Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

When I refused to be jabbed while also being evaluated for a kidney transplant, I was subjected to 7 hours worth of interviews to assess my rationality. I was well armed with data thanks to the doctors and scientists who held the line. Ultimately, the transplant team accepted me. I am writing this comment from my hospital bed having received a wonderfully working gift of life 9 days ago. There are good people wanting to serve humanity, but they have been lied to and used. When they awaken - and I assume that this will invariably happen - we must arise as the most powerful source of love and forgiveness humanity has ever experienced. I do believe justice must be served to those who orchestrated this hell, but for those who drank the kool-aid the after taste will be bitter enough.

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Thank you for your comment.

Wishing you a perfect and complete recovery.

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Thank you so much!!!

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You absolute legend. To stare death and the administrative state in the eye is daunting, to do it while desperate for their aid is incredible. You are an individual of great character and I will pray for your quick recovery and a long, happy, fulfilling life

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Kudos to you! I would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall during your seven hours of interviews to assess your rationality! Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. I greatly admire you.

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Awe, shucks! I appreciate your kind message! Thank you. :)

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I had a heart attack in Jan 2021, the pressure in the hospital was intense but my Cardiology team was a godsend, they never once asked, took my side against the ICU management like a good doctor should. Never once has that team even mentioned the vax from the moment they went to work on me until my final appt this year. Good luck with your recovery, I am recovered as well and still vax and coof free.

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Way to go, notBob!!! I had only one doc say something and they used the standard line that the unvaxxed are germ spreaders. I explained that I did not want to appear ungrateful and I respectfully made a minor retort. Every time the doc saw me I received a criticism about the position of the mask I have to wear in hospital. It is probably a wise thing that I did not tell her that I remained mask free while grocery shopping through out the pandemic. It was the only place I could go where I knew the company had no plans to call police for an offender such as myself. And, yes, I was the only one in the store unmasked, much to the horror of some.

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The unvaxxed can only (potentially) spread the virus if they are actually infected. Rhetorical question: how did your doctor know you were infected? Or, why did they assume by default that you were infected, without examining you? And if they did make that assumption, hadn't they protected themselves appropriately? If not, shame on them; if so, why not just leave you the he** alone?

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I am not now nor was I ever infected. I have taken prophylactic vitamins, zinc and quercetin throughout the scourge. I suspect the doc is traumatized and wears a mask, shield and gloves and was pleased to announce that they had been jabbed 3x and eagerly awaiting the 4th. I believe I had enough of the team on my side and I am healthy with the exception of my genetically diseased kidneys. I have proven by my rate of recovery that I was a sound candidate. Oh, by the way, I was subjected to the covid test, as I had been in April for another surgery. Negative both times. The doc probably didn't like me because I did not acquiesce.

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Gene theory disproved years ago. We forget that these are only “ theories “ and regularly disproven. The ones that makes lots of cash for the industry are touted as truth and “the science” and the people suffer where they don’t think etc for themselves. The string theory might be the only one that could have varying shades of truth in it. Factoids and truth are not the same thing.

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Interesting. Everything I've come across about my disease claims it is genetic in nature. In fact, 4 of 5 of my father's family had the disease and 7 of 23 grand children have it. 🤔

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The thing is that vaxxed when infected do spread the virus in exactly the same way as the unvaxxed.

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There is no virus

Viruses, , the actual material entity, has Never been isolated or seen. It's a magic trick on the mind making you believe in something invisible like a ghost. Usually when someone is experiencing a sickness, it is a reaction of psyche and organ to a primeval biological threat. German New Medicine

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I've been taking MB for a few months, once a day, and I feel better, more energy, and recommend it! I learned to devolve a vitamin C pill in small glass of water & add 2 1/2 CC's of 1% Biopharm "lab grade" MB! (it comes with the same material safety data sheet) as their pharma grade, only a different product number, at 4 times the price! But do read up on all the Benefits & Testimonials i.e. claims of helping ASD kids Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s patients, vs near zero adverse events! (Ya can't take it if on SSRI’s etc.) (As a bonus it saved my grandson Kyle’s life from methemoglobinmia!

Do check it out, "It coulden't hoyt! As they say in Israel! Good luck and good health!!! Steve

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"We must arise as the most powerful source of love and forgiveness humanity has ever experienced." Forgive. We must forgive. You speak truth. We must do it for our own souls amd sanity, but we also must do it for the healing of society. There are some I have already forgiven, there are others who I pray to forgive, and still others where I need more space and healing. That last class are those who perpetuated this othering and who played a part in turning the ordinary person against us all, the executives and politicians who put in place policies that resulted in the termination of so many. And yes, we must forgive so that we can be a resource for those who are harmed, whose children are harmed, by blindly following "the science." Thank you.

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I will forgive Fauci after he has been hanged for crimes against humanity.

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Grace covered that. (There’s a literal and figurative statement!)

“I do believe justice must be served for those who created this hell…”

We’re with you. He needs hanging in the public square. God covers that in Deuteronomy (though He is addressing pedophiles— but close enough!.) The public aspect is for the purpose of deterring anyone with the same leanings, and to let the children know that person won’t ever harm them again, nor will he harm any other children. I think it’s appropriate in Fauci’s case as well.

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We need to understand exactly what forgiveness is. Mercy can never rob justice and vice versa. There are times when it is foolish to forgive bc it only perpetuates the evil. Vice is a monster of awful mien as to be hated needs but to be seen. But, seen too often, familiar with its face we first endure, then pity then embrace. We must understand forgiveness much better than we do. This doesn’t mean we drag not forgiving etc around with us into bitterness or even revenge. It means we don’t use it as an excuse to do zero. Ending evil takes more guts than “forgiveness”.

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I’m a fan of anger. I think it gets a bad rap. Perhaps zeal is more descriptive of that emotion (thoughts create them).. Rage is something different perhaps bc it is out of control anger? But anger when managed is passion and essential fuel for all the wars of independence that have been fought and must yet be. I don’t think it was passivity that gave vent to the Lords clearing of the money changers out of the Temple of the Most High. And it wasn’t rage either bc the Lord handed the cages of the little birds to the sellers with a take these hence make not My Father's house an house of merchandise…He didn’t destroy the birds or throw them down…clearly He was in control of His passion ( which makes the doctrine of without body parts or passions rather archaic along with all the old nonsense about Eve ) it is written the zeal of the Lords house has eaten me up.

