It's hard to watch the mortality rate go up, especially when you have to consider that you have loved ones who felt compelled to get the jabs. I am a grandmother who doesn't want to see her children and grandchildren die. I would gladly take their place. But they would not listen to reason. They view me as not being modern, I am just old-fashioned and what the hell does an old person know? I never saw my grandparents this way. I knew they were way more worldly-wise and lived through WW1, the Great Depression, WWII, and the hardships of those times. My children and grandchildren have had it too easy and are not aware of the designs of evil that are ramping up to do as they will.

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Do the people who feel smug (e.g. 2 Doses <=5m ago) not realize that they will very soon be 2 Doses >5m ago?

NGL, feels pretty comfy being a Pureblood.

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"The mortality rate is most likely far worse."

I wonder if the public health bean counters will stop counting deaths 'with COVID' as deaths 'from COVID', if they haven't already.

Tough to explain why triple jabbed people are dying when the injections are supposed to protect them from "severe illness and death".

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And it's been this way week after week in Walgreen's weekly updates. Very consistent. In my book Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines, I cite this data along with 300+ government webpage screenshots and peer-reviewed studies, showing the COVID vaccines must be avoided by all except the slowly suicidal.

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I know folks who were boost d at least once, some twice. He and his wife and son got it.

nother couple, both .

I got Flubah without any hacksxxxxxination, and I did use a bit of melatonin. Thanks Mercola for that insight...the melatonin helped me.

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And all the COVID infected vaccinated people have or are in the process of getting VAIDs. They are incubating variants in their guts and their bodies immune system is not clearing the infection they have. So they have a low level infections that will not go away. They are not developing any natural immunity so they will to have flair ups of the virus again and again until they finally die. Boosters will just accelerate the process. They are all walking dead people. We will have to bury all of them.

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Proof Canadians love quackcines:


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Is this an official statement by Walgreens? If so do you have the source, article or something?? Thanks.

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Who cares?

The covid positivity test is fake and the Walgreen chart is therefore meaningless.

Just another data set to maintain mass confusion.

We should all understand this by now.

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