Jan 17, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I'd like to blame ODs or suicide but those would be, not expected, but put into a category. What is being hinted at is some categories are exploding that shouldn't. Insurance guy doesn't care about suicide because they don't pay out for those. Do they pay out for OD? Because that seems like it would be "during comission of a crime" which is usually disqualified.

This is a drip, drip, drip. That insurance guy was the opening shot. They said "just leak the story out somewhere "small" (compared to the majors) so people have an idea of what's coming. It's coming more because the end of year numbers are going and it's going to be bad. I guess we should expect to hear how excess death is good somehow soon.

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if it weren't for the death injections all cause deaths would be even worse, just don't use logic or look back at 2020 year of "pandemic" and so on and so forth.

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Significant "noncovid" increases in 2020 too, tho lower & less dramatic. A lot of ODs & suicides. So factor in piss poor "public health response & it's still covid-related.

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World population increased in 2020 actually, and mortality increase was 0.76% which was exact same increases for 2018 and 2019

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It says rates in the linked article. 🤷

"Comparing 2020 to 2019, mortality increased some 24 percent for those aged 18 to 49, with less than a third of those excess deaths involving COVID-19"

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Now I think a lot of this is attributable to lock downs (and maybe masks for the pneumonia?) but I wonder how that map compares with the ‘bad batches’ distribution the daily expose found?

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