Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

With this and the corrupt food pyramid and corporate processed food agenda, as well as the childhood poison jab schedule, they indeed want you weak, controlled dependent and then broke and finally dead.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I’m alarmed at seeing cancers in the non-jabbed as well. People who never drank, smoked or eat crappy foods. In the back of my mind I wonder if the DOD funded injections coded for cancer and shedding is part of its transmission.

And this is why I take my ivermectin, fenben, curcumin, Vit D etc.

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Thank for sharing this info. I've felt for a couple of years now that all the BS about people don't want to work and that's why companies can't find enough employees is a falsehood. I'm sure that's a reality, but micro. I've believed the employee shortage was due to death and disability (from the incessant psychological warfare pulled on all of us by tptb resulting in too many rolling up their sleeves and allowing the needle in more than once), just a gut feeling for me. Your stack shows me I'm not as crazy as I sometimes think I am. This also shows the war on women is going quite well. TranZ replacing women in sports and all media and along with higher death rates we have the way higher disability growth as well as the big uptick in infertility (advising pregnant women to get this injection is pure evil with a desired end goal). It's sick too how the hordes coming in are not mandated or guided to take the injections, which shows, to me, this is all be design.

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To make way for the Covid release and promote the DEADLY COVID-19 farce, the World Health Organization, in collaboration with the US FDA, pretended that the Flu had disappeared overnight in early 2020. We can conclude this was early evidence the WHO had been financially infiltrated by Bill Gates and his insane intentions for our sacred planet. Since then all hell has broken loose! The, now redundant WHO is now Gates's vax-peddling promotor!

Both the FDA & WHO also backed the 'illegal Authorisation of DEADLY mRNA (Gene Modifying) INJECTIONS called Covid Vaccine!

The WHO is now 'owned' by Bill Gates with his enormous financing of their Policies and strategies. The WHO TREATY was another attempt to take away all Nation's ability to decide on actions regarding its population's health.

The World Health Organisation is now Corrupt and obsolete. The WHO is no more!

We the people have spoken!

Since 2019, all 'truth' cannot be accepted at face value.  We now have to question and verify all statements of fact which seem to be frequently 'selling' the New World Order's (WEF) messages which are intended to promote their evil, depopulation program and promote the DEADLY COVID INJECTIONS they pretend are VACCINES!  'Science' has been patented by Big Pharma?

The people they are protecting are their 'ELITE Controllers' within the New World Order (= WEF) who need to destroy TRUTH in favour of their DEPOPULATION & CONTROL PLAN which Big Pharma delivers (by Injection) to all those the Elite now CONTROL through fear, coercion, lies and manipulation.

Covid is/was a planned SCAMDEMIC which supposedly justified an untested, unproven, suspicious INJECTION they pretend is a 'VACCINE', but in reality, is a human CULL - for enormous FINANCIAL REWARD for all those involved in the deceit.

Pfizer's, Moderna's, (etc.) 'ZERO LIABILITY' for DEADLY 'EXPERIMENTAL' injections was peddled as "Safe & Effective"!   Just one of the most obvious clues that tells you all you need to know about the reality of our new, evil world of impending SLAVERY - which was launched upon the world in 2019.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Your "Deathvax" line on the charts is in the wrong place. You have it near the beginning of 2020, whereas the shots began in mid-December 2020. This places the massive upward shift in disability even more clearly related to the Deathvax injections.

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With the hordes pouring across our southern border, why do you think the current DC mafia is allowing this? These are the replacements. They are eager to obey. They have no assets, no guns, and no voice. Civil war is on the horizon. Think thats crazy talk? I dont.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The sudden last minute drop in male employment with a disability could be from men being furloughed because of the dismal economy. Men have to go first, can’t Shit can a disabled female before a male.

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My my latest thoughts about the original “Bio Weapon” are; could fentanyl be used as an oil based carrier for other compounds? Yea, it’s a distinct possibility. Fentanyl is a synthesized drug that is first synthesized by Paul Johnson at Jansen Company in Belgium in December 1960.1 This drug is known as a potent analgesic and is used for acute and chronic pain.2 Fentanyl is an opioid drug that stimulates µ-opioid receptors.3 Fentanyl can medically use in several forms like patch,4 intranasal,5 sublingual,6 lozenge,7 injectable, etc. The intravenous fentanyl injection is generally used for anesthesia and pain relief. Fentanyl citrate (fentanyl salts produced from the combination with citric acid 1:1) is also used for intravenous and intramuscular injection.8 Fentanyl citrate (FC) is also very potent as fentanyl.9 The presence of about 0.2–1.2 ng/mL fentanyl in blood can result in severe anesthesia for people who do not have the experience of using opioids.2 In recent years, the number of people killed due to excessive use of this drug has increased significantly. In 2016, about 20,000 people in the United States have died due to excessive use of this drug.10 Stay Woo people! Love you guys!😘

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Population numbers are still rising, but the injections have begun impacting the rate of increase. “Catastrophic Contagion” was table-topped for 2025 by Gates, WHO and high level bureaucrats from around the world so get your home medicinal cupboards stocked up.

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Where will the tax revenue come from to fund SS when all the formerly able-bodied workers are unable to function?

Who’ll provide the world’s goods and services?

I guess the quality of thought in the minds of TPTB who devised this intentional fiasco itself is disabled and obviously broken.

They didn’t think this thing through. Without the laborers, there’s no heap for them to claim to top.

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2 SG - I have a query from my sister, maybe you can help answer? "Yes. I've also been reading about vaccine induced high platelets - which is what I have, but how could I know if that's what caused it? "

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👍👍👍 Now compare the two groups by age status.😉🤔😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Hello future, #childrenofmen meet #handmaidstale meets #matrix

Good times.😐😐🤐😤🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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