What a journey, I have spent my life thinking vaccines were generally benign and not harmful to our health then 3 years ago my first doubts in vaccines emerged. From the beginning I knew I would not take the covid injections but separated them from our 'usual vaccines'. I have now arrived at the point where I reject all vaccines, when investigating their history and some very flawed science and untrustworthy scientists it screams we are being manipulated and told stories of the myths on our 'life saving' vaccines. I think even the few honest and diligent scientists have been sucked into the same story telling not realising that the foundations are rotten.
The way they vilified "anti-vaxxers" in the past was the beginning of my personal research. I tentatively concluded that nothing good can come from anything injected into the human body which is labeled as "preventative medicine."
I feel as if I have been fast asleep for most of my life with regards vaccines. I was lazy and did not do any research and on top of that I was completely unaware of the vaccine fanaticism. The vilification of people who chose not to be injected during covid finally alerted me that something was very wrong. I wish I had been more observant and admire anyone who before covid did not just blindly believe as I did.
I went down this same road. So glad it happened early enough that I didn’t make the mistake of taking covid shots. I am grateful for this decision every single day. So very grateful.
Yes, a journey. Years ago (30) I read a book about a veterinary who was mad at Big Pharma for having the vets put on a religion of vaccinating every pet that moved. He noticed that with years the weaker ones developped the very thing they were vaccinated against. He stated that most diseases pets now have did not even exist before, now they are widespread. That started me off with vaccines... I had heard that the fybromyalgia site members - thus cases- had more than doubled in my province shortly after the rollout of H1N1 jab campain. I was skeptical from the start.
I hear if friends spending small fortunes on their vet bills. I never recalled this when I was younger. What a “gravy train” those evil b**t**ds have developed. More people need to WAKE UP for us to fight this madness! I try to tell some folks but they think Im just a “conspiracy theorists nut”... the evil b**t**ds are winning.
Vets peddle commercial pet food which causes cancer, allergies, and whole host of other ailments. Then they push dangerous vaccinations. All of this drives vet bills, by design.
Purina and other dog food corps literally sponsor vets and hospitals like Blue Pearl.
We humans too are getting bad processed food that without some healthy foods regularly leads to health issues. Surely the vets should come clean with this but hardly anyone seems to want to do so. With the massive obesity seen around, I have wondered if something in foods are responsible more than just overeating or bad food choices or sitting at a computer all day not getting exercise??? Sure, those contribute but it just doesn’t make sense. So much doesn’t make sense anymore though!!
You said it right, a gravy boat. if vets tell you not to feed your pets table food: do it (unless you eat glow-in-the-dark food for yourself to start with). LOL!
Several years ago I took my ailing 17 year old cat to the vet. A substitute vet was in for the day and insisted my cat get a rabies shot. She was on her last leg and had to be euthanized shortly after. All in the name of a few bucks for his shift.
-that is funny (in a bad way) and probably true analysis of the plethora of dog and cat vaccines these days. (and the boosters, the 1960's research said vaccines had to create a "lasting" immune response to be called a vaccine...)
I have joked with people during the whole saga, "these novel Mrna covid products are not fit to put into my cattle" Indeed the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) here in Australia would never have approved such a product for use in animals / and or would have taken the usual 10 years to go through the regulatory process for experimental products.
I could be mistaken, but some European countries have banned Mrna use in cattle... for the time being.( due to some bad outcomes in a dairy cattle disease)
DC from australia
(lower case, because we are less of a jurisdiction than before)
Bad for cows, good enough for humans!! Thumbs up to the APVMA authority! where did I see a video where they did a study on 100 cows injected with the cov shot and 12 died? I know the proportion but I'm not sure for the country... Was it Australia or New Zealand?.... Anyways, as we see it now happening and passed under the rug, many zoo animals around the world who have received the cov shots are "dying suddenly" :-(
Good grief... If you see it for the other perspective, if the vaccines do that to animals (as a known fact - injected in the legs instead), why do they give them to children?? Oh but they're not the same?????
I pray that more people start the journey of being enlightened about the malfeasance of the pharmaceutical industry's history of vaxxes and the horrific harm they have participated in through the forcing of these toxic substances into any and all people and animals. The Greek root word for pharmacy is sorcery/witchcraft... and true to that, they have been responsible for forcing their black magic control over the population for far too long!
