The nonstop warring between Israel and its various neighboring nations is now rapidly escalating, with the perennial boogeyman CIA-created state of Iran finally taking the bait and launching hundreds of ballistic missiles into Tel-Aviv.
Readers of this Substack appreciate that these recent escalations are due to what has been unequivocally proven to be a false flag event…
Basically, the current Israeli government and their installed puppet prime minister Netanyahu (the man who poisoned all of his people with the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” and has transformed his nation into Pfizer’s petri dish) are working on behalf of the NWO globopedos and the CIA; in fact, the CIA is running all sides of these unfortunate perpetual wars, with the Israeli citizens and their various neighbors being reduced to pawns in this grand geopolitical chessboard of permanent strife.
Also, Tehran has been embarrassed by Israel’s recent assassination of Hamas chief Haniyeh in Tehran, but they certainly appreciate that Israel’s response to this latest attack will be far worse for them…
This is all by design; in other words, this is a mass demoralization project with a senile pedo criminal puppet and his cackling prostitute puppet sidekick providing some of the more critical optics for the various ongoing mass fear programs that are casting trauma spells across humanity:
It sure appears that we are past the point of escalation now.
And in case anyone forgot that the other CIA creation and ultimate Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama was sending billions of dollars in cash on pallets to Iran, here is a taste of some of the more recent policies of the “Biden” administration:
No money that the government never really has (i.e. it is all theft via taxes) should ever be sent to any foreign nation, whether friend or “foe.”
Trump has chimed in, and in his defense, the Middle East was a far less less volatile region under his presidency:
The stock “market” is crashing just in time for the 1st of October, while oil and gold are unsurprisingly strongly bid.
And the reason for the CIA to usher in PSYOP-WW3 now is precisely because we are rapidly approaching the American presidential election which the radical left (that the CIA also runs) has little chance of stealing for a second time in a row.
Which means more bloodshed for not just Israel, but all of her neighboring nations because the neocons will not cede a scintilla of power; therefore, ever more death and destruction is on the table:
Funny how said Senior White House Officials were siphoning money and instituting favorable policies toward Iran for these last three and half years.
Another angle of these Iranian missiles raining down on Tel-Aviv:
There is now a decent chance that Russia will be dragged into this unfortunate regional conflict, which has been the greatest fever dream of these insane warmongers.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Essentially check ourselves to ensure we're not being emotionally drawn to a response. The fog of war is thick here, and looking back at what has come through as the truth after the initial events have occurred should tell you how to divine the truth, and not let fear guide you.
1) Iran is not our enemy
2) The second largest concentration of Jews in the middle east is Iran
3) This issue is due to Israel's support of Zionist settler class constantly attempting to expand her borders. And most recently the death of Hamas leader on Iranian territory
4) A war with Iran won't fair well. Iran isn't Iraq. Iran has friends. Friends with nuclear deterrents