Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

In their own morbid way, they often do a better job of exposing themselves than we can.

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Agreed! I've recently begun seriously entertaining the theory that this massive incompetence and overt implementation of nefarious agendas must be intentional, and they no longer care to even attempt to hide it. I mean, I'm surprised Demetre didn't bring his ball-gag and flogger to the press conference.

Are they trying to be so opprobrious that governments dissolve, preparing the masses to graciously accept their one-world government? I have cast this proposition aside many times...but at some point the absurdity seems too much to explain away.

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Actually, there is weird "Rule" that Evil/Satan/Demons etc, have to get you to "invite" them/it into your life or soul.

Check out the Black-Eyed Children.

This is intentional. Just like Gavin Newsome wearing a warm track suit while telling people to turn their AC to almost 80 degrees. He was advertising the fact that if you join them in hurting "The Masses" that you too, might live a little more comfortably as a member of the Ruling Class. It was no accident that Obama, Pelosi, Newsome, and others were photographed not wearing a mask while The Help was waiting on them with masks on. Symbolism is very important and conveys more meaning than words in many cases. Don't go by what they say, go by what they do and what they show you.

My biggest fear is that it is too late to fight back.

Unless good people accept the fact that most people will look the other way and not save someone from a "Bully" at school or on the bus or as adults in an office, and therefore act as props/audience to the humiliation of the person being "picked on" then the Bullies/Evil Doers/WEF frauds will become ever more powerful.

Most people are cowards. Yes, I've seen it and dealt with it my whole life which is why I was only surprised to see so many "Normal," "well-liked" people in the past 8 years discover just how shallow their family, friends, and colleagues actually are and how tenuous those bonds are.

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

Yes, the camps were for us, but that doesn’t mean we’re going. Their posturing is just to hide the fact they’re weak. A mask doesn’t control a virus, it controls you. Like Andrew Cuomo said, “If a million people want to go out, they’ll go out.”

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

Yes, I’ve seen these idiots up close; and while their masters may be a little more intelligent, they’re acutely aware of their limitations. This isn’t a show of strength, it’s a sign of desperation. Some are just decoys, like this one; reminds me of the clown standing next to Rachel Levine in a dress. They’ll throw out clay pigeons to distract from Burisma, or organ harvesting, or child abduction. Sure, they’re hoping we demand they Do Something, but what will help look like coming from the same people who created this?

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it is now quite obvious that someone is acting behind the scenes. some think Obama but I think he is just another puppet. I remember the Schwab meme where he throws out Boris Johnson saying, give me anuther van. And so true. The conspiracy is there for sure, no longer a theory. Why would they continue the jabs knowing very well they are not useless but in fact killing people? And approve another one on one test with 8 mice that all got sick ! Why don't these people just go home? At least the minister of agriculture in the Netherlands did. See what comes next there. Yesterday a Dutch town forbid ads for meat. I dont think that will go over well in US

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

The amount of time invested in this plan is staggering, they’re all being manipulated. Obama himself was used, and raised as a Manchurian Candidate; he’s not much smarter than Joe. Even the corporations have their marching orders. The Central Banks control nations, it’s above them. At that level; their religion dictates no borders, or allegiance, or mercy.

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It totally fits with the backdrop of THE SPEECH - you know the speech I'm talking about, where he DEMONIZES those he disapproves of, flanked by the colors of hell.

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I said the exact thing! Now look at the speech background and explain its context.

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More "theories" turning into actual conspiracies by the day now

On the flip side, these people are showing their true colors. The average person that's still salvageable needs to have irrefutable proof that the guy that just broke his way into their home with a gun and a knife isn't collecting for Red Cross. The closer we get to that notion the greater that odds of "reaching" those people.

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What are the odds that Satanpox Deputy is a pedo too?

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My understanding is that pedophilia is as essential to satanism as abortions. Can't have satanism without child sacrifice and the destruction of childhood innocence.

