May 8, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Billy Gates is the Good Samaritan arsonist, he starts the fire so he can be The Guy who saves everybody and puts the fire out, get in the papers as the hero, but he's not willing or smart enough to put in the work to become a firefighter (or legitimate researcher or doctor). Besides, there is no one magic geek who saves everybody. But he's going to try, he'll keep starting disease outbreaks.

Billy Gates wants that glory. He's not super bright and lacks understanding of this complex system, he's got plenty of money and syncophants. He'll just happen to have a plan. We're ants in his creepy ant farm waiting for the next Billy-caused disaster.

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May 8, 2022·edited May 10, 2022

The only part of Lew's article (the one you linked to) that I'm highly skeptical of is his backing of “terrain” theory. At best this is a red herring; at worst it is just as good as any other division-causing psyop. It makes my stomach churn that people can be so adamant that viruses either don't exist or are universally benign. How can the extensive sequencing and manipulation of viruses in biolabs and all the details of the structure of spike protein and the modifications to it (like inserting a sequence from the HIV—another pathogen) be explained if viruses are irrelevant? It breaks my head!

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The terrain theory does not necessitate that viruses do not exist. It just places the immune system as most important.

“Unlike the germ theory, the terrain theory explains why some people get sick while others, when exposed to the same pathogens, do not. For this reason, it is said that on his death bed, Pasteur admitted, “Bernard was right: the pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

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But why the turf war? Why the supposedly competing theories? Why not get together to learn from each other and iron out differences, leaving egos at the door and recognising that contributions may be far from equal, with the aim of having the whole truth garnered by everyone?

There seems to some dispute as to the authenticity of that Pasteur quote.

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Assuming all else good,

immune system not up to scratch against a particular virus – that virus = full health


immune system up to scratch against a particular virus + or – that virus = full health.

Full health can be achieved EITHER by bringing the immune system up to scratch OR by keeping the virus at bay. Sometimes (often?) only one of these is possible soon enough.

So can we please bury the hatchet?

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May 8, 2022·edited May 8, 2022

That the immune system can be protective is not contrary to there being “germs”. Just ask Geert Vanden Bossche or Robert Malone or Peter McCullough, to name a few.

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May 8, 2022·edited May 15, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

A real doctor breaks through the programming. Richard Sacks from lost Arts Radio in conversation with Dr Henry Ealy.


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Like all bitchute, rumble etc videos and podcasts, this is useless to hearing impaired people.

A lot of boomers are hearing impaired, and they are interested in alternative news, buy none of the YouTube alternatives will caption so they cut off millions of potential views.

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RemovedMay 8, 2022·edited May 8, 2022
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well said , i agree

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Yeah, well when I died I said all kinds of amazing things that came to be true! So there. Prove I didn't? That I'm still presently alive is just a coincidence.

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All of these virus genomes are SWAGs (scientific wild ass guesses). There are so many variants because they get different results every time they try to sequence a so-called "virus". No one denies that viral-like particles exist. But no one has proven that infectious viruses exist either. They're assumed to exist and circular reasoning is used to justify them. It's possible infectious viruses really do exist. But then you can have ZERO confidence in the virus genomes because those are definitely fake.


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Are ALL posited genomes SWAGs/fakes, including the human genome and association of genes with traits, then? Is CRISPR-cas9 all a sham? An so on.

Are you open to having your mind changed on this? I'm opened to having mine charged, which is why I've looked into this. I don't want to be mistaken, however discombobulating it is. I've been through two giant discombobulations already, the latter only over the last 10 months. Don't you think this nature-of-viruses question is better left until we've overthrown the evil monsters currently bearing down on everyone except themselves and perhaps a few family members and useful idiots (for now, anyway)?

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The human genome isn't a total SWAG but there's a tremendous amount of statistical guess-work as well. In fact, the human genome still hasn't been fully sequenced yet despite claims that it was done in 2000. The key difference is that human DNA is a known entity and infectious viruses have never been purified/isolated. How can you sequence something that you're not sure really exists? Virologists (members of a CULT) today claim that fabricating a viral genome is proof that it exists! WTF?! All they're really done is cobble a bunch of RNA fragments together that came from many different sources (cell culture material, host and various "viral-like" particles present in the soup).