It is heartening that in the midst of the atrocities of the past few years the alarm bells are going of in more people to reconsider and do the work necessary to hopefully reverse their control and change the course of history in this matter.
I have to wonder if the fraud of traditional vaccines was about to be exposed thanks to Pub Med, and thus they needed a new scam in mRNA vaccines, or they'd go broke.
Then again, is it a surprise given that the SAME EXACT ILK orchestrated 9-11, the Boston Bombing, every other major shooting/bombing hoax, Lahaina, etc.?
Death and killing delights them, it's among their sacraments. Others are moral depravity (aka Porn), broken godly nuclear family units, gender mutilations, homosexuality, pedophelia, etc., etc., etc.
No wonder this will pass, the hearts are already weakened from the jabs. Strange the heart is mentionned here: Luke 21:26-36 26 Men's hearts will fail them for fear and for looking upon those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
This story is just written to distract people from the real daily threats we live under, everybody knows that climate change causes heart attacks. SIDS and SADS are racially motivated spontaneous events that have materialized out of thin air, that’s the science.
Also remember that eating the same as the native North Americans of the plains did that made them the tallest and healthiest specimens of humanity alive on the planet at that time i.e. meat, meat and more meat is also very detrimental to health according to your local fat, wheezing, coughing, chain smoking, cream cake scoffing, vegetarian doctor or nurse.
I also have a neighbor that was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in late 2022 after 3 covid shots. Her doctor told her that it was from a virus. I tried to talk to her about the covid shots. She told me she does what her doctor says. I know she's had more covid shots.
When the polio "epidemic" happened in the late 40's early 50's I was a very young child and my dad and grandfather were Shriners. In order for crippled children to be treated at a Shrine hospital they had to be sponsored by a Shriner. My father told me that the common denominator was every child admitted with polio had been vaccinated for polio. Needless to say no one in our family were vaxed for anything and none of us suffered from things like autism or diabetes, or anything really.
Premeditated mass murder. Depopulation agenda at work. To label valid research as "conspiracy theory" was the smoothest move ever taken by the CIA. Most people will ignore until it hits them.
Is there a study available on the Pfizer vaccine? I had to get the vax for work (healthcare) and I had a heart attack in May. I was given list of causes from most likely to least likely by my cardiologist. I’m fortunate that tests showed no damage or blockages to my heart and it’s pumping normally. I consider myself lucky. However, I’m trying to put together data on the Pfizer vax and heart attacks. I’ve seen a lot on the Moderna vax but nothing on Pfizer.
ALL vaccines are UNsafe - none are safe or effective. 'Turtles All the Way Down' a powerful book that confirms this. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil ...
I'd take a shot of Black Tar Heroin before I would allow an MRNA potion injected into my body. Their so called vaccine is doing just what it was designed to do......... KILL, KILL, KILL!!!!! "Safe and Effective," safe for big pharma as they can't be sued and effective in that it does what it's supposed to do - MURDER.
Dr Thomas McKeowan: The Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage or Nemesis? (Princeton Univesity Press, 1979) - author contends that nutritional, environmental and behavioural changes have been and will be more important than specific medical measures, especially clinical or "curative" measures...
The research-based vaccine-sceptical literature is now enormous, see e.g. Ian Sinclair: Vaccination: The Hidden Facts (1992) - it seems impossible to obtain a hard copy, try instead
What a journey, I have spent my life thinking vaccines were generally benign and not harmful to our health then 3 years ago my first doubts in vaccines emerged. From the beginning I knew I would not take the covid injections but separated them from our 'usual vaccines'. I have now arrived at the point where I reject all vaccines, when investigating their history and some very flawed science and untrustworthy scientists it screams we are being manipulated and told stories of the myths on our 'life saving' vaccines. I think even the few honest and diligent scientists have been sucked into the same story telling not realising that the foundations are rotten.
The way they vilified "anti-vaxxers" in the past was the beginning of my personal research. I tentatively concluded that nothing good can come from anything injected into the human body which is labeled as "preventative medicine."
"Turtles All the Way Down" confirmed it.
