We are trying to get a niece and her husband and three sons out of So Cal and move to the Ozarks. They seem oblivious to what is taking place in their state. They are in denial about the future there. How can they be so willfully ignorant?

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I have willful ignorant friends too.

Mind boggling to me.

They think everything will return to normal soon

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They are in for a hard life if they stay. Not that we here in the midwest are not going to suffer but we have wide open land and forest and small towns. We have areas to hunt for game, lakes, and rivers for fishing, and space for gardens. Most small-town people are friendly and helpful.

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Exactly. More invested in community

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In the state of Missouri close to the Missouri River. We moved here from Illinois two years ago other family members from Illinois moved to Arkansas from the Chicago subs. One of my brothers moved to rural Michigan with his grown children and their families. We joked that we were all heading for the hills!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Mind boggling' ...You hit the nail on the head. Brainwashing and psychological manipulation by the corrupted state coupled with a fear of any alternate reality outside of their habitual existence is what it comes down to. How much of the denial is down to the programming received via the education system? The willful deniers are half the problem, the other half are the woke people who see and understand what is going on but fear being called conspiracy theorists and thus fail to spread the word.

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No more sales of gas powered cars eh, California? I'm fer sure that'll be super awesome sauce, dudes!

The newer electric car horns will all sound like: Derp! Derpitty DERP DERP DERP! *sputter-sputter-cough*! It's Cartoonifornia!

My mentally unhinged WA state isn't far behind sadly. 🙀

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West Coast Cabal

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*sigh* Yep. 🤪🤪🤪

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That there's such a thing as the "electric car industry" is in-your-face evidence of how susceptible we are to propaganda and how willing we are to advance our own enslavement.

Electric cars cost more to make, cost more to operate, don't "reduce carbon" (as if that were a worthy goal in the first place), severely limit driving range, are more difficult to fuel/power, can be turned off and/or controlled by outsiders, and have a much earlier planned obsolescence than gas cars (spent batteries too costly to replace).

And yet, people still buy them.

There are even waiting lists for certain models.

They're sleek, quiet and you get to spend lots more AND reduce your freedom at the same time!!! What? Still not interested? Did we mention you get to "save the environment?" That the brandname references a cool mysterious 20th century scientist? Did you know that the "CEO" is a celebrity who has babies with popular recording artist "Grimes"? Still no? How about a Rivian truck instead--it's like a regular truck, but with less range and 4x the price. You know that company is trustworthy because the boy wonder "CEO/founder" is the son of a longtime defense contractor. What? Still no? Are you bad at math? Ok, then how about a Nissan Leaf? It'll save you money by 2036, so long as gas stays above $5/gal (and the batteries don't wear out).

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I lived in the Bay Area when they did the rolling black outs under Gray Davis and he lost his job within a year. People tolerate far more today and they know it.

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Roads clogged with dead electric cars ? people not being able to go to work ? Hehe everyone buy a bicycle, a real one, not an electric, a foot pushed one. Otherwise you won't be able to get around

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How much space does Florida have with all the Californians and Canadians fleeing there....it's gonna get crowded.......

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I have some spare rooms in my house in Texas. Just sayin'.

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Don’t forget that every ice engine imported into the United States generally must meet CARB (oh, the irony of that acronym) regulations. Basically to economically sell cars, motorcycles, etc, foreign companies have to meet CA standards.

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Mexifornia is still > Mexico

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Our large circle of Latin friends WAY back in the late nineties (when we were still in coastal California) LOVED how I always referred to greater SoCal as "Tijuana Norte", all the way up to the geological junction with Cascadia bending from Mendocino across to the Feather River canyon.

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From what I gather here, it could be good to consider ways of eliminating debt altogether. I know one thing concerning the shot, that if I had to camp in my car (I do like camping) to avoid it, it would have been no problem and immediate. Infrastructure and supply is a concern. In my opinion we need to form our own local networks and co-operatives. Suggestion - Set up group campsites. Might be able to cultivate some leafy greens hidden in the bush or in pots.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

Downfall of the USA—>. The voting laws are not federal.

