My first thought when I heard she died--VAXXED! But heck, that's my first thought when anybody dies nowadays...

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We must NOT comply to anymore of this nonsense!

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Hey 2ndSG, here's an unbelievably based post for you:


I see that Draghi of Italy is trying to resign. BoJo is gone. I wonder how many other G7 leaders are about to flee the sinking ship (Macron may be next, he has the Uber scandal to contend with and he's lost control of France it seems).

The idea is simple: befuddle the masses by getting rid of potential scapegoats for past crimes, then continue the agenda with another puppet (the Bob Moran cartoon recently demonstrated it beautifully):


BTW, I have been following JR Nyquist for a while now. I read your post and watched the videos you recently posted. I've digested what he said and while I think he is partially correct, his notion that "it's communism stupid" is so simplistic at its core, it's not correct. For sure, collectivism is the key driver of NWO policies (the John Birch Society knew this in the 50s), but the idea that every globalist/oligarch on the planet is secretly servicing global Communism is laughable.

A great example is George Soros. Poor George is obviously not winning right now, his oligarchical faction is getting their butts kicked by the oligarchs that are pro-CCP, hence his recent rants against the CCP.

Another good example is the oligarchs that backed Trump. They are ultra-Zionist, but I think they still care about America, to an extent. They clearly aren't "Communists" and they clearly aren't on board with the NWO/WEF/UN/CCP oligarchs either.

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I have never liked politicians as they do not represent the people anymore. I will say life was better under trump. However I was a bellman in aspen for 8 years and Donald jr had a ton of luggage . That clown gave me 2 dollars ! For a suite checkin that probably cost a 1000 a night!

I guess it was better than Alicia keys on Christmas in Aspen.

Two full bell carts with suitcases to our residence club . I set up humidifiers in three rooms and it took an hour for the check in . Zero for me, I did get a thank you. I’m very glad the scamdemic hit cause it got me out of tipped jobs. I’m in security making the best fiat bs of my life now lol.

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I wish they would do an autopsy.

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Wow. I would have thought she would have gotten saline- or would have known better than to get it at all.

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I figured it was the jab. She lives in NYC and you couldn’t do anything without a vax passport. The majority over 65 in NY and many places have got the initial shots early on. The question is how many boosters. Did she have a 4t shot recently?

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First thing that came to my mind as well. She lived in NYC. She was most likely "fully vaccinated" and "boosted."

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When the contract was signed with Pfizer (under Obama), I am sure it stipulated that all Senior government and Executive Branch members had to support the vaccines. This is fairly obvious given how devious they have been about the whole thing. This was planned long ago (was in the 2012 Olympic Opening Games even). Trump sped it up, probably so they would be exposed.

Not saying He won't stand before the LORD for lying, but God puts men in power for His purposes (Daniel 4:17- KJV) and we are at War with the deep state and other rogue players around the world that want us all dead.

No one (except children of evil parents) have been forced. Thankfully most parents have wised up.

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I would have figured she is connected enough to know better than to take the death jab. Surely she didn't take that poison.....

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So sads

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

Henceforth the reason country leaders are resigning. World order control.

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Conspiracy theories?


😂 😃 😄 😁 🤣 😸 ?

Safe and effective 👍 👌 😂 😃 😄 😁 🤣 😸

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Operation Warp speed? I was wondering how long it was going to take for someone to blame the toxic vaccines on Donald Trump who thought he was getting advice from professional healthcare practitioners. Who know Fauci was a corrupt and greed snake?

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I read she had a bad hip.... She fell down the steps.

Perhaps it was vax related.... however I believe it is too early to know .

Jumping to conclusions doesn't help the credibility of SAD events that are clearly linked to vax.

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