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No. Forgiveness does not enter into this situation. Criminals must be punished. They don't give a shit about your forgiveness, and neither do I.

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I agree. When you commit crimes against humanity it’s our job to send them to God for their punishment. Forgiveness is for those you have person relationships with. Psychopaths have no concept of being sorry. They are evil, that’s the only way to look at it. Should we forgive Hitler? This vaccine will end more lives than Hitler when it’s all told and done.

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And sometimes the Lord expects us to handle it.

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So very beautifully stated, Jennifer. I agree. Forgiveness is the beginning of healing.

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Forgive? Why forgive those who take no responsibility or apologize. Without that, "forgiveness" is a feel good fantasy.

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Greg, when I finally forgave someone (in my heart) after 30 years for the cruelty he perpetrated on me, I was able to rid myself of the ball and chain I had carried all those years. This was no "feel good fantasy". It felt more like I had been liberated and made free again.

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I appreciate that Grace, but I think of that as a blessed letting go, not forgiveness. I think forgiving someone is relational, and when someone takes responsibility and apologizes, forgiving can happen. The perpetrator needs to do that. I see forgiving as relational. Maybe it doesn't matter what we call it, but your release does not, to my mind, bestow forgiveness to the one who was cruel. He or she have to come to terms with that themselves. Glad you are free of that ball and chain.

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Grace, I regret saying "feel good fantasy," as it sounds like mockery. I am sorry. However, I do tire of people so easily saying they "forgive" people who continue to do cruel things and don't take any responsibility. It is almost like saying it is ok. It's not. We have to be responsible for our actions. And let good people feel free. We should.

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I think forgiveness is for us as much as it is for the perpetrator. Most anyone can find it in their heart to forgive one who asks. Forgiving the one who never seeks forgiveness is an even bigger blessing and it’s kind of a power move, in a way. Holding a grudge will eat away at you. You will spend more time “rubbing that wound” than truly living. The wound grabs hold of you and to a degree, exerts control. Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping the offender gets sick— or so I’ve been told. Being the bigger person is a heady, freeing feeling. The wound no longer festers.

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I think you're spot of on , Greg. To forgive requires someone to beg for pardon. To beg for pardon requires remorse by the wrong-doer. If there is no remorse, there can be no forgiveness. Yes, one can cleanse oneself of the evil by "letting it go"...but to mind, this is something different than forgiveness. Maybe we're all just arguing semantics here.

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I too have forgiven whom I thought was unforgivable. I never want to harbor that kind of anger and hate in my heart again. It almost destroyed me. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. I had to give it all to God and He set me free. What a liberating feeling that was!

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Deborah, thank you for sharing your experience of forgiveness. I appreciate it! God bless you.

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Aug 31, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022

💜 I know the feeling. Forgiveness is so you can heal, we don't forget that we were harmed. We just don't hang on to the resentment. In my situation, I was able to heal better when I did let go of it. That's what forgiveness is IMO. We don't let the pain fester in our heart. We learn how to heal and move on. It does take some accountability on the other person's part which I never did see but I let it go. That person passed away in 2016, I guess that helped me heal a bit more. The pain never fully goes away but it definitely gets easier with time. Grace, you are a wonderful person 💜

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Oh wow! Thank you so much for your kind words. You articulated the power of forgiving the other so very well. Ideally, the offender should seek forgiveness from the person offended. Their failure to do so is their burden, not the one offended. Thanks for sharing your experience with me. I appreciate it.

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When you're dead from a government sponsored and promoted bioweapon, you don't get the chance to forgive. If anything, the ones who are dying, and died suddenly need the 'living' to exact the justice and not get on our knees.

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Karen E. Hetherington, I am sorry if you or someone you love is ill and suffering from the effects of the jabs, or worse yet, has died. I do believe justice must be served to those who orchestrated this hell and I have stated as much.

Much was being published in the spring of 2021, on the potential dangers and early obvious side-effects began pouring out on social media soon after these injections were made available. I contacted or met with all of my older relatives and relayed the concerning information and yet, every single one of them went for multiple shots. I might as well have screamed in the wind.

I am a strong believer in taking personal responsibility. This includes taking care of one's health to the best of one's ability, seeking information to become more knowledgeable, and questioning the dominant narrative(s) when it is so obviously flawed. We need to be honest here. Many people were caught up in the current culture at that time, which was to genuflect at the altar of political correctness and couldn't or wouldn't hear of any counter-narrative.

Forgiveness has a place in this story. It has to have one. There are those who orchestrated this plandemic event, right down to enacting simulations as per Event 201, to those who were bullied into acting on behalf of the state or face ruination, and in the case of the medical professions, potentially kill patients by neglect. This certainly happened for many cancer patients. As a kidney patient reliant on dialysis prior to transplant, I needed to have doctors who still showed up to work to review my blood work. I still needed nurses to take my calls when I had a question or concern. I am like millions of others who were in a similar situation.

I never suggested that anyone get on their knees, although I think it is a good idea. We need more humility in this world. We need more prayer in order to raise the vibration. We need to sort through decades, if not an entire century, of medical misinformation. Political leaders may happily refer to the post-Christian era, but I will not concede. Forgiveness is the foundation of Christianity. Without it, we enter Mad Max world and that's a world I do not wish to live in.

Justice for those who orchestrated the evil. Truth, reconciliation, and re-education for those who participated at the lowest levels of the plandemic. Their participation has marked them for life, assuming they have a conscience. And most people do. No profession - whether nurse, doctor, teacher, or police officer, among a multitude of others - will be exempt. They will always have the burden of regret, much like the hanging of an albatross around their neck.

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I love your heart Grace. Your name is perfect for you ♥️

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Why does forgiveness have to enter into the narrative? I just accept that people were duped because of brainwashing. That's it for me.

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Understanding who you are and Whose you are is the beginning of healing. Forgiveness is a whole other ball game.

