The more I hear about the horrific absurdity happening in Canada. The more I wondering what is happening here. As a Canadian, I am appalled by the evil that is happening.

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God help us all. My worst fears come to life. Thymectomy during heart surgery will pale in the face of them killing babies in need of heart surgery, harvesting all of their organs. This is breaking my heart 😭💔

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Where is the outrage of the church and religious condemnation on this evil?

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The reason I write this is to tell people that they need to create and have access to a support team, and advocates, and speak out their spiritual beliefs - in favour of Life. Decide right now - do you believe in MAID or not. Because I can see the tactics of doctors getting you alone and feigning mercy, when you are at your weakest, all to satisfy a death and ‘body organ lust’. Pressure tactics to manipulate your permission, to end life, have been developed and honed.

I had a lesson and test on how much i valued life back in 2018 when my late husband was hospitalized due to heart issues, plus ALS, and was put on breathing apparatus. We were encouraged to end his life. All the doctors were onboard - Esp the younger docs who must have been trained by BigPharma to use their Godlike discernment to evaluate the quality and worthiness of life. i understood their perspective, he was going to die anyhow, but I could not pull the plug, on his life. Fortunately i had his large family to stand with me and helped guide me. Early on, During a ‘small’ midday meeting that was just to ‘update the immediates’, expecting only me, they brought 8 doctors and admin people - who were to their surprise received by me plus 15 family members, there to support him and his life. Their End of Life agenda was foiled as they exited, while all taking notes and more notes. After the meeting , we were treated well and Of course he died eventually. But at least he died a fighter who fought for his life that was a gift from God.

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When the “human race” reaches this point - the point of no return - that they are willing to kill babies and young children for their organs .. then one has to question, at one time barely conceivable (excuse the pun) Are there poor families and mothers who are prepared to “breed for the kill” and how are they rewarded .. no different to “puppy mills” The horror of it is that l find myself so numbed that l would now believe anything .. which in real terms means .. that “normalising” atrocities no longer carries the weight of criminal conviction!

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This would be consistent with the persistent reports of organ harvesting in the Ukraine, the WEF's crackhouse.

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I will be 81 yrs old this march 12th. amd with being 80 there are of course certain health issues that come into ones life at that age. Fortunately small ones , However, regardless of these health conditions I know our Canadian leader and tyrant, Justin Castro wants me dead. MAID is a government murder weapon and age doesn't matter. I watched my best friend die, Steven Phelps from turbo cancer, and two others from the same thing. The Bio Weapon killed them. Babies have been murdered both inside and outside of the mother since the Bio Weapon was introduced to the world population, and unfortunately, it will continue . MAID is another horrendous move by our government to step up on the harvesting of baby organs. It is not the gun that is responsible for the death, but the individual that holds it. Justin Castro and his army of murders are responsible , as are some of the men and women.

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WHO is it that are getting all these transplants?

How long will the human body retain the transplanted organ?

I understand its 10 years, along with tons of immune suppressing drugs that mess with body functions anyhow...

Is this true anyone?

What is the ultimate purpose of all this organ harvesting?


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do unto others.... time for Dr, Roy to be harvested and not gently

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May I repost this on my WP blog? I've been blogging on "brain death" (a lie) and organ harvesting since 2011?

If not that's ok, I can just use some excerpts.


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Unfortunately body parts come at a huge premium and some unethical morticians and physicians think harvesting is profitable and morally correct. Where is the conscience???

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In the US they're doing Post Birth Abortions - let that sink in, an abortion after the baby has already been born - off the scale of evil & you just know they'll be carving that little soul up for as much dirty cash as they can get while the childs stupid mother gets nothing.

I'm pretty sure there are US states that will pay to fly you in & put you up in a hotel so you can have an abortion if your home state doesn't allow it & it's the same for gender reassignment surgery.

Under that queer (his wife just left him) Chinese agent, Canada has become an utter cess-pit of a place to even start discussing atrocities like this, as if MAID wasn't bad enough already.

I feel if humanity is going to allow this to become the norm world wide, it may be better to just Nuke the whole planet because we'll of all become demons as well for standing by & allowing this to continue.

This is classic BAAL or Moloch worship, feeding babies to demons, it's one of the original evil Babylonian religions & is back in a revised form with a vengeance.

God was outraged by this & warned the Jews to cease the practice immediately or beget his wrath.

It spread all throughout the middle east & beyond & the seafaring Phoenicians (they were later known as 'Venetians) spread it out throughout the Mediterranean - In Ibiza they still have well visited shrines to Tannit, another child killer.

The ppl behind this have been around for a very long time & are still worshiping & making sacrifice to those old Gods, especially children to Moloch, BAAL is also often compared to Satan.

See the 1914 Italian b&w masterpiece 'Cabiria' that explicitly depicts High Priests throwing young children into the flames of the mouth of Moloch

This scene was also heavily 'borrowed' in Fritz Langs epic 'Metropolis', which also contains themes of the Occult & Witch Craft - complete with Pentagrams on the wall & Soul Theft using technology - it's all there if you know where to look


Children are beloved of God, his heart must breaking & he must be ashamed & disappointed with the rest of us for allowing this to be done to our little ones

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Obvious way out of this horror is: More Horror.

Run the numbers, see exactly how much this or that foetus/corpse is worth as body parts for transplant or "research "..

Then demand half at least. Try for 90%.

Simultaneously encourage govt crackdown on incoming body parts, entire corpses and other marketable human flesh .. slaves and so on from Ukraine, Gaza & Texas.

Then only aborting women and suicidal citizens can cash in.

This should put an end to "donating body parts" in case of death becuz some medical health entity sez it's "the right thing to do" or somesuch flapdoodle..

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I am so glad you are covering this atrocity and bringing it to the forefront.

God has shown us mercy and grace far too many times but with this going on, how much longer is He going to put up with this?

His wrath is coming to the sons of disobedience and those involved will feel His wrath if they don’t stop and repent of their evil deeds!

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Also canadian. Fuck I hate this country. I mean I hate all of them. I’m also an Italian citizen and trust me, Italy’s got problems too. All governments are just organized crime syndicates, it’s all the same shit. This is getting scarier and scarier, though. Even though we all probably have nanotech and crap changing our DNA and graphene etc. in our blood whether vaccinated or not (they are putting that shit in everything), standing against it and just simply having made the choice to REFUSE it and NOT COMPLY is, on a philosophical level, worth so much. It speaks volumes. It’s a powerful statement that encapsulates everything that’s going on. And I can sleep at night knowing I said, NO.

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Of course people are tired..............tired of the insanity and sewage. Even with all the division I'd say we can reach agreement on the issue!

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