Yeah, how many people are now going to refuse the flu/shingles etc. jabs, mRNA or not?

And how many are going to think twice before allowing their kids to get the insane no. of jabs in the US Schedule?

And how many are now going to look into 'alternative' therapies for cancer, and other chronic diseases?

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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023

Folks let's make sure that big pharmas biggest bankruptcy nightmare comes true, use super cheap repurposed drugs like Ivermectin and Fenbendazole for all viruses and cancers. Let us use products that actually work. No more half assed half baked poisons of big pharma!

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I have been swing trading in the market since 1986... and I have been short selling woke companies for the past few years, and PFE which is Pfizer, I have been short selling since the stock was in the $50 per share. Paypal PYPL was my biggest short selling winner of the past 3 years. Going from over $300 per share down to the $50s We absolutely have crushed Paypal. We did it to Disney, Target, and Budweiser too. It is the best feeling in the world. And now Pfizer, it's days are over.

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Put those Criminals out of business. Permanently.

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I hope Pfizer does go bankrupt. Same with the rest of big pharma!

As for cancers, some doctors are saying they are parasitic, which might explain the success of ivermectin and fenbendazole. (video above)

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Bankruptcy...brought to you by Pfizer

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Best news I've heard all year!

All we need now is the CORRUPT World Health Organisation has collapsed and no longer exists to try and exterminate our FREEDOM.

Gates has already stated "Wait and see how they deal with the next virus. It will get their attention".

It's almost as if he's kept in the loop with Gain of Function experiments, previously called BIO-WEAPON technology!

The problem is, older people have historically learned to trust the authorities, particularly health professionals. It's difficult to change their mindset.

I have an aunt who is approaching 101 this month. I've told her of my suspicions but I have to back off from giving her gory and frightening statistics. I'm sure her other relatives are ignorant of reality.

Agreed! There is no Vax hesitancy - just injection savvy! We've all seen and witnessed the carnage caused by USELESS but DEADLY injections they pretend are 'VACCINES'. The public just woke up!

The CDC and many other government organisations revel in the SCARE PORN they use to justify the VAX CULL because it provides revenue from Big Pharma who sponsor and finance the dis-organisation!

They’re financially backed by Big Pharma and the murderers like Pfizer, that make the useless but deadly injections they pretend are VACCINES!

All medics hide from their complicit responsibility for killing thousands by claiming ignorance and simply complying with the Great Reset of the New World Order = the ‘Elite’ of the World Economic Forum who have specified depopulation. For those that avoided the injections, SLAVERY is intended!

Gone is the Doctor’s Hippocratic Oath and his/her promise to “DO NO HARM”.

They now obey the system by conspiring to commit mass-murder!

Doctors stopped obtaining ‘INFORMED CONSENT’ from those that were considering an injection for flu or the man-enhanced viral illness called Covid.

It was counterproductive to suggest anything could go wrong with DEADLY INJECTIONS called VACCINES!

Doctors wouldn’t have dared to notify patients that injection manufacturers like Pfizer accepted ZERO LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS CAUSED BY THEIR useless jabs! The process is far to lucrative.

We have learned a lot since the deceit within the medical fraternity became clear when Covid was launched to create a market for a highly profitable injection that can KILL!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Only 4mm Americans took the booster in September which is about 1.3% uptake … I’m guessing it will be double that in October then a tiny trickle through the rest of the year. The thing was only available at the very end of September and the stated goal was to always have it by Halloween (to help out with the zombie costume) … in any case that could put tital uptake at 5%! And certainly not as high as 10 ... it seems people are taking note!

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Good to hear...maybe they pull some others down with them.

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If corporations are considered people, I guess they can die like a person. Die Phizer, Die Moderna. Not soon enough for the many who are maimed and dead from their poisons.

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NO injections for me and my family. No jab and strangely, no one in my family got covid! I am thrilled at the prospect of IVM/FEN in the war against cancer. We don't have cancer in our family but we do have arthritis. Is it possible that you could highlight people that are successfully using it to mitigate their arthritis. I do not have access to a "thinking" doctor or anyone that could help me with the proper dosage. I have the IVM and want to rid myself go this dreadful plague! Thank you for your continued and important Substack. It will change lives!!

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I volunteer to be deputized to hunt down evildoers who sought to Depopulate Society. As long as I can earn as I go, sign me up NOW. My children are raised. My time as a miniature electronics developer are behind me for now until APEC is officially ended, there isn't a lot for me to do lately so, I AM READY TO GO HUNTING.

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Death on sale. Later, for nothing for those who wait until they're mandated. Just take it people, before we run out of food, electricity, air, weather, chemtrails, 5G, and other ways we've been trying to kill you.

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Did somebody say Pfizer Pfraud?

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Lost a friend in 2022 December. HIPPA rules make it difficult to know if the fatal Fauci protocol with incentives did him in! Took 29 days! Everyone should note that all recommended drugs were patent protected and high priced and any other low-cost drugs and etc. were DISCREDITED! Fraud from A to Z. Criminal! They all belong in jail for manipulating medical research for profit and not good health!

When medical research is manipulated and distorted to gain FDA approval, it should be deemed a criminal offense because people die!

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