100%. He has been one of the few beacons of truth and hope from day one. He was a crucial antidote to the “Get Vaccinated!” idiots, bullies and mass murderers. P.S., I thought 2SGitW’s commentary about the interview was superb. He is gifted at summarizing complex issues and putting them into simple but very sharp relief, and into the overarching context of what’s going on.
Agreed and someday we will get to say it out loud. Thank God for Dr Peter McCullough Dr. Robert Malone, Joe Rogan; all the Truth Tellers we had to go down rabbit holes and secret places to hear the truth and God has blessed those of US who have had the courage and determination to abandon the liars on Main Stream Media and find the truth while our families and friends abandoned US, by dying, by calling us selfish, left us to find NEW friends friends who welcomed us in and held the door open for the wounded and awakened, as they came in out of the cold
I thank the good Lord for having known of many truth-tellers several years before 2020. I'm suspecting that when a heart is tuned to the truth. Even though you may not know all the facts. You still somehow know that you're being lied to by certain factions. Since the world famous pathological liars already had track records for never being truthful about anything pre covid. It was easy for me to discern that they were lying about all things covid post covid too.
I suspected that only the willfully, misinformed fear-mongered, and the liar lovers would be gullible enough to continue to believe the lying snakes we see on tv. I and many others have tried to point people to sources of the truth pre and post covid. All some of them want to do is listen to liars they think are telling them the truth. And sadly, many people are suffering from following foolish and bad advice.
Dr David Martin has been covering much of this material for the past 2 years (and before that). Everything McCullough was saying in this 'interview' was already very familiar to me ... bioweapon, U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Ralph Baric, etc. So happy to see this getting out to a larger audience, tho Alex Jones a controversial figure. Check out Dr. David Martin's work (if you haven't already).
You right. When it comes to truth. The message is far more important to our well-being than the flaws of the messenger. Some people spend too much time nitpicking and misjudging people who are of no threat to their existence. Instead of trying to learn something about escaping from deceptions and the traps of people who are their enemies.
Dr. McCullough is one of the top cardiologists and medical researcher in the world with a very impressive resume. It takes a lot of guts for someone at that level to buck the corrupt system and do what is right, then go even further to expose the dark forces.
McCullough's new book "The Courage to Face Covid-19", with crime investigator John Leake, is some hard hitting, well-documented truth. Also check out his weekly podcast archives:
"As the government’s false agenda continues to unravel, stakeholders in the biopharmaceutical complex are increasingly turning to propaganda and defamation as tools to push misinformation out to the public while silencing any sources of grounded scientific information... As for vaccines, that house of cards is crumbling globally, where adverse reactions and the deaths of young, healthy people pile up around leaders who mandated compliance against every social norm. "
A Midwestern Doctor also published an excellent article today about how various batches of previous injections (namely, DPT and and Anthrax) are possibly related to the distribution and effects of the "covid" injections:
There was one very big motivation the CCP/China had to "spawn" the story of a pandemic - together with a specific lockdown in China --- namely in Hong Kong. As one may remember, in 2019 unrest in Hong Kong was becoming almost intolerable - for street people, for the increasing crescendo of protesters, and even troops/police to try to quell the violence. Even Epoch Times presses got trashed in HK in 2020/1. CCP would not give in, neither would the protesters. They even called to Trump to rescue them.
Gee Whiz! How good an excuse the CCP had when they announced that the Hong Kong population needed to stay home so that the "virus" wouldn't kill them. Even if it was just a story, the media made it sound like it was real.... And if it was slightly true, so much the better for CCP
Glad it's not idiotic "Big Pharma greedy" explanation.
Some of the narrative is imploding. They have the armies, Silicon Valley, banking systems, intelligence agencies, relationships and captured assets... They are working their plan.
I don't want to be dark... There are many hopeful things for us..m
The problem for us is, that those behind this don't mind destroying half the planet if they have to. It's in their religious blood. This PSYOP-19 is hardly the only tool in their toolbox.
The WEF is merely an executive arm for them, not the top of the pyramid. Yet everyone seems to think that they are.
How can we win a war when we do not even understand our enemy and believe only what becomes patently blatant. Short answer, we can't.
The only way to win the war is to not play. If you keep trying to win by using their rules, you lose. Their control is an illusion. They only got this far because people believe they have power. Look at the total amount of population in your country. Look at how many armed servicemen (active and reserve) and police officers....It doesnt need to be guns. They are out numbered. The only reason people got vaccinated is flat out peer pressure. With everything coming out, the astronomical death counts from the shots, and the infertility rates of highly vaxxed countries, that peer pressure will evaporate. They could nuke the planet, but they have been able to do that for a very long time, so if they were going to pull the trigger, it would have happened by now. What are they waiting for?
