Aug 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

You’d think there would be a major investigation wouldn’t you? I mean a mystery something killing record amounts of people, surpassing heart disease and cancer? Shouldn’t we be finding out what it is so we can maybe prevent it? 🙄

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first thing to do is autopsies to find cause of death ... this has not been allowed in US ... wonder why .... FEMA was giving like 9000 USD per person so there would be no autopsie

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Right? Cause SADS was a thing before the scamdemic! Majority of the populace has the memory of Joe-Dementia!

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Joe-Dementia. I hope I can remember that ;))

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Oh, and employ some critical thinking ?

Nah…better left unsaid in their world.

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They did not investigate the jab adverse events so there will be no investigations. The NZ government was caught trying to cover up the jab death of kids. Same in Australia.

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Investigation by who? The agencies to investigate are all part of this kill. They don’t realize even with all they are doing to promote this garbage, in the end they’ll be killed to. They are used and will be abused by the top subhumans.

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This is terrible, but I'm hoping it gets much worse quickly so we can get this over with and hang those responsible finally

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

You know, most of us here already know there is a connection (I'm putting it mildly) between the jabs, the incidence of Covid, and the deaths...not to mention cancer, atril fib, GB etc etc etc.The death by Hospital protocols and the vaxxidents.

I think I am numb ...not to what is happening, but to the incredible way the news media and our govt

agencies UP to and Including the PRESIDENT, are just IGNORING IT ALL. Total Media silence.

When it is brought up, even on these stacks, you get people quarrelling with a straw...this methodology, could it be this, blah blah blah.

We keep going down this path, trying to convince the world out there that these jabs are bad.

I think we need to stop.

I think we need to try a different tactic...like blasting it out from bullhorns in the towns squares.

I haven't got an single idea of how to break through the silence.

Someone suggested forming a non profit to collect funds for the vax injured....which I thought was

a good idea...just to promote out there that the vax is not safe.

Could you, would you please do a column that would elicit ideas on how to pierce this

damnable cover up by our government and their controlled media?

And then list them?

I have faith in the people here on substack....and I think if we just asked people to think (I dont care how outrageous the idea might seem) or brainstorm, that we might get a few good ideas we can then try and do...

I am so sick of the silence...no matter what gets published and peer reviewed....No matter how many times we march....it gets silenced.

We need some radical new ideas for at least making them UNCOMFORTABLE.

What do you think?

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I deal with a person that is so fucked in the head and has such bad CogDis that he and his entire triple injected family all just got covid and they all mindlessly claim it would have been so much worse w/out their DEATHVAX.

Sometimes I really understand why the WEF wants to kill off 80% of the idiots, but then I realize these are indecent thoughts......

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I know exactly what you mean. What is it? Is it CD? Is it mass fomation? It is the herd instinct/survival? Honest to God, I am beginning to think that it must be subliminal something or other beamed through the TV's during the news hours...I know, I sound totally cray cray...Or is is as simple as what my (jabbed) sister says "i don't care and don't want to listen because there is nothing I can do about it anyway" She was always the people smart one....

But it is driving me crazy lately....sigh.

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Maybe I am the one who needs an attitude adjustment...what difference does it make? I need a vacation I think. But I am a doer...so I need to adjust to the fact that this is never going to be publically admitted, shown, etc...

If I could find a house with a small patch of garden I could afford, I would definitely feel better. But I need friends also, and haven't got a lot ...left.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World


You can make new friends. I left a large group of friends (25) back in the

city because they could not stop playing a game, (shades of Erik Berne)

called, "I am more liberal than you are". Any way I am worn out. I worked

in a super busy environment with 2 or more people vying for my attention

at once and a phone call on hold. I am very happy on my small rural property

and have been for + a decade. I downsized my lifestyle. High heels and formal

clothes are not needed and the other game, "I am more successful than you

are", is barely played at all.

Wildlife abounds for now and there is a creek, woods and fields all around,

and no blaring sirens or traffic jams. What is not to love? Almost freedom.

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We relate being 6 + mos rural after lifetime of city.

Not a single mask on this property, ever.

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correct 2nd,

Very likely you will adjust quickly, and hardly ever look back.

Get to know your neighbors.

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I am envious...just what I would like...days spent in the garden and outside....I want a fireplace with wood to burn, and a close source of water.

I am working one more year, but it might end up being shorter than that. I will have to make new friends, but I am not an extrovert to start with. I am planning so I can "leave" without fuss...in November. No houses or property for sale here where I live, and I dont have the courage to leave it...love the season, the sea, and despite the town having been overrun with moneyed liberals...I think there are still a few people from the "old days" hanging on. I have to tell myself something will come up, and that God has a plan for me! Thanks for your comment! Much appreciated!

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Idea! Go to the old timers you know or want to know. Tell the truth about your

dreams and ask if and when they sell out of their homes they might consider you

as a buyer. Many of the township and village residents (1500) were born, raised, schooled,

married etc. right here. A farmer down the road a couple of miles stopped by (to check

me out) to offer help if I needed anything and offered to plow my driveway. He knows

everybody! He told me a story about a woman moving to county housing and was selling

her farm. The couple that bought it paid 10K. They offered more but she said she wanted a young family that would love her place as she had. Try it yourself, you have nothing to lose

by talking to the oldster people. God does have a plan for you, however you have to enact

that plan.

