I am neither clinician nor researcher. But I was a patient. Both my wife and myself had a couple of co-morbidities, including advanced years (82 and 74), that should have put us at particular risk if we caught Covid. We both got the first two shots. Eight months later, we both came down with Covid. By then, I had done a good deal of research on the written evidence for Ivermectin, and rather than go see my doctor (who advocated the party line against it), I treated us both with Ivermectin, dosed as recommended by the Indian national health service. We both came through it just fine, with no need of hospitalization in a couple of weeks. The trick for us was to hit it hard and early (while the virus was still mainly in the naso-pharynx and had not yet achieved sufficient viral load to infect the whole body), and keep up electolytes, zinc, and vitamins C and D particularly. We came through just fine at a time when the vast majority of people who were dying were in our specific demo.

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Not everyone was astute enough to see through the medical fraud!

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Hotez is the most offensive fascistic shill out there. He played the antisemitic card when referring to vaxx resistors. He's a freak.

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Fauci is a gnome and Hotez is a troll. The damage they have done is something out of a horror movie. How appropriate.

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They’re hideous and murderous.

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Emily, I havn't read your SS in a long time. I had vision problems with LC. It's starting to calm down nd I am starting to read more again. You too are a shining light for those of us who can think on our own.

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Speedy recovery!

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Oh gosh, don't put me in the same league as 2SG! I humbly thank you, Greg. My stacks are usually my brain droppings (™) - hat-tip to George Carlin.

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You do what you do, and I love it. Even reposting, sometimes I see your repost before I see the original. You are still spreading truth.

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I tried to post on Hotez’ Twitter feed since he hasn’t blocked me. Had fun till the ‘post’ button proved fake. Awww. I had fun:

Am concerned about fitness...where’s your health emphasis? (Did I miss it??). Diet, exercise, hydration, sleep—the discipline/important stuff. I wish I could get a vaccine to give me exercise so my thighs would not be so sore. Well, and so I could get a nutrition boost and then go for pizza. I like this: a triple booster for sleep, hike and superfoods while I sofa surf binging Netflix with popcorn. If only.

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Hotez is a nutter.

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Hotez crawled out of the earth (no offense to faeries, elves, gnomes, tomtens) to be an offensive tool for the medical mafia/pharmaceutical psychos. His signature bow ties are an attempt to inspire in us an important, distinguished, all knowing doctor of substance. Not working! Pay him no mind. He actually is an enemy of the people.

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Satan IS crafty.

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Lizard person for sure

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Yeah, most likely.

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Hotez is one of the C19 skumbags I never want to cross paths with ever.

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Well researched! The bio guys want RNA injections as the antidote for The GOF pathogens like the SARS II (Covid)enhanced and the Big Pharma guys want control of the choice of medicines prescribed to maximize their profitability! Dr. Malone today has called for the 6 billion dollar NAIAD run for almost 50 years by iron fisted Fauci to be dismantled. Bill Gates and DOD must be upset with that concept that would shut down all the bio labs around the world that they control. Can’t make any money if RNA injections disappear!

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This is no longer about Covid and it probably never was. It's about getting the mRNA into the masses.

Could this be a new way of making sure we get our vaccines whether we want them or not? Off the Grid with Doug & Stacy went too far in their videos against the narrative because they help people gain critical thinking and to become self sufficient from Government so they were demonetized. They put this out which my mother shared with me. So much seems hard to believe but it could be possible as they have been giving mRNA shots to pigs since 2018. https://youtu.be/oIzvyeyMktA?si=6VEn-qFxlqTWWD6I

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“the promotion of ivermectin for ‘vaccine injury’ puts lives at risk." How many years have passed? I call bullshit on the entire allopathic medical cartel. We all know that money can buy the best "peer reviewed" papers. I am pissed and I am taking off my velvet gloves and I am ready to educate these "misinformation defenders". Maybe I will get the chance to educate them directly by taking my iron fist and landing it in between their eyes for "maximum pounding of sense" into these people. I came down with Long Covid in May 2023 and continue to recover. Vaccine injury is sometimes very similar to Long Covid. I have never been attacked neurologically before in my life and I didn't know what was happening to me. I went to my Primary Doctor. She offered "something so I could sleep". No thank you. She also said "Sure, go see the ENT and offered to setup a CAT scan appointment. Two visits to the ER (about 1000.00 each visit) feeling like I was having a heart attack (troponin levels check coming in and before leaving, EKG done and no problems, chest Xray, nothing found). Discharge papers suggested seeing a cardiologist oh and "They can give me something so I can sleep." No thank you. Cardiologist EKG, Stress test and echo completed. Nothing wrong with my heart. So, I'm done with the finger pointing, gaslighting and pretending these issues do not exist. I'm living proof! My condition worsened and I ordered Ivermectin which I had in my posession when my Long Covid started, but I was too scared about the negative press from our beloved medical cartel. As my neurological condition continued to get worse, on Aug 20, 2023 I took my first .2mg / Kg dose. I felt some relief the first DAY. AFTER over 3 months, I felt relief ON THE FIRST DAY. Screw them. It's not our job to save them if they they are too brainwashed to believe "The CDC or FDA states.." Screw the CDC and the FDA. They have ZERO reputation left and my trust in them has completely evaporated. I am living proof that IVM works, and I am not afraid to say it. I still take IVM. It is a great preventative measure, but also, if I feel sickness coming on, my go to is to get out the povidone iodine nasal spray (which can be made real cheap from concentrate). I'm still not completely out of the woods yet with Long Covid, but I am in way better shape than I was in Aug 2023! I could barely walk 100 yards before getting exhausted. There is hope out there, but it doesn't come from a doctor prescribing oil based drugs which inherently is a known carcinogenic. Maybe some day these people will see the errors in their thinking? I won't hold my breath. All I know is if they are afraid to debate, they are useless sound bite regurgitators who I will never listen to, not back in 2021, and definitely not now. Thanks 2ndSGitW. What you do is priceless for those of us who think on our own.

