The breaking Crypto scandals reveal the intelligence community in the United States either creating or exploiting currencies to launder money and use it to pay conspirators to advance their agendas. It is not a stretch to assume that a lot of this money made its way to public health officials and influencers to promote the jabs.

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Our only hope is in God

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People or more correctly Sheeple will not believe that the VaXXX causes Sudden Unexplained Deaths until it is an Epidemic of Mass Proportions. Current Reality seems to be that Covid has run it's course and the Covid Vaxxx is declining in acceptance. Though "Flu" Vaxxxes have now Re-emerged after a 2 year absence as a source of concern amongst the herd.

Between Excess Deaths and Sterility the populace is being Reduced, but still may be Resistant to Wholesale Eradication as planned by NWO Psycopaths. War may be their only Option. If Not Prepared to try to survive, then you may as well go ahead and join the herd.

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Before the jabs, not one healthy child died of Covid.

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I've just been listening to Catherine Austin Fitts - several interviews. Vital info. Like this is all part of a larger depop life-shortening plan, which is part of . . . Here's one link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYaH63evjMg

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I posted a brief non-monetized video on bitchute called "RED PILLED 5.0 Nuremburg trials NOW!!"

It is my firm belief that the people need to forget about election fraud... It's just another distraction.

I also believe that if the American people are not agitating EVERY DAY for Nuremburg trials then they are not doing their patriotic duty. Try it... Say to someone every damn day... Nuremburg trials NOW!!

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Death to the masses has always been the plan.

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Wondering if mortality is higher among those with only one jab because perhaps they had a bad experience with the first and they are more vulnerable to complications.

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Elon Musk: The deployment of 5G satellites must be prohibited.

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