Jun 14, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This is the most stunning of all off the frightening, jaw-dropping pieces I've read, and I've been reading Substacks since last Fall!

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

You know something, we all live in our own bubble to some extent. For this information here to be ignored by the vaxxers tells me another interesting trait of the mRNA nano particles and human manipulated and inserted proteins in the spike: it renders these bubbles impenetrable, and gives a self-satisfied sense of virtue to all injected.

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I saw something on Twitter - I didn't save it. But it alluded to those critical thinking areas of the brain being taken out with targeted nanoparticle. I can't help but feel that people are not what they were before. There is something very "Stepford" wife about them.

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But the injected weren’t CRITICALLY THINKING to begin with to have fallen for it in the first place IMO

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Critical thinking has been over run by Mass Formation Psychosis. Fear. Ego.

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Also, wonder if its true that since the brain has many miles long capillaries that the spike proteins have damaged the endothelial walls of them and lead to less brain power perhaps bc of less blood flow?? Kinda like numbing the brain some maybe. Dr. Suchrit Bhakti said ppl have become more docile after the vaxes. JMHO. Its all insane!!

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Yup. ^^^

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Especially with the lockdowns and majority of people working from home and didn’t go anywhere for 15 months. All those trespassing homeless zombies from two years ago are still alive and coming on to my properties at work! Very thankful to have gotten into security!

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I didn't stay home. I went out. Without anything on my face. I hypothesized I got this virus and now have super immunity.

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Seeing recent video, strange things in autopsies, whatever it is MUST be interfering with ability for brain to work efficiently ( mike Adams was a guest host on info wars a few days ago.) & if the nano lipid particulars have been being used for years to deliver medicine to the brain, “ they” knew it DOES cross the blood brain barrier and placenta. I even used useless google to look up nano lipid particles in medicine, numerous studies and used in many treatments the past ten or more years.

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You are so right! And if they pushed the vax, the truth of what they have done would be akin to mansla——. Maybe they couldn’t live with that. Still, they ARE complicit. The answer is in finding what will it take to penetrate those bubbles!

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Plus, they themselves took the jab and maybe too difficult to consider their own health has been compromised too!!!!

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That definitely seems to be the case.

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It blows the mind they can still keep this scam going. This will eventually crash the whole medical system guaranteed! Plan accordingly and get extra prepped now before it’s too late.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

If you need to hire a professional copy editor, please hit me up. Four+ decades in the book business, freelancing now and have been for a while. It's getting vicious out there. Punishment abounds for those who are awake and aware.

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Yep, same shit I'm hearing from former associates. The eye cancer thing is really weird. Early in my career I ran a pharmacy in a medical building with 17 eye doctors. You should have seen my Rx ophthalmic section, I had everything ever made! That was back when the detail men would give you actual real product, in my case a couple or more of them, just so they could tell the 9 eye doctors they had appointments that day with "the pharmacist , Ed, downstairs, has it in stock!" Eye or "orbital" cancers were very rare, very very rare.

2SG, great job, and Dr. Kory is one of our heroes.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Traffic deaths are way up over 2019, too:

2020 saw 10% fewer miles driven (lockdown) but 6.8% more deaths than 2019; it works out to +19% more deaths per mile driven.

For comparison, 2019 was DOWN 1.3% total deaths & DOWN 2% deaths-per-mile compared to 2018 (which was also lower in both stats compared to 2017).

Since 2020 was not a normal year for miles driven, I compared 2021 to 2019; total deaths are up 10% and deaths-per-mile up 18%. 2022 only had good data through May (as of when I went looking a couple weeks ago), but total deaths were also up 18% over the same period (through May) in 2019. I don't have a comparison of miles driven.

I don't know how often a car fatality is looked at for, say, a stroke or heart attack causing a driver to make a mistake or lose control. But blood clots look to me like the most reasonable cause for such a sudden & dramatic rise in traffic fatalities.

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Jun 14, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Thank you for sharing Dr. Kory’s substack post. I appreciate that you share other posts as I can’t possibly subscribe and read all that I want to because I do have a life that needs to be lived. I’ve been distrustful of Pharma even before COVID, so this whole fiasco has only cemented my previous beliefs. My sister is a nurse and she has refused the jab and was lucky to receive a religious exemption from her university hospital system. I think only because she always refused the flu shot so that she had a record of not wanting injections. She recently finally came down with Covid her first time after working in the system for the past 2 years. She got over it fast and is back to work where there are staff shortages due to all the vaccinated staff having Covid. She says she talks with doctors all the time who definitely suffer from disassociation.