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Follow the science they scream, but who decides the science ? Is it the one with the most doctorates, most prestigious background, or just plain common sense, or is it merely the one who has the most influence.

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Criminals that were complicit in the murder of millions of men, women, children and babies you want forgiveness for them? How about all the dead that can't even be a part of any discussion because they're not alive anymore? Do you think if the dead could speak, they'd want to forgive the ones who killed them???

Oh that's right. They can't. They've been genocided!

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No forgiveness for the controlling characters in this genocide. If the vaccinated hadn't succumbed to this mayhem and murder, we all would have been free to fight the vaccine pushers and control how WE want to live. Organic humanity in great numbers would have defeated the 'enemies of life's and their Zaddik agenda.

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God Bless You! That must have been hard. Seven hours of interviews, I can only imagine what must have been going through your head. I wish you health and a very speedy recovery.

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Once I got over the shock of having a team call my rationality into question, I stuck to my guns and defended my right to bodily integrity. They, too, were under pressure to conform to the growing standard of requiring the jabs for transplantation. I am thankful there was enough wisdom amongst them to make the determination they did. I will do my utmost to care for my transplant to the very best of my ability. Thank you so much for your well wishes!

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were you tested for T-cells for covid infection? If you were already recovered, as many people are, there would be even less reason to ask you to take the jab.

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No. This would have made sense except for the fact that natural immunity was being ignored across the board by medicine and media. I haven't had a cold or flu in several years. In light of recent studies on the prevalence antibodies to CV in Vancouver prior to the scourge, it is likely that the Canadian population already had a high incidence of natural immunity to begin with.

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Congratulations not only on yoir transplant but on your strength and courage to stand up for yourself.

I gave my husband a kidney for Valentines day in 2019 and we withstood the next 2 years not taking the vaccine. He passed on Halloween 2021 from an aneurysm, not COVID related either. I had the Vid in May and am still healthy, thank you Lord. I am truly blessed for my good health and I will pray you continue to have great health after you recover from surgery!


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I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful gift of love you gave to your husband. I deeply appreciate your prayers and your courage to also stand in the breach.☺

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You did really well! Wishing you all the best in your recovery! Here in Australia, we "unjabbed" are simply terrified at the idea of going into hospital for treatment. The government and media, not only did a wonderful job in brainwashing the greater populace, but they also got rid of all medical staff refusing the jab... completely crippling the medical system by placing it in the hands of deluded fear ridden lunatics, or the bitter and twisted who bowed to pressure. Therefore, as an "unjabbed"...you just know that you will be placed in the "care" of people who either HATE YOU for being a dirty, dangerous and irresponsible selfish lunatic.. or DESPISE YOU for your courage and conviction in standing your ground against medical tyranny.

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I am not going to lie. It was, at times, nerve wracking. With the exception of one physician, I was treated extremely well by all staff. The transplant team never said a word about my status (except that one physician!). There was a notation made on my discharge papers that I had refused the jab "despite prolonged discussion regarding benefits of vaccination when undergoing transplantation."

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We've always known that stress harms the immune system. They injured you by forcing you to endure that worry during a time when they were supposed to be helping you heal. We know from the placebo and nocebo affect that injecting someone who doesn't want it will harm them. The idea it's "protecting others" is so selfish, especially coming from someone who took the Hippocratic Oath. Glad you made it. Also, thank your doctors who no doubt had to pull strings and take risks with their overlords.

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amazing! i'm sorry they put you through the 7 hours but relieved that you passed the test. the hospitals that turned down people on the basis of vaccination status are guilty of murder, plain and simple.

wishing you renewed and continued health and hoping that your triumph is a sign of better things to come

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Carolyn, thank you. I do not usually share personal info like this, but I thought it was most appropriate to share a very lived experience and to show that we can attain victory.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I can sympathize with you I was given cancer 3 months before the plan demic out of first stem cell transplant in June 2020 then I had the cancer return again by 2022 second transplant March 10th 2023 lost all my friends no family no pets there's nothing left I'm alone didn't receive one get well card any support I literally did it all myself I drove myself to and from the stem cell transplant I'm still alive but totally isolated and completely alone takes a special breed of people to go through this hell and continue to keep on trucking good luck with your recovery you are a hero

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Hi, D Thomas! Wow! What a story. God bless you! You've been through a lot! I commend your spirit and will to live! I am sorry that no one supported you. Remember, that's on them, not on you. You know that old saying, "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger"? There's a lot of truth to this statement. To the extent that you can let go of the disappointment, the better it is for you. I suggest you order your Superman cape and wear it proudly. : ) I try to keep forcused on getting to the other side of this hell and helping to bring the best that I can to this world in what ever form that may take. I deeply appreciate your story and your kind and good wishes. I will keep you in prayer. All the best!!!

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You sure as hell don't need a testicular transplant. That's for sure!

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😂 You are too funny! 😉

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I have recently scheduled a televideo doctor's appointment (upcoming on 8/29) for a "wellness check", because I know my own declining kidneys have taken rapid a turn for the worse. I chose the televideo option because of Honor Health's mask mandate (in AZ). It has been perhaps a month since I joined Allan Stevo's purebloods group, pledging to be - and remain - un-jabbed and maskless in spite of the CoVid-19 mandates. I will at some point have to try to win as you did, if I need a kidney transplant and if they also allow a kidney transplant for someone who is age 77. I very much suppose transplant recipients may afterwards need to be on an immune system suppressant in order to avoid possible tissue rejection. That, when coupled with the immune system damage afforded to some people from the jab, could itself be very problematic, so doctors would be creating MORE risk by insisting on a jab. Was that a point made in your arguments to them? Grace, thank you so much for letting us know about your most virtuous WIN and about Israeli studies!!!

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Norman, I am sorry to learn of your kidney issues. Depending on your situation, of course, if you can drink several liters of water a day you will be aiding your kidneys. Run this by your doc, preferably a nephrologist. Yes, immunosupressants are a must. Without them the body rejects the transplant. I am being discharged in a few hours. Once I gather my thoughts I will be glad to share and document my approach more fully. Perhaps my experience will be of value to others and I would have the honor of helping in this battle. Thanks for reaching out, Norman.