I agree with you the nature of viruses is best left as a side issue because 99.9% of people won't believe viruses are fake even if they are. OTOH, if 99.9% of the public knew that viruses have never been proven to really exist (FACT) and the virus genomes are FAKE (FACT), then the COVID hoax would be over! But we'd still be facing imminent famine anyway.

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BS there are no virus,s

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Maybe you need to look at the history and see how current day virology is based on a lot of assumptions, like you bring up about "sequences".


And there's many studies that show no transmission of disease at all

Here's one about the Spanish flu.


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May 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022

«Virology is at a loss from the very start as they can not observe a “virus” in nature. They can not see a “virus” float into a host and witness this act causing disease. They can not watch “viruses” being transferred from person to person through tiny droplets or aerosols in the air. As virologists can not observe “viruses” at all, they had to assume something “virus-like” existed in the first place causing disease. In other words, “viruses” were nothing but an idea from the beginning. We are still waiting for the proof that these fictional entities actually exist.»

The same applies to proteins and prions and molecules and and atoms and ions and nuclei and protons and neutrons and electrons and subatomic particles in general and magnetic, electric, and gravitational fields, doesn't it? Is water H2O? Is the earth's atmosphere about 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 1% other things, mostly argon? Or not?

You can't ask for “proof” of the existence of something that you have already declared “fictional”, because that betrays that your mind is already made up and is immune to change on this point, doesn't it?

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With chemistry, there are control experiments.

Even if they're wrong about the mechanisms of how atoms and molecules interact, the mechanism is repeatable.

With viruses, they state that they transmit disease and cause cell death. But unlike chemistry and physics, they have not done control experiments to see if their process of isolation gives the same results, whether there is a virus or not.


And here's a study done on transmission way back during the deadly Spanish flu. They couldn't transmit this via injecting infected blood or by spraying sputum. https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/67902

Remember that they thought that scurvy was a contagious disease, until they discovered that it was from a severe deficiency of vitamin C.

Is it scientific to assume that the best cause of a flu season is a virus, or should we look at other factors, such as the already low level of vitamin D in the mostly indoor working first world, which dips even lower due to winter having weaker sun?

A good video on "science says" by the late Liam Scheff who helped expose the "HIV causes AIDS" fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/DttrurRZr5CW/

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RemovedMay 15, 2022·edited May 15, 2022
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Even physics makes shit up like virology does...

Quantum theory is their "virology" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkdAkAC4ItcHNLDIK9ORydQl_Ik6GJ0bD

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Have a listen to Amandha Vollmer and her explanation of ‘vaccines’ and the cause of dis ease or ill ness in your body.

She’ll give recommendations on books for the ones interested to actually learn.


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You are more than welcome. I want to see a paradigm shift in the medical fields where the pharmaceutical industry are not allowed into funding and hence involvement in decision-making when it comes to the regulators. The regulators are supposed to be here for the protection of the public not to lace their own pockets.

And to see a shift from allopathic to a more holistic way where people are helped with their health instead of with an already manifested dis ease. The iatrogenic causes to people are enormous and needs to be addressed. Stop the over prescription of any type drugs, say no to vaccinations and unnecessary procedures.

Take control over your own health and do your research instead of trusting the three letter agencies. They are not there for you.

Protect your body, it is your temple.


Here is Dr Paul Thomas, a paediatrician on childhood vaccines.


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Happy that you are pleased. Thank you for your compliment.

Have spent the day helping a friend to pack that is on the move to another city. His best friend succumbed to cancer a little more than two weeks ago due to progress after the terrible shots. He took three as he was scared to die and then left out early. I am so angry and have a lot of sorrow in my heart as it is the medical profession that is to blame for all this terrible devastation. I have not worked the past nine months as I refused to follow any restrictions.

In ten days I am out on a new contract as the restrictions are all gone, mixed feelings as I will meet a lot of injected colleagues and will again see damage among patients. Saw it already last fall.

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Yes, you make a good point. I believe that terrain is everything but viruses are what a good terrain is a good defense against.. A virus cannot be manipulated and not exist!

