Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022

Here’s the problem. Whenever these “mass events” occur, the f’ing federal agencies come in… FBI, BATFE, you name it. Then they proceed to seize control of the scene and “centralize” all of the information in or out. They massage the facts. Even if it’s all on the up and up (not likely) they’ve already sown the seeds of distrust. Think Hunter Biden’s laptop. This is evil.

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I believe we all know that blaming the violence on guns is using a convenient excuse to try to take guns away from good people. That way the nasty powers that be would get 2 things they covet: good citizens without guns, plus ever increasing violence due to the culture.

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Broken Kids Not Guns

~ Michael Mendizza

The violence we see all around us, personal and global, is a failure of development. Period. The seed is not the cause, or to be blamed for being planted in poor soil, not being watered, isolated, shoved in a dark closet, screamed at, compared, humiliated, ignored, beaten, or illuminated by a screen instead of nature’s sunlight. Then, when these stunted plants grow sharp tangled thorns, we blame them for moral failure, punish them, chastise, incarcerate, and kill them, self-righteously.

To blame guns, TV, video games, Twinkies, the bully next door, bad genes, and all the rest, for the pervasive violence, self-mutilation, self-medication, suicide, and similar unbelievable acts on others, is simply a misguided defense, empowering our justifications to continue to fail at our most basic challenge and responsibility; modeling what it means to be a whole, connected, available, awake, sensitive, empathically-entangled human beings. After all, that is what every child needs and is desperately screaming about, real and inspiring models.

We are responsible for the society we co-create by our willing acceptance and participation, not guns or any other tool. We are responsible for the behaviors we model and allow at home. We are responsible for everything that happens at school, the form, structure, comparisons, curriculum, rewards, and punishments. We are responsible for everything our children experience with screen technologies. All the barbed wire around our schools, police, and metal detectors, won’t fix a thing. Rather, more of the same will only intensify the loneliness, hopelessness, despair, and inner rage our broken children feel.


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It should be clear .... New World Order is far along on their plans for World Domination.

America is the last barrier *. If we fall, death camps, slave camps worldwide.

500 million population is goal in Georgia Guidestones.

DON'T GIVE UP YOUR GUNS. our woke army won't help us... they probably will turn against us

Mother of God help us .

*maybe patriots in other countries will get guns to take pressure off Americans. If NWO troops in other countries have to fight them, they cannot be sent to fight us.


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2SG, what happened to your "PSYOP-ACTIVE-SHOOTER: What No One Is Discussing About The Latest SSRI ...." article from yesterday?

I made a comment on it and "gun control" and how when firearms seizure does occur it will be "technicals" in new Toyota pick ups and not police or military, and when I went back to see other comments, the article is "page not found."

Is this a glitch, or was the article removed for a specific reason?

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Great points. Our nonsensical involvement in Ukraine provides another example. It turns out, the Left is actually very much in favor of regular citizens owning guns, at least when those guns are going to literal Nazis in western Ukraine.

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i've done a complete turn around on gun control. i thought citizens did not need guns. then george floyd happened and the main street of my city was destroyed while the police stood down to "let them express their frustrations." really? restaurants that had been covid closed for a year and had just reopened, had their windows smashed. diners had bricks and glass land on their plates. a waiter broke up a brutal fight by shooting his personal hand gun into the air. someone trying to defend his pub had a gun put to his head by a rioter. he obviously opened the cash register.

the people came out the next day to sweep up glass and debris and to help board up the broken windows. not tax paid city employees but volunteer townspeople!

an overnight 180!

then came Australia, NZ, Austria, etc, etc

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It is somewhat like blaming a car for hitting someone. Although guns are more dangerous. Many parents don't seem to realize that. I think this year I read at least 6 stories of toddlers killing or wounding others with guns. And a couple of youth that deliberately shot others. Sad.

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What amazes me is that there are almost no people at these mass shootings who are conceal carrying. The gun free zones I understand but these events happen at many other places. With all the illegals here now there is no way I go out unarmed, not that I expect something to happen but on the off chance that something does I don’t want to be a victim. It’s a bit strange when one starts doing this but after a while it becomes quite comfortable and you stop being self conscious. The last thing I want to do is get in a gun fight for a lot of reasons and one of those is I might lose.

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Liberals never want to address the fact that people used to bring guns to school in order to go hunting after, brought a gun to work, or anywhere for that matter and these things never happened. Of course they don't want to address it because it would force them to admit the cultural and moral demoralization of America. Of course, also, that was all intentional as the vehicle to reshape America into some Plato's Republic type hellscape. That process has seemed to have sped up in the past 8 or so years. It feels like we are at, or close to, a tipping point. They are getting impatient !

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"Yet, these same liberals are OK with the US blowing up weddings, funerals, and children’s soccer games in the Middle East and Israel gunning down Palestinians."

You're joking, right?

You haven't seen these same libs wearing keffiyehs like a fashion statement, and applauding the "intifada"?


Fun Fact: "Intifada" is what Palestinians call their indiscriminate killing sprees trying to make their land "from the River to the Sea" completely Jew-free.

Fun Fact 2: They launched the first Intifada after Israel offered them a peace deal, because they interpreted the offer as a sign of weakness.

Don't bash the Israelis, learn from us:

If you arm yourself for defense, and you face attackers who live "without moral awareness and self-control", you WILL eventually need to pull the trigger. When (not if) it happens, DO NOT apologize for surviving that confrontation.

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There was no violence with guns from veterans of wars, nothing; But now they want to take the guns off people there's a steady stream of shootouts - mostly on children of course, because they despise children and they are their target, being pure and closest to God - why should there be such a desperate need to get guns from people in case they mean to do something bad TO them, put them into a situation where people would need to defend themselves against mortal harm........hmmm?

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In total agreement with 2nd smartest.

It is not a gun ownership problem. It is an unfolding burgeoning national crises of potential mental stability, a consequential resultant of destructive federal actions, recent societal trends, main media perpetuation of all negative, and consequences there of.

It is a serious misdirection to focus on the gun. Focus on the causes. Causes which when accumulate can destroy a mind.

Recall events of the last couple years. Draconian actions taken to combat Covid, mandates resulting in economic, business, family and individual disasters. There has been the rise of many new cultures, many disruptive causing serious contentions and even hatred. Examples include re-born and enhanced racism, Critical Race Theory,cults of cancelism, wokism, transgenderism, LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning), misinformation labeling, anti-constitution, anti-nation founders, anti-free speech, anti-law enforcement, blessing of property destruction, political and sexually skewed indoctrination of young children, and so on. The effect of these is cumulative, more so on young, not yet strengthened minds.

To blame people for simply owning guns and use that to disarm is a calculated pre-meditated plan to disarm. Period.

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The majority of murders are not even committed with a firearm. Where is these commies bleeding hearts for the 100k overdose drug deaths in this country last year?

Does anyone know what Castro did the day after taking power in Cuba in 1959? Yeah you guessed it, banned and confiscated firearms and then mass government murder took place. Same story over and over again in history! Do not comply.

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