As someone with strong ties to the inner cities of NYC, and as such the minority communities, and as someone who also happens to have a background in economics, I found this documentary absolutely fascinating.
The firing of Roland Fryer exposes the Cult run CogDis world of academia, and as such the indoctrinated attitudes of those that were groomed for positions of power. This is not just about black people, it is about using all colors and races to perpetuate mental slavery for all. The skin color is irrelevant, only the social security identifier counts.
Rolan Fryer focused on a demographic close to his heart, and exposed actual truths which went against the control program, and for that he was cancelled and excommunicated.
From a sole demographic that has especially strong attitudes toward education, the government, the uptake of the DEATHVAX™, etc. we can extrapolate much.
The system demands compliance, especially from those that it falsely claims to protect and uphold above others. This is how divide and conquer works on the micro to the macro levels.
From public education to ivy league education, the same indoctrination principles apply.
“He was not a domesticated negro.” Do NOT be a domesticated Death Cultist.
Rolan Fryer rejected the Soft Porn of Black Pain.
Tuskegee and PSYOP-19 rhyme: Reject the Soft Porn of Medical Tyranny and Covid Fear Porn.
He thought outside the imposed societal-corporate parameters. Think outside the MSM/Gov/Corp propagandizing operations.
The above may seem like false equivalence, but it is anything but; all of these psyop operations flow in and out of each other, from manufactured CIA drug running crack cocaine epidemics and prison sentencing schemes to viral non-pandemics.
The only way out of this technofascism is to come together and collectively turn our backs on this deadly system, and embrace free market economics.
“The truth is enough.” Except, when you go against the system you’re a “rapist”, “antivaxxer”, “science denier”, “rascist”, “domestic terrorist”, and so on and so forth.
Must see:
Great video. "they're willing to enforce these ideological codes even if it means sacrificing the future of those boys and those girls." Given what we know of the plandemic, I wonder if sacrificing the future of those boys and girls is the entire point.
Take down all elitists that thinks they are superior to all of us.
Start from scratch and bring back the nuclear family. Do away with all the planned parenthood shit that eugenics installed and let people be people and decide their lives for themselves without handouts from evildoers that does not have a soul but stamps us, We the people as cockroaches.
All the things elitism has invented turns to shit and is to gain for the few.