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Terrain simply means environmental factors making people ill. Bhopal for example. They got caught due to the bodies. IMO most “terrain” related illnesses are less obvious and slower acting.

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Agreed, the whole 'viruses don't exist' stuff is right up there with "Nuclear lasers from outer space were used to demolish the twin towers!" It seems a deliberate attack on the credibility of those questioning the narrative.

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The attack on credibility comes from you equating those who see huge flaws in virology with those that believe in other pseudoscience.

Here's one on genetics, which is the holy grail that seems to haven't delivered much


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RemovedMay 8, 2022·edited May 8, 2022
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I'm not going to waste my time refuting your claim that viruses don't exist or don't cause disease or whatevertheheck. At this point in history it's you making the extraordinary claim and up to you to provide extra-ordinary evidence.

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It’s far from an extraordinary claim but milestones away from the lies the pharmaceutical industry and the medical faculties with all their funded scientists has produced for years on. They are clinging on to their systems as it generates money and power to keep the masses in ignorant bliss.

You can start with this. It can be useful when the lying bunch wants to launch the next plandemic already hinted by one of the self acclaimed ‘scientists’ himself, the ‘big’ very ‘Little man’, B Gates.


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Thank you for that wonderful rambling.

If people could turn off their tell-a-vision and avoid the programming what a difference.

Deprogram yourself from the ‘moon landing’ is as good start as unfoldment of the lies of ‘viruses’ that are ‘ ‘contagious’.


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And here’s the ones that says moon landing happened but for another reason.

That NASA themselves started the rumours that the landing never took place.

How to look through all the lies perpetrated by governments around the globe, you tell me.

I am in a place since decades questioning everything.


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RemovedJun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022
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What an excellent reply. Thinking people are awesome.

Sellouts I despise. We all have choices, better take the ethic one then being looked upon as a liar.

Those big sellout people have no empathy, that is how they pull it off.

Their lack of soul is their demise.

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I stopped watching network television in 2014. When I visited my sister, who has every television programming you can imagine, I was stunned by the crap being aired, especially on ads, and how she had become habituated to it, thinking it was nothing.

She told me I really needed to watch local news so I would "know what's going on." No I don't.

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May 10, 2022·edited May 10, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Dr. Zelenko has been talking about this. It may be Marburg. Could be Smallpox, or something pox-like. Whatever they call it, and whatever they plan for us, the bottom line is that we must be prepared. We will not be able to get help at our doctor's office, or the hospital. We are on our own. Everyone must have medications in their home, IVM, HCQ, antibiotics, steroids, medical equipment such as pulse ox, nebulizers, etc..., as well as a good supply of supplements. Read up on how they treated these diseases BEFORE vaccines. (https://www.amazon.com/Dissolving-Illusions-Disease-Vaccines-Forgotten/dp/1480216895). Moreover, we must get ourselves healthy. Get our vitamin D levels up. Take supplements. Eat real food; veggies, meat, fish, eggs. Clean water. And never, ever get another vaccine for as long as you live. When my mother got severe covid, she would have died alone in a hospital had I not been prepared to treat her early and at home. I had her on Ivermectin on DAY ONE. Dry cough in the middle of the night, here take this right now. She still got very ill, but she got through at 95. I saved my mother's life because I was prepared.

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May 8, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Lew Rockwell’s article incorrectly links to the Rivax vaccine for which there is no claim it prevents Marburg. Instead it is the Filovirus Vaccine. It has orphan status and is fast tracked for approval.

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Kind of like how Remdisivir does nothing for Covid or any of the Modified mRNA death injections. Noted.

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The fact that Todd Callender did not catch this makes me wonder...

My favorite saying comes to mind - trust no one and question everything.

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Todd has a team of experts working with him. He does not catch everything all at once.

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It's pretty easy not to catch stuff or get taken in (and I'm not even saying the article is necessarily inaccurate) if you don't know who to trust. I just go by past history. Epoch Times is another one that in the past I've seen sensationalist or inaccurate headlines/stories. It's a pet peeve as it really undermines the cause. The actual, real facts are attention grabbing enough that there is no need to exaggerate.

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We do our best. No one is perfect.