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And I thank you, again. I will be paying a lot of attention to appropriately increasing drinking water and try to maintain good electrolyte balance. I'm also doing more with intermittent fasting time-restricted fasting and trying to not eat a lot of foods rich in lectins and oxalates. Surely, I need to learn more and also will need to experimentally make adjustments. I suppose your nephrologist will have dietary suggestions that you then will research and try. I know some foods, notoriously grapefruit, can affect how drugs are metabolized, either boosting or depressing their effects, so that is another worry for me. I am on no prescribed or over-the-counter drugs, and consider supplements to be safer, but even those may have interactions with each other that I don't yet know about, and there are individual differences in our metabolisms, too. I bet most nephrologists will pooh-pooh supplements and warn against them, so learning what is the right course will always be our individual responsibility. I know I am being overly outspoken here, but in the environment of mass censorship I feel the need to combat it. If you do share and document your approach, I am sure many people will much appreciate your doing so. It just occurred to me there might be multiple places online where many kidney patients share their experiences, to some benefit. I am grateful for your sharings of your experience, as I am to others who have replied..

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Norman, I have lots to share. I will need a few days as I just got home last evening and am experiencing the side effects of being on prednisone. When I am not wanting to eat peanut butter, I am giving thanks for the gift of life or wanting to cry. Rest assuredly, will be glad to share once my mind is more settled. Peace, my friend.

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I, too, would love to know the research you used to avoid getting vaccinated. I have a son, who will one day likely need a kidney transplant. Praying this nonsense ends long before that time OR that his kidneys hang in there and he doesn’t ever need a transplant.

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Hi Carol. I posted an outline on here several months ago, written as a response to that request. Everything I wrote is "old news" now, meaning that the data on the inefficacy and dangers of the shots are established with hard data worldwide. I was also extensively interviewed about my life, education level, etc. So, I guess I proved my "rationality" and because I stuck to the facts and hammered home the insanity of the logic being pushed by media and medicine, it was hard to deny that I had a legitimate concern. I do not have a science background, but I understood enough to stand my ground and I just didn't budge. Honestly, I think I understood more than perhaps they did. I did have one doctor a month or two later mention that the jabs were "bioweapons", a term I did not use, which tells me he did a deep dive. I suspect that he may have sparked others to research and arrive at an understanding of what is going on. I hope this explanation is of value to you. Best wishes.

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Thanks, Grace. I surely did not want to be causing any distress. Stress can cause depletion of Vit. B1, and that depletion makes stress harder to take. A bad Vit B1 deficiency leads to Pellagra, if I remember correctly, with some symptoms like some of those for a coronavirus. Peanut butter - or just peanuts - can be inflammatory, as it supposedly has too much Omega-6 fatty acid in it. Walnuts are better, as they have the anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acid. But I don't know if there is some other reason for people with your kind of surgery being restricted from eating either one. I cannot pretend to expertise with this stuff - I am just a follower that tries to help with what little I think I know. My wife and I would be considered health nuts, but in the long run I am still just hoping for the best.

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Hi Norman. My apologies for taking so long to respond. I've hd a lot going on. I think peanutbutter is popular in the hospital setting because a small amount it is satiating. I was never restricted from consuming peanut butter, nor am I now. It is not something I normally reach for. But, when taking large doses of prednisone, peanut butter was hugely helpful in staving off hunger between meals. Gosh, I had never been so hungry!

You mentioned in one of your posts about intermittent fasting. I posted briefly on that today. Yes, it is a great solution for weight loss and weight maintenance. I was glad to have experienced it prior to renal failure because one's desire for food goes out the door when you are at the end point and in the early weeks of adjusting to dialysis. I could only handle about 500-600 calories a day for a couple of months.

Using a food journal, such as the one I mentioned in my post, called Cronometer, was really valuable because it helped me to monitor vitamin and mineral intake, such as phosphorus and potassium. Too much or too little can be problematic when in kidney failure. It sounds like you have an excellent grasp of this knowledge already.

As far as supplements are concerned, I do take Vitamins C, D, a multivitamin and zinc. I take these prophalactically as well as povidone iodine nasal spray and throat gargle, to avoid colds, etc. There should be no problem taking supplements as long as you go over these with a transplant pharmacist. They will know of any interactions with immunosuppressants. For example, I had been taking Quercetin, but I can no longer do so. This served as an ionophore for zinc (helped get zinc into the cells.) The replacement solution was to tale zinc with Vitamin C and to avoid milk poducts for two hours after taking the zinc/Vitamin C combo. I was already taking Vitamin C. I just changed the time I take it (and zinc) to night time, thereby avoiding the milk product consumption issue. Cheers!!!

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Dear Norman

I have seen chronic kidney disease stabilised and sometimes reversed by the use of the herb parieta diffusa.

There are many herbal medicines that can help you.

If you were my loved one i would recommend you seek help from a medical herbalist or naturopath asap, because there are things that can be done to help.

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A belated thank you to you, Mrs S. - I have been away from this web page...

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I personally believe that

UNLESS & UNTIL ALL of those people who did this to u.s. & the whole world in positions of AUTHORITY


👉🏼guaranteed never to be allowed to hold any position of power of public trust ever again in their lives

No campaigning for …

Never to be considered for appointment to any position of power ever again that gives them any duty of public trust

especially public health & protecting our children

No matter how long they’ve sat in their current position

No matter who they’re related to

No matter who they are or who they obviously own or who obviously owns & controls them, etc…






Unless & Until we hold them accountable for their crimes against humanity the crimes against u.s. & humanity will continue & even get worse. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GIVE EVIL MEN UNCHECKED POWER & THEN COVER UP ALL OF THEIR CRIMES


This has not one blessed thing to do with ‘forgiveness’


This was not some kind of

‘a mistake’





No matter which of the above 3 reasons caused THEM to create that unconstitutional gain-of-function-research-project aka cv19 virus

Every last person that allowed any of the unconstitutional, forced compulsory muzzle & lockdown policies which ultimately resulted in additional deaths nationwide (world wide) as well as the destruction of our, U.S. & all of the previously free world economies


ARRESTED for what ever part they played.