The biggest mistake was allowing states to run their own elections! Why didn’t they foresee the potential for cheating?

Communists/cheaters have taken it one blue state at a time. Don’t know how much longer before separation of states happens.

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More FERAL GOV????? R U Kidding Me???? Separation of States is fine with me. I don't want to live with democRat Bolshevik Wetards.

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Omg. If the voting laws were written over a hundred years ago why would it be changed to mail in voting?

Even jimmy carter did a report that mail in voting is susceptible to fraud.

I’m talking about old traditional voting laws. Not leftists that want to change it in congress now.

Regardless. Mail in voting is creeping in more and more everywhere.

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I may not know all of the players. I do have an idea of how people will be mandated to live in the be happy and own nothing, fake equality world. The 99% will be forced to live in a state of perpetual enslavement of every sort, poverty and disease. Human rights will be a thing of the past. All for the collective good of course. And to save the planet from climate change. The 1% ruling class will be calling all the shots as usual, remain as unjust as they have ever been, control and own all of the earth's resources.

And last but not least. These snake people will never subject themselves or their progeny to the nightmares and injustices they can't wait to force upon everyone else. Only divine intervention will terminate every evil plan that the snake people are determined to force upon humanity. It's as though human society has already been taken over by some sort of alien reptilian species. So when fake humans tell us that our lives are in danger from aliens from another planet. Some of us will acknowledge that we have always been in dangers of every sort from the serpent seed that looked like us and walked amongst us.

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I lived in the Palisades and the place was stunning. But I don't miss it one bit.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

Bolted our bluffside place on the Palos Verdes peninsula for the wife's ancestral family farm in rural Europe in 2002 and never looked back.

That said, being a Pacific NW native who grew up in the Cascades, northern Europe was an easy transition. Food quality and security have been atop the schedule since we settled in to our sturdy old pile of Devonian shale.

Observing the slow, steady unfurling of our current situation is like witnessing a head-on collision unfold in slow-motion over decades. Turns out, being an historically curious "auto-didact" and "iconoclast" isn't an easy row to hoe.

Sadly, the wife's highly educated siblings still have FAR too much faith in various systems of authority and the "pathological achievers" who front them.

As for us, we chose the much less lucrative life of maintaining the "family redoubt" in the hills, an economic strategy which the former Finanzamt director (sister) and corporate consultant (brother) are only now beginning to comprehend.

More hectares of forest and firewood than we can burn in many lifetimes...? Check.

A local network of other "untainted" folks with various practical skills...? Check.

Direct access to raw milk, organic meats and a huge garden...? Check.

A financial foundation built atop a physical stock of precious metals...? Check.

Zero debt and/or financial obligation to outside entities...? Check.

Our current predicament has been visible on the horizon for MANY years, but almost no one I've encountered over the years has had an interest in -- or truly even been capable of -- discussing such subject matter.

Ironically enough, in my experience, the individuals best prepared to ruminate on such challenging ideas are former Eastern Bloc and Soviet types already VERY familiar with key aspects of the current socio-economic playbook.

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Kudos, well planned and executed!

(Now one caveat, usually I try to avoid fearmongering, but...) since you invested so much thought and resources in reinventing your life in Europe I have an honest question - what do you recon, how much time before whichever country you landed in send its brownshirts (brownshitters?:) to "rescue" you of your possesions?

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

The answer truly begins forty years ago, when I began learning how to interpret the "now" through an historical lens shaped by a healthy cynicism for orthodoxy. Challenging the often ridiculous textbook interpretations of history started in high school, much to the chagrin of all but a couple teachers who became early mentors as a direct result.

The other side of the coin was learning to unpack media and understand semantics and linguistics, beginning the LONG learning curve surrounding the use of language and symbolism, jump-started by one of those unexpected mentors in an elective media studies class.

His effective use of what I've come to call "conservative camouflage" -- and its corollary -- to situationally mask an iconoclastic mind and unorthodox views of society, economy and the nature of political systems is perhaps the most useful social skill I've ever learned.

My late father-in-law also imparted a valuable kernel of wisdom on his most iconoclastic daughter in her formative years : by their very nature, politicians and governments are NOT and will never be your ally, no matter how loudly they portray themselves as "for the people".