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Thank you for this, 2SG. Much needed info. I posted it to Truth Social. I guess Elon still has a beef with substack (financial reasons? I don't know). Such a travesty on humanity - unfathomable. Thankfully, I can turn to the Holy Spirit for discernment - that's how I knew not to take the "shot," and warn others. Gut feeling = Holy Spirit. ♥️

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Reason, logic and common sense has been lost in the medical profession since the early 60's. It has turned into a medical mafia. They don't want you well, well people are not good customers. Well people don't fill hospitals and make drug companies rich.

At the age of 70 I was asked by a nurse practitioner what prescription drugs I was on. I told her NONE. She was shocked. Asked who my doctor was. I said I don't have one. Why? Because they are taught lies in medical school and pass them on to their patients. Garbage in garbage out. . I guess I am divergent. I read and stay ahead of the lies. Murder by Injection by Eustice Mullins was an eye opener for me in the 1980's.

Because even though I'm not a doctor, thank god, I have a skeptical nature that insists on answers to questions asked. I deep dive into subjects that are very diverse. I feel that my post called Toxicology vs Virology shows the obvious reason that they want us sick. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/toxicology-vs-virology

Hotez is a legend in his own mind. Talk about a walking talking person guided by miss information. He's the poster child.

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"At the age of 70 I was asked by a nurse practitioner what prescription drugs I was on. I told her NONE. She was shocked. Asked who my doctor was. I said I don't have one. Why? Because they are taught lies in medical school and pass them on to their patients. Garbage in garbage out." This statement is exactly what my 72 year old husband said to the dental hygienist as she asked him the same questions. He even told her I would rather go to a witch doctor who would give me better treatment...haha!!

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So at least there are two of us!

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Had a UK GP doctor person unable to believe that I hadn't visited a doctor's place in 20 years & was on no prescription drugs at the age of 66, the doctor person then started trying to force Statins on me 🤣

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And if they had a gun handy, they would have used it to force you. These people are so hung up on their ego's that it's a major issue with the way they act. "I know better, you're just an ordinary plebe." You haven't been to doctor school to have your brain addled with idiotic nonsense! Want to stay well? Stay away from doctors. Their MO is to make you sick so that they can pay the mortgage on the house they own that is 10 times the size it needs to be. The side effects of some of the drugs they prescribe even if for a small amount of people out of millions is deadly to everyone around them! https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-ssri-connection-to-suicides-spontaneous-2c0

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I periodically go on Twitter to boost posts linked from other sites, but it is limited. All of the usual suspects blathering about their fantasy reality limit comments to their friends, or will immediately block people who say things they don't want to hear. The few who don't usually get "ratioed", (when the mocking comments far out under the likes and re-tweets.) It can be quite amusing!

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The Politics > The Science

Unless it's on MSNBC or CNN or the NYT, liberals won't believe it.

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Everyone email this link to Baylor University which employs him. Suggest that if bad Hotez info causes someone to get the vaxx, who then gets injured by the shot, then when they sue Hotez they can add Baylor to the suit.

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The mofos sure knew what they were doing when they created "emergency powers."

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As far as Hotez is concerned, he's either VERY well bribed, or very well blackmailed. We know (I do) the powers that be, that do this. God is moving, have faith and have hope. The TRUTH shall set us all free. Godspeed, good sir.

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Very well bribed, very well blackmailed or very well THREATENED.

I have come to believe that many if not most of the powers that be, that sold their soul and can't get it back, are beyond acting on behalf of money or embarressment, but because they got the visit from the men in black.

If one is physically threatened, and even more, if one's family is physically threatened, how many of us could stand up to that?

Just my opinion, but I believe that is at the bottom of the control file.

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Hotez is a psychopath. A paid psychopath. Yes he will stick his fingers in his ears and stick his tongue out at you like a two year old that he is. He never was interested in facts. He never was interested in people's well being. He is there to bring about the elite's agenda. If and when he goes away another paid for psychopath will take his place.

However it is still good that Dr. David Gortler spoke out. The more people speak the better. Might wake up more and more people who can end this silent war we are in.

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He needs to go on trial , bring on Nuremberg 2.0!

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