Nov 7, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Last week, my younger brother called me to tell me of his most recent 'near death' ordeal.

He spent just over 3 weeks in the hospital after his heart stopped for 4 minutes. Apparently, he also had a seizure and he aspirated into his lungs bringing on pneumonia. He was intubated that whole time and put in a medical coma. He now has a pacemaker as his heart stopping was attributed to tachycardia.

After I heard his story on this ordeal I asked him if it had changed his spiritual life in any way. (He is not saved). It had not. He is still on the fence about the afterlife. One thing he did say during his near death experience was that he had some pretty dark dreams. He also stated that at one point he saw his deceased son (who died 5 years ago of a drug overdose).

My brother has "proudly" told me that he is double vaxxed and triple boosted. (This was last year). He may have gotten the 4th booster for all I know.

We used to be close until our worldviews changed over the last 20 years. I am a Christian conservative and he is a liberal who still believes there is a democratic party of our fathers generation.

I pray for his salvation and healing of mind, body & soul.

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Never stop trying. I was at my fathers death bed and even though I had plenty of opportunity to try and get him to accept Christ I failed top do it and I regret it big time.

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I forgot to add that on Thanksgiving, we will traveling to PA to visit my wife's family, including a brother who was fit and healthy until he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer 3 months ago. He is also double jabbed and has gotten all of the boosters.

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Sadly relatable with my own brother, also very fit, just a different area the cancer is working on. He didn't get all the boosters but it was enough.

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He may have gotten the 4th booster for all I know.

Did you try to stop him? Maybe, by now he suspects a connection.

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No, I didn't try and stop him because when I discussed this topic with him on a couple of previous occasions, he blew off all the VAERS data (highly 'underreported') and other articles I cited, as well as the benefits of treatment like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

Unfortunately, he his a true believer and seems to be unable to think outside of the narrow box of ideology he has put himself in.

BTW, he is an attorney and is well-read. So, no dummy; he's been programmed by the left/cult.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

This great apocalypse has helped me better understand my position within the social stratification, about my mid-wit status within the IQ realm and my station within the

"successful" occupation/vocation index. These are the highly educated morons that are the authority figures in our material world; I will never again defer to them. Doctors, lawyers, etc, I don't care the title or the profession. I have my innate intelligence and power of discernment and my experiences as guides, and most importantly God has downloaded wisdom unto me.

The only metric that matters is health, and this is true wealth.

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Nice post (sans the inference of an imaginary being controlling us).

Imho, we were randomly made during the evolutionary process; however, many have forgotten our evolutionary roots:


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There are NO evolutionary roots. Even Darwin had only a theory and could not prove any of it.

As an aside, Karl Marx liked the idea of evolution as it did not have a supreme being in the mix. It fit in very nicely with his godless socialist agenda.

There is growing evidence through discovery of artifacts and writings that the biblical accounts of the flood, the Exodus, the crossing of the Red Sea, and other Old Testament writings that those accounts are true.

Additionally, beyond the bible itself, there is more written documents of the existence, and the death and resurrection, of Jesus, the Christ, than any other figure in the last 2,000 years. But, I expect none of this will sway you and I have not plans of a back and forth discussion.

I pray you will pick a bible, ask for a revelation from this "imaginary being" called Elohim, the Great I Am, or whatever you want to call him, and begin reading the book of John in the New Testament.

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So how come our dna is 70% identical with the freaking sea sponge??

I honestly don't get it; the Bible is obviously a crock, written by primitives who thought the earth was flat and Tourettes was caused by demons.

But humour me, how was man made, and how long did it take?

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As Dowd’s Ethics prof apparently said “ you can’t rationalize facts with someone whose position is based on emotion and ego.”

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People usually get emotional when a family member, or very close friend, kicks the bucket, else get a weird turbo disease with little help of recovery.

The fact that they can hardly get anyone to take the mRNA abominations anymore, means the covid fear emotion they induced in the beginning is not working now.

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There are some hard-core fanatics that will continue taking and taking and taking whatever is offered. I know one. They are exceedingly rare but they exist.

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This week I overheard a young teacher, a very young graduate of a local major university in a very blue city, comment that she had just gotten her Covid booster and she had never had a bad reaction before but this time her skin got really red and inflamed and it scared her and she had it checked out and they told her it was ok but she still was scared. But that it was now getting better. So sad to see a young person like this getting boosters she never needed and has absolutely no clue about what is really going on what she has had injected into herself.

