At 68, I am not at all sure how I would fare if faced with what has happened, if I were younger. It is crushing to hear that someone who really seemed to have it together, an exemplary personality, found it to be too much. I worry about my children and nieces and nephews and their friends, and the children of my cousins.

I am truly sorry for your loss of your friend. Please accept my condolences.

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Your testimony was very painful to read. It is something I struggle with very much.

Battle fatigue. Staring into the void, you become the void.

The difficulty with per capita numbers in the US is that the open border means that no one knows how big the population really is. The numbers are a mess. It's how they hide their crimes. They are hiding their crimes so very well everywhere in different ways. Something has captured our governments, our communities, our families. We have to decide what's important now.

My sincere condolences on your loss. This is devastating. We lost a fighter.

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Staring into the void for the last few years has been extremely painful - I agree. The Horror Show of realisation. Standing our ground. Losing so much. All our remaining delusions of life shattering. I hope you can find HOPE in the present moment as I have done. Swimming in the sea this morning at 6 am, riding my bike, reading Terry Pratchett, writing crazy short stories... whatever floats your boat. I have nothing left but I have found a real freedom in that. I hope that you can too.

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Well...it's a lot less lonely now than when I saw building 7 fall but I am getting really tired.

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I can only imagine the frustration felt by people who have been 'awake' a lot longer than I have. I am just very grateful that I came off anti depressants in January 2020 which enabled me to suddenly see everything very clearly - just in time for this latest manipulation plan. People are waking up - I do not know if it can make a real difference - part of me ignores it and disappears into my own simple life while I can - part of me watches in fascinated horror. But I am thankful I am not the only one to see it. Best wishes to you.

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A new generation of Warriors is rising friend. My eyes have only been open 3 years, but my AFFECT on others is palpable.

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Screaming into it helps :)

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We are fighting demonic forces. Around the world. There’s more to this than meets the eye, and if God’s people do not repent, this nation is done for. I look at these ‘rulers’ and what I see is not human.

If we, as the army of the Most High do not march on our knees, we will lose this battle.

But......Isaiah 40

“28 Have you not known? Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He does not faint or grow weary;

his understanding is unsearchable.

29 He gives power to the faint,

and to him who has no might he increases strength.

30 Even youths shall faint and be weary,

and young men shall fall exhausted;

31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

they shall run and not be weary;

they shall walk and not faint.

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you are able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the worldly forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 6:10-12

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Amen. Come, Lord Jesus, come.

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This is a huge problem that I wrote about a couple months ago. It's super important to be able to process this without getting down!


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This was wonderful thank you. I like screaming with my fellow Australians from developing countries and the former Soviet bloc. (OF COURSE governments are all murdering criminals wow - one would have to be a total moron to think otherwise).

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Glad you liked it! It's tough to stay sane but we can do it as long as we keep our sense of humor.

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I am so very sorry at the loss of your friend – my condolences.

My first reaction was that he was too good for this world.

Nevertheless, on reading so many comments relating similar tragedies or near misses, can I just suggest that sometimes all we are asked to do is nothing more than simply ‘hang on.’

Try and avoid overwhelm. No need to try and solve all of the world’s problems or any one other than that immediately in front of us.

Just hang on.

The wheel is always turning. Eventually, the rottenness will become unsustainable and sink, taking its originators with it. It always does.

The time will come when we will be needed. In the meantime, one day at a time, we honour your late friend and his peers.

Just hang on.

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My son recently overdosed and we don’t know if it was suicide or not. He’d attempted it before. We have to have hope. People are being crushed because it looks like the bad guys are winning and there’s no hope. Good always wins in the end. I’ve gone back to church and I find it surprisingly uplifting. Fasten your seat belts and pray.

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I weep for you. I weep for all those who have lost loved ones, friends. I weep for my nation. I weep for those who have lost hope, have lost their way. I feel that our sorrow could flood the world again. And I seem to be unable to stop the flow of my own tears. So I weep, not just for you and for the mother who lost her child, I weep with you.

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Very sorry to hear about your friend. The human stories from around the world in the last few years are heart breaking. During the 1st lockdown my son lived in a hostel (UK) - in the first 6 weeks there was a murder, a suicide and an accidental drug overdose. If I had adhered to the lockdown situation and not let him come and visit me whenever he wanted I am convinced he would have been another statistic.