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I’m grateful that she speaks out.

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Now THIS is what I've been waiting for. The inside scoop. BEST article!

I asked a continuing education teacher whether he's heard anyone in our field of chiropractic discuss the increased risk of stroke and what it means for our profession who already has the perception that adjustments can cause a stroke. I'm hesitant to adjust anyone's neck who's had the jab (fortunately/unfortunately, I'm hardly working these days and have only had to do it once or twice, very gently and specifically). He replied that my query was the first he's heard of it, and that he did know a doc who's getting sued after his patient had a stroke 2 WEEKS post-adjustment. I suggested the doc's attorney should bring up the connection and attempt to discover whether patient had the jabs.

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I knew. I knew in my fucking gut that these motherfuckers were lying about the “fact” that only the unvaccinated were the ones dying in hospitals. This is beyond insanity. I have an uncle who is a very successful gastroenterologist - he sent out a group email to my family basically calling anyone who doesn’t get the clotshot a fucking retard - the browbeating and arrogance - related, Meredith Miller did an interview with Reiner Fullmich about the psychological techniques, and warfare surrounding C-19 messaging. It’s scary but it has a lot of explanatory power re: what people are calling “Mass Formation Psychosis” - I always like you Dr. Cory can you remind me of bosses that I used to have when I was in the bartending business. Here’s a link. https://youtu.be/8mDPKG5Yv-k

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THIS was not surprising. I knew early on to avoid that jab. Just wow. THANK GOD for these nurses and their bravery.

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WOW. So scary. I'm nervous for my adult children who were led like sheep.

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Once they cannot hide the injuries and deaths they will crash the stock market and economic collaspe will escalate.

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30 y/o Daughter is an RN in a state univ hospital. Refuses to discuss the vax other than she herself said it would be worth getting GuiillanBarr syndrome vs getting covid when these death drops first came out. As a momma I cry just reading all this; I wish she wouldn’t be so brainwashed and do something else where she isn’t forced to be jabbed. But she still has student loan debt and has just lived in an alternate world of existence, instead of facing the rotten truth. So many prayers…..

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

Send her this. I’m sending it to at least 2 of the nurses in my fam. It never occurred to me that perhaps the reason they were so gung ho was because they honestly had “seen with their own eyes that this was a pandemic if the unvaxxed”. Well, yeah, if “unknown” is translated to “unvaxxed”, I can see how they’d be gung ho.

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Thank you for everything you are doing Dr Kory, you are amazing and it is greatly appreciated by thousands upon thousands of people across the globe.

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Thank you for your relentless pursuit of the truth concerning these experimental gene “therapies”. I am astounded by the medical community’s ability to totally ignore the shell-game being played. It’s difficult to grasp that so many have lost (or perhaps never had?) any kind of moral compass. Their priorities are so skewed as to be (truly) within the realm of “high absurdity”….. I’m speaking as someone who has legitimately observed this phenomenon: my husband is a physician as is my daughter.

Sigh…truly mind boggling …although I should temper my statement on morality. I do know many who are excellent physicians (husband and daughter included) but am at a loss to explain their positions especially now that so much information has been unveiled.

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Hopefully one day this will be over, like a bad dream.

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First thing ive read that makes me feel like they cant keep this covered up. It has to come out if half of this is true. Right??!!

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Ah. The worst part is the line that says no one is connecting the dots. . . you have to Want to see the truth. Most do not / cannot . . . the cog dis is real. :.(

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& Stockholm syndrome!

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This. Is. Frightening. I have to think an evil entity is behind this. There is no other explanation to me of the horror going on virtually under our noses that is destroying lives. Something has truly possessed so many humans. I have seen it in my own family. Shunning and turning their backs on me. It’s scary and sinister. I will not comply. I am grateful every morning I don’t have this poison in me. But then worry about my family who does. It’s the perfect plan by true evil. I may not suffer from the jab but will still experience untold suffering and grief at losses certainly ahead. Unlike those who don’t believe what’s happening I KNOW THE TRUTH. and can’t do anything about it concerning my family. God is my only refuge now—and brave people like you Doctor. Thank you. My job #1 now is to stay out of system docs offices and hospitals. I see a functional medicine doc. I feel safe there. None of her staff is jabbed and there is a fabulous NP on staff. Hang in dr Kory—you are doing God’s Work.

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