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I know, at least, 2. I suspect others.

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Well, you did try with the VAERS data - there is much more now, autopsies showing the jabbed dead have lots of spike in every organ, mountains of research PROVING direct cardiac damage in everyone who took these things. If you sent him those papers, would he not be convinced?

I'm not trying to criticise - I have neither been able to convince my younger psychotherapist sister. Though. I'm beginning to wonder if psychopath is not a better description.

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Yuri Bezmenov said in 1985 that only when the military boot crashes them will they wake up, but not before. Some people you just cannot save from the ideological subversion

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

"stop him?" how exactly? These people are goners. I have a family member (last year around this time) who was getting ready for his sixth shot. It's one year later and he's still kicking. He's a super fit gym-goer, fitness fanatic. Healthy diet. But Vaxtarded. It's so ironic. There's no way in hell I could convince him to stop taking these demon semen injeculations.

For all I know he's on his 8th or 10th! And I love this dude like a brother!

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I did say 'try'. It is obvious that the vast majority who were onboard in early '21 won't go near the things now. There are outliers, but with only 1-2% lining up for the last booster (US) they are in the minority.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

“The numbers were naturally forecasted to climb during the pandemic, but some industry and health authorities are concerned the rates haven’t greatly diminished as COVID infection rates have declined,” InsuranceNewsNet reported.

Boy, these people are sharp. LOL

Could also be that there never were any "COVID infections" and that numerous other ailments, including induced death in hospitals and by AMA robotic doctors/nurses were in fact responsible. But hey, the tin foil roll is running out. LOL

I must say, this is an incredibly fascinating study on collective human nature.

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No doubt about it!! "Could also be that there never were any "COVID infections" and that numerous other ailments, including induced death in hospitals and by AMA robotic doctors/nurses were in fact responsible" The medical industry as a whole have given themselves a scarlet letter for a very long time and I will remind everyone every time I get a chance to show their collusion.

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Let's also not forget that before PSYOP19, the third leading cause of death in the US behind Cancer and heart disease, was medical errors and oversights in our nation's medical (I try not to use the phrase 'health care' since it isn't) system.

I'm guessing that now it's #1 by a country mile.

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The life insurance cartel is the most powerful entity in the world. Eventually they will be forced to turn on big pharma by declaring the covid shots as the cause for excess mortality. This will lead to exposure of the fraud behind the development of the shots under the EUA. This will pierce the liability immunity veil to enable insurance companies to sue big pharma, bankrupting them. Insurance companies will partner with health ‘insurance’ companies to promote fenbendazole and ivermectin as standard of care agents to limit the deaths due to turboCancers. These events could set the stage for an epiphany in health care. We can dream, can’t we?

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By the time that all happens we'll be neck deep in their next contrived crisis.

What's it going to be?

Fake Alien Invasion?

Gates "the next one" that will "get our attention"?

Scorched earth using the DEWs or whatever technology they used to raze Lahaina, contributed to 9-11, Turkey, and other areas around the world? What, arbitrarily air-bake people overnight?

World War?

The options are nearly limitless. It's so exciting. (sarcasm)

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Slide over you’re crowding my rabbit hole!

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That's funny!

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Nah, they will soon start to turn on each other, if they've not already. And we need to come together, right and left; even right-wingers must admit they have not had much success at stopping the slaughter after 2-3 years. Yet all they do is slag off the left - true the left leadership is corrupted as hell, but the grassroots know something very bad is going on.

Join together (quickly) or die together.

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Political efforts are worthless, the L/R paradigm is fully designed to divide, as you know

When you say "they" in your first sentence, whom are you referring to?

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Yes, it is designed to divide, and so we must ignore (as much as possible) the political affiliations of anyone who is against the mass-murder. If we unite we beat them, if we do not then they beat us.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

I don't even bother voting in anything besides state level or down. I'm even skeptical about voting for Fed Reps/Sens.

When you say TPTB, who specifically are you referring to?

There are different levels of TPTB.

i.e., who as you view it, is calling the shots?

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right - wingers. LMAO. Cuckservatives. Fake and Gay. False binaries keep you in their grasp. Today is "election" day. Blue team vs Red team.

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All. Of. The. Above.

Throw everything at the wall see what sticks.

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My thoughts as well.

Or, all the final nails in the coffin at once.

