Sep 13, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I love your posts so much 2nd Smartest G force.

We are living in dangerous times, where truth is outright killed in the name of KILLING.

Keep shining, presh. You are appreciated. Never second guess your clarion calls. They are valuable now more than ever.

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All politicians are stooges. All of them.

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Nathan Rothschild

“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

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Woodrow Wilson was a douche bag. We will never forgive him. We'll leave that to God.

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I LOVE all your posts.....please, keep them coming....if you want to send more, please, do....I appreciate all you have to share....political, COVID, whatever....I know if you send it then it must be important enough for you to take the time to share.... also, big shout out for focusing on the current shit show that is Canada....

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Please don't call Canada a shit show. As a Canadian Patriot I find that extremely offensive. There are those of us that are trying hard to clean up the mess we are in. Before you take the stick out of my eyes , take the log out of your own.

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Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 13, 2022

I live here and that is how I feel......opinions are not wrong....I am one of those people, as well, that is helping clean up the mess that I resent I have to, at all....it's an expression and an accurate one...look around.....and if you are offended about that then we have a long way to go to clean up this mess....you should be offended with what's happening not someone expressing sadness, anger and frustration for what we are having to endure..... we are the laughing stock, people don't want to visit us anymore and Canadians are fleeing from Canada at an alarming rate.....but please, remember to stay free...https://betterdwelling.com/canadians-permanently-leaving-was-unusually-high-for-the-first-quarter/

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Agreed, I travel extensively and for the first time Inhave been embarrassed to be Canadian, especially being around other Canadians with their constant virtue signalling and their ignorance of what is happening. We are the laughing stock of the world.

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With all due respect. I really don't care what people think about me. I have been part of the freedom truckers against the draconian mandates. My cousin Tom Marazzo was also involved .Tap in his name and you will see for yourself. The fact is. I haven't left Canada. Canada has left me, and I'm fighting to get it back. However, it doesn't help when we desert the country. Instead we should be legally fighting to take the devil out of office. I am a free man and will fight to the death in order that my family is also free. The unfortunate thing is that we have too many sheep and not enough sheep dogs. This fall and winter is going to be worse. Justin Castro will bring back the mandates. My lovely wife and I have not had the killer jab nor will we. We lost family and friends for making such a decision. So be it. Let the cards fall where they may. It doesn't help matters when we call each other down. It separates us and that is what the communist dictator wants. I will not be a part of that. I and others will take our country back legally and without violence. We will win. Thank you for the post. Take care and all the best for you.

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Kudos to you and yours for having taken action. Our not-bright copycat truckers should've gone to the southern border if they wanted to do some good for the country, but that's our shame. As to those who do decide for whatever amount of time to leave troubled homelands, as David "Viva Frei" and family did (and their VISA is temporary), *you have to be in a place of freedom if you're going to get the word out, which he has been doing and can do even more broadly now.* In my own case, I didn't leave the USA. I moved to Florida.

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Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 13, 2022

I support the convoy, like Marazzo and appreciate that you are fighting...a lot of us are.....including me.... you were offended with a phrase that I and many people have used to describe Canada.....I am sure it was used many times in the Convoy.... anyway, I am not offended by your comments, moving forward....I respect your comment and I never called you down...please, go back and read the comments....I feel like it was the other way around....with that said...I believe in free speech and am glad you are here fighting for Canada....thank you, Marazzo, the Convoy and all the other fighters behind the scenes.... I was not fighting anyone, I was expressing.... hope we can communicate and exchange ideas, in the future.... I see you have a substack in the works and I wish you success...I am so happy you are in Canada and fighting with us.... I am not a sheep, I am a sheep dog.....please, stay in touch....we are more alike than different, it seems like.... :)

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We in Florida have already inherited Viva Frei (David) and his wife, cute kids, and sweet pets from Montreal. And when you say "Canada is a shit show," we know immediately what you mean: the politicians and woke-a-dopes have wrested control of your beautiful country. Can't stop the disease unless you diagnose it first. My beloved USA is a shit show as well, but it's on the mend, as your Canada will be!