I feel as if I have been fast asleep for most of my life with regards vaccines. I was lazy and did not do any research and on top of that I was completely unaware of the vaccine fanaticism. The vilification of people who chose not to be injected during covid finally alerted me that something was very wrong. I wish I had been more observant and admire anyone who before covid did not just blindly believe as I did.
I went down this same road. So glad it happened early enough that I didn’t make the mistake of taking covid shots. I am grateful for this decision every single day. So very grateful.
Yes, a journey. Years ago (30) I read a book about a veterinary who was mad at Big Pharma for having the vets put on a religion of vaccinating every pet that moved. He noticed that with years the weaker ones developped the very thing they were vaccinated against. He stated that most diseases pets now have did not even exist before, now they are widespread. That started me off with vaccines... I had heard that the fybromyalgia site members - thus cases- had more than doubled in my province shortly after the rollout of H1N1 jab campain. I was skeptical from the start.
I hear if friends spending small fortunes on their vet bills. I never recalled this when I was younger. What a “gravy train” those evil b**t**ds have developed. More people need to WAKE UP for us to fight this madness! I try to tell some folks but they think Im just a “conspiracy theorists nut”... the evil b**t**ds are winning.
Vets peddle commercial pet food which causes cancer, allergies, and whole host of other ailments. Then they push dangerous vaccinations. All of this drives vet bills, by design.
Purina and other dog food corps literally sponsor vets and hospitals like Blue Pearl.
We humans too are getting bad processed food that without some healthy foods regularly leads to health issues. Surely the vets should come clean with this but hardly anyone seems to want to do so. With the massive obesity seen around, I have wondered if something in foods are responsible more than just overeating or bad food choices or sitting at a computer all day not getting exercise??? Sure, those contribute but it just doesn’t make sense. So much doesn’t make sense anymore though!!
You said it right, a gravy boat. if vets tell you not to feed your pets table food: do it (unless you eat glow-in-the-dark food for yourself to start with). LOL!
Several years ago I took my ailing 17 year old cat to the vet. A substitute vet was in for the day and insisted my cat get a rabies shot. She was on her last leg and had to be euthanized shortly after. All in the name of a few bucks for his shift.
-that is funny (in a bad way) and probably true analysis of the plethora of dog and cat vaccines these days. (and the boosters, the 1960's research said vaccines had to create a "lasting" immune response to be called a vaccine...)
I have joked with people during the whole saga, "these novel Mrna covid products are not fit to put into my cattle" Indeed the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) here in Australia would never have approved such a product for use in animals / and or would have taken the usual 10 years to go through the regulatory process for experimental products.
I could be mistaken, but some European countries have banned Mrna use in cattle... for the time being.( due to some bad outcomes in a dairy cattle disease)
DC from australia
(lower case, because we are less of a jurisdiction than before)
Bad for cows, good enough for humans!! Thumbs up to the APVMA authority! where did I see a video where they did a study on 100 cows injected with the cov shot and 12 died? I know the proportion but I'm not sure for the country... Was it Australia or New Zealand?.... Anyways, as we see it now happening and passed under the rug, many zoo animals around the world who have received the cov shots are "dying suddenly" :-(
Good grief... If you see it for the other perspective, if the vaccines do that to animals (as a known fact - injected in the legs instead), why do they give them to children?? Oh but they're not the same?????
Couldn’t agree more
Bookmark this.
I pray that more people start the journey of being enlightened about the malfeasance of the pharmaceutical industry's history of vaxxes and the horrific harm they have participated in through the forcing of these toxic substances into any and all people and animals. The Greek root word for pharmacy is sorcery/witchcraft... and true to that, they have been responsible for forcing their black magic control over the population for far too long!
It is heartening that in the midst of the atrocities of the past few years the alarm bells are going of in more people to reconsider and do the work necessary to hopefully reverse their control and change the course of history in this matter.
I have to wonder if the fraud of traditional vaccines was about to be exposed thanks to Pub Med, and thus they needed a new scam in mRNA vaccines, or they'd go broke.
OR influenza vaccine driven pathogenic strain of influenza . . .
The magnitude of this psyop is truly remarkable...
Then again, is it a surprise given that the SAME EXACT ILK orchestrated 9-11, the Boston Bombing, every other major shooting/bombing hoax, Lahaina, etc.?
Death and killing delights them, it's among their sacraments. Others are moral depravity (aka Porn), broken godly nuclear family units, gender mutilations, homosexuality, pedophelia, etc., etc., etc.
