My moms oncologist said shes seeing an explosion of cancer, and mostly in younger people. My mother told her “My son thinks its the vaccines.” She said “So do I.” Almost shit myself when she told me. Park Ave NYC doctor. First time I actually believe this dam might actually break.

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When your enemy is doing something stupid, leave them alone.

The same people who want us dead are getting The Jabs. Yeah, some good people are too.. Moral dilemma time, there.. My sister got the jabs, because She wanted to Be a Good Citizen.. I nearly puked ..

Dunno about you, but standing in a straight line and not talking was not something I was good at. My Citizenship Grade was often a disappointment for mom.. It bothered me then, but today I look back and smile.

Not Complying is and has been a natural thing.

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Lines of idiots at CVS and Walmart. Unbelievable. Criminal

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How many in the survey said "Hell No!" I'm on that list.

My position hasn't changed from the first go-round, namely, that if they want to kill me they're going to have to do it the old-fashioned way.

Granted, I'm under no delusions that they won't, just sayin'.

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The fact that 'they' are still recommending it to even kids (six months and older) tells me all that I need to know.

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I can’t believe it isn’t more than 1/2 that will be abstaining. Even the pro Reddit forums are turning against the shot or at least developing some suspicion. We will never know the actual numbers, they lie about everything. Part of getting people to take it is to make them believe they are alone in not wanting it along with getting them to believe everyone else is getting it.


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Very well written Substack post!

I would also like to see a random poll of survivors who did not take the shots. I would bet the 'unvaxxed' survivors represent a whole lot more than the 15% blessed with the internal light to see the scam.

The devil is having his day no doubt!

Cling to God, take hold of the rescuing hand of his son Jesus. Jesus is the one who took our place for what Satan wanted to do to us. He is the rescuer of all those who give their lives to God daily and whose Holy Spirit enlightens guides and protects.

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Lady at the dentist said she’s not taking any more shots of any kind she developed autoimmune+other symptoms :(

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FWIW from the MD suburbs of DC......

There are long lines at the CVS for the shots. Most appear to be >65.

On Nextdoor, an interesting thread appeared yesterday: a man wrote, asking where he could get a "free" COVID shot because he has medicare and Kaiser, and Walgreens said they cannot give him one of the free (medicare-covered) shots because he has secondary insurance. What struck me as interesting was that of the 100 responses, most were helpful as to where he could go to get his shot. But then someone started dropping gentle truthbombs like, "hard pass on the shot" or "due to the overwhelming evidence of harm (adverse events including death) associated with this shot, no one should get one." The OP shut the thread down because it "went sideways." However, what I realized after reading every single comment, was that not a single person expressed any fear of unvaccinated people, and no one said "you need to get your shot to protect me!" On the contrary, most people said, "get it or not -- it's your choice -- but I'm choosing to get mine because I want to be protected from severe illness/hospitalization."

I am not seeing this as the improvement that many people do -- but rather as to how brainwashed so many still are. This is just parroting what the TV tells them, and if the TV decides tomorrow that everyone is supposed to shun unvaccinated people again, these folks will be right up there at the head of that line.

Regarding the poll -- I wish it were ordered by the right-most column (the "definitely won'ts") rather than the "definitely wills." The hispanic adult group really leaps out as being different from the rest. Why is that? Many are in the middle rather than taking a hard position either way.

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It's still a wonder to me about how the whole depop agenda theory. "They" are killing their own much more than the oppo. Not a great strategy. Hanlon's razor has got this - for now.

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If anyone still believes in the plandemic and the vaxx at this point, it seems they are literally hopeless. Like most of my family...sigh.

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I have been thinking of installing a sign on both ends of the sidewalk in front of my house that says IF YOU ARE WEARING A MASK WALK ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET (SO I DONT HAVE TO LOOK AT YOUR IDIOT SELF AS YOU WALK BY)....just to see if the sheeple will obey.....I bet most would obey.

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It’s taken years to finally sink into majority of minds that just maybe, perhaps, there ‘might be’ some kind of problem(s) with these non-tested “experimental” concoctions being jabbed into people. Talk about fast learners!

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As Cindi said concerning the Nobel prize,

The propaganda is stronk.

Do not trust anything but your own good sense.

Science has been co-opted.

Everything is a lie.

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Globalist Deep State will have to settle for a smaller Human Sacrifice next time round

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Evolution, combined with abortion, may wipe out many of the leftists.

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