This from a fellow who survived the war and POW camps before eventually serving as the village mayor and three decades wading through county politics, ostensibly to keep an eye on the constant undermining of local interests via the sclerotic post-war bureaucracies of Europa.

Our process here twenty years or so ago wasn't so much planned as "organically executed" around a few philosophical principles we largely kept to ourselves, orbiting closely around the core Joycean strategy of "silence exile and cunning".

Along the way, swimming against the tide, we cared for her aging parents (WW2 survivors) and two handicapped paternal siblings while more-or-less managing the generational transition of the "new house", built c. 1751 on a modest patch of hill-country land first deeded in 1085.

Such historical realities provided an unexpected sensation of security, given the persistence and resourcefulness her ancestors demonstrated. This patch of land; farm and garden and orchard and forests and fresh water, have supported the family through many centuries of conflict.

As for "brownshirts", the strategy begins with locale, continues through a tactical withdrawal from social and political processes apart from the local, alongside gathering materials for self-defense. Access to such items is MUCH more difficult if you're not criminally connected.

When the world flipped upside-down in early 2020, I pointed out to the wife that major inflection points she once couldn't believe were possible were on the near horizon. The biggest being the events likely to unfold should we find HazMat lackeys and stormtroopers at the front door.

The thing is, after twenty-plus years here, it's quite clear that the authorities' 'per capita' ability to exert coercive force is VERY limited. It's not hard to envision even a slight uptick in resistance completely overloading the limited civil and military capabilities. Once the urban environs get hot, few resources will remain for widely distributed rural reinforcement.

Historically speaking, brownshirts began as civilian militias "empowered" by the charismatic psychopaths atop the ruling hierarchy. A situation FAR less likely to occur this time around for a laundry list of more-or-less obvious reasons far beyond the scope of this already long reply...

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Pack up what you can. Sell off stuff.

Gas up your car and get out. At least away from cities. Period.

Best of luck

It will get worse.

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Downgrade your phone. Less data to collect. Eliminate apps and social media that's an Everyone job. Except if you are warring for minds in Twitter. Also rent and utilities are halved when space is shared. Buy food together and get the huge bag of rice like a mini food coop. Strategies. I got an apartment after law school and rented out the dinning room and even the parking spaces to knock my debt down fast. It was hilarious my roommates would leave and these secretaries would pop in. Grow greens and veg in your space. Find seed coops . California must have them en masse and you will find self sufficient people you can learn from. Maybe the second job is a restaurant and you can eat there. I worked a kitchen in a hospital to save for university and nightly the food was thrown out. So the girls always brought in their Tupperware took things home for their families like next day Mac and cheese whatever and saved me a plate. Turn the opportunity light bulb on. Thinking with resourcefulness. Also hope is a Christian value taught in Advent. It is important because fear prevents action. That mindset will help you when fear paralyzes. All is not lost. Love your neighbor is also a gift you give yourself.

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Never, ever try to solve someone's problem for them.

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Suggestions are just that.

Take it or leave it. Especially when they ask sincerely.

Too many people don’t want to help others with even a suggestion.

I’m not that person.

Community is more important than ever.

Even online.

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For your region, North County.

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It’s all a controlled demolition of our country.

Things are going to get worse.

Too many are still comfortable.

Until the populace feels the actual pain of this Marxist BS. They will remain compliant .

I personally, would not be near any city.

Have some back up food.

If and when the food supply collapses, after Nov.

that’s when the violence will break out.

Nato brought in as a ruse for safety… martial law, shot on site if one is in violation.

It’s in the UN Globalist list of One World Military

One World Government.

Will it happen , I pray it doesn’t, but Biden just declared war on the Patriots, the constitution and our bill of rights.

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Rob someone(j/k)…get a second full time job. Work 16 hours a day for a couple months and you’ll have enough to do it.

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Do you have relatives somewhere else? See if they will let you crash at their place for a while until you get back on your feet at your new location.

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I’d attempt to get out of a city area ASAP if that’s where he is.

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