They most they can do, is threaten, bluster, point fingers and shake fists. They can switch of the digital systems, but people will still find ways of making food, living life and basically getting $#!^ done. WEF calls US useless eaters.....we at least know how to grow, make and share things. What can the elite do? Bitch and moan, back stab and steal our stuff! Laugh at them, even pity them, but NEVER be afraid of them. They are illusion, empty and deep down they know it.
the power is in the numbers. we are many, they are few. But it would be nice to know who exactly pulls the threads. I agree with former comment, that WEF is not the top. I think Schwab was recruited by Kissinger to take that upon him. He came from a nazi family. Kissinger is 98. Is he the top? That is pretty old to be the leader of a gang
You're way off with that. Look at who did their enforcement, and still does, during PSYOP-19. Those same armed servicemen and police officers that you mention. They're paid by the perps ultimately. Doctors, whom we're supposed to trust they said, sold their fellow humanity down the river for money. Few pastors honored God over the State. Cops routinely beat people down for far less than this and they seem to enjoy it. Pols and administrators of all types relish their totalitarian authority.
Suggesting that they're against the perps at the top is an ignorant take. THEY are among the executive arms of the perps.
what struck me most was the closure of almost all churches. The only one I did not check was the mennonnite. I read that most of them stayed open. All the rest gets their paycheck from the ggovernment or some institution, but the pastors are paid by the people ! And yes, they ALL should have stood up and say no. But very little did. They just 'followed orders' like the nazis.
Yep, that's what 501c(3) will do, it beholdens the "churches," which really aren't the New Testament definition of "church," first and foremost to the government (aka caesar), not to God. All, of course, in the interests of "tax free" status, because you know, the NT model for churches involves paid pastors and enormous staffs and huge buildings. /s
Who do you think, 37, is at the "top of the pyramid"/totem pole? Not that I disagree, but the top players are "hidden in plain sight", looking like they are less than top players!
"Who do you think, 37, is at the "top of the pyramid"/totem pole? Not that I disagree, but the top players are "hidden in plain sight", looking like they are less than top players!"
Homework assignment for you; Who owns the Federal Reserve? (to start)
You're going to answer your own question following a series of questions that you'll find the answers to.
In fact, 37, in part I agree! Except it's more than just the FE D. Most central banks, worldwide, yet in March 2020, including the FED (on March 26, 2020) eliminated even the "rule of thumb" of a "reserve requirement" for counterfeiting (whoops, I mean printing) money. The world went on to create more money in a 20 month period than was created in the last 100 years, plus or minus a factor of 10 (haha). Actually, not a joke. The "money", made legal by big gov's partnership in the operation, was largely created as debt.
Which means that, as long as that debt/credit based money is deemed "legal", the "interest" accompanying the debt is also deemed legal. And variable rate "loans" based on prime rates (not just in USA) can escalate to the breaking point of paycheck-to-paycheck borrowers - and, if those borrowers lost their jobs in the plandemic, then banksters have a field day foreclosing on the borrowers. The banks lend money that was created out of thin air, then when they "legally" foreclose, they get tangible assets (land, homes, companies, airplanes, cars, etc.) because the law allows it.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the US Constitution allows the USA to create interest-free money and spend it into circulation. We, the lowest people on the totem poles, don't know how much money is created this way and not accounted for, worldwide (as other countries' laws also usually allow them to create money similarly.
Is this what you were suggesting, 37?
Since big med, big banks, big box business, the 10s of trillions of dollars hedge funds, mainstream media (MSM) and the politicians, along with the 3 letter agencies, are in partnership to make the stuff legal, then common folks are literally powerless to control what's happening, as long as we keep the narrative of the value of money in society. Not only that, but, the WEF, bankers, and local gov tyrants are quite sure of themselves - almost openly admitting what their next steps will be. Klaus published his predictive book only a month or so after 3/2020- about using the C19 story as a tool in their scheme. MSM, owned/controlled by the above groups, worldwide, is their mouthpiece - instilling fearporn, and likely making Lemmings of, probably, more than half of their listenership.
For the most part, yes. But keep in mind, it's the western central banking system that's behind the military enforcement/destruction of the world and in bed with Zionism, which is the satanic/immoral component driving it all. Other non-western central banks are not of that ilk generally speaking.
My point was that there are at least two layers of people above the Schwabs of the world, that are merely their tools despite their status. Schwab could be disposed of quickly if/once he no longer served their interests. They are the owners of that central banking system, the "Superclass" as David Rothkopf writes about in his book titled the same.