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Many condolences on the loss of your friend.

Good on him that back when so few did, he stood up against the covidian tyranny.

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

There is a great deal of sadness and anger that is surfacing after the draconian measures the government forced upon us.

PTSD - the "p" stands for "post" as in after the fact.

During the plandemic, people were just trying to survive. Working, taking care of their families, trying to find needed groceries and household supplies, trying to keep their businesses open...

Now the realization of what happened, what the government tried to do to us, and the demonization of people who refused the covid death shots...is really taking its toll.

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It’s still very difficult to really process. It’s a gargantuan betrayal.

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Where have you been? Haven't seen you posting lately.

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I know someone who was a successful businessman, lots of money, who killed himself last month. He believed ever Democrat conspiracy, was vaxxed multiple times, wore two masks, insisted that others wear masks. Watched CNN all day. He and his wife both tested positive for COVID a couple of weeks before he killed himself and during that time CNN finally admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real and not ‘Russian Disinformation’.

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

sorry to learn of the loss of your friend, all the more tragic since he was a freedom fighter. may his memory be a blessing to you.

it is also shocking to see such an increase in suicides among black people, a demographic where suicide has traditionally been rare. this is what happens to every population in cities under siege.

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You can’t reach these people infected by the woke compassionate narcissist mind virus. They are the true “walking dead”. They willfully ignore anything that challenges their agenda to bring about the work utopia. If you’re against it, they want you destroyed and don’t care how it’s done. The educated stupid people are the useful idiots they need for this revolution, since they are the most brainwashed.

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Neo-paganism is their new religion....

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not work utopia, but woke utopia

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Profoundly beautiful Words to live by "This system is designed to kill you, IF you let it.

Stay strong. Good always defeats evil."

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My sincere condolences - words help, a bit, grief is sacred in itself requiring honour.

To demystify the land of "the good" I offer a glimpse into personal experience of being a good person, helping others before and instead of helping myself - A passage from current memoir writing - possibly helpful to see inside some of our culture's toxic ideology believed to be admirable:

Quietly putting myself last on an imagined list that would allow me to live my own life - while staying within the parameters of patiently waiting for permission to live my own life - has been a devastating strategy in direct opposition to creating a full, satisfying, self-expressed life. Who knew? According to the multitude of everyday common ideologies persistent in culture, pleasing others ranks in the top ten of high ideals. Society holds these selfless souls in high esteem, touting their behaviour as key to living a fulfilled life. Examined more closely, recent understanding has revealed self-sacrificing acts dominating a person’s life are key to the presence of disease, addiction and suffering, often rooted in early childhood trauma. A bid for self-worth done awry. (See Dr. Gabor Mate; author of “When the Body Says No” 2004 / Dr. Besell Van der Kolke author of “The Body Keeps The Score” 2014 / Dr Richard C. Schwartz founder of Internal Family Systems and author of “No Bad Parts” 2021 / “Introduction to Internal Family Systems” 2023.)

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The rise in suicides is so tragic. Countless lives were upended and destroyed because of the response to COVID, and yet no apologies or reflection upon what was done to us by the perpetrators. It's made worse by our opportunistic government overlords taking advantage of the situation to further their selfish agendas, completely ignoring their own culpability to the situation. In Vermont, they used the increased suicide statistics from 2020 and '21 , most certainly caused by the lockdowns, mandates, loss of jobs, stability and personal interaction to push through gun control in the name of "suicide prevention". It's unbelievably sinister and disingenuous. The vultures were always waiting in the wings to pick us apart at the most convenient opportunity. The whole situation is sickeningly sad. So sorry for your loss.

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Your Friend sounds like a really, really Good Person. I wish I could have such a big heart and be as strong. Inspirational. TY for sharing.

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All this makes me so fucking angry that sometimes I think I can't handle it. And they KNEW that this would happen -- they just didn't care.

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I think it's most important to remember we are Children of a Loving God, and who is the source of all truth. I can testify (that means I'm a witness) of the pure love of Jesus Christ. There are NO words to encapsulate it. It will change your life once you've experienced it. And it will give you courage and strength to withstand anything that can be thrown against you. The best you can do is to share that love with others. Show them the way to a better way. Not screaming.

I testify.

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Not one of these "suicides" will be on the VAERS data as bad side effect of the jab

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