Let’s table the PSYOP-19 DEATHVAX™ since these experimental gene therapies never made it past animal trials, and for good reason, have no live attenuated or dead Covid virions in them, thus never qualifying as actual “vaccines” proper, and as such were never approved for human use, fraudulent EUA notwithstanding.
Instead, we may review the four major vaccines, and what precisely they actually achieved in terms of “public health:”
Several well-regarded doctors explained to me — off the record of course — that human lifespans have been greatly shortened as a direct result of all of these questionable injections.
The above six diseases were eradicated by sanitation, clean water, and improvements in hygiene, etc. well before any “vaccine” saved the day.
There are many studies that expose that even the flu “vaccine” is not only unnecessary, but actually dangerous (for e.g. a randomized controlled trial in children done in 2012 showed that flu shots increased fivefold the risk of acute respiratory infections caused by a group of noninfluenza viruses, including coronaviruses.)
Please think long and hard about the entire “vaccine” program, and do your due diligence. Especially now that the PSYOP-19 Depopulation and Control Great Reset One World Government eugenics program has accelerated. All made possible by the Rockefeller “health” and “medical” programs that kicked off all of this “Germ Theory” insanity.
Do NOT comply.
No one should be taking any vaccines, imho. They appear to be designed to make us sicker and less capable of prospering in this world. I have come to believe that the entire vaccine industry has developed as a means of depopulation, both by destroying our immune systems, by creating chronic conditions and by impairing fertility. The current clot shots just do a better job of killing people quickly. Now that the C-19 shots have been approved for ages 5 to 11, their addition to the childhood schedule is inevitable. The end.
one good thing that came out of PSYOP-19 DEATHVAX™ was that it made me look long and hard at what vaccines actually are, both historically and today.
I'm sorry for all the people that got killed and maimed in the last year and a half but if that didn't happen I would have blindly followed the "rules" and submitted my 6 months old baby boy to the usual vaccination calendar.
Knowing that billions of people had to pay the ultimate price just so that a few would see the truth strenghtens my resolve to never ever comply.