By the way....smartguy author.

Thank you for allowing non-paying subscribers to comment. I realze that must come at a cost.

Since losing my job I am not currently rolling in economic abudance...but need both the intellectual input of these blogs for my sanity...and on occasion... a place to vent.

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I am in the same boat, and concur! Us lower class may be a little lower on funds, but not brain cells!

'I've got friends in Low Places' is a great song... Correct me if I'm wrong!

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

The problem is that those who did this to us will either not pay attention or refuse to admit they did anything. Aside from the obvious traumas we have experienced, that is the most infuriating part. But, I have accepted that 99 percent of those people will never say, think, or feel they did wrong. I will never overtly wish them harm, and I have to believe (to get past my own pain) that they will suffer cosmic Karma (colloquially speaking).

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Typos edited.

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that was on purpose. thanks.

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Never trust Eugenicists when it comes to your health!

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Right , there’s a guy named billy goat gates that has stated he wants to reduce the population openly in a Ted talk even and your going to get his vaccine? Are you retarded?

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Haha, I like to refer to that Asshole troll as Farmer Billy Gates!

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I call him Billy from the Gates of hell. I believe he will burn in hell someday, so it seems fitting.

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Good advice. Kind of like trusting Coke to quench your thirst.

It may seem fine in the moment,


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Stay safe and never get any kind of vaccine ever again! Guaranteed to live longer!

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

We will never back down. I'm getting medical exemptions for my children so the government and schools can never touch my children again with vaccines. We must never stand down. We are God's children and we are fighting for all that is good. One love!!!

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Yesterday I commented on a story (not here though), about the 15 minute wait...post jab. The medical community had us all in a tizzy about a "novel" virus that was so scary.

I do not recall any of them warning us about the "novel" 15 minute waiting period, post jab.

Novel virues are relatively common, historically...(whatever that even means)...and certainly laden with ample BS.

We shut down the world over a so- called novel virus...but in over 100 years of profit laden jabs...this action of waiting...was novel. Certainly in my lifetime...and I had. T-rex for a pet.

The medical community suddenly went silent on...novel... being so scary.

Here is the story I want to share.

One person responded my comment. He said...."You don' t HAVE to wait the 15 minutes after your jab....they just tell you you that. I left immediately after all three of mine"

So he rebelled against the medical community. There was no way he was going to listen to that nonsense about waiting 15 minutes. Total nonsense....while his body is now swimming in nano-particles, and who knows what else?

Chose your rebellion wisely.

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😄 What a rebel!

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Cognitive dissonance is a Beeaachhh!

Not one single person I know that got the clot shot says they screwed up, not one!

I know one person that states he wish he never got it! That is it end of list! Just say no to big pharma snake oil and you will live longer!

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If we have learned anything from all of this, it is: stay vigilant, use logic and common sense, and know that truth is indeed the answer. Truth, often difficult to discern, is worth the effort. Don't be deceived.

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There's no nice way to say this. "They" have murdered more people than all history

combined. They just haven't all died yet but 1 in 310 will eventually succumb to the lethal injection. We all have loved ones who are in grave danger no pun intended.

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I’m 36 and have my written will and hcpoa written out already sad to say. But I’m not going out without advocating and bringing awareness as much as I can until I do go. I keep telling myself my hat God chose me for a reason and I’m going to use my platform to save as many as I can, especially the children! Then when I’m gone I’m goin to keep fighting in whatever happens to us when we go over your beliefs. I might be tiny but I am mighty!

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Yeah but it isn't the first time they did this. If you research the big plandemics (and even the smaller ones like Swine Flu plandemic) like the Spanish Flu you can find the same fingerprints to "They = The powers that should not be" killing off humanity as well. They try to cover their tracks and you have to dig deep to uncover it.

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I see what the evil ones are up to, but where are the good ones, attempting to stop them? Are ALL those within the power structure, evil? Are there none among them, using their power to fight them on their own level? I want to believe they exist, but either they're fighting in secrecy, or my hope is ill-placed. There's strength in numbers, but what good does it do to outnumber them, if our numbers are scattered and aimless? Turned against each other and squabbling in cyberspace? Isn't that right where the enemy wants us?

