"US lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr exposes the obscene reason why Big Pharma are going after children. It’s all about liability indemnity. They know that they cannot market their highly dangerous Covid vaccines without the liability indemnity which they currently have through EUA. If the vaccines ever get official (non-emergency) authorisation Big Pharma would lose immunity protection and could be sued, and Kennedy has enough evidence to sue them into bankruptcy, unless they get it approved for children because all vaccines that are recommended for children automatically get liability protection across the board. " https://metatron.substack.com/p/21st-century-crimes-against-humanity/comments
Are we doomed? No need to answer...it's rhetorical.....
Respectfully, RFK Jr is only partially correct. Liability indemnity is important for now as it buys more time for the faster kill injections coming up, but MORE IMPORTANTLY is the sterilization/depopulation component that RFK Jr has not yet wrapped his mind around.
I carefully read his Fauci book, and noted many instances when he was simply unable to comprehend the full evil and make the final leaps to fully appreciate what kind of eugenics is being unleashed (ie democide as in the correct definition which seems to be missed often). His thinking on AIDS is a good example of lack of full comprehension, etc.
Yeah, and despite his book going up in the reading and selling rankings, Fauci's walking around happy-go-lucky and scot free, despite his ordering of Remdesivir to be massively administered. I was talking to someone yesterday who said the real pandemic isn't Covid, it's us.
not us, who do not comply, but those that sheepishly follow. If everyone had done like us and refuse the jabs, refuse to mask, refuse to stay put, what would they have done? They can arrest a few hundred, but if 300 million had sad no from the start, what would they have done? Nuke us?
Yes but that's not what she meant. The 'pandemic,' and not only that has exposed or brought to light deep flaws in the way we behave as a species. For example, why is it acceptable for corporations to eat like a cancer into the very fabric of society? During the 'pandemic' corporations made record profits yet the inflation figures are at an all-time high.
And you'd be very hard pressed to see noncompliance here, especially as the overwhelming majority are slavishly stuck on their phones and think there's nothing wrong. It beggars belief there aren't more accidents.
Sorry for the misunderstanding! You are right. smart phones will be the death of society. Not just those that blindly cross the street with them, but the fact they can trace you, even when they are not on. Computers make up part of our lives now. We cannot get rid of them anymore, because there are many things you can only do with computer now. So sad.
Everything needs to be big now. The corner store is put out of business, while big stores take over. Are there any privately owned stores left? I shop a t a Coop but even that is not really a mom and pop store like 50 years ago.
He is a good person and probably unable to understand how evil some people are. As to the liability, I thought even with approved vaccines that is very limited. I read that only one in 100 cases gets acknowledged, and then it still is unsure if they will get a payment - which does not bring your child or his or her health back. Vaccine should be considered like any medicine, and full reliability for what they cause.
Evil is hard to confront, especially at a distance, most tend to obfuscate and avoid it.
RFK is to be commended for his efforts, though the full story has yet to unfold. Peak Deaths from VaXXX estimated in 2025? We all are going to see much more than we want to see.
Yes, I read his book , as well....I agree...I wanted to post the liability part of the article so we can fully comprehend that part of it....but you are right, there are other issues....it's complicated....
The Great Die Off Begins....... "Let the Culling begin" Dr. Zelenko.
Nothing much more to add. We each one of us Individually is RESPONSIBLE for the condition we are in. If you took the VaXXX the roulette is spinning, but the greater reality is "Don't ask for Whom the Bell tolls". This Life is transitory, yet it is a testing of our wills, morals, and humanity.
When Wise Father Schwab told us that we "will own nothing" in the Great Reset, we didn't realize he was including our own bodies. Since he also told us we "will be happy"... I can't wait to see what he meant by that!
The ego but even more than that or equal to that this blind allegiance to the media and our government and their 3-letter agencies. When I was posting prolifically in 2020 through 2021 on Facebook a childhood friend of mine said “Myriam Biden is trying to save us!” 🙈🙉🙊
What is amazing to me, as well, is virtually no one wants to engage in ....other views? I am not thrusting anything down upon anyone; just throwing out data, for discussion. SHUT IT DOWN. That's not intelligence. That's downright immature...and childish.
and/or they are so wrapped up in life, and thinking their government "loves them", that they don't ask questions. Being married to a rocket scientist (or was before he died), I observed how to ASK QUESTIONS..and to question EVERYTHING.
I am optimistic you are wrong, that with time the evidence will become so profuse and personal that it will not be possible to ignore … I am not hoping for tragedy but only that inevitable tragedy will cause certain individuals to stop hiding and closing their eyes … a sad scene unfurling around
i hope you're right although it takes a lot. ask the many parents of vaccine injured children who are ignored and marginalized. although my friend is just back from the UK where he went for his mother's memorial service. she "suddenly" had a large inoperable mass in her brain with rapid onset motor neuron disease. went from absolutely fine to dead within 2 months. hmmmmm.
he is vaccinated and boosted. i told him i had my suspicions about his mother's death. he came over today and said i was right and he would not be taking any more shots. i'll count as a victory one convert at a time, although it's tragic that it took the death of his mother to get him to open his eyes
It is so encouraging to see alert people in other countries beginning to ask questions!! Please keep passing along these stories! The one from Norway was very powerful too!
"US lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr exposes the obscene reason why Big Pharma are going after children. It’s all about liability indemnity. They know that they cannot market their highly dangerous Covid vaccines without the liability indemnity which they currently have through EUA. If the vaccines ever get official (non-emergency) authorisation Big Pharma would lose immunity protection and could be sued, and Kennedy has enough evidence to sue them into bankruptcy, unless they get it approved for children because all vaccines that are recommended for children automatically get liability protection across the board. " https://metatron.substack.com/p/21st-century-crimes-against-humanity/comments
Are we doomed? No need to answer...it's rhetorical.....