Your assessment is an excellent one however of the methodology. Which is why I am INCESSANTLY ranting that we need to get off of The Company money system if we want to have any chance. But that the problem therein is that just like the monkeys in the video I'll post below, people refuse to let go of what they consider to have been "hard earned" wealth, despite that it was often quite easily earned. Whether it be in the form of income, "investments" (which are largely perks in this system for perpetuating its charade), pensions (same), etc. In short, without this understanding that we are discussing, which 90-some percent of people do not have, they ignorantly continue to contributing to their own enslavement.
"We, the lowest people on the totem poles, don't know how much money is created this way and not accounted for, worldwide (as other countries' laws also usually allow them to create money similarly."
This doesn't matter, it's endless from a de facto standpoint. It's now only on the cusp of failing in a relative sense. When a military and threat of force must back up a banking system, well, ... LOL.
The system was well past honest decades ago. Then "Too Big To Fail" comes along, and for the same reasons as in the video I'm posting, people support it to their own ultimate demise. I lost a burgeoning small business back then as a direct result. I was never able to recover.
The lapsing of Glass-Steagall lent itself to where we are today.
Here's the ultimate problem and why we're screwed. People cling to all of their mammon trinkets and perceived wealth, while in order to attempt to keep it/them, they trade away their liberty, foolishly, astonishingly even, not realizing that once that liberty is gone, what they traded for it will then be taken as well since they'll have no ability to prevent that. Fools. And then selling their own children and future generations down the river for it all.
My own brother is fully complicit in this way. His entire world revolves around wealth. He's loaded, but I feel sorry for him.
We, generally speaking, both currently as well as historically, only see things clearly once they unfold. But by then it's FAAAAR too late to alter the course of history.
I happen to believe that we are in that time in Rev. 20:7-9 where the "camp of the saints" is being surrounded. The camp being far less delineated than people think. i.e., what we consider to be church(es) and how the NT describes it, are two entirely different things. It is also entirely free from denominations, which are NOT from God.
But the reason why I say this is because we are on the cusp of turning human beings into something else entirely and already underway. Changing men to women/boys to girls and visa versa. Pedophelia, bestiality now too, etc. The satanic imagery and influences are arising everywhere and pervasively in pop culture in particular. Naturally the arena of high-finance/banking is ripe with them as well, just not as prominently.
How much longer can this go on with any semblance of God's original creation remaining. (rhetorical)
Most of our society is no less foolish than this monkey. Rememer, with liberty one can always amass more mammon. Without it one can only amass what one's masters allow, which historically has been little more than basic sustenance.
A great overview of the whole mess. I heard Dr Martin say in an interview how he found 72 or so patents the military took out (illegally for some) on the virus shortly after it first outbreak, I think 2003. Moderna never made anything useful so how would they have it now? It was probably one of your blogs where it stated, that Moderna's documents had close to nothing in them about the product they delivered but most of old (failed) products. And now they are going to try and force that poison that sickened 8 mice on the populace? Those that take it are crazy.
I am a fan of Dr. McCullough and deeply admire his ethics and encyclopedic brain. Like so many of you who work tirelessly to get the truth out, Dr. McCullough will be remembered well in the history books for clearing the smoke of satan and revealing the true reality. God bless you all for your dedication.
There's very little new in here, this has all been known for at least a year and for anyone paying attention and understanding the perps, since it broke.
"In America, before the vaccine there were around 250,000 alleged covid deaths. After the vaccine rollout there were allegedly 750,000 covid deaths and that perfectly gibed with life insurance mortality data."
And most of that "250,000" were normal deaths repackaged in a shell game of sorts, or deaths spawned by our "trusted doctors" and marvelous medical "system/industry."
That 750,000k, if that low, and counting, is the number of people whose death has been hastened along, sometimes by years if not decades and in some cases a lifetime, due to the DeathVax and the medical system.
Very little new is coming out, not sure there's much new, just people finding out stuff that's been available for years, predating this all, that no one would believe at the time.
Just finished watching this posted interview with Dr. McCullough and Alex Jones. It was mind-blowing. Some us have been spared much grief by listening to truth-tellers. Praise the Lord for them, and for rewarding people who love and seek the truth in all things.
I will be watching the info wars interview with Dr. McCullough this weekend. Who would have thunk that the fear of death and disease would ever be so aggressively used against the human population? Come to think of it. This psyop was in the works long before covid dominated health news.