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There were good ones that had more power than the average person that did stand up but they were quickly eradicated. Among them were John Magufuli - Tanzanian President.

https://welovetrump.com/2021/03/20/did-the-global-elite-kill-tanzanian-president-anti-lockdown-rebel-john-magufuli/ The Haitian President also stood up and was murdered. Story here on several others. https://newsrescue.com/five-presidents-who-opposed-covid-vaccines-have-conveniently-died-been-replaced-by-pro-vaxxers/ Average Joes like myself (ex military veteran, pro freedom, etc.) stood up to our employers and they squished us by taking our jobs away from us. For me it was losing my 17 year job working as a software engineer remotely for a government lab. I stood up initially by not telling them my vaccine status then further when they said I had to get jabbed I told them "NO" and said I am adding all the people in HR and managers who threatened me with job loss to a list of individuals who need to be tried for "Crimes Against Humanity." They requested that I resign as they claim I threatened them which was against company policy. About 10 percent of the employees at my company did not comply with the mandates; the ones that did are dying including a co-worker/college friend of mine who was 48 years old (myocarditis death.) The evil behind the scenes kills those who would stand against them easily as they are not organized, and some have no idea who the real enemies are. Yes, the enemy likes when we vent online especially in public forums and if they deem you a threat like me with larger numbers of veterans etc. they will do something about you and your group. I found out the hard way when they placed veteran into our group on Facebook who turned out to be honeypot (sending details on how to build bombs, etc.) trying to incite us to rise up and fight (the veteran was Bradley Bunn - look him up as he was posted all over the Internet) and the smarter veterans saw through this and we did not fall for the trap. Now, they use other tactics like 30-day bans (which I have had 6 this year alone.) They shut us up from exposing their lies. If you have some power or a bunch of followers, they take you out physically. Guaranteed me and my buddies are on a list to be dealt with when the evil gains more power and followers to do the dirty work. I can't play stupid like Solzhenitsyn did back when Bolshevik's took power and physically came for the people. Digital fingerprints prevent us from going that route. They won't have fun rounding up veterans but you know they will not fight fairly.

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Oh, hello...I didn't realize you were responding to me! Thank you for taking the time. Yes, I was aware of Magafuli's suspicious death, as well as several other African presidents who kicked the WHO out of their countries. And there are so many doctors in the west who have "mysteriously" died for going against the narrative. I suppose it's nothing new, but maybe more people are paying attention. I'm sorry to hear of your struggles and the death of your friend. Hope all is well with you, or as well as can be expected. I've found a new job and things are ok. The midterms made me vow never to vote again, however. They played me too many times. At any rate, thanks for chatting. Peace and God bless. ✌💟🇺🇸

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I had to make the choice to quit or take the vaccine. I quit. It was hard, but I managed. They will have to come and get me, if they want to give me the jab and I will not go quietly. I'm not a fighter, by nature, but enough is enough.

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I got threats to be shot by some hard-core Marxists that are in our local school system (in management, etc.); they left threatening messages on my message inbox at my ex-job. I was standing against the masks at that time then when the vaccines came along it just got worse as I got attacked by people at the government lab I worked at by leftist and Branch Covidian workers. They made my life hell before I left that place. I heard they removed all my comments from the company watercooler where I was exposing the Covid lies including that there was no approved vaccine and there still is not. Yeah, they eventually will come after the smart ones who see through the lies. They will use the useful idiots as much as they can to take us out because that is the "Commie way." I was thinking about moving to Panama so if they are going to get me, they will have to go into the jungle or come out on the water (I might buy an island.) It just sucks that our own people (aka useful idiots) will stab you in the back to get ahead but history shows it always goes that way; you can't trust friends or family. I guess we can thank the Commies for not shooting us like other regimes did in the past; at least they initially gave us a choice... slow death by poison right?

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Jesus, you've had it way rougher than I ever did, but I tend to keep to myself, since leaving my job. At least I used my time to plant a garden and stock up on a few essentials. Who would've ever thought the great depression could happen again, let alone in our lifetime? Who would've thought our own government could be so openly and blatantly against their own people?

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It won let me “like” your comment but I LIKE it. Thank you!

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Thank you for your kind words. You stopped me from closing all the substack accounts I currently subscribe to. The midterms were yet another slap in the face from 2018, to 2020 and now 2022. I give up on politics. Your words from the Lord remind me that there are bigger fights to be fought and I need to trust God, not man. Thank you! Your timing couldn't have been more Providential. 😉💟🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏 Bless you, friend.

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This hit me right in the feels! From a vax inured rn who has never had the virus and now housebound and bedbound some days heading into month 10. Was diagnosed late into month 4 due to gaslighting and it almost cost me my life

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So sorry for your injury.

Please consider cycling ivermectin and a potent nutraceutical like www.virex.health

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I’m on patterson protocol atm and then bridging it in a cpl weeks with flccc protocol. I see dr Kory on Dec 6th! Thank you for your stacks and all you do to keep us informed💙💙

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Dr Zelenko fought hard against the tyranny and saved thousand when the COVID scam started. I take his protocol every day. He was a true man of God and for the people!