And let’s not forget that anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 of jabbed who are asymptomatic, already have silent heart damage.
This study seems to be suggesting a much lower percentage - no? Where does the 1/3 to 1/2 come from?
McCullough et al.
I hadn't picked up on that. In this interview (https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-provides-in-depth) he seems to be suggesting ~2.5% which is in line with this study. Do you have a link to where he asserts the higher number? Thanks in advance if you do.
It was a while back. Maybe a year.
Where did you get that number? I follow Dr. Peter McCullough but don’t recall the numbers were that high.
An interview he have a while back.
No wonder this will pass, the hearts are already weakened from the jabs. Strange the heart is mentionned here: Luke 21:26-36 26 Men's hearts will fail them for fear and for looking upon those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
This story is just written to distract people from the real daily threats we live under, everybody knows that climate change causes heart attacks. SIDS and SADS are racially motivated spontaneous events that have materialized out of thin air, that’s the science.
Also remember that eating the same as the native North Americans of the plains did that made them the tallest and healthiest specimens of humanity alive on the planet at that time i.e. meat, meat and more meat is also very detrimental to health according to your local fat, wheezing, coughing, chain smoking, cream cake scoffing, vegetarian doctor or nurse.
Trying a mostly carnivore diet now. I feel great!
Doom, gloom and myocarditis
Where you'll own nothing and die
We have a vaxxed friend who has just been diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. Could that be caused by the shots?
I also have a neighbor that was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in late 2022 after 3 covid shots. Her doctor told her that it was from a virus. I tried to talk to her about the covid shots. She told me she does what her doctor says. I know she's had more covid shots.
And now her doctors are going to push every vaccine imaginable because she is health compromised. They will do so to ‘protect’ her more.🙄
Ummm, YES!
When the polio "epidemic" happened in the late 40's early 50's I was a very young child and my dad and grandfather were Shriners. In order for crippled children to be treated at a Shrine hospital they had to be sponsored by a Shriner. My father told me that the common denominator was every child admitted with polio had been vaccinated for polio. Needless to say no one in our family were vaxed for anything and none of us suffered from things like autism or diabetes, or anything really.
Thank you for your comment.
Premeditated mass murder. Depopulation agenda at work. To label valid research as "conspiracy theory" was the smoothest move ever taken by the CIA. Most people will ignore until it hits them.
Is there a study available on the Pfizer vaccine? I had to get the vax for work (healthcare) and I had a heart attack in May. I was given list of causes from most likely to least likely by my cardiologist. I’m fortunate that tests showed no damage or blockages to my heart and it’s pumping normally. I consider myself lucky. However, I’m trying to put together data on the Pfizer vax and heart attacks. I’ve seen a lot on the Moderna vax but nothing on Pfizer.
Good luck my friend. God bless you and protect you and your loved ones
Thank you! I will!
I’ve saved many. I’ll try and go through my stuff to find them but doesn’t look great. Lord knows how affected your dna-rna is let alone organs.
Are you on anything? Ivermectin, Nattokinase, NAC, Bromelain?
My doctor prescribed ivermectin when I had Covid.
I would check out the studies being done in Israel. They used Pfizer there.
Thank you!
ALL vaccines are UNsafe - none are safe or effective. 'Turtles All the Way Down' a powerful book that confirms this. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil ...
“Transient heart damage” 😅😅
Billions? Troponin markers in 1/4, heart damage 1/34. How are billions of hearts affected? It's shit enough without hyperbole.
I'd take a shot of Black Tar Heroin before I would allow an MRNA potion injected into my body. Their so called vaccine is doing just what it was designed to do......... KILL, KILL, KILL!!!!! "Safe and Effective," safe for big pharma as they can't be sued and effective in that it does what it's supposed to do - MURDER.
Dr Thomas McKeowan: The Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage or Nemesis? (Princeton Univesity Press, 1979) - author contends that nutritional, environmental and behavioural changes have been and will be more important than specific medical measures, especially clinical or "curative" measures...
The research-based vaccine-sceptical literature is now enormous, see e.g. Ian Sinclair: Vaccination: The Hidden Facts (1992) - it seems impossible to obtain a hard copy, try instead
- or on reflection, not:
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