"The book is not closed and will not be until we get honest answers." Many of us feel that the book should not be closed on this until Fauci and his cohorts are either guillotined or drawn and quartered. We'll be compassionate and give them the choice.

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don't need to see blood, a nice slow asphyxiation, like they gave people on vents, would be satisfactory

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Indeed, I believe perhaps there should be thousands of hospital beds made available in close quarters to the Hospital morgues. Chained to their hospital beds, the thousands that were party to this perverse genocide, should for unspecified lengths of time anticipate how and when their demise will come.

In true mimicry of perverse tyranny the worst of them (George Soros types) should be offered limited stays of execution by being the executioners of their co conspirators, the more perverse they are, the longer before they too get to face their retirement to one of these hospital beds.

There could be video records of the propceedings playing in each of the rooms of retribution 24 hrs a day, any victims of these criminals could watch if they wish, and if they choose, and with a given number of other victims pleeding for leniency, the sentence could be commuted to life in a work camp.

I would guess that most would be commuted to lufe in a work camp.

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Excellent! I've been big on bringing back drawing and quartering. Now that was a warning to the future scumbags what their fates would be. Ah, the good ol' days... but, I digress... no, wait... to continue... I also think a good option for a modern refresher would be the infamous shotgun enema. A standby for those who may opt out of the draw/quarter thang.

Either one is a worthy ending for those so suited.

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"The plan was perfect, it was the Kulaks and wreckers who made it fail!"

Nothing new from Tony -- he's always blaming the people for his failures.

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Open or closed, the book needs to be thrown at Monster Fauci and his co-conspirators. He belongs in prison for the rest of his life. He is the poster boy for sociopaths. Expecting him to tell the truth is a complete waste of time. The only thing he said which I believe is, "I sleep fine." That's sociopathy for you!

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The only way guaranteed to assure the public these criminals NEVER commit genocide again is with their deaths. I don't have any preference how that happens.

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totally agree. If we started having PUBLIC executions of these mass murderers, this insanity would stop right now. Can we not argue that bringing back public executions for crimes like these would be for the "Greater Good"? Because it would stop this madness right now and make monsters like these murderers think twice before they try something like this again.

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No one will think twice after they are dead. They will stop doing it. Permanently.

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\Man, he's sticking to his old lies. I'll bet he wonders why we don't trust him too. I didn't get vaxxed because I knew what was in it. Didn't mask because the smallest hole was enormously larger than the virus/bacterium. Nothing whatsoever to do with what he said, this was mostly CDC crap, they weren't lying yet.

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Fauci also said only 68% took the vax which he claimed contributed to the set backs but the CDC had stated 90% of adults had at least one shot after originally being at 70%. 90% is impossible if you look at what they claimed state by state compliance rates were. The good news is they were not nearly as successful as they planned even with all their coercion and I see a lot of compilers coming out of their trans and starting to realize they’ve been lied to at least about the effectiveness of the vaccines. I’d want to close the door on this too and move onto mRNA shots for other illnesses which is clearly the plan re RSV for fall. That is the danger, they are far from done just switching gears.

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The CDC is part of the problem. They are a vaccine company masquerading as a regulator and public-health authority. They are hopelessly conflicted. There is no point expecting the truth from the CDC. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution. The CDC needs to be abolished and replaced with something real, not fake.

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How about CDC abolished and nothing in it's place.

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It is truly staggering that someone so incompetent and ignorant of the results of scientific studies too numerous to mention, as these answers clearly show is, can have remained at the top of his profession for so long in the US. Thre is something deeply deeply wrong with the whole system in the US for that cretin to have lasted over 50 years at the top without being fired decades ago when Kary Mullis the inventer of the PCR test outed him as such.

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We know the little minion followed orders from the New World Order types, the higher ups who want to eliminate a large swath of the population. I think that the SAMIZDAT , substack writers, the alternative media, devout Christians, Lifesite News, Gateway Pundit, RFK jr and more really put a monkey wrench in the plandemic psyop. Thank God for them.

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Fauci: “Something clearly went wrong. And I don’t know exactly what it was.” Something sure as Hell did go wrong. Wonder when he noticed. A large clue is another Fauci statement, “... on a per-capita basis we’ve done worse than virtually all other countries.” None of them had CDC or Mr. Science, Fauci to screw their healthcare. He’s an incompetent, egotistical weasel who in fact demonstrably failed to respect the science of Natural Immunity, herd immunity, and the dangers of pushing the use of poorly tested experimental chemical concoctions by calling them vaccines, and he sure as Hell did push Lock downs, and masks, both with no scientific support whatsoever.

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This gaslighting, manipulative, and lying elf troll needs to be dragged through the streets for all the evil he has pushed onto this world.

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E V I L.

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Yeah, something did go wrong. Unfortunately for the perps there were enough true heroes left, even in only barely, that could still think straight and independently and that didn't trust the governments including the Global (NWO) Governments, and who decided to resist with every ounce in their bodies.

Many of us went out of business, were castigated from the rest of the mindless and cowardly rabble, so in that regard I guess that went well. Hopefully the handful of brave from the "... home of the brave" kept a keen sense of humor throughout the entire event.

But otherwise, yeah, it didn't all go down exactly as they'd planned.

Those that resisted never even asked for thanks! "Thank you for your service!" should apply to the un-Injected.(TM)

Hopefully on the next Go-'round, and make no mistake, there will be another go-'round, hopefully more people will join the resistance. There's ALWAYS more room in the boat!!

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The Book is only just opening. Our globalist masters wrote the Introduction hoping that we would not read the contents. They were wrong. The Introduction read like a work of fiction but the public have realised it was non-fiction and that they are the characters portrayed in the book. Fauci et al are going to have to sit through a public reading of the Book which they never wanted published or read but which they hoped we would all just buy.

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Flu vaccines cause more flu and the claim that any flu from the quack jabs is less dangerous, where the reality the flu is not generally dangerous to anyone except those few that are in the last months, weeks or days of their lives.

As these jabs clearly have long-term dangers of multiple kinds, the damage to our natural immune systems is only part of the big picture.

The entire pharmaceutical industry is quack science that blatantly pushes snake oil cures that can only be based on the maxim, "death is the cure for all illnesses".

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I love Jeffery Tucker's writing; he's one of the heroes of the pandemic with his fearless discussion of all the harms done by official COVID policies. Yet at each quote from weasel words Fauci, I found myself uttering the C word again and again. I hope justice catches up with this monster.

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I watched this video of a public meeting, which I came across on the "World Doctors Alliance" group on the Telegram app, and thought it was a very helpful, constructive, non-threatening approach.

This lady did NONE of the "this is what I know that you ought to know" attitude that you find with 00DEZ, for example. She is merely offering help and support to help people with what they want to achieve, with the situational awareness that they already have.

The difficulty that people experience with the "you need to wake up to this" approach is that not everyone is in the same position, and some or many feel threatened and get either defensive, or aggressive, or dismiss things that conflict with how they understand the world currently.

The recognition that people need the help and co-operation of other like-minded people, on the other hand, is pretty universal.

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