical models that keep the pre-Magna Carta status quo.

It galls me to admit it, but it is not just the specialized idiot who is one step ahead of me in select rabbit holes, but the sociopathic ruling class has always been several steps ahead of me, long ahead of me in planning their next divide and conquer diversion of 4-D chess. They can not do otherwise. They were born predators.

As a would-be, outgunned defender of those who can not defend themselves, my back will always be to the wall, and soon enough, not even a living, breathing back. Merely a fading shadow, blasted into the wall of yet another crumbling Tower of Babel by this era’s equivalence of ‘Little Boy’.

Fast forward to now, and I have to admit, that is only with my recent discovery of Sasha Latypova's stack that I triangulated the probability of the DOD near the center of the criminal cabal.

If I live another year, who knows how much wider my triangulation and deeper my dive will have gone, and how much will have emerged to be horribly true? Controlling and spiking the food supply? The water supply? The whole spectrum of wavelengths? Perhaps enough to look back on the 'Steve' who is writing this now, and think 'Oh how quaint, how naive he was.' — if I am allowed to speculate at all.

After this bit of self-indulgence, I should go back and properly spank myself by memorizing T.S. Kuhn's 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions' by heart, and liberally applying it to my self-inflicted wounds.

Like the proverbial elephant being described by the blind men according to length of their reach from the ground from which they dare not move, I can only see so much. The compartmentalization of knowledge is not only a tried-and-true heuristics of sociopaths … it is built into our own individual cognitive limitations, of which I am loathe to admit. Ashamed to admit. Is it not the essence of human ingenuity to extoll the unique virtues of human ingenuity?

I forgive that other Steve for the ground he stands on, as I hope others will forgive me, and trust that we all have a role to play in fleshing out this dangerous, species-threatening, rogue elephant in our midst.

 Another music break … and an excuse for another ‘Steve’ in the mix — a ‘Dan throwback night from Japan. 


So yes, 2nd Smartest, I agree with you. But I forgive Steve, and challenge him to challenge you as he challenges others to challenge himself. But most of all, I challenge ourselves to challenge ourselves. Even if we fall short, ‘A man’s reach should exceed his grasp. Or what’s a heaven for?’

If even the likes of Saint Cornel West, speaking on a jazz-rap compilation dedicated to helping victims of HIV-AIDs, ‘Stolen Moments; Red, Hot and Cool’, (my god ... Ron Carter, Joe Sample, Pharoah Sanders, Lester Bowie, Wah Wah Watson!!) at 31:43 has been proven to be wrong, I can forgive Steve, if not myself. But on the same album, Cornel comes back with a righteous vengeance that lends wings to it all. 52:52. ‘Relentless self-critique.’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIXkEf_1AdY. Susan Sontag would have had a field day.

Cheers from Japan 2nd, a secular land of a thousand brands.


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Jan 16, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The years and years of weird maneuvering in biodefense/biosecurity and the tabletop exercises in the decades leading up to all of this point towards premeditation. The patents, funding streams, and the clear relationships and conflicts of interest between the various parties involved are the smoking gun.

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