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Maybe a Nuremberg will come from it.

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Sorry. It will not happen

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I wouldn't expect anything like that. The government will just bail them out. (Actually it's already happening, with things like the BTFP ) The average person will eat these losses as consumer price inflation ( due to the freshly printed money), and all of it will be blamed on the next war/ scam/ scare. Nothing ever happens.

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Your vision is false and naive.

What will/is happening is;

Term insurance rates will sky rocket.

Term payouts will be cut by 50%.

Insurance companies will sign NDA's for the direct Gov payments to off set the bottom line loss of profit to continue the safe & effective Slogan.

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How is my comment any more False and Naive than yours?

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Yes and definitely NOT.

The printers of fiat paper money take the ring on the "most powerful cartel in the world" Yes, insurance companies have immense power and leverage but it completely pales in comparison to the entity that traffic in currency. That next level above entity, without them there is no "insurance cartel" The latter seem almighty because lower level banks are always beholden to insurance companies that guarantee investments, loans, mortgages etc. But they ain't the top of the pyramid, buddy.

I'm glad I finished reading your comment til the end. "We can dream, can’t we?" Let's me know you're not delusional. Haha.

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Its all part of the plan-financial collapse, seize all personal property under martial law, UBI (Universal Basic Income and by 2030 you;ll own nothing and be happy, 'cause we tell so!

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And there's a milestone planned for 2025. People are sleeping, including people that consider themselves to be "awake." The focus on wealth/finances/investments/money etc. is disturbing considering what's going on around the world. I feel like I'm in an episode of the Twilight Zone sometimes.

Far too few people understand what's going on or who's REALLY behind it all for us to be able to prevent catastrophe. I've given up trying to educate people. Everyone wants a Twitter sized sound bite to explain 3 decades of learning. If you can't provide that then they're not interested. But they have plenty of time to waste on worthless pursuits.

It's mindboggling.

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Psalm 2... God is in control... and there is an awake remnant.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

That sounds like a Dispensationalist (aka Zionist) position.

God gave us all minds to think with and make decisions from those thoughts.

What's in the US that claims to be "Christian" is largely a 501(c) network of antichrist subversive wolves-in-sheeps-clothing faux organizations, really social clubs, posing as "churches."

God has always been in control. That does not mean that we should accept that what's occurring now is His will. His will is in fact to the contrary, that all should be saved, that none should perish.

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Sorry... in terms of Eschatology, just the opposite. In terms of Israel, not a Zionist.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

BTW, your use of the word "Eschatology" is a giveaway as well, namely that you've been heretically indoctrinated.

There's hope, I was where you now are a couple of decades ago. I realized that things preached simply didn't add up.

Remember, Jesus said what and you shall find? Seek, right.

He didn't say go have your ears and mind filled with heretical Talmudic Synagogue of Satan shit every Sunday and once during the week and you shall find. ... just sayin'. ; )

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I am post millennial. And you are looney.

Have a good day.

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Dispenstationalism was funded by a Zionist and propagandized via C.I. Scofield.

Check up on Scofield sometime and see if you agree that someone like that was reflective of a follower of Christ.

Otherwise, congratulations, you support a Talmudic doctrine.

Research what you're supporting sometime from that angle.

Question, why do you agree with the Babylonian Talmud, implicitly? You don't have to answer that, and I expect that you won't except for more emotional gibberish, but something to think about.

I'd be concerned as someone claiming to be a follower of Christ if I supported that, directly or indirectly being irrelevant.

Matt. 7: 22,23 comes to mind.

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The best laid plans of mice and men.

They will not get away with this for much longer; they have seriously harmed/killed way too many, and left far too much evidence behind.

They are not nearly as smart as they want you to believe, nor as powerful. The fools cannot even make a single 100% reliable autonomous vehicle, yet they think they can replace us all?

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Psalm 2... God is in control... and there is an awake remnant

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

The insurance industry cant be run by imbeciles, they KNOW what is causing the death spikes but being types with low ethics and even lower morality, they will continue to deny, deny, deny. They must be part of the plan to kill off humanity. I am not a genius or a highly educated man but I can see a connection almost too clearly and it started with the mass hysteria of the PCR tests. The insurance industry is a scam of scams and I am doing what I can to extricate myself from needing their 'protection' against manufactured events causing loss of property and health. I'm looking into self-insuring my home now. Automobile insurance is a little more tricky however as the factors (other drivers) shift the odds of an unfortunate event out of my control. Weather too is iffy as some of us know that weather events (or earthquakes) are not all natural occurrences. Geo-Engineering is alive and well.

