I saw somewhere (hope it's not true) that the NYC Department of Education said it would ignore this ruling and continue with its vile requirements. If that is true, and they get away with it, it is an open admission that NYC has become openly a totalitarian dictatorship of a corrupt mayor and unaccountable bureaucrats.

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Or why we escaped nyc...

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Still trying to figure out how to do it. But there are so many here who will never have that option. As long as I'm still here, I'll keep fighting.

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Just read an article that says almost that, except it is the NY State Department of Education that intends to ignore this judge and continue the mask mandates. The Governor says she has the responsibility to protect NY citizens, and thus she will ignore ruling also.

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Omg! Even worse! It's like Michigan, where the Michigan Supreme Court unequivocally struck down Whitmore's unconstitutional and illegal mandates and she and the agencies just kept doing it...and tragically, so many people in Michigan just blindly went along. Will New Yorkers rise up against this? If past is prologue, I'm not hopeful.

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NYC residents will mindlessly comply with masking, etc.

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Then the judge can shut them down for contempt of court. As a general rule, judges really don't appreciate having their rulings flouted, or feet stomped on.

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Please God, I hope so!

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Shouldn’t the judge arrest Hochul for contempt of court? I’m sure he would be hailed as a hero if he did.

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It turns out that NY has a convoluted naming convention for its judges. Their "Supreme Court" judges are at the bottom of the hierarchy. Like, 1 level above dogcatcher.

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Yeah, I know. I used to work for the Kings County Supreme Court and had to explain to people constantly that it wasn't the state appeals court. Still, they are judges and contempt of court is contempt of court. At the very least, she should be cited and fined.

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Works for me! 😁

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A definitive shut down :-)

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I don't miss that dumpster fire one bit.

I hope they continue to alienate their tax base and sink into the fucking Hudson for future generations to excavate.

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