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Imho Lew Rockwell's site frequently posts articles that simply aren't that credible.

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I've been reading LRW for well over 10 years, and it generally hasn't changed much, but the main change seems to be Lew now allows some seriously dubious material. That seems to be quite a recent change, over the last couple of (covid?) years.

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May 8, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

George Webb found an email account at WHO which was accepting vaccine suggestions for hemoragic fevers. Steve Kirsch had a (defected) Chinese researcher on his stack who predicted a hemoragic outbreak. Not good.

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May 8, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

What if all of this hemmhoragic fever is going to be the cover-up for the jab side effects?

You would think if they had really deadly pathogens, they would have used it for con-vid... But the stats don't lie, in most nations:

-2020 average age of con-vid death is around life expectancy

-2020 total deaths are in line with previous years


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May 10, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Whether true or not, it's useful to keep it in your pocket. I don't live in fear over anything. But i also think being aware is a good idea.

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The correct term I'm pretty sure is just “MASS formation”, with emphasis on ‘mass’, as in the formation of a mass (of hypnotized zombies, more or less).

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Wondering about the reference to fenbendazole with respect to Marburg. We used fenbendazole to “cure” my mother in law’s metastatic breast cancer these last four months. Previously in-remission cancer reactivated in lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, and bone by the Moderna covid vaccine. She received a no cancer diagnosis via PET scan on Apr 22 along with CA 27.29 blood tumor marker below 38 (normal). The mechanisn through which fenben appears to work is selective disruption of the cancer cell’s microtubule transport system. Not sure if fenben disrupts the Marburg virus the same way? Anyway, if nothing else, I’ll take the opportunity to praise the virtues of fenben again. Instead of the family getting together for her funeral, we celebrated her 84th birthday April 29th. Instead of this Mother’s Day being the first Mother’s Day without her, she is here.

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We too have cured people for cancer with Fenben and are huge fans of it. All of these DEATHVAXXES cause cancer (p53 suppression) so we imagine Fenben will be even more in demand with those in the know.

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is it really legit? my dad was diagnosed with melanoma cancer recently (double vaxxxed) and i would like to help him as much as i can

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I. Protocol

a. Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week).

A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

b. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called

Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

c. CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 25mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week)


d. Panacur C,

The above three items every day (7 days per week) and the canine medicine (1 GRAM PER DAY FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS) per week. Take 4 days off and repeat each week. Each gram of Panacur C has approximately 222 mg of Fenbendazole, in case you are trying a different brand


II. Scientific Backing

a. Tocotrienol and Tocopherol all forms of Vitamin E Delta

-Tocotrienol Modulates Glutamine Dependence by Inhibiting ASCT2 and LAT1 Transporters in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Cells


Targeting autophagy using natural compounds for cancer prevention and therapy: Autophagy, Cancer, and Natural Compounds


b. Curcumin

Curcumin exerts cytotoxicity dependent on reactive oxygen species accumulation in nonsmall-cell lung cancer cells.

Curcumin exerts cytotoxicity dependent on reactive oxygen species accumulation in nonsmall-cell lung cancer cells.

Targeting autophagy using natural compounds for cancer prevention and therapy: Autophagy, Cancer, and Natural Compounds


Curcumin exerts cytotoxicity dependent on reactive oxygen species accumulation in nonsmall-cell lung cancer cells.


c. CBD Oil

The Antitumor Activity of Plant-Derived Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25916739

The Antitumor Activity of Plant-Derived Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25069049

d. Fenbendazole

Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways


*****Altogether, our findings show microtubule disruption, p53 stabilization and interference with glucose metabolism as collective underlying mechanisms of FZ induced preferential elimination of cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo.

e. www.virex.health

Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins


Effects of fenbendazole and vitamin E succinate on the growth and survival of prostate cancer cells


Drug library screen reveals benzimidazole derivatives as selective cytotoxic agents for KRAS-mutant lung cancer


Parasite treatment may help people with brain cancer


Anecdotal experience w/ above protocol:


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Thank you smart guy. You should put this in a column.

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thanks man - much appreciated!! now the challenge to explain it to my dad.

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Ok, this is new to me. Could you provide more info or links?