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That was my mother's words, but then she got boosted and made sure I knew it, actually doubling down. I can get "well, maybe this is a mistake, I'll stop doing it and then ignore it since I can't do anything about it" but I don't get "I'm going to keep doing this".

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Your ideas are good and worthy but I think we are on a rogue train headed toward broken

tracks. Face this: the majority can't or won't see the obvious truth, and likely they forgo

any theory that deviates from their own. I see this when ever the topic ever comes up.

I am now determined to keep quiet about this in random discussions because peeps recoil

at the notion getting a vax or 2 or more could possibly be of any harm to them. Why try

to explain or sway a brick wall? I sense that pimps a disdain or even hatred toward one,

and unconscious doubts and fears may be nagging at the vaxxed. The phenomena is

tested, a naysayer will be hated by the compliant. I think that is a coping mechanism

called "reaction formation".

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

Thank you. I needed to hear this. Everything you say is right. I just need to shut up and realize that the the train is going off the tracks and the train is gonna crash. .And you know something else ? Very few people want to acknowledge how far we have come from what we thought was a democracy....I don't want to get political...but the corruption in our government is also a speeding train headed for broken tracks...which leaves dull stupid conversations about meaningless things... can't even talk about the weather because of the "climate crises"...

We've done a really good job on driving people apart, corrupting everything...and then

making sure people do not talk about important things....and sadly, without talking about things, you cannot fix them .

Sigh. Thank you again....Reaction formation....I will remember that. (I hope!). The tracks are indeed broken.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

No, this is not an aberration of democracy. This is the logical next step of democracy. https://spandrell.com/2017/11/14/biological-leninism

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That was a riveting article...thanks so much for bothering to post it here. I am keeping it for long term reference.

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Dear girl Duchess,

You will leave your area if you can when you can. You are correct about divisions...

thing are black or white now/no grey.

"which leaves dull stupid conversations about meaningless things... can't even talk about the weather because of the "climate crises"

You nailed it.

Look up Freud's defense mechanisms (against anxiety) which are subconscious,

but give some insight into human behavior. I am no solid devotee but the list helps.

The two most common are Denial and Rationalization/basic and constant.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

I am down to discussing our pets, recipes and real estate only now and that’s with my most treasured long term friends. One warned me right after she asked me which ‘vaccine’ I got and my answer was ‘I’m not thinking of getting any’that her blood pressure is being monitored and she only watches the news once a day (CBC) so no volatile conversations allowed !!

Obviously CBC will validate anything she needs to be comfortably validated about !

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Trying to discuss real concerns is a lost art, skill, and taboo.

One dare not point to the sky for crisscross dissolving clouds

leaving a skim milk sky. Anyway, most people are staring at their phones

and scrolling and clicking away. The camera feature is nice and a phone is good

when hiking off road or whatever. I do not own one.

Sorry your friend isn't really a friend.

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Have to agree on that as it's obvious that true friends would be able to agree to disagree at the very least. It is a sad awareness for me though but so much of all of this medical and political tyranny is just that...pathetic and sad.

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We should be camping out in front of main stream media Headquarters with bullhorns and placards…but we are a dignified and a likely employed bunch and that hinders us.

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Yes...or finding the local news at a live outside broadcast and hold up signs....

Sigh. But you are right about us...we are hindered by our ethics.

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Don’t worry my Canadian friends... we Americans are dying right along with you.

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Not all of us.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Pure Blood here, it didn't take me long to decide

no test no vax. My science back round is simple

but I have it. No mask either, when I could avoid it,

which was 98%. It is astounding how strong the

compliance has been, as though compliance is

their raison d'etre. Me? Opposite, prefer rebelling/politely.

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Pureblood here too. I remember back in Feb. 2020... I wouldn’t get near anyone. Then I caught Michael Yeadon and Peter McCullough on the inter webs, and all fear of the coof vanished. After that awakening, the whole scam became obvious.

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That did it for me too....and additionally Geert Vanden Bossche, who finalized the truth in no uncertain terms.

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cool/truth can strike like lightening sometimes

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But who would investigate? The Judiciary is captured and cooperating with the bad people.

We are surveilled every which way, and serious whistle blowers are simply eliminated. Peeps

wouldn't want to be ruled as insurrectionists/think of the 1/6 group. Free speech does not


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Gotta wonder if this is some sort of competition of Klaus's students - who can kill the most citizens of their Country?

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T 2nd, (or anyone)

Fabulous smart guy from Canada speaks professionally:


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2020 year of "pandemic" in Canada there was YoY mortality rise of 0.04% which is exactly the same rate as the two previous non-pandemic years.

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Just watched it ! Oh yes, he knows the score inside and out. We have quite a few brilliant Canadians up here...would be good if the general population would be more aware of them.

I will keep that video and pass it along to whomever I think will not bite my head off.. haha.

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the man seems stable, collected and speaks with confidence and passion.

Love the Denis!

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Yes, indeed he does ! That's always helpful when trying to get through to naysayers (putting it politely).

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Oh ! Hear Hear !!

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