Since the bombshell New Zealand whistleblower story broke…
…we now know that the wholly criminal and illegitimate New Zealand government attempted to have the courts deny bail for Barry Young, the hero that blew wide open the slow kill bioweapon democide. Thankfully, he will post bail, and be somewhat safe for the time being. But said government is working diligently to have Barry Young rot in jail for 7 years; in other words:
And now through a FOIA request we know that those very same parasitic criminal politicians and the various apparatchiks that were hellbent on quite literally poisoning their entire population always knew exactly what they were doing; as such, we now have incontrovertible proof that they exempted from their deadly DEATHVAX™ precisely because they knew from day one that they were guilty of instituting a bio-depopulation program that they clearly did not want to partake in themselves:
An X post provides additional color:
To sum it all up: those that are guilty of murdering their population via bioterror “vaccines” exempted themselves from said murderous injections now want to imprison a whistleblower who exposed their murder; in other words, if you comply with these puppet politicians, their unconstitutional agencies, their globalist Intelligence Industrial Complex handlers, and their corporate partners-in-crime, then you are quite literally guilty of murdering yourself, and others.
They want you dead.
No, they really want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Note: as per the above image that clearly stated it was not only 11k politicians, but, also, "members of the elite."
Release the names of all 11,000 NOW.