Seems to me that most medical info and advice we get from mainstream sources promotes everything that contributes to bad health, disease, premature health, and a wrecked life if you live long enough. That's why truth-seekers have learned and know who the liars are and totally ignore them. Even when or if they do ever decide to tell even one ounce of truth about anything. I still totally ignore them! Best of all. Humanity's well being doesn't depend on waiting for liars to ever be accurate, honest or truthful about anything.
I don’t trust anyone anymore, regrettably. This is another step in the right direction from him so I’m just going to hold on to that for the time being. Been following him since he testified before the Texas Senate begging them to understand early treatment...his words and demeanor were heartfelt and genuine in my opinion.
For me it's simply the amount of time that it's taken so many of these crack people to come to known conclusions. For example, the day that this broke, in what, March of 2020, I called my buddy and told him that this was the Global Elite's end game. I began telling everyone that I knew that this was fake, and that this would be the only "virus" in human history, for which the cure would be a never-ending string of government sponsored injections. Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, thought that I was nuts.
How did I know this? Because I'm special? Hardly. I knew it because I'd been following all the background stuff, you know, real history, for years, several decades. Instead of binge-watching immoral anti-Christian crap on the lobotomy-box, I'd spend a few hours a week researching this stuff.
<I>It's impossible to fully know what's going on unless one understands the players, AT THE CORE, not at the outer levels of the onion. </I>
But people don't have two hours a week, in between watching 10-20 hours of crap, to educate themselves. THAT'S why we're gonna end up going down.
To expound on what Wendy said, and your response, I wouldn't say that it's something "wrong" or "misdirected," but it's info that in order for us to have a chance at winning this world war, we should have known 12-24 months ago and most people still don't believe it, and again, this is only a fraction of it.
Other tidbits, that PSYOP-19 has been carried out by the same exact perps that did 9-11, as the "next step" back then. Same planning BEFORE It happened, same rollout plans already made, etc. Another being that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. Sure, it's getting out, but there's no reason why anyone alive today couldn't have known that all of their adult lives.
So we're here at mile-marker 50 just figuring this out, when the perps are at mile market 200 already planning the next 100 miles.
How many people do you know that came out and said tha this was all deliberate when it rolled out? I can't think of one besides myself.
I agree...we are screwed whichever way we turn and I agree it's because we are so far behind in the truthful reality of what they had planned for us decades ago. I went through my entire life not paying attention...on a side note, in my defense haha, I haven't had a Television for 12 years so I was not spending my time watching The Bachelorette (I think that's what they called it) or Someone's Got Talent and the like.
Nevertheless, I had no knowledge of the Federal Reserve being a complete sham until I read The Creature from Jekyll Island, but that was only 5 years ago ! Reading The Devils Chessboard was another eyeopener around the same time. I'm pretty sure that these two books are what gave me the skepticism necessary to evade the vast propaganda assault that came along with the whole Covid narrative.
It may be rude to say, but the dumbing down of the USA and Canadian education systems has not helped lead anyone to pick up these sorts of books. The vast array of lite entertainment at the flick of a switch (often with propagandized messages within) has not helped to steer masses of people into seeking any knowledge of the big picture, shall we say.
The revealing of the level of institutional corruption all across the board was an exceedingly slow process keeping us way behind the nefarious designs of the endgame in store for us.
My comment above stating I do not trust anyone was glib...and I certainly don't like living with that overview but in view of all I've observed to date it has held me in good stead. I said it knowing there ARE those among us who are brave and have exceptional integrity and Dr. McCullough is likely one of them. I just believe in these chaotic days, one is better served being highly wary.
There is a slim chance yet that we may prevail against the 'powers that be' but it will entail mass NON compliance. I am heartened by the moderate percentage of people who endured the punishments inflicted for not lining up for an experimental shot in the arm and then even more so by the numbers who called it enough and said no to the idea of boosters which together could represent some 50% here in North America.
The survival instinct is strong, so I am somewhat hopeful, but you are right, people have to know what and who they are fighting against in order to prevail.
Better late than never, I believe that's where we are at presently.
"It may be rude to say, but the dumbing down of the USA and Canadian education systems has not helped lead anyone to pick up these sorts of books."
Rude? Truth is never rude. John Taylor Gatto would have a LOT to say about that. Check out his work sometime.
The dumbing down of the pubic education systems has been planned since its existence, that's why it came into being. Rockefeller coopted the medical INDUSTRY as well and did away with nutriceuticals. Also, Edward Bernays would be interesting follow-up for you.
"There is a slim chance yet that we may prevail against the 'powers that be' but it will entail mass NON compliance."