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The Deep State Cabal says, “it’s not the shots!” So, it is not the shots that are causing the excess deaths! Simple as that... end of discussion!!!

It is Man Made Climate Change causing these excess deaths! Or if you are a NFL football player or young athlete participating in contact sports it is Comottio Cordis that caused it!!! Or, it is Mother Nature, Gaia, getting back at us, killing is off because of all the damage we have done to her over the past couple of hundred years as, “She is pissed!!!”

M. Night Shyamalan made a movie about it some years back called, The Happening, starring Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel where the Earth was getting revenge on us by killing us off and no one could figure out why everyone in a certain region would just die off, usually very violently, all of a sudden with no explanation!!! So that has to be it as it can’t in any way be the poison poke as everyone knows, because the Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Hypocritical Mockingbird Media Mob, The CDC/WHO/AMA, Big Harma and Big Tech Executives and all the World Leaders have told us the bioweapon death jabs are safe and effective and have prevented millions of deaths!!!

Again, the Deep State Canal says it is not the Covid Shots so... it is not the Covid Shots causing these excess deaths... now let’s mive on...

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No one wants them (sans the few deeply disturbed Covidians left). Even better, people are turning against all the useless shots (flu, rsv etc) mRNA or not.

And no doubt, many are realising that 99,9% of prescription drugs are harming them far more than helping.

They have screwed the pooch, trying to force a lethal experimental genetic injection into everyone's arms. They know it and we know it - now what are we gonna do about it?

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

We can all aid in the trial and financial execution of Big pHARMa by finding pHARMa-free alternatives for chronic illness. The information is all out there, on YouTube videos, in books, and on forums like Earth Clinic. Non-drug alternatives are usually VASTLY superior to the symptom-suppressing pseudoscientific woo touted by the drug pushers and their corrupt medical minions.

We have to take down the global pHARMa cartel and replace it with Little Pharma - a much smaller, exponentially more ethical, and very tightly-controlled version the industry. ETHICAL pharmaceutical research can indeed be life-saving - if you need examples, look no further than ivermectin and fenbendazole.

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“Can the industry handle a sudden spike in claims”...

...or should we just say “spike claims” are up?

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Since there’s no foreseeable stop to the mRNA injections, maybe they’ll see the connection when their own children start dying.

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Will we be expected to bail them out? I’m betting, yes.

These people are like bank robbers that execute a clean getaway and then double back because they forgot the wallets, cash, personal jewelers of the victims.

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All those continuing to recite the disproven mantra of “safe and effective” as though repeating it over and over will somehow make it so, may as well say the same about lead. It may be fine when used as an inert weight, but, although quite effective, it’s not so safe when fired into someone’s body,

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Died of "ABTV" Anything But The Vax

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Deagel knew way back then and so did I, been connection the dots for a long spell and been warning longer than 2014. Deagel was my vindication/evidence of intentions........ Most of Deagel stuff has been wiped from the ethers. The answer to the question below is----the predictions are real.

"What Was The Deagel Forecast?

In 2014, a little known military contractor called ‘Deagel corporation’ published a projection of massive global depopulation by 2025.

Are the predictions real? Are they made up? Or was it yet another psy-op?"

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Definitely due to ABV.

I find it humorous that the insurance companies are alarmed by the CDC's numbers. Don't they know first-hand how many people are dying? Why would they rely on a CDC report on deaths? And no one would be dumb enough to run a billion-dollar business based on CDC numbers. This phrase is meant as a distraction - "oh, there's no actual problem, we are just alarmed at a CDC report. Nothing more to see here, move along.".

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There are some big red bars in VAERS that just might correlate to this “anomaly” in the actuarial tables.

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Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars behold a pale horse

An elitist programming manual for total financial enslavement that corresponds with the ongoing efforts to reform the global governance system




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Has anyone provided the insurance industry with the admissions from the EMA, FDA and Health Canada that there are DNA plasmids including the SV40 promoter sequence in the vaccines? Even ChatGPT says it’s “not recommended” to inject plasmids/ SV 40 into humans because SV 40 is from the Simian virus which causes “health concerns” in humans which are “medically problematic”. Maybe the industry should check into that even if only to protect its profits??

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