Respectfully, RFK Jr is only partially correct. Liability indemnity is important for now as it buys more time for the faster kill injections coming up, but MORE IMPORTANTLY is the sterilization/depopulation component that RFK Jr has not yet wrapped his mind around.
I carefully read his Fauci book, and noted many instances when he was simply unable to comprehend the full evil and make the final leaps to fully appreciate what kind of eugenics is being unleashed (ie democide as in the correct definition which seems to be missed often). His thinking on AIDS is a good example of lack of full comprehension, etc.
Yeah, and despite his book going up in the reading and selling rankings, Fauci's walking around happy-go-lucky and scot free, despite his ordering of Remdesivir to be massively administered. I was talking to someone yesterday who said the real pandemic isn't Covid, it's us.
not us, who do not comply, but those that sheepishly follow. If everyone had done like us and refuse the jabs, refuse to mask, refuse to stay put, what would they have done? They can arrest a few hundred, but if 300 million had sad no from the start, what would they have done? Nuke us?
Yes but that's not what she meant. The 'pandemic,' and not only that has exposed or brought to light deep flaws in the way we behave as a species. For example, why is it acceptable for corporations to eat like a cancer into the very fabric of society? During the 'pandemic' corporations made record profits yet the inflation figures are at an all-time high.
And you'd be very hard pressed to see noncompliance here, especially as the overwhelming majority are slavishly stuck on their phones and think there's nothing wrong. It beggars belief there aren't more accidents.
Sorry for the misunderstanding! You are right. smart phones will be the death of society. Not just those that blindly cross the street with them, but the fact they can trace you, even when they are not on. Computers make up part of our lives now. We cannot get rid of them anymore, because there are many things you can only do with computer now. So sad.
Everything needs to be big now. The corner store is put out of business, while big stores take over. Are there any privately owned stores left? I shop a t a Coop but even that is not really a mom and pop store like 50 years ago.
He is a good person and probably unable to understand how evil some people are. As to the liability, I thought even with approved vaccines that is very limited. I read that only one in 100 cases gets acknowledged, and then it still is unsure if they will get a payment - which does not bring your child or his or her health back. Vaccine should be considered like any medicine, and full reliability for what they cause.
Evil is hard to confront, especially at a distance, most tend to obfuscate and avoid it.
RFK is to be commended for his efforts, though the full story has yet to unfold. Peak Deaths from VaXXX estimated in 2025? We all are going to see much more than we want to see.
Yes, I read his book , as well....I agree...I wanted to post the liability part of the article so we can fully comprehend that part of it....but you are right, there are other issues....it's complicated....
The Great Die Off Begins....... "Let the Culling begin" Dr. Zelenko.
Nothing much more to add. We each one of us Individually is RESPONSIBLE for the condition we are in. If you took the VaXXX the roulette is spinning, but the greater reality is "Don't ask for Whom the Bell tolls". This Life is transitory, yet it is a testing of our wills, morals, and humanity.
Choose wisely, never betray yourself.
If you haven’t seen this guy is brilliant. https://youtu.be/5V7-WZYLBbM
Watched that this morning on someone's Substack post. Funny guy!
I hope they do not Epstein him!
When Wise Father Schwab told us that we "will own nothing" in the Great Reset, we didn't realize he was including our own bodies. Since he also told us we "will be happy"... I can't wait to see what he meant by that!
but they're safe and effective
Safe & effective for the depopulation agenda. People will never think it was caused by the deadly shots.
you mean "some people" will never think. many of us have been thinking for quite a while now
The majority will not make the connection or deny it, is my experience.
yes. They do not critically think. I suspect it's because, in part, their ego is in the way.
The ego but even more than that or equal to that this blind allegiance to the media and our government and their 3-letter agencies. When I was posting prolifically in 2020 through 2021 on Facebook a childhood friend of mine said “Myriam Biden is trying to save us!” 🙈🙉🙊
What is amazing to me, as well, is virtually no one wants to engage in ....other views? I am not thrusting anything down upon anyone; just throwing out data, for discussion. SHUT IT DOWN. That's not intelligence. That's downright immature...and childish.
ohmygosh. The ignorance. It's astounding.
and/or they are so wrapped up in life, and thinking their government "loves them", that they don't ask questions. Being married to a rocket scientist (or was before he died), I observed how to ASK QUESTIONS..and to question EVERYTHING.
I am optimistic you are wrong, that with time the evidence will become so profuse and personal that it will not be possible to ignore … I am not hoping for tragedy but only that inevitable tragedy will cause certain individuals to stop hiding and closing their eyes … a sad scene unfurling around
i hope you're right although it takes a lot. ask the many parents of vaccine injured children who are ignored and marginalized. although my friend is just back from the UK where he went for his mother's memorial service. she "suddenly" had a large inoperable mass in her brain with rapid onset motor neuron disease. went from absolutely fine to dead within 2 months. hmmmmm.
he is vaccinated and boosted. i told him i had my suspicions about his mother's death. he came over today and said i was right and he would not be taking any more shots. i'll count as a victory one convert at a time, although it's tragic that it took the death of his mother to get him to open his eyes
UK Healthcare is pretty non-existent in places right now so even if you need help you can't get it.
People are waiting 24 hours to get into A & E.
It is so encouraging to see alert people in other countries beginning to ask questions!! Please keep passing along these stories! The one from Norway was very powerful too!
Disease enhancement. ADE.
Shhhhhh We’re not supposed to be aware of this.
Give Biden plenty of rope - he will hang himself!
the REAL one, or one of the several imposters?
Or trip over it
Can’t walk and chew gum simultaneously.