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Truly a wonderful leader. He got as much as he could out before the cancer took his life. Bless that man 💙

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Mass formed 🐑

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interesting comment.

I agree fully. Humanity, left to it's own vices...is doomed.

For anyone who can look at the world today...and find hope in humanity rising above our own ignorance and indulgance...is pretty intriging to me.

I am not trying to be negative...I just prefer a realistic view over a false, utopian one.

We need hope to move forward....and in abundance.

Hope however needs to be built from a solid foundation...not on quicksand or peatmoss.

Right now....the powers that be, lay traps for us at every step.

Humanity as a whole is generally pretty benign...in the sense of how evil we will be. We are all evil to some extent...but we manage it as much as we can.

We therefore have a very difficult time imagining that others not only refuse to manage their evil ways...but seek out solutions to enhance it.

History is replete with such characters...especially today....but the masses struggle to accept that fact.

They would rather believe...." We no longer act like that."

Fools we are...in the end arguably deserving the future that imminently awaits us.

Speaking of chickens. I used to help care for some...years ago. They can be vicious...just like humans.

This person also kept rabbits with the chickens...in the same coop.

One of the rabbits had an eye pecked out by a chicken.

As it goes with chickens....so it goes with.....personkind.

Thanks JT for the upgrade in Canadian culture and Right-Speak.

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Definitely most of the patriots fell for the psyop that someone else was going to clean up the bad guys (Remember the "Q" bullshit.) I stood up and did what I can, and I got shot down by relatives, friends and my company for not blindly following the government mandated euthanasia shots. I no longer have a job because I stood up. One thing I do now is that nobody will stand up with me, but they will ensure I get taken out one way or another as they have no spine. I even had relatives wish me to die as I was an unvaxxed super spreader (as they put it.) I am surrounded by a bunch of jabbed neighbors who think I am crazy that I have endangered them by not drinking the kool-aid. I am thinking of just leaving the USSA as it is a lost cause to fight for people that are so far gone and like their enslavement; They would rather make me the enemy for just standing up.

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Dec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022

I feel your frustration. It helps from time to time to think we are in good company.

Noah built a humongous ark in the middle of a desert in a time when those people hadn’t seen rain— ever. You know HE was a laughingstock. Who’s laughing now? John the Baptist went around telling people to prepare the way of the Lord. Most didn’t listen. They should’ve. David said he could slay the giant with God on his side. His own brothers laughed. David killed the giant. The list goes on & on and includes Jesus telling people to repent; turn or burn. We know how THAT will turn out. We’re in GOOD company.

It pains me to think of all the people who think I’m crazy and all the people who made their health so much worse, unbeknownst to them, but one day they will see it clearly.

Hang in there.

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You are not well versed in Scripture.

Before any Mark of the Beast can be implemented, the Anti-Christ must make his very public entrance. As a peace maker with a world in conflict.

Taking the Mark has to require everyone besides rejecting Jesus & Christianity, it MUST include;

1. worshiping the Beast.

2. Worshiping his pagen image.

3. A 7 year peace agreement with Israel in place & the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple.

If there is a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, it will occur before any Mark requirement to Buy & Sell.

The Terminal Generation.

Rapture Date #1

1948+100 yrs = 2048 - 7 yrs = 2041 - 3 yrs = 2038

Rapture Dat #2

1948 +90 yrs = 2038 - 7 yrs = 2031 - 3 yrs = 2028

Rapture Date Range

2028 - 2038.

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James Beck, I truly think you are spot on. Where are with whom do you study? I think I recognize a couple of things that most don’t say/see.

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Dec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022

I think James Beck is spot on. We are most definitely in the generation of the fig tree, with the clock ticking since Israel became a nation, in 1948. Were or with whom do you study scripture, James?

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William, I think you are onto something as well, though I know nothing of Baal symbolism or all of that. I do think that “they” will be attempting to control us via a mark. I knew it was marching toward that end, but it was amplified to me when I went to donate $$ to the truckers convoy in Canada & the GoFundMe (or whatever it was?) said the donations had been frozen. The they said Trudeau was channeling the funds into charities of HIS choice. He froze the accounts of those truckers!! Appalling…

As to James Beck’s take, I know you are laughing bc he gave possible rapture dates & the bible

clearly says we can’t know the date. It does, however, say we can discern the season, and therefore some good “dartboard” dates/rough estimates, are a warranted thing, IMO.

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022

teachers ...

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FTHEM and live life to the fullest!

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