Mass non-compliance is never going to happen. I thought that I would be dead thru this by now. I never wore a mask, anywhere, even at the height of this shit. Even in NY State where EVERYONE was wearing them. I went to a well attended funeral and was the only one not wearing one.
I can honestly say that I know of only one other person, someone that's studied all this stuff with me over the past 20 years, that never wore one. That's it.
Mass compliance will never happen. People are too afraid. On top of that they don't want to lose their precious wealth and status. They'll send their liberty downstream in hopes that their precious wealth and status won't be taken from them, foolishly, as they clearly don't know history.
They may not comply with injections or masks, but they'll comply with the next directive whatever it is.
Thanks, as are you. I still do not believe that we win. IMO there will be no winners.
I truly believe as I told my friend who understands this stuff at the level that I do, and I told him this on Day-1, less than 24 hours after it originally broke, I told him that this was the Global Elite's endgame. It is.
As I see it we are about to enter the time period described in Rev. 20:7-9. The "camp of the saints" is being encompassed as we speak.
Make no mistake, this is a war between God and Satan. But Jesus instructed us not to love our earthly lives to the death. Frankly, I'm surprised that I'm still alive right now.
I'm sedevacantist... Catholics who believe Francis ain't pope.
I got sent home, March 2020, my Sedes buddy (very few of us) said, I think something is going on. Within a short time, most Sedes had figured out broad strokes...
So I said, Francis ain't pope, oh, by the way, covid is depopulation plot.. 😎😎😎😎 I kinda get it they think I'm crazy, but on other hand, they Never Ever tried...
9-11, Bldg. 7 is all the evidence that one needs. There's a mountain of evidence on top of that, but Bldg. 7 says it all. THEY "MADE THE DECISION" to bring it down. https://www.bitchute.com/video/fTLR0iHO5rY1/
Yes, I didn't join a cult. I've seen cultish, stupid behavior in these groups. Absolutely hypocrisy, doing what msm, CDC etc doed. Despicable. And... It comes at a cost..
But... I do test people and do give them more and more belief. When wsrranted. And take back trust in judgement on certain issues.. While still believing they're honorable.
McCullough is one of the greatest heros in world history.
100%. He has been one of the few beacons of truth and hope from day one. He was a crucial antidote to the “Get Vaccinated!” idiots, bullies and mass murderers. P.S., I thought 2SGitW’s commentary about the interview was superb. He is gifted at summarizing complex issues and putting them into simple but very sharp relief, and into the overarching context of what’s going on.
Agreed and someday we will get to say it out loud. Thank God for Dr Peter McCullough Dr. Robert Malone, Joe Rogan; all the Truth Tellers we had to go down rabbit holes and secret places to hear the truth and God has blessed those of US who have had the courage and determination to abandon the liars on Main Stream Media and find the truth while our families and friends abandoned US, by dying, by calling us selfish, left us to find NEW friends friends who welcomed us in and held the door open for the wounded and awakened, as they came in out of the cold
I thank the good Lord for having known of many truth-tellers several years before 2020. I'm suspecting that when a heart is tuned to the truth. Even though you may not know all the facts. You still somehow know that you're being lied to by certain factions. Since the world famous pathological liars already had track records for never being truthful about anything pre covid. It was easy for me to discern that they were lying about all things covid post covid too.
I suspected that only the willfully, misinformed fear-mongered, and the liar lovers would be gullible enough to continue to believe the lying snakes we see on tv. I and many others have tried to point people to sources of the truth pre and post covid. All some of them want to do is listen to liars they think are telling them the truth. And sadly, many people are suffering from following foolish and bad advice.
Dr David Martin has been covering much of this material for the past 2 years (and before that). Everything McCullough was saying in this 'interview' was already very familiar to me ... bioweapon, U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Ralph Baric, etc. So happy to see this getting out to a larger audience, tho Alex Jones a controversial figure. Check out Dr. David Martin's work (if you haven't already).
And that is Dr Martins specialty I think. He researches patents
You right. When it comes to truth. The message is far more important to our well-being than the flaws of the messenger. Some people spend too much time nitpicking and misjudging people who are of no threat to their existence. Instead of trying to learn something about escaping from deceptions and the traps of people who are their enemies.
Dr. McCullough is one of the top cardiologists and medical researcher in the world with a very impressive resume. It takes a lot of guts for someone at that level to buck the corrupt system and do what is right, then go even further to expose the dark forces.
