I plan on staying out of the way behind boarded up windows. Those people wanted me dead after trying to save their lives for years and I don't owe them anything. I'll emerge later to help rebuild. Edit: I'm in Australia if that provides any context.

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Having our food supply fucked with is going to be a problem. That looks to be next. Decentralizing seems important. Oh yeah, become ungovernable, Do Not Comply and make yourself hard to kill.

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I hope he's right - in terms of how close we are to that major break in the spell. I'm not sure on finding a 'leader' in the usual sense. Why would we? Leaders emerge naturally in communities, but the notion of following anyone, will likely be undermined along with the notion of experts and we move forward. Better to, imo, address individual agency and sovereignty within local communities. Remind others of who they are, what they gave a way, and that the road back is not impossible. What can we do, practical steps, like a garden, like a local trading post, to thrive in the midst of societal collapse?

Grounded, nature inclusive, humanity-values will need to be front and center. At least for me.

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With the SNL head-fake, they’re totally setting up Pfizer for the pfall.

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My inclination is to stay away from “on the street” rallies, demonstrations, etc because govt/left subversives can too easily exploit them for their own purposes.

Suggest using better coordination between the leaders of “peaceful resistance” groups on substack, for example, to seek widespread public support for vital objectives, that have been focused narrowly enough for most PR group leaders to be willing to promote them with their followers.

Massive, well-timed "public opinion pressure" is about the only way to fix the judicial branch of our govt, as there are still judges that know right from wrong, but they won't stand up to their corrupt leaders without strong public support (currently being hidden by MSM).

Honest public opinion would then be assessed by some variant of the Jeff Childers’ “multiplier approach”, where people vote with any size donation ending in “2” for example.

Thoughts, better ideas?

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

"Importantly, if those waking up are not provided with something to hold on to, some direction and resources to address their concerns, given some hope…then we risk many people giving in to rage and despair with potentially calamitous results for society. There will be some of that no matter what, but we have an opportunity to mitigate against that and help alchemize that energy into something positive at a mass scale, just as we all did individually."

Sounds like someone trying to give these criminals a soft landing by controlling people's reactions. If there is no rage and these people are not held to violent account for the violence they inflicted and are still inflicting on billions of us........ They will simply do it again and again and again until one of these times they might just win. We need uncontrollable anger and we need it now.

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Woody Harrelson's dad spent his life in jail for the murder of a federal judge. A crime Woody claimed was ordered by the CIA.

He starts by saying "I'm purple". The symbol of the occultism ruling elite, because it represents illusion..

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It's nice to see someone has some hope for humanity and the future. I'm not sure that I see that Awakening but then I'm not the expert. Thank you for writing this!

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While I'm a conservative by nature, I am now fully behind the idea of radical change. This is most apparent to me in the fields of education, medicine, and forcing the genie of government back into it's original bottle. Education is first on my list because it's from our flawed perception that academic degrees equal intelligence that has allowed the worst thinkers to be elevated to a position of authority. The amount of damage this has caused is incalculable. The first victim is common sense based on common principles. Once this is broached things go downhill quickly.

Education for the majority of people is needed to gain employment and become productive members of society. It should enable us to feed ourselves and nurture healthy families which would then allow us to build strong communities and ultimately a robust economy and society. Today, education has become a breeding ground for destructive thinking, dehumanizing behavior devoid of rational thought much less gaining any skillset that benefit the individual let alone anyone else.

Critical thinking and analysis is out the window. How to think has been replaced with what to think. Education has become indoctrination by the worst thinkers who in many cases would be unable to hold any job outside the walls of academia.

Unless and until we re-imagine the mission and methods of education we will never be able to solve the other vexing problems we face. Personally I would invest in more community colleges focused on good paying jobs and eliminate funding for most liberal colleges. We need to get back on track before more of our youth are poisoned physically, mentally and spiritually with worthless degrees in gender studies, multi-culturalism, black studies, etc.

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Bailiwick News , Katherine Watts substack is to me the most important and inspirational reading that I do.

She has shown that big Pharma is just a front for the DoD and WHO. They will simply re-brand Pharma and continue their agenda unless we go the root of corruption.