ALL OF THEIR TRIALS should be televised -public 24/7 breaking news coverage about the greatest genocide in recorded history & ALL THE FACTS IN EVIDENCE PROVING WHO each of THE GUILTY ARE &

Proving how they perpetrated EACH OF THEIR CRIMES


ALL EVIDENCE RELEASED. No more of this bs pretending that COVERING UP THEIR CRIMES by pretending they cannot release the evidence proving how guilty they are in any way equates to ‘national security’…

the truth about the u.s. gain of function research project (cv19 virus) it was started under the Obama administration & every single person involved that knew about it and did not turn the guilty people in to the authorities


leak the info out


Every one who knew the truth about it during the move of that GoF research project to wuhan China during the Trump admin have the blood of all of those who died due to virus AND mandatory muzzles and lockdowns on their hands.

Each & All of these monsters JUST LIKE ALL THOSE IN MEDIA -TECH -TV etc who made injections compulsory & hid the truth about Covid

as well as hid the truth about muzzle-lockdown policies AND HID THE TRUTH ABOUT THOSE DAMN INJECTIONS also have the blood of all of those millions who have died & who will die because of the compulsory injections…






Whether we, the u.s., hold these genocidal monsters accountable for what they have done?

The truth is

They have the blood of millions they have murdered with their acts

Whether they facilitated these evil deeds by their actions or their inactions

Whether THE REASON they helped to perpetrate this genocide is/was because of evil or cowardice?

The reason they did what they did Is irrelevant


I am convinced NOTHING WILL BE DONE.

Those in power

will remain in power & of course, continue to perpetrate ever greater horrific crimes against humanity upon u.s. & the previously free world.

Those in media will continue to promote the most preposterous, self evident falsehoods JUST AS THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE

& anyone who contradicts their obvious lies &

states self evident, simple facts most of u.s. have known since childhood will merely continue to be castigated & endlessly vilified & ultimately blamed for all hardships created by the evil & their minions & the 10s of thousands of fearful little cowards who allowed millions to be murdered world Wide while they kept their heads down & just went along to get along.


I would attend every trial & every public execution


if there were a shred of truth or justice In this country?


that is all we would be doing for the foreseeable future- trials & executions & imprisonments


Only then could we hope to build some shred of public trust again.

As it stands the genocide is still in full swing THANKS TO ENDLESS INJECTIONS DESTROYING PUBLIC HEALTH ONGOING!

& all the same lying evil Genocidal monsters are still holding all of the power in the u.s. & in all of the countries in the previously free world.

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Obviously, you have a lot to unload!!! I have stated in commentary that I believe that justice must be rendered to those who orchestrated and managed this madness and I have even offered to buy the rope. I have also stated that many people will have to live with the bitter taste for having drunk the koolaid. If we are to remain Christian in the west, we damn well need to act like it and find it within ourselves some level of forgiveness. It is as much for self-healing as for anything else. Truth be told, if you read History, over the course of several millennia, you will see corruption and the break-down of societites to be an inevitable. It's how we deal with it from here on in that matters...

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You are among the heros, a true fighter. Thank you! Beautiful comment 💜 I'm so happy you were able to get the transplant. 🙏 Praying for a speedy recovery.

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Thank you so very much! Prayers are most welcomed.

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Bloody hell well done!

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Hi Grace, Congratulations on your triumph against the medical cabal, and your successful kidney transplant! I think you might be interested in reading Dr. Hong Liu's book, Mastering Miracles, The Healing Art of Qi Gong. In it are described many simple ancient exercises that are beneficial to the kidneys. You could also see live (free) daily classes on ZOOM taught by his student, a 39th generation healer. His website may be accessed via the following web address:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/458696010?pwd=aUR5cXNTNDB1L2gvYkNOaEVJTk9ZZz09. Wishing you continuing improvement well into the future!

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Thank you, Britepeace, for your well wishes. I will investigate. :)

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You're very welcome. I am not sure that the Qi Gong url I gave you would work the same way for you as it does for me, because I originally signed up long ago with a password. Maybe it would redirect you if it still requires an initial password. Regardless, I will find out more details about how to gain access for a newbee.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

im sure many suffered for their stance but it was no big deal for me, it did cost me my job but i went and got a better one that meant i was out and about during lockdowns.

pressure from others? na i dont give a fk what others think, never wore a mask, never got a jab but then ive always been 'different' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

stand by your principles, never waver

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022

I likewise never took the clot shots after doing a lot of research and would never wear a mask except on a few occasions where I needed to access a facility. And in these cases I wore a mask with the following words blazoned across the front of the mask: THIS IS WHAT TYRANNY LOOKS LIKE". Lots of reaction but very few comments.

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i kept a ski mask on me if anyone got up in my shit but no one did, im a big guy with a shaved head i guess no one wanted the confrontation lol

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Did the exact same thing, Wayne. Never wore a mask, and to access the grocery store for ten minutes a week, I had a bandana, on which I wrote: SAFETY THEATER IS TYRANNY. Living in an ultra-blue area, and being a small non-threatening female, I expected attacks. It never happened...proving to me my theory that Covid-zealots are fearful bullies. What DID happen was folks coming up to me asking to shake my hand. It is very important to make clear that one is ready to fight back against tyranny.

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I got verbally attacked a few times. I must admit. I didn't back down. Maybe because I'm a female and short. They thought I would cave. F... Them. Never!!!

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Excellent idea, in case this happens again. 🙌

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Guess what? It will happen again. They are prepping for it right now.

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Yes, incredibly so.

I'm in Florida and it will NOT be happening here. Our Governor has signed bills to prevent masking, lockdowns, forced vaccines, etc.

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You sound like me. But this time my family turned against my decision to never wear a mask, get jabbed or read (agree with) the bs they sent . Weren’t interested in any info from our side. I’m used to standing alone, hearing a different drummer, but have been cheated out of two years of grandchildren. Thank God for FaceTime! I’ve had alot of problems with Dysautonomia over the years, but they still wouldn’t relent and see my reasoning. I’m old, so hope I won’t live to see the results of their and their Childrens jabs and boosters !

