Agreed !!!

1. Do not comply

2. Go Fuck yourselves

3. Who in the F do you think you are?

Monkey 🙈 monkey 🙉 monkey 🙊

Take bill gates your self inflated egos

And don’t let the door hit you on the way out assholes.

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Sorry, I can't help it. Crude language (borrowed from the article, too), besides signaling disempowerment, always reminds me of an old joke:

A five-year-old is chasing pigeons on the playground, shouting at the top of his voice,

"Go and fuck yourselves!"

A nice, elderly lady totters up to the brat and says,

"Just tell the birdies nicely, 'shoo, shoo, birdies,' and you'll see that they will go and fuck themselves!'"

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Aussies are the best at expletives. It’s a cultural thing. We cant help it.

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Tedros and the other WHO clowns are fuckwits

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I often ponder if the plan.... and there IS a plan.... would be to install this maniac as the globalist head of the cabal. It sure seems like they are pushing the WHO as the top of the evil pyramid of power, and that means this psycho genocidist would be the head of everything. See the WHO treaty because this tells us all we need to know about how the globalists plan. Thoughts?

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Noooo, Tedros is Bill's plant. He ignored a couple of Cholera outbreaks in his home country when he was in public health there. Yes man for Bill. US is doing EVERYTHING to destroy China & getting close...China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, Turkey are setting u their OWN G-8 & may be just what the rest of us need to shake these Fascist B@stards off our backs (aka our leaders.)

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Jul 23, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

I agree wholeheartedly with you, 2nd Smartest Guy! To hell with all these slime balls and their totalitarian wet dreams. https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/who-pnosis?r=7f8gy&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I have always said that the "k" in monkeypox is silent.

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we are rushing out the vax for your mandated pleasure, please buy your toilet rolls before the lockdown commences

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Apparently Magoo ordered millions of monkey pox vaccs! And we paid for this garbage.

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im waiting for them to tell us they cant make enough of this new type of jab so they are going to produce the older version that has some nasty heart related side effects, although i wouldnt be surprised if the new type has some surprises of its own

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I already bought them.

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I will go APE shit if they lock us down.

They can go fuck themselves. I will not comply…..Again

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It's pretty clear now they really ARE trying to kill innocent and generally trusting people. When your Doc or other HCP encourages the injections, it IS hard to disobey as we've 'done as we're told' for so long believing these 'professionals' CARED about us and our lives.

Once one understands that the white coat crowd is now part of the enemy's front line, it changes everything; if you are trying to injure, disable or murder me, I will seek to defend myself and those I love.

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My thoughts exactly. I won’t queue up compliantly for the showers

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If his pronouncements were not so effective as we have had to witness this last two years, they would be laughable. True evil on display…it is up to us to defy. Our only way out of their grip.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Unfortunately, the present population of millennials and the generation or two before, worldwide, have not been trained in the scientific method and/or to critically think and analyze. Religiosity, though it can be a unifying factor, doesn't help people make good decisions on scientific or medical issues - as religiosity trains people to believe what's said or written rather than, like the scientific method or critical thinking - to gather data, hypothesize, test the hypotheses, retest as many times as necessary to finally decide what's true and what's not.

Sorry to say, but the average person on the street looks for which "story" to believe. And, mainstream media (MSM) which is owned or controlled by the super-rich sociopath oligarchs (deep staters here in US) all parrot the same story. Sooo manyyy times, I've talked to average people - who, when I say, "Don't just believe MSM, put on your thinking cap, analyze the CDC data and make your own conclusions" - To which many say words to the effect of, "Gee, every one of the 10 radio/TV/news outlets say the same thing. Are you telling me that ALL of them are lying?" So they wear masks, even though any virus is 10,000 times smaller than the KN95 mask holes - even though there are good studies (even on substack writer's sites) that show that masks are almost totally ineffective for viruses, such as coronaviruses.

Here on substack, we are preaching to the choir.. Think of ways to get to the bulk of people. What ideas are there for that?

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Watch GB News.

They are covering everything.

UK based channel

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Yea, normally advertising would be great - but if the topic is one labelled "disinformation", "misinformation", "conspiracy theory" to thwart topics like the C19 agenda or "climate change" agenda, then they likely will take your money and not allow you to advertise. One doesn't have to look any further than people disputing the J6 junta, Russiagate in 2016-8, etc. C19, monkey BS, climate BS -- I doubt MSM will allow advertising.

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The Epoch Times, back in 2020, letterboxed our street in NSW. I was impressed. Time to drop hard copies of Substack with the Substack logos cut off ( don’t want to incite any trouble) NIH bombs are good with the logos on. Time to start printing and letter boxing.

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Yea, sounds like a good start. But with all the "believers" in the MSM BS, with their eyes and ears glued to live MSM, they have the "air" of authority. Advertising that had the million doctors on C19 or 99.6% of all scientists that say human caused climate change is BS (actual number) with contact info and validation -- is what is needed!!

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The MSM is crumbling. People who were pro vax are uneasily doubting. Now is the time to tip the scales. The CDC & NIH are now experiencing shortages of top scientists due them leaving in a hurry, because of the extreme embarrassment of being seen there. Strike while the iron is hot!

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An international Fauci. He decides for the world. Bull. What dangerous crap.

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And we have given up. Our dovreignity to him? I say congress needs to wake the eff up

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I couldn't agree more; it's a rehearsal for the main show. Some kind of poisoning (chemical or electronic) will be implemented so that people in specific areas would show the same symptoms, imitating a "pandemic."

However, as Bill Gates promised and it's been coming from several other channels, "this time, it's going to be taken seriously." Are they going to turn on 60GHz on 5G antennas sporadically?

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Tyranny must be addressed at all levels.

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So what to do? I know put a condom over his head and see what happens.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Nope, not today.....

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If there is anything to worry about it is the live virus vaccines they are ramping up. Who (no pun intended) knows what is in them. I couldn’t find much on ingredients all they offer is the sore arm, fatigue after shot BS. Shocking to see people run out for FREE vaccines without having any clue of what is in them.

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I used to get all of the different vaccines recommended for global travel. I even was vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis before travelling to India. I did not get any of the COVID vaccines. Now, as a result of this global shit show, my trust in vaccines has effectively reached zero.

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Gitmo for all these pos

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Fuck them with a square, dry dildo!

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“The monkeypox virus can spread through contact with body fluids, sores or items such as clothing and bedding contaminated with the virus. It can also spread from person to person through respiratory droplets, typically in a close setting, according to the CDC.” This quote will ruin the lodging industry. ….contamiated bedding.

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I'm sorry, but those idiots who are still "following the science" and believing MSM's automaton-ic drivel and not doing any research on their own, who will readily mask up and go hide under their bed again deserve whatever's coming. I'm so sick of stupid people!

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