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Thanks Phooey Generis, really appreciate your assessment, and extending a hand. Love Viva, love Americans, it's not a one-country problem, it's a worldwide issue, all countries are under controlled demolition in order to usher in worldwide control. The economy is like the vx, first create the problem, then offer a solution or rather just some bandaid.

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You are right--the Western world is under siege by Marxist (and other) dictators and sundry and assorted criminals. We will help each other prevail. Canada is our beloved neighbor to the north.

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At least the Americans have their second Amendment.

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The fascist regime is involving VISA and MASTERCARD and asking them to report certain dollar amounts spent at gun shops. Now a few people, and I hope not, might get burned un til this case goes to the Supreme Court, who will, as with other violations of our Constitution, shoot it down. Then those who were hurt will have a right of redress. Fighting evil can be exhausting!

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I LOVE Viva Frei....perfect analogy about diagnosing disease before stopping it..... I am hopeful we can survive....

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Viva is great and your both lucky to be in Florida

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It’s worse than you think. A true patriot would call it what it is. Canada no longer exists as a nation state in any substantive way.

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It exists as *Kanada, a WEF Klaus subsidiary.

You rocked it on sorting out this dude's WEF connections, btw.

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I live in the US and I feel the same about my country.

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This from Robert Malone's substack..today...... The financial news from Canada is pretty grim:

Real Estate Holdings Drop by Record $322 Billion in Canada

Bloomberg, Sept 12, 2022

Household net worth falls 6.1% amid interest-rate hikes

Canadian households experienced a decline of almost C$1 trillion ($775 billion) in net worth in the second quarter amid plunging prices for homes and stocks.

Canada Q2 household debt-to-income ratio widens to new record high

Sept 12 (Reuters) - The ratio of Canadian household debt-to-income widened to a record 181.7% in the second quarter from a downwardly revised 179.3% in the first quarter, Statistics Canada said on Monday.

National net worth rose by 0.2% in the second quarter to C$17.65 trillion ($13.58 trillion), while national net worth increased to C$455,401 on a per capita basis.


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It is worse....watch this.....if you can....it's worth it....confirms a lot...... Canada and the Conflict of Interest ........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH0Cd7ETges

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In Trudeau's post-modern Canada, ideological agendas come first. Communist in conception, government and media continue to pull the wool cap over the eyes of 38 million Canadians.


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The whole world is a shit-show. I wouldn't be offended.

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Canada is the worst I’ve visited. It’s like landing at zombie filled virtue signalling scolds convention. The media is so corrupted, the people can’t think critically and further proof our education system sucks.

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Sounds very much like the NE in US. It's nauseating. The combination of ignorance and confidence that New Englander's display - even now! - is astounding. They are so effing sure they are right and look down on anyone who steps outside the narrative. They won't take you on though, they'll smile and chuckle at how cute you are in your confused conspiracy. Really a version of hell in an otherwise lovely place to live. :-)

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Like. Everything you said is true.

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At least you have the Florida or Texas opruion.

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Between ArriveCan and digital ID, there will be no place to hide or run away...... Canada is a partner in WEF’s program to bring digital ID to travel ....... https://thecountersignal.com/canada-is-partner-in-wef-program-to-bring-digital-id-to-travel/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

I hope you come back to visit when this is all over....love to have you!

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I live in Ontario, but travel extensively. :)

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I believe this is happening with GG in Canada too. All of the former GG’s are on the Privy council. It was weird they took a long time to choose an indigenous woman who you think would oppose colonialism and reject representing the Queen.

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It is happening in every Western democracy. King Charles....Canada....Oz...I think

the war started years ago (asymmetrical , ie. not fought openly but with stealth) and I think what we are seeing are the final Mopping Up Operation.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Thank you for writing this. It illustrates your desire to learn and communicate the truth at all times. Many of us were fooled too, myself included. As you suggest, being adaptable during information warfare is a trait of wisdom. Your work is invaluable, so thank you for all you do.