McCullough's new book "The Courage to Face Covid-19", with crime investigator John Leake, is some hard hitting, well-documented truth. Also check out his weekly podcast archives:
"As the government’s false agenda continues to unravel, stakeholders in the biopharmaceutical complex are increasingly turning to propaganda and defamation as tools to push misinformation out to the public while silencing any sources of grounded scientific information... As for vaccines, that house of cards is crumbling globally, where adverse reactions and the deaths of young, healthy people pile up around leaders who mandated compliance against every social norm. "
Source: americaoutloud.com/propaganda-is-a-house-of-cards/
Good info!
A Midwestern Doctor also published an excellent article today about how various batches of previous injections (namely, DPT and and Anthrax) are possibly related to the distribution and effects of the "covid" injections:
In response to that article, I added my thoughts in an article, too:
thanks for the links!
The doc is well worth reading! I hope, my stuff is not a waste of your time, either. :)
There was one very big motivation the CCP/China had to "spawn" the story of a pandemic - together with a specific lockdown in China --- namely in Hong Kong. As one may remember, in 2019 unrest in Hong Kong was becoming almost intolerable - for street people, for the increasing crescendo of protesters, and even troops/police to try to quell the violence. Even Epoch Times presses got trashed in HK in 2020/1. CCP would not give in, neither would the protesters. They even called to Trump to rescue them.
Gee Whiz! How good an excuse the CCP had when they announced that the Hong Kong population needed to stay home so that the "virus" wouldn't kill them. Even if it was just a story, the media made it sound like it was real.... And if it was slightly true, so much the better for CCP
Essentially agree. excellent.
Glad it's not idiotic "Big Pharma greedy" explanation.
Some of the narrative is imploding. They have the armies, Silicon Valley, banking systems, intelligence agencies, relationships and captured assets... They are working their plan.
I don't want to be dark... There are many hopeful things for us..m
The problem for us is, that those behind this don't mind destroying half the planet if they have to. It's in their religious blood. This PSYOP-19 is hardly the only tool in their toolbox.
The WEF is merely an executive arm for them, not the top of the pyramid. Yet everyone seems to think that they are.
How can we win a war when we do not even understand our enemy and believe only what becomes patently blatant. Short answer, we can't.
The only way to win the war is to not play. If you keep trying to win by using their rules, you lose. Their control is an illusion. They only got this far because people believe they have power. Look at the total amount of population in your country. Look at how many armed servicemen (active and reserve) and police officers....It doesnt need to be guns. They are out numbered. The only reason people got vaccinated is flat out peer pressure. With everything coming out, the astronomical death counts from the shots, and the infertility rates of highly vaxxed countries, that peer pressure will evaporate. They could nuke the planet, but they have been able to do that for a very long time, so if they were going to pull the trigger, it would have happened by now. What are they waiting for?
They most they can do, is threaten, bluster, point fingers and shake fists. They can switch of the digital systems, but people will still find ways of making food, living life and basically getting $#!^ done. WEF calls US useless eaters.....we at least know how to grow, make and share things. What can the elite do? Bitch and moan, back stab and steal our stuff! Laugh at them, even pity them, but NEVER be afraid of them. They are illusion, empty and deep down they know it.
the power is in the numbers. we are many, they are few. But it would be nice to know who exactly pulls the threads. I agree with former comment, that WEF is not the top. I think Schwab was recruited by Kissinger to take that upon him. He came from a nazi family. Kissinger is 98. Is he the top? That is pretty old to be the leader of a gang
romans were just abandoning cities
You're way off with that. Look at who did their enforcement, and still does, during PSYOP-19. Those same armed servicemen and police officers that you mention. They're paid by the perps ultimately. Doctors, whom we're supposed to trust they said, sold their fellow humanity down the river for money. Few pastors honored God over the State. Cops routinely beat people down for far less than this and they seem to enjoy it. Pols and administrators of all types relish their totalitarian authority.
Suggesting that they're against the perps at the top is an ignorant take. THEY are among the executive arms of the perps.
what struck me most was the closure of almost all churches. The only one I did not check was the mennonnite. I read that most of them stayed open. All the rest gets their paycheck from the ggovernment or some institution, but the pastors are paid by the people ! And yes, they ALL should have stood up and say no. But very little did. They just 'followed orders' like the nazis.
Yep, that's what 501c(3) will do, it beholdens the "churches," which really aren't the New Testament definition of "church," first and foremost to the government (aka caesar), not to God. All, of course, in the interests of "tax free" status, because you know, the NT model for churches involves paid pastors and enormous staffs and huge buildings. /s
it is in their DNA
Who do you think, 37, is at the "top of the pyramid"/totem pole? Not that I disagree, but the top players are "hidden in plain sight", looking like they are less than top players!