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you are strong. since you mention Dysautonomia i am mentioning a few websites which may be useful to you: bioflexlaser.com bioflex.pk



or microcurrentneurofeedback.com

hyperbaric oxygen

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My retired dr had a hyperbaric O2 chamber, which I didn’t need then. Have read about it.👍🏼

Will check out other sites . Thank you for these.

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No big deal for me either. I'm a manager in wholesale so I don't deal with the public a lot. Some of our customers wore masks, some of our employees did too, but it was always voluntary. I've never worn a mask since day 1 of the scamdemic, and never will, except maybe on Halloween. Will never get a shot of any kind for these make-believe diseases. The flu is the flu is the flu. Call it what you want but they are all flus and so-called vaccines will never help, but only harm. If you don't take care of yourself, and/or don't get enough sleep, and/or eat and drink junk all the time you'll get the flu no matter how many masks you wear, or how many jabs/boosters you take. And all you Asians still wearing masks and complying to the letter of the mandates please understand it is your diet, exercise, sleep etc that keeps you healthy. The masks and jabs can only undo your healthy lifestyle. Throw the masks away and stop wasting your money on them !

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I'm glad you landed on your feet! I looked for a job while lobbying my current one hard to not mandate. They ended up backing away from a mandate, then gave me a raise for not leaving. I hope the rest of us had positive results from standing firm, as well. I was prepared to lose everything and I'm very relieved. Glad it worked out for you as well.

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Yep 👍


No One ‘was forced’ in the USA to do it. EVERY ONE WHO GOT JABBED here?



do whatever their life required of them INSTEAD OF JUST ROLL OVER & PEE ON THEMSELVES.

I don’t do that from way back.

I feel very sorry for the people who refused to stand up for themselves. I have even more sympathy for their poor children.

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i dont know how true that is, children didnt get a choice, their parents did? the elderly vulnerable may not have got a choice?

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I was referring to those adults who are traditionally supposed to have body autonomy I was referring to those who refused claim they were forced because they would have had to leave their jobs or their current (…) or get the jab & so THEY CHOSE TO TAKE THE JAB instead of making the harder lifestyle changes necessitated by following their common sense & basic innate self preservation.

Children traditionally have no rights & are obviously compelled to comply with whatever their parents decree- which is the reason they have my greatest sympathy- those whose idiot brainwashed parents sacrificed their health for ‘going along to get along’ with utter, nazi style tyranny.

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Got it!

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Young children don’t have a choice. Those not living at home have a choice.

I’m 78 and had a choice. Maybe not in hospitals or homes.

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Late--by 11 months-- coming to your comment:

Today I had cause again to be grateful to my mother, who, when, as a child, I tried to use the "But everyone else is....." reason, replied, "But you are not everyone else, you are [name, name, name]."

And wondered how much that may have shaped me?

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I agree Ray, it really wasn't that hard. 🤷‍♀️

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

thankyou for whomever wrote this. I had to give up my social life (which was not much to begin with) and several friends did no longer communicate but by iphone or email. Seems they thought even over the phone, the virus would spread. But I grew closer to a few people, and my dog and cats are very happy that i am now home all the time with them ! As to the insults, they are forgiven but not forgotten, and they hurt real bad because they came from my dearest family and friends. I have decided to leave them to their religion and do the opposite of what was done to us - I no longer socialize with jabbed people if I can avoid it.

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You have certainly gained many substack friends.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

yes ! what would i have done without all of you ? we cannot see each other, but we can encourage one another and we have found like minded people, proving us we are still in our right minds ! Thank you 2nd SG and the Cat and Steven and so many others, and Substack !!!!

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Substack is a comfort to me.

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Isn't it? They tried to separate us. In safer areas, tx... They did. Very nice, brave folks that said no to hellish forces

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Agreed! Well said. Thank you!

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Thank you for posting that letter. It was so beautifully written! I really appreciate your substack and Substack commenters are the nicest people ever! Many of us have lost friends and family in the past couple of years, and our world has grown smaller than ever. Reading these encouraging comments means so much to many of us!

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What e-mail can I use to contact you directly. I think you might like this article: https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/solving-covid-the-covid-19-eugenics

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As always, I appreciate reading your posts wherever I find them.

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I’m sorry you went through that, but am encouraged that I wasn’t the only one! Life will never be as it once was!

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we will have to lean on each other ! thank god for internet ! at least it is good for something - a virtual shoulder to cry on

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It could be better..

But you are right

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Much appreciated. 32 year pharmacist. When I tell you that no one in healthcare was keen to question anything, believe it. To this day, it still is not understood. Follow the guidelines and refuse to think for yourself. That is healthcare.

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I've lost trust in pharmacists who did not provide informed consent. They provided a piece of paper, but the person who signed it was FAR from informed. Most pharmacies I went to to ask to read the "informed consent" literature could not provide it. I could not have lived with myself. Sorry. A little tough maybe. But a pharmacist willingly jabbed my sons and daughters-in-law 3 times and grandchildren once. Willful ignorance is NO excuse.

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I agree completely. I’ve never been more disappointed in my profession. It is exactly Nelsonian ignorance.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

One more comment. I work in the trades. At my shop there are 10 journeymen electricians including myself. 5 got vaxxed, 5 did not. Can anyone in the class tell me which individuals are constantly sick and which have been fine? We even lost a very young (23 yrs) apprentice to a brain aneurysm shortly after shot #2. Another healthy co worker has had his retina detach one day at home. He had no trauma or injury and is also young. Another co worker has multiple instances of losing his balance and falling, so much so he has left the company. All of the vaxxed are continuously rotating out sick with covid or a terrible midsummers flu. It’s nothing I’ve ever seen in my life and undeniable.

Winter is fast approaching and it will get worse

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Posted. Thank you.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

It’s sad but of course all circumstantial. I’ll follow up later this winter since we are always in homes, businesses and occasionally medical facilities. Most refuse to get boosted and are well past the short window that the injection may offer slight protection.

I adhere to exercise, healthy diet absent of sugars (best I can, damn you chocolate) and vitamin supplements. I try to get everything from my diet though.

My story is the culmination of about two years now since they started getting jabbed. I’ve no baseline of their health prior to the injections but I know of similar stories from friends and acquaintances.