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Fenbendazole. This is in the what-to-do category if you’ve been injected and want to prevent cancer. The first Case Report is a definitive Moderna mRNA two-shot induced carcinoma that was eradicated by fenbendazole...no other treatments were given! Did you know that the population of India routinely uses fenbendazole and has 1/3 the rate of cancer as the US? Now it is sudden death, soon, very soon, it will be longer, painful, suffering death. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, kidney, lung, melanoma, bladder it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are leukemia and renal.

Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions, just spreading the word. Please. Be their hero.

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Wish it was true, but unfortunately nothing has changed the rigged system: freemasons keep forging dollars and Euros and keep buying media, corporations, politicians, etc.

Conspiracy litmus test

How was it possible that mainstream media in different countries would cover news with the same scripted template, being the only difference the inclusion of local comments from the same pre-approved pool each time. How was it possible that all dissident scientific and medical voices were ignored and censored?

When there’s no money trail/profits, what else than freemasonry could explain precise coordination in 100+ countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services)?:

• Why did the freemason President of France and freemason Fauci fund gain-of-function in Wuhan, supposedly being China THE enemy?

• Considering they control almost all listed corporations, they lost trillions with the lockdowns (they don’t care, they forge money).

• Unlike previous PLANdemics, it wasn't about selling billion$ of snake oil to governments, but about shoving it through your veins. This was most obvious with child and pregnancy haccination:

15 Feb 2022. Christofer Cole, FDA Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative: “The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies.... so they pay us hundreds of millions dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their product.” “If they can get every person required to get an annual vaccine that is a recurring return of money going into their company.”1

The PLANdemic wasn’t about the rich getting richer but about a global power grab. Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power, especially, where there was no money trail. Why else do they need to be a secret society?

The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.

If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind while there's no democracy when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).

WARNING ! The next threats and the solution:


I'm about to post something, you'll find nowhere else.

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If people wake up to the reality that there IS NO VIRUS, then it all ends.

The NWO global control system MELTS AWAY.

No virus -> no tests -> no vaccines -> no vaxx passports/IDs -> no need for WHO "pandemic treaty" -> no NWO



Ask anyone to provide proof that the covid-19 virus exists that does not rely on mixing human swab samples with monkey kidney cells, bovine fetal fluid, and antibiotics.

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Pamela Popper, is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine and health; and the founder and Executive Director of Wellness Forum Health. She is the co-founder of Make Americans Free Again (MAFA), a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating medical tyranny, restoring freedom to Americans, and rebuilding our country. She would be excellent in coordinating this great awakening because she is already doing it. Here is her pdf on "Make Americans Free Again" https://makeamericansfreeagain.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Why-Join-Make-Americans-Free-Again-1.pdf

Join today. Build a better future with us.

www.makeamericansfreeagain.com 614 841 7700

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yyyyep! We got this. I've been a community advisor since 2020, and operated a business automation and next-gen marketing firm. I'm helping communities "Schwab-Proof" their nation.

Decentralization and self-governance. Our guild is called the nation builders. My substack goes into more details.

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I lay out my ideas here, and there's a lot of overlap!


One of problems with ‘online’ movements is that they’re, well, online. A group of 100,000 people may be a large one online, but when these people attempt to make real-world change, they tend to find they are actually quite spread out. This is something we discovered during the Ron Paul years, and something that Bernie supporters faced during his election runs.

So goal #1 in moving a movement from online into meatspace is finding meatsuits in your area. It sounds simple, but without this step nothing else matters. Connecting with like-minded people in person not only grows the support network, it’s also incredibly cathartic after a couple years of being forced apart and bullied by our peers!

Some people are doing networking like this as we speak. Robert Malone is constantly running around giving talks and meeting with local groups, as is Steve Kirsch. But it’s time we all made a concerted effort to ‘take the next step’ and form real-life bonds with those in (or out of!) our area.

The form this will take is likely to be different for everybody, because everybody has different circles. Some of you may find allies in church or your already-existing monkeysphere. Maybe you can dust off the contacts of those old Ron Paul buddies. Perhaps you play beer league softball or are in a pool league or sewing circle or a million other groups that give humans a reason to gather.

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