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Protocol?? Thank you in advance.

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She took 222 mg per day (it’s a granular consistency) mixed in a few tablespoons of yogurt. She started Nov 22, 2021 and started to look and feel better within 2 weeks (she was so bad that she received last rites in the hospital but rallied enough to be sent home in hospice care). She refused traditional chemo and radiation so fenbendazole was a “what do you have to lose” treatment. Her blood tumor markers are normal as of Apr 30 and her PET scan shows no activity indicative of cancer. She never needed to take chemo although she did have a spot of bone cancer irradiated on her spine that was causing pain. She took no other treatments other than high dose vitamin d. So she had metastatic breast cancer tumors in her lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, gall bladder and bone which are now completely gone. She has a double masectomy 11 yrs ago when she first had breast cancer. You can buy fenbendazole in bulk on amazon, it comes with a premeasured spoon to dose the 222 mg correctly. I have a group of articles that I can email you that explain the science of how fenben works if you’re interested. Our family and friends are so excited because her recovery is just so unbelievable that we would be skeptical if we didn’t personally witness it. Excited because we are starting to think we don’t have to diefrom cancer any longer...at least not solid tumor cancers. Still trying to wrap our heads around the concept. Finally, there were no side effects, that were detectable, with fenben! Truly amazing.

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This is stunning. Truly. Almost hard to believe, but I do. And what a good son in law you are! God bless you.

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It might just start arriving around August. Along with 1 or 2 other variants. That gives Fauci and Gates the excuse to order massive quarantines. No worries everyone, absolutely everyone will be ordered to vote by mail in the November election using ONLY mail in ballots. There's only one possible way for Brandon's commie's to get elected, and you just heard it

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May 8, 2022·edited May 8, 2022

I watched this in February and literally cried when I hear this might actually happen....we were in a bad place in Canada and I couldn't handle more bad news...took a few days to get through this interview.....but now I see this theory has resurfaced......."Dr Li-Meng Yan Reveals CCP Spreading Hemorrhagic Fever Bioweapon Via Olympics https://www.brighteon.com/e7b7880f-9eaf-4389-b22d-12802cfc69e4

I don't know...thought I would still share....

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Marburg is a contact spreader not aerosol so regular containment procedures should work

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Yes, these "outbreaks" were very contained, sounds like the tradeoff between pathogenicity and infectiousness. It was very deadly, which works against viral spread. Unless some a-hole has used GOF to "make a harmless mutated virus really terrifying so we know how to handle it, in the unlikely event it actually occurs."

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The Ri-Vax link to the Soligenix page mentions Marburg, once only, but NOT in relation to Ri-Vax. I've copied the paragraph below.

Lewrockwell.com states that "Soligenix, are currently rushing to trial a ricin-rich vaccine RiVax® for Marburg haemorrhagic fever". But is it for marburg? Where does it say that? If it does I want to know but I could not find that.

For reference the Soligenix link states that:

"Our Public Health Solutions business segment includes active development programs for RiVax®, our ricin toxin vaccine candidate, SGX943, our therapeutic candidate for antibiotic resistant and emerging infectious disease, and our research programs to identify and develop novel vaccine candidates targeting viral infection including Ebola, Marburg and SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of COVID-19)".

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I am wondering the same. I have searched extensively and cannot find a direct link or study showing trials for RiVax geared towards fighting Marburg. I'm curious where this information originally came from or if it was just misread in the paragraph you pasted.

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A RICIN based QUACK66inne ? What could possibly go wrong. Sign up for your very own personalized lethal injection my god!

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Disturbing article.

"Early intervention protocols that were truly safe and effective for Covid will similarly work for Marburg, as well as readily available veterinary medications like Fenbendazole."

Looks like Fenbendazole is most similar to Ivermectin. Would zinc / HCQ / Vitamin D be of any benefit for Marburg? Any ideas on Fluvoxamine, NAC, or lactoferrin?

Not just asking for a friend.

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The RiVax press release does not mention anything about Marburg. It is used for the potential exposure to ricin toxin. Running a search on RiVax and Marburg returned nothing showing a correlation between the two. Where did the OP get the idea that the two were related in some way?

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