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Typos edited.

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

no hope for UK either, I read yesterday that Truss is a WEF groomed person too. Seems like my doomsday thinking friend is right after all. The dems have invited a satanist to their house

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Quite a combo-Truss and Charles! UK doomed.

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sounds like it doesn't it? A recipe for disaster

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She appears on their site, but so do many other prominent politicians, so I've been keeping an open mind. Would be interested in reading anything you have? I do know that she's reported to be seriously lacking in intelligence, so it makes you wonder how she's done so well.

Her new deputy PM and health secretary is definitely a wef puppet from what I've seen. She's also about as anti freedom and pro jabby as it gets. I despair for us all... Especially now fellow wef pawn and proponent of the Great reset is now our king 😔

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indeed. I have little info on her, and read she is off to a good start. But it are words. Now see the deeds. As to your king to be, he does not look too good either. Are the yonger ones into the grooming too? I know the other European royalty all is. Belgium, Netherlands, you name it. All weffers.

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"Senile Diaper Soiling Ice Cream Eating Pedo Criminal Puppet Appoints Known Satanist As White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator"

Love the writing style.

Now instead of saying Biden you have trained me to say "senile diaper soiling pedophile".

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“ Parents and kiddies, would you please welcome to Chuck e cheez, tonight and tonight only, let’s give it up for the Big Guy...Mr Ten Percent...yeh, you know who...I’m talking bout the Senile Diaper Soiling Ice Cream Eating Pedo Criminal Puppet...all together now...LET’S GO BRANDON !!!

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Chuckle chuckle

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So the Satanists are now out in the open.

Revelation 18:23 All the nations will be deceived by sorcery. In Greek the word was pharmkia? Ie BigPharma

We can't solve a spiritual problem with a worldly solution. Nothing will stop what is coming.

The gate is narrow. Find it. Before it's too late.

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"men-who-have-sex-with-other-men community" Yeah, sure. Ok. Easier to just say sodomy you freaking satanic creature. I'm so done with these evil clowns.

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unfortunately their whole setup makes it hard on regular homo and lesbians. The ones I know are just regular folks who keep themselves to themselves and their lives will be made harder by all this crap.

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men-who-wish-to-have-sex-with-other-men-butt-only-have-sex-with-themselves.What a crazy stupid confused world.

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Life imitating art? See we're living Fellini's Satyricon.


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You forgot to mention he is a HOMO SATANIST. One is as bad as the other

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They will soon say the word Satanist is offensive and attempt to redefine that word, too.

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Is Demetre a doctor of any sort? Seems to me that a trained medical pas y g frofessional would be appointed to a health related position in government. Not that that would in and out itself guarantee Americans the freedom to make better healthcare choices for themselves. Besides, we already have enough non-elected bureaucrats suggesting people do the very things that keep them sick and diseased.

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The simulation is making it obvious and no one has the balls to do anything about what’s happening.

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Balls are no longer required to further the survival of the current human regime. Only a money printing press is required until the current ruling regimes extinct themselves and us serfs along with them. It happened with Incas and Romans and other civilizations. Nothing is forever. Unless a revolution intervenes. I wish it would be the case but I'm afraid that the serfs are so committed to their own destruction that they would readily sacrifice themselves. We already see the self sacrifice in how many people willingly and repeatedly take the mRNA poisons.

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I remember reading the Left Behind book series some years ago and thinking it was so ridiculously simplistic that no one could actually see any of that happening and fall for it. Apparently, I was wrong.

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How long until the script gets flipped on this one? "Just an infection" to "we're all going to die?"

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More provocation. More obfuscation.

The DoD moves arms and weapons domestically through subcontractors. The normal-looking tractor trailors riding alongside you could be loaded to the hilt with stinger missiles, paid for by your taxes.

If those trucks were truthfully labeled on our highways, this poor deluded blaspheming liar wouldn't have cameras anywhere near him.

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