PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE NEPOTISM UPDATE: John Kerry Declares War on US Farmers: Gov’t Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’
This Substack recently wrote about WEF puppet and Great Reset figurehead Klaus Schwab’s dilettante daughter, and how she was suddenly anointed an “expert” in the eternal lockdown scam:
This Substack has also exposed unelected One World Government eugenics henchman John Kerry, and his promotion of mass starvation and hyperinflation via their farming ban:
Now it is John Kerry’s daughter who has been promoted to unelected PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE and PSYOP-HEALTH “expert” status:
The unelected sociopathic Marxist war criminal to Doctor Kerry’s left is none other than Bill Gates’ puppet Director-General of the WHO. He is guilty of genocide in Ethiopia, and more grimly for his handiwork in promoting the DEATHVAX™.
One great big happy family of “do-gooder” busybody murderers: Doctor Kerry has been brought on to help the WHO continue their global depopulation scheme.
And if you have any doubts that these psychotics are hellbent on decarbonizing around 90% of all carbon based lifeforms:

C02 is in no way the control knob for weather.
CO2 is the gas of life.
At current levels of 420ppm (0.042% of the atmosphere), CO2 is critically too low; at under 250ppm all life on earth ceases to exist: these deranged eugenicist globalists know that full well, and that is precisely why they are terraforming and geoengineering earth.
They, and their offspring want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Well, it's just a bunch of farms. My food comes from the super market.
Gee, I hear tomatoes make an awful lot of C02....lets take over the tomato crops....and poor Heinz will have to go out of business....
oh well, gotta save the planet.
John EFFING Kerry needs to be deBANKED...along with his family.
Especially that daughter.