The CIA-run MSM are doing their utmost to frame a nationalist politician that has been fearlessly calling out their bioterrorism and central bankster One World Government agendas as a “fascist.”
Watch Giorgia Meloni’s speech below and ask yourselves if anything that she said was in any way “fascistic,” offensive, unreasonable or incorrect:
Here we have CNN snidely equating Meloni to Mussolini:
The Guardian did an especially nasty hit piece on her that did in fact explicitly equate her to Mussolini:
This is precisely what Statist propagandist reality inversion looks like:
Giorgia Meloni presents a danger to the democratic balance in Europe. Her leadership looks to be the antithesis of what Italy needs – and not just at this difficult moment.
According to the Guardian’s opening paragraph, all of the problems caused by the very Cult puppet politicians in Italy due to their globally coordinated PSYOP-19 “pandemic” responses more at depopulation and control scams and suicidal Russian sanctions now require more of the same murderous policies. Because at this “difficult moment” additional deliberately imposed difficulties will solve the current difficulties. That is some mind achingly low-grade gaslighting.
Meloni’s moral and economic inspiration is Viktor Orbán, the man who in recent years has destroyed the opposition in Hungary and achieved legitimacy by weaponising popular consensus. He has provided an ephemeral sense of security but Hungarians have paid for it dearly in the form of economic instability and, above all, the loss of their rights.
It so happens that Orbán and Brazil’s Bolsonaro are some of the most beloved politicians on the planet today precisely because they are vehemently against the UN, WEF, BigPharma, BIS, IMF, WHO and all of the other Cult assets attempting to foist their 4th Industrial Revolution hell on earth.
The great irony here is that the One World Government is the transhumanist continuation and amplification of Mussolini, Hitler, the Bolsheviks and Mao into a singular ultra-synthesized technocommunist global takeover.
Until enough people can appreciate that we do not require leaders, but, rather, minimal governments upholding only the most basic natural laws, politicians like Giorgia Meloni are a kind of antidote and direct danger to the antihumanist Great Reset agenda.
Do NOT comply.
I believe what follows is ok. I wrote it earlier as a reply to a post substack by Dr. Colleen Huber,
Good Day Dr. Colleen Huber,
I have just read your article and watch the speech of PM Giorgia Meloni. My take is slightly different. All she says is appropriate. But the people she is talking to (in a way all of us) are already enslaved. She is saying in effect nothing to see here I and those who support me; know that we will take care of this problem of government/corporate power. You can go back to sleep now. All is under control.
While the words are right the true message is wrong. It doesn't awaken the people to their chains and the steel bars for their cage. Even if the chains are of gold they are still chains.
JFK said it best "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country". That and other aspects of his presidency got him and his brother killed. Sadly if she is assassinated I will believe her speech was a wake up call rather than a lullaby.
This not yelling, TO BE CLEAR I WISH PM GIORGIA MELONI A LONG HEALTHFUL AND PRODUCTIVE LIFE FOR THE GOOD OF ALL PEOPLE. If she can inspire the Italian people to throw of their chains, she has taken a major step on the way to showing us how to liberate ourselves.