Some of the vaxxed are fine but most seem to have a lingering cough.

I know I’m not the only one seeing these things happen. People die and get sick all the time, perhaps we are more sensitive to it since the clot shot roll outs, or perhaps it’s real. Without a (trusted source) doing actual studies, taking baseline stats before injection etc, all we will have are little stories like this that hold no weight with others but may serve as a warning.

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This has been my experience with my coworkers, also. 3 of them have advanced stage 4 breast cancer that came out of no where. 1 had a brain bleed, surgery and will never ben the same. Several had heart attacks. A couple had strokes. They are a very unhealthy lot. They are out sick a lot. Those of us who didn't get the shots are holding down the fort. When the flu shot nurses came to our work in the fall of 2019, I looked at all of them standing in line and said "Run!". Not even sure where that came from because I normally don't allow those kinds of thoughts to come out of my mouth. I just had a very bad feeling when I walked in and saw that line. The nurse was not happy with me. It has been non stop sickness since.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I work in a nursing home. So much I want to say, but really shouldn't. Let's just say that the lies are everywhere...I was made to feel like I was some sort of selfish freak for not wanting to get the jab (nor flu shot either). If it meant loosing my job, so be it, I wasn't getting one and nothing was going to persuade me. So many of my co-workers fell victim to the relentless pressure--and many regretted their choice. After a booster clinic there one Friday--2 days later, a nurses aide had chest pain, went to the hospital and found out she suffered a stroke, lost her ability to speak... another nurse got several blood clots in his legs....a therapy aide---who cornered me in the hallway screaming about how 'we' (the unvaxxed) were killing people with our selfish stupidity--well I just found out a few days ago she passed away from thyroid cancer. She was fine and healthy before, had 2 shots and a booster, and started off with a sore throat....went to the doctor, said her whole neck area was covered with cancer...gave her 2 weeks... a 24 yr. old suffered a heart attack, and also passed eventually. Almost all the VAXXED were coming down with 'C', some more than once. And yes, just like Sarah G.--we the unvaxxed had to hold it all together. My sister in law and niece--both had o get vaxxed--and both are constantly getting sick with all sorts of stuff. The one is sick with Covid right now--2nd time and very bad this time. Had been vaxxed & boosted--wouldn't listen to me---I have mostly given up trying to warn people. Most just won't listen.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I've been a full anti-vaxxer since 2007, so this decision really wasn't hard for me.

Fortunately I was not at risk of losing my job, or family relationships. Although I could have earned a $500 "bonus" for getting the clot shot.

I did speak up. Waving signs on Main Street, and handing out books (Real Anthony Fauci) to family members.

The only real challenge I faced was standing up against my ex-wife regarding our son. I have authority - and 100% responsibility - for medical decisions, so I was on solid ground. But had to endure shaming, gaslighting and mild threats (which wasn't so different from the marriage).

I know a lot of people were in much worse situations and had far more difficult decisions. So personally I don't think I deserve too much credit myself. Our biggest heroes are those who spoke out and did the right thing even at a very high personal cost.

All that said... we probably should be prepared for things to get a lot worse.

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😂 we are on the same glide path. My ex did the same. I had friends (and girlfriends ) I hadn’t talk to in years calling me saying “no way your this evil pig” what’s up? I did my best in many boardrooms to try to bring our hospital leadership to understand the vax.

I’m sure I’ll be the smartest guy in the room one day.

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I don't agree you did well. The pressure to conform was unrelenting. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Swimming against the tide is never easy, no matter what the circumstances are.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The fight with my own son last summer regarding the CSU system mandate about did me in. All the research, arguing, and praying.... just no words. Thankfully, at the 11th hour, he changed his mind and said he would not get the jab only because he wanted to “honor his parents.” Hardest but most important fight of my life. 🙏🏻

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Great parenting! Way to stay with it.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Living in the darkest part of the deep blue state of WA, I lost my teaching job due to our governor (who continues to hold emergency powers for over 900 days), some of my vaccinated adult kids declined to be with me, and my friends can’t see the discrimination because “it was a choice” I made. So, thank you for these words and the moment they provided for being seen and heard.

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I had a choice - that is what I was told by a family member who disowned me last week. I had no choice. I exercised my freedom. I was discriminated against. And I hope I pray that history will show that discrimination occurred. I have no desire to ve right, but I do desire to be free from discrimination and to be given my freedom - of speech, of religion, of informed consent, of bodily autonomy. Yes, this post was needed. I will save it, possibly print it.

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Who knew saying "No" and refusing to comply with idiocy would turn out to be so important.

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And it's SO BASIC!!!

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Your post to the unvaccinated really moved me, and I see the words in it as encouragement. My lovely wife and I have not taken the killer jab nor will we. Nor do we wear a mask. We lost three friends soon after they got the jab. Our son and daughter in-law got the jab and had it given to their two daughters. There have been many sleepless nights and tears from worrying about them. We are totally cut off from seeing them. Their choice not ours. The door is always open. We are not alone. There are great and good people that have come into our lives. Like many of you. Please remember this. I am always here for you.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Me, my wife, all 11 of our children, and our 20 (and counting) grandchildren, are all unvaccinated. I am so thankful!

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This has brought tears to my eyes. I’ve survived being laid off, ridiculed, bullied, ostracized from friends and family all because I didn’t tow the line.

Of all your sub stacks, this one has hit me the hardest. Having someone put down in writing what we have endured has released some seriously built up stress, PTSD lite if you will.

Having an identical twin that has fully fallen in line and now has liver and heart issues is heartbreaking. Knowing that they are suffering from this and refuse to speak with me is equally hard. My only crime was the day he told me he was injected, after all our discussing, angered me and I said “why did you do this? It’s going to kill you!”. I apologized but in his self righteousness, I was persona nongrata. I’ve not seen my nieces or nephews since.

Living in Marxachusetts made my journey increasingly difficult but we shall overcome and prevail. I just pray that the friends and family we lost to the propaganda will return to us before the worst case happens.

