Since I realized everything was fake I started dumping into eth, just what I could afford to lose, each pay. I yolo into crapcoins and see what happens. It's true they'll always exist regardless of what the fed does. Only thing I'll probably do soon is get a physical wallet so that when they hammer the exchange wallets I still have my stuff. That's the only thing I'd suggest adding. Only takes one "cyberattack" to lose all your coins.

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I did some research into Bitcoin but ultimately decided to buy gold coins instead. Some claim bitcoin is a huge Ponzi scheme right now and the CIA created bitcoin in order to promote Central Bank Digital Currency.

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it may not be an either/or proposition after all.

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I don't know anything about Bitcoin either. But aren't we already in a kind of electronic banking? After all who still has cash? I might have to learn quickly LOL

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Today is Friday - CASH Friday ;-)

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I’m older…59….but I still use cash quite a bit. Cards for online purchases. I don’t see why the card companies should automatically make money on every transaction.

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I am 65 LOL. I use very little cash and have just one card. I still pay some bills with checks and electricity and phone are on automatic so I can't forget !

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Try to use cash as much as possible- it might help delay Central Bank Digital Currency.


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Doing that right now. Thanks for the link

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I doubt it will be that simple to evade.

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