"Who do you think, 37, is at the "top of the pyramid"/totem pole? Not that I disagree, but the top players are "hidden in plain sight", looking like they are less than top players!"
Homework assignment for you; Who owns the Federal Reserve? (to start)
You're going to answer your own question following a series of questions that you'll find the answers to.
In fact, 37, in part I agree! Except it's more than just the FE D. Most central banks, worldwide, yet in March 2020, including the FED (on March 26, 2020) eliminated even the "rule of thumb" of a "reserve requirement" for counterfeiting (whoops, I mean printing) money. The world went on to create more money in a 20 month period than was created in the last 100 years, plus or minus a factor of 10 (haha). Actually, not a joke. The "money", made legal by big gov's partnership in the operation, was largely created as debt.
Which means that, as long as that debt/credit based money is deemed "legal", the "interest" accompanying the debt is also deemed legal. And variable rate "loans" based on prime rates (not just in USA) can escalate to the breaking point of paycheck-to-paycheck borrowers - and, if those borrowers lost their jobs in the plandemic, then banksters have a field day foreclosing on the borrowers. The banks lend money that was created out of thin air, then when they "legally" foreclose, they get tangible assets (land, homes, companies, airplanes, cars, etc.) because the law allows it.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the US Constitution allows the USA to create interest-free money and spend it into circulation. We, the lowest people on the totem poles, don't know how much money is created this way and not accounted for, worldwide (as other countries' laws also usually allow them to create money similarly.
Is this what you were suggesting, 37?
Since big med, big banks, big box business, the 10s of trillions of dollars hedge funds, mainstream media (MSM) and the politicians, along with the 3 letter agencies, are in partnership to make the stuff legal, then common folks are literally powerless to control what's happening, as long as we keep the narrative of the value of money in society. Not only that, but, the WEF, bankers, and local gov tyrants are quite sure of themselves - almost openly admitting what their next steps will be. Klaus published his predictive book only a month or so after 3/2020- about using the C19 story as a tool in their scheme. MSM, owned/controlled by the above groups, worldwide, is their mouthpiece - instilling fearporn, and likely making Lemmings of, probably, more than half of their listenership.
"Is this what you were suggesting, 37?"
For the most part, yes. But keep in mind, it's the western central banking system that's behind the military enforcement/destruction of the world and in bed with Zionism, which is the satanic/immoral component driving it all. Other non-western central banks are not of that ilk generally speaking.
My point was that there are at least two layers of people above the Schwabs of the world, that are merely their tools despite their status. Schwab could be disposed of quickly if/once he no longer served their interests. They are the owners of that central banking system, the "Superclass" as David Rothkopf writes about in his book titled the same.
Your assessment is an excellent one however of the methodology. Which is why I am INCESSANTLY ranting that we need to get off of The Company money system if we want to have any chance. But that the problem therein is that just like the monkeys in the video I'll post below, people refuse to let go of what they consider to have been "hard earned" wealth, despite that it was often quite easily earned. Whether it be in the form of income, "investments" (which are largely perks in this system for perpetuating its charade), pensions (same), etc. In short, without this understanding that we are discussing, which 90-some percent of people do not have, they ignorantly continue to contributing to their own enslavement.
"We, the lowest people on the totem poles, don't know how much money is created this way and not accounted for, worldwide (as other countries' laws also usually allow them to create money similarly."
This doesn't matter, it's endless from a de facto standpoint. It's now only on the cusp of failing in a relative sense. When a military and threat of force must back up a banking system, well, ... LOL.
The system was well past honest decades ago. Then "Too Big To Fail" comes along, and for the same reasons as in the video I'm posting, people support it to their own ultimate demise. I lost a burgeoning small business back then as a direct result. I was never able to recover.
The lapsing of Glass-Steagall lent itself to where we are today.
Here's the ultimate problem and why we're screwed. People cling to all of their mammon trinkets and perceived wealth, while in order to attempt to keep it/them, they trade away their liberty, foolishly, astonishingly even, not realizing that once that liberty is gone, what they traded for it will then be taken as well since they'll have no ability to prevent that. Fools. And then selling their own children and future generations down the river for it all.
My own brother is fully complicit in this way. His entire world revolves around wealth. He's loaded, but I feel sorry for him.
We, generally speaking, both currently as well as historically, only see things clearly once they unfold. But by then it's FAAAAR too late to alter the course of history.
I happen to believe that we are in that time in Rev. 20:7-9 where the "camp of the saints" is being surrounded. The camp being far less delineated than people think. i.e., what we consider to be church(es) and how the NT describes it, are two entirely different things. It is also entirely free from denominations, which are NOT from God.