It would be interesting if you would find time to do a piece on that incredible propaganda mechanism that turned what I thought were rational, educated folks into compliant foot soldiers of team vax. Network news (opinion) shows, trash gossip rags like The NY Times, unelected officials, pop culture, appeal to authority, everything was thrown out at us. Some passed the test, some failed. What’s most alarming is the number of folks who can not back track from their stance regardless of the facts.

"They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern.

You cannot change their mind. Even if you present them with authentic


You cannot change the basic perception and logic of behaviour.

The process of demoralization is complete and irreverisble."

- 1984 - Yuri Bezmenov : Former KGB Spy

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May God Bless you. You are a good man. One day your brother will see the truth. I said almost verbatim to a friend the other day. She got her 4th mRNA shot and a shingles shot at the same time. Had a very bad reaction. My raw, gut reaction was one of horror (internally). I did ask her why she did that and she told me she was "due" for her shots. I said "Due? Says who?" She's had Covid twice. She will probably go in for her flu shot in the Fall.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I know you’re preaching to the choir, but thank you. It was nice to read something kind and glowing about us.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Thank you for that paen to the #purebloods. I have never had the flu ever in my 66 years, nor have I ever taken a flu shot, let alone the DEATHVAX(TM). My blue industry is punishing me. (If anyone needs editorial work--even a quick proofread of a letter--contact me. I'll make it affordable. Will give you a good rate for editing your eventually self-published manuscript. ADDENDUM: And I will become a 2nd Smartest Guy in the World paid member. Mention this substack! TY!)

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Honestly, i deserve no accolades. Were it not for a growing, living faith in Christ, and answered prayer for discernment, wisdom, and an understanding the times in which we live in light of the Word of God, I would still be as blind and deaf as when I fell for every other lie foisted upon us in the past... and there were so many. By the skin of my teeth I fully woke up to the lies around 2015. I have compassion on the lost who cannot see and have rejected God's entreaties over their lifetime. And i mean those who remain in the fake institution called "church" too.

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at least this whole mess gave me the perfect reason no longer to go to church. I am in the bible belt and you know the first question asked when you see new people... now I can say all churches failed us, and they did. I go to Church in the Woods now, with dog and cats and singing birds and the wind as a prayer.

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People will fail us, and church has long been infiltrated by hirelings and wolves who taught nothing about how this life is a war for the souls of men, snd the extreme importance of the armor of God, who are more interested in metrics than discipleship. They cannot teach what they do not know!!

But Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday today and for eternity: faithful and TRUE. Trust-worthy. Stay alert and pray constantly.

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Well stated and perfect advice. :)

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I am reading "Millennium" by Tom Holland. It is about the end of the 1st millennium A.D. The parallels to this current millennium are mind blowing. I have begun to wonder if this isn't some kind of weird catharsis that is deeply ingrained in the human psychology. Yes, our churches have failed us. But, if you believe that you are part of the body that makes the church, then the logical conclusion I draw is that we have failed each other. Growth and renewal seem to be where we go next assuming we defeat the control mechanisms those haters of truth, goodness, and beauty wish desperately to impose upon us.

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people have survived so much. The plague, the many wars, religious wars, Hitler, Stalin, etc. and still do every day. We will survive too. People are like ants I guess. Very hard to destroy LOL

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Agreed completely! The "royalty" are really just thugs, just like their ancestors. They used religion to give themselves legitimacy. A few experienced genuine conversion. Yes, we are strong! We have always had to be in order to survive all of these mechanisms of control!

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Grace I love your thoughts. I only disagree that we failed each other. I think the body of Christ took its toughest blow en masse. And, I find real believers to be stronger and more aware than ever.

I think we will need big shoulders for some time. When the reality of the gene therapy outcomes is fully understood, it’s going to be very mental.

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Thanks for your feedback, Kevin. My conclusion was based on the plethora of personal testimonies I viewed or read from vaccine injured individuals and those who chose not to jab and who have suffered loss of family and friendship because they did not inject. None of these responses seem normal and it seems like many who believed the narrative truly became traumatized and have become insular in order to protect their own psychological resources. The fact that churches closed suggests to me a lack of faith in the divine and this is the last thing one would anticipate from those who profess the Word. Historically, during pandemics and times of war, men of the collar stood in the breech. Not so much lately. Worse still, they, too, were afraid to speak. I fully agree with you about needing big shoulders. I, personally, am so very grateful to have been amongst those who have been made stronger. It has been a gift, indeed.

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My priest has been amazing. He has preached about the dangers of tech and censorship and the necessity of bodily autonomy. Now, he does have a close family member who was discharged from the military over this, so he feels it directly. But I do know what you mean.

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That's my kind of church!

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That sounds idyllic.

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My faith has also grown through this. I know many people think I am insane, but there has never been an issue where I thought God's direction to me was clearer. I never made a choice - I knew it wasn't right for me. And I looked for confirmation and He would send it.

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You are wise. To receive genetic material, and for me to know it was at the sacrifice of a child, is unthinkable. Is God not written into our genes? I could not bear the thought of not belonging to the Father.

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Beautifully stated.

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Aug 23, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I am an anti-vaxxer and anti-big pharma drugs. It never entered my mind to get any injections. I never get a flu shot. I am retired, so there weren't some of the major considerations others had to face. I am not afraid of dying from viruses because I do not ascribe to germ theory.

I will pass on when the time arrives. Do I believe medical science and big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA gene therapy injections will help me live longer and healthier? Hardly. There is no proof that they do. I am not a hero or anything like that. I just am, life just is and all the boxes and compartments society likes to stuff you in and all the labels they want to plaster upon you are nothing of substance.

I am more of an anarchist willing to live my way and allow you to live yours. The only difference is that some of you will want to force your will upon me, and that I will not abide.

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You can see about pharma "medicine" deaths by checking out the low-ball Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study, claiming "medicine” only killed 12.5 million in the last 50 years! OR see Dr. Gary Null's facts in his book, Death by Medicine, documenting 40 million iatrogenic deaths for the same period! AND that's Not counting their Gain of Function SARS 2 Co-V19 money maker, OR the 50 million+ dead/ aborted, "First do no harm" babies they killed!

It's all to teach us, "Death is the wages of sin: but the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord! [Romans 6:23]

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