People were warning of this ADE in 2020, too bad not enough people listened

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Now that the awareness is out there I wonder how our Substack Army could switch to organizing the resistance for peaceful action to stop the Democide. We could select and isolate a government branch in each country for peaceful protest simultaneously, while enacting a work stoppage or a large-scale boycott. Ten Substack writers working together could have an effect.

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The DOD is behind this ... that means the military CIA NSA anti terror etc... Of course they also have the MSM and your neighbours on side...

Resistance is Futile...

Buy some popcorn and watch the Shit Show play out.

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Unfortunately you're right we just have to do our best to adapt and survive whatever comes our way. In some of my communications challenging the government I referenced the borg from Star Trek and how they are trying to assimilate us. Catherine Mckenna was among people I have written to. She sent a tweet out not long after with respect to the green and "climate policies which stated "Resistance is futile 😉

It's true on climate. A majority of Canadians voted for a party last election that supported pricing pollution. Politicians underestimate the intelligence of voters at their peril." https://twitter.com/cathmckenna/status/1410050205559443457?lang=en

I'm glad "Climate Barbie" is no longer a public official and I don't have to hear her speak, but this illustrates the mentality of our elected officials-as in they will do whatever they want regardless of whether the populace supports them, it's a sound policy or whether it's an economically viable policy. So we must stay strong, resilient, and always remember no matter how down we get or how dark times may appears we're not alone and there still exists good like-minded and ethical people in the world-and whether be grace of God, ET'S, spirits, luck we'll fuck a way to stay standing once the dust settles.

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Dear God... Horrendous!! This will effect everyone vaccinated or not. In every way possible.! Societal Collapse!

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See Geert Vanden Bossche for details

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I work at an infants school in the UK.

A couple of years before covid they had nurses come in and squirt something up most of the kids noses, some sort of supposed anti flu vaccine.

Over the next couple of weeks most of the children were off sick.

Late November the nurses were back squirting their crap up the noses of infants, shorty after they start dropping like flies with strp A.

I wonder if any anti vax schools in the USA or elsewhere aren't getting problems with strep A?

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Thank you for this troubling information.

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Thank you 2nd.

The tip of the emerging iceberg gets more exposed yet again.

Never was a vaccine in our innocent understanding of that word.

I presume that if they were correctly labelled GENOJUICE folk would have been hesitant to get them?

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And this report came out before the most ominous recent finding of “tolerance.” Where the types of antibodies are flipped around due to the “vax”: IgG4 pre vax makes up about .04 percent of our antibodies. After the jabs (and boosters... and subsequent infections). the IgG4 antibodies have been found to make up from 4 percent to 40 percent of antibodies. Apparently, as time goes on, this percentage of IgG4 INCREASES.

IgG4 is an interesting antibody. It is only useful in “calming down” the other immune reactions when confronted with Non replicating ALLERGENS like peanut and pollen types. So the immune system basically learns to TOLERATE the NON-REPLICATING ALLERGEN to avoid a strong, persistent immune response. Uh oh.

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This means even the unvaccinated are screwed because we won’t have enough healthy people to keep the farms and ranches going, transport goods for distribution, produce the energy needed for transportation and electricity, etc., etc.

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All by design. The story is bigger than the vax

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January 19, 2023
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Check out The Dimming at geoengineeringwatch.org

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Cricket farms require low maintenance.

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But they will have to hire someone to clean up our vomit after we eat the crickets.

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This could be the summary report that causes a few governments to change their pronouncements. It probably depends on whether the "confidential documents" are released to the public. They wanted to make the world addicted to MRNA "solutions". That is where they will go now. Moderna is already doing that. They aren't turning off the MRNA, however, they are compounding the MRNA. That is how they have always done it in our healthcare factory. Pills prescribed to counter the iatrogenic effects of previous pills.

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The pharma complex has known about nasal 'vax' and Strep A for years...

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They are killing the compliant, thank goodness what remains are hardworking gun toting Christians. The type of people that fought and died for this country. We are the best part of civilization and we will survive and rebuild. I have to believe we will find a potion that can help the vaccinated, those willing to admit the truth, they made a terrible mistake. They will become less compliant and join in our effort to take our country back.

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We are all on the same team. Don’t judge the vaccinated too harshly. I was with my 80 yr. old dad & was convinced by a worker handling the sign up for shots, to check a few more boxes so I could get vaxed that day too. It was limited supply in the beginning so I felt kinda lucky. Everyone was searching for the vaccine and appointments were tough to find. Normally, I wouldn’t of dreamed of having an experimental anything enter my body. There was no list of side effects, no list of anything.

( that I remember) This was Feb. ‘20- early.

Remember that some vaxed are still the good guys. We are just as determined to find and fix this evil, corruption & save the America we love. God is with us & will help us fight this enemy. He has never lost a battle. Why do you think church wasn’t considered “ essential.” They ( the elite tyrants) KNOW our God is powerful. They haven’t seen anything yet. 😇💕🌈🇺🇸

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Regretfully killing billions = mass starvation as the supply chains collapse

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I’m the only unjabbed at my work and coincidentally the only one who has not been sick over the last year. And they have been very sick. Weird. Creeps me out like I hope I don’t catch anything from them. So I asked them to keep distance from me and they reply it’s streptococcus not Covid so what’s the big deal.

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The situation they created managed to reveal , on a global scale, their true identity : global drug dealers who offer to entire populations- free of charge, the govt will pay- the next shot, the boosters that will finally destroy you. This is a mafia structure, who corrupted govs worldwide, and the true, hideous face of the so called free market.

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At some point those who continue to inject themselves will not have the option to take a booster, they MUST take a booster in order to survive. But the booster only provides short term relief..... and makes their condition worse. A nasty downward spiral.

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"These eugenics poisons were always deliberately designed to kill the weak and weaken the strong."

Agree. It is a two part spectacle health wise. This is why our defence force personnel and athletes needed to be caught in the net.

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The dead piled like cordwood.

Mass extermination of humans is not a new thing.

When the Jews, and other undesirables were being executed en-mass in Germany most of the world denied it. When Pol-Pot, Stalin, Mao were executing millions nobody knew or cared.

This too will fade away as another unfortunate but unavoidable genocide. So sorry, too bad, now about that carbon tax you owe ...

Rwanda ... 😢

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You know why

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I know .. I know!


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This is all so stinkin' rotten that 🤬🤬🤬

How will the "sheep" ever fathom...

Pure EVIL!

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We have oil here in U.S. , a lot of it. And it’s been a huge cover up. There’s more renewable too. Like, it regenerates itself but the public isn’t aware. If you research long enough you will find this info. Unfortunately, it probably won’t matter because the powers in charge, won’t ever admit it. Just like climate change hoax.

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Ya that's why the drill miles beneath the sea ... steam oil out of sand ... and drill thousands of holes in the ground drop in bombs then suck up the dregs.

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