Jim Jordan is protecting SPECTRE.

I provide evidence against the FBI and DOJ, but Jim Jordan keeps the evidence off the record. He is corrupt.


My Google Docs:


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I concur. Jordan has amounted to nothing but words so far. He also has A LOT of Google’s money in his pocket. Don’t trust him.

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Are you on facebook? I'd like to share your links.

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Thank you. Please feel free to share any of my links. I would appreciate that in fact. I have published them to the world, because if I were the world, I would want to know. But few share my links. Thank you for seeing that the issues are pressing national issues.

This is one of my most recent presentations:


bottom half: my letter to Tucson police before they committed me.

top half my follow up since the recent commitment.

I am banned from Facebook, but you can link to my Google Docs or to here if you like.

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Jordan certainly does a lot of talking and letter writing but what does he actually do? Nothing, like the whole lot of them, RINOs in full view.

With saviours like him and his mates who needs enemies?

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Not buying it. As political theater, I love Jordan. But I'm tired of speeches and memos. I want change, aggressive and country level change. And he's not going to deliver.

He has become exactly what Trey Gowdy was... a spotlight on the roaches we let scurry away that grow ever bigger until, like Feinstein, there body finally gives up their corrupt ghost.

More of same won't do it. Put someone in that doesn't know the old game and let them invent the game the country needs.

It's that or a hot war. Choose wisely.

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The whole point is that there is no fixing the political system in the US. It is FUBAR, period. No matter who you "elect", no matter who is (s)elected, nothing will change.

Until a majority of voters in the US turn their backs on the dysfunctional system that is American politics, NOTHING will change.

There is also, unfortunately, a large majority that think this system consists of two parties. I call them the Demopublican and the Republicratic parties. They are two sides of the same $3 bill.

There is also, unfortunately, a large majority of people who are still stuck in the false left/right paradigm. This paradigm was created with LBGTQ++ rah, rah, siss boom bah, socialism for the poor and a whole bunch of other crap on one side, and on the other side you have corporate personhood, socialism for the rich, entitlement because of wealth and so on, and so forth.

All that crap makes the people on the middle of the ladder protect the people at the top of the ladder from the people at the bottom rung of the ladder.

Had the all people NOT at the top of the ladder understood this, they would have cooperated, and there would now be a lot less people at the bottom rung.

In short, it's us (the 99%) against them (the 1%). We outnumber them. They do not stand a snowball's chance in hell, and they know it.

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Exactly. Typical fake chest beater. All talk no action. Jordon another another huge disappointment.

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Exactly. Chest beaters, all talk zero action.

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Trey Gowdy, the great pontificating useless blowhard!🤮

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Oh, me me me... I have a question!

How is it that no one sees that the speaker of the house is third in line for the presidency? It's like no one understands the precarious position of Biden/Harris?

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According to Javiera Becerra the Fed is a hoax, printing money that just isn't there.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 4, 2023
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We should legislate the FED out of existence just as they were originally created. Since they illegitimately hold most of the US debt, they can just fuck right off.

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Morgan Stanley for one has been outed as an enemy of the people, they still owe me about $150,000. Soon we're supposed to have no debts, but that's a totally different thing.

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Currency = debt

Money = gold and silver

A hundred plus years ago you could melt a thousand dimes, or four hundred quarters into a chunk of metal, take it to the scrap metal dealer and sell it for aproximately a hundred dollars.

If you try that today the guy behind the counter at the scrap metal dealer will just laugh at you.

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I know, sad, isn't it? But we are going back to gold and soon. There were 650 planes from the Vatican bringing their gold (illegally gotten) here.

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Prior to WW II there were US Navy cruisers that went round the world and collected gold for safe keeping in case the Nazis invaded. China was one of the largest "contributors". All this can be found @corbettreport.com. They melted the gold bars, and of course that made the gold unidentifiable. As we all know, posession is 9/10s of the law.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 4, 2023
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I know their plans, too bad they'll be turned upside down.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 4, 2023
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Also few countries in the world owns as much gold as the Chinese government. ....., and you know what they say: He who owns the gold makes the rules.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 4, 2023
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Let’s be honest all of them are somehow bought. At this points it’s choosing the best of the worst.

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I don't like him one bit.A big babbermouth.

And he never wears a jacket. He is all talk and seemingly no action.

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i find the terminology of leftists hard to take, they are not progressive they are regressive and we should adopt that word when talking about them

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They progressively destroy the standard of living :)

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He’s NOT Speaker material as much as I admire him. He’s a bit on the establishment side IMO and can be more effective staying put (if he ever was)🤔😒 But then #WeThePeople don’t get to choose or #RINOMcCarthy wouldn’t have gotten the position in the first place

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The only one who might be better is Trump and he is running too, so we'll see.

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My problem with Jim Jordan was during the Section 230 hearings- he accepted monies from Facebook (possible also Google) before those hearings and his normally good and fiery hot examinations, were absolutely tepid and lukewarm when it came to Zuckerberg. Totally disappointing. I think on other issues he has peeked behind the curtain and knows the problems but he did accept some blood money along the way unfortunately. What about Devin Nunes? I wouldn’t mind Trump, but too many congresscritters might suspiciously die from myocarditis, the extra pressure on their hearts would make them keel over...

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Oh heck NO!!

Trump alone, we've been praying for that since the scum stole the election. Jesus returns with a sword for a reason, Mr. Biden. Not throwing stones, just warning you and others. #TrumpForHouseSpeaker

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By their fruit you will know them. So where is the produce? Mr. Goetz put on his bib overalls.What is next?

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Haven’t read whole thing. But Jordan seems to have acknowledged the error of his ways. He took Google money I believe. In any case, if men will balls and women with brains don’t lead the charge against our mortal enemies -- NOW -- it’s over.

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I am definitely in support of Jordan as Speaker, and just coincidentally published a post about the historical day that went down yesterday. It is critical we control who is ultimately elected. The Ds are watering at the mouth to control or influence who is seated. We cannot risk this. What is most critical about Jordan is he can coalesce both the moderate McCarthy and Freedom Caucus wings of the party. It should not matter he has changed his mind since January. He is undoubtedly the best man for the job, with a proven track record. We have to look big picture and long game on this.

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He’s definitely better than milquetoast RINO McCarthy- he was always a McConnell acolyte and for crying out,loud Frank Luntz is his friggin roommate!

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Thank you, 2SG--order placed for the benefit of fish which for me only live in estuarial Maine. Well, cast your bread upon the waters....and the fish will jump to eat it. I have been watching each day for this offering since you mentioned its advent, week before last--I believe this stuff was prescribed to me (guess that makes me piscine?) when I had the Lyme bullseye 5-6 years ago.

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