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This is the first of this series I've read, so well done in correcting the misstep. It shows that you care about the subscribers, who place trust and importance in your writings and opinions.

The bigger value is that it illustrates even the best informed of us, is so thirsty for a true, honest and conservative "anything" (politician, reporter, pundit, etc.), we will grab at any promising looking straw.

The global left, uniparty, regime, media corps and more know this. Which explains the rise of the RINOs, the lukewarm conservatives on Fox, and now these political posers, who've learned (as have their backers), that all you need do is regurgitate conservative talking points, chapter and verse and you are in. This is the playbook for inserting controlled opposition, into our midst. Since they have unmasked the ultra leftist, it makes these posers look like constitutionalists, by comparison.

Add to that leading conservatives saying...we need to put a rep in office, even if they aren't the best...they are better than a dem. So now we are walking the "vote for Joe, because he is not Trump" path???

We must question everyone and everything, even those who have been allies in the past.

It's because we stopped questioning and either gave them a pass or were too busy watching obama-netflix (read being artfully distracted by the left), that we are in this mess now...globally.

Thanks for the very transparent reminder, that we ALL, need to wake the hell up and take responsibility, for where our collective and respective futures are headed.

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The Numbers Are In: Trump’s Tax Cuts Paid Off.

Many leaders, including John F. Kennedy who called for 30 percent tax cuts, and Ronald Reagan, believed in the power of lower tax rates. Note what happened when PresidentTrump took a lesson from history and slashed taxes during his administration! According to a June, 2022 study, this propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income and payroll taxes, and government now expects to bring in more tax revenue in the decade following the 2017 Trump tax uts than it had projected prior to the passage of tax reform. However, many of the Trump tax cut provisions are now set to expire over the next few years. You can read the study below:

The corporate tax reform propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income taxes and payroll taxes. Unfortunately, many of the provisions of the Trump tax cuts are set to expire over the next few years


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Does anyone ever ask who the 1st & 3rd Smartest Guy in the World is? Just curious. You produce great content, btw.

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Thank you very much...as usual posted to gab.

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Yes and thanks for follow up. I wanted to 'see' positive news and jumped on board. We're human.

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I’m not as optimistic as you.

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Hello Stella, Thank you for the prompt reply. Nothing that was said by me was directed to you personally. Please accept my apology if I came across that way. It is a gift to me that we met, and I hope that we will continue to keep in touch with one another. You are a shining light in a dark world. We are not alone. We have each other,and there are many of us.

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We expect from you, honesty and wisdom gained through experience, not impeccability. No complaints here.

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Shit happens. Especially when the world is full of it. When one considers your record, you're still aces. Maybe what Canada can use is a Project Veritas-type organization. You need embeds in all the right places. I still have hope that the good people of the Great White North will vanquish their enemies. Long live this 2nd Smartest Guy in the World. Love from the free state of Florida. I can't wait till the day comes when I get regular work (I'm being hurt by woke-a-dopes in my industry, but that will end) and can become, as I want to, a subscriber and $ contributor.

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Thanks, it came from a number of sources that I managed to piece together.

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Do you want a shout out if I do a post on this?

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Fantastic sub-stack btw refreshing seeing such well informed views. I’m unemployed right now due to refusing the jab at my consulting firm - so things are tight. Hopefully, I can soon

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It’s all yours! Where do you live?

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I live in small city in Eastern Ontario.

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I left out the part of him being worth 8 million after 10 years of parliamentary salary. His money seems to be mostly held up in his wife’s communication firm that works for the federal government. I’d love to see the post and the response.

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Good on ya. Appreciate you coming back with an addition to your earlier post. No one expects anyone to get everything right.

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One of my Subscribers signed up to be a paid subscriber to your Substack by mistake. She thought she was becoming a paid subscriber to my substack (I do not charge for my Substack) It appears she was reading one of your articles that I shared on my substack and thought she was donating to me. Is there anyway you can reverse the charges. I recommended that she call her credit card company but thought you might be able to help. I can send her name and email address privately. My email address is: karen.bracken@reagan.com

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