But the reason why I say this is because we are on the cusp of turning human beings into something else entirely and already underway. Changing men to women/boys to girls and visa versa. Pedophelia, bestiality now too, etc. The satanic imagery and influences are arising everywhere and pervasively in pop culture in particular. Naturally the arena of high-finance/banking is ripe with them as well, just not as prominently.
How much longer can this go on with any semblance of God's original creation remaining. (rhetorical)
Most of our society is no less foolish than this monkey. Rememer, with liberty one can always amass more mammon. Without it one can only amass what one's masters allow, which historically has been little more than basic sustenance.
I have been begging to determine who are leaders, an org chart...
You are good thinker
See my response to Howie.
Thanks BTW!
great video!! really nuts and bolts discussion on Gigaohmbiologics of WMC and Jessica Rose.
brief summary:
minute 15 brief summary of Stephanie Seneff paper
minute 20 start discussion of WMC Research and jessica Rose ... nuts and bolts not bs ... https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1579764163
Dr. McCullough and Del BigTree (The Highwire) are absolutely all over this folks. 2 excellent resources for the TRUTH.
A great overview of the whole mess. I heard Dr Martin say in an interview how he found 72 or so patents the military took out (illegally for some) on the virus shortly after it first outbreak, I think 2003. Moderna never made anything useful so how would they have it now? It was probably one of your blogs where it stated, that Moderna's documents had close to nothing in them about the product they delivered but most of old (failed) products. And now they are going to try and force that poison that sickened 8 mice on the populace? Those that take it are crazy.
I am a fan of Dr. McCullough and deeply admire his ethics and encyclopedic brain. Like so many of you who work tirelessly to get the truth out, Dr. McCullough will be remembered well in the history books for clearing the smoke of satan and revealing the true reality. God bless you all for your dedication.
There's very little new in here, this has all been known for at least a year and for anyone paying attention and understanding the perps, since it broke.
"In America, before the vaccine there were around 250,000 alleged covid deaths. After the vaccine rollout there were allegedly 750,000 covid deaths and that perfectly gibed with life insurance mortality data."
And most of that "250,000" were normal deaths repackaged in a shell game of sorts, or deaths spawned by our "trusted doctors" and marvelous medical "system/industry."
That 750,000k, if that low, and counting, is the number of people whose death has been hastened along, sometimes by years if not decades and in some cases a lifetime, due to the DeathVax and the medical system.
Very little new is coming out, not sure there's much new, just people finding out stuff that's been available for years, predating this all, that no one would believe at the time.
I just sold a house to a patent attorney. Have to pick his brain
Just finished watching this posted interview with Dr. McCullough and Alex Jones. It was mind-blowing. Some us have been spared much grief by listening to truth-tellers. Praise the Lord for them, and for rewarding people who love and seek the truth in all things.
I will be watching the info wars interview with Dr. McCullough this weekend. Who would have thunk that the fear of death and disease would ever be so aggressively used against the human population? Come to think of it. This psyop was in the works long before covid dominated health news.
Seems to me that most medical info and advice we get from mainstream sources promotes everything that contributes to bad health, disease, premature health, and a wrecked life if you live long enough. That's why truth-seekers have learned and know who the liars are and totally ignore them. Even when or if they do ever decide to tell even one ounce of truth about anything. I still totally ignore them! Best of all. Humanity's well being doesn't depend on waiting for liars to ever be accurate, honest or truthful about anything.
I don’t trust anyone anymore, regrettably. This is another step in the right direction from him so I’m just going to hold on to that for the time being. Been following him since he testified before the Texas Senate begging them to understand early treatment...his words and demeanor were heartfelt and genuine in my opinion.
Respectfully, What does he say wrong? Or misdirect?
I'm not blaming your feelings. It's questions I ask when someone says something like you say...
Did he just say a certain vaccine was ok? 3 wks ago?
For me it's simply the amount of time that it's taken so many of these crack people to come to known conclusions. For example, the day that this broke, in what, March of 2020, I called my buddy and told him that this was the Global Elite's end game. I began telling everyone that I knew that this was fake, and that this would be the only "virus" in human history, for which the cure would be a never-ending string of government sponsored injections. Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, thought that I was nuts.
How did I know this? Because I'm special? Hardly. I knew it because I'd been following all the background stuff, you know, real history, for years, several decades. Instead of binge-watching immoral anti-Christian crap on the lobotomy-box, I'd spend a few hours a week researching this stuff.
<I>It's impossible to fully know what's going on unless one understands the players, AT THE CORE, not at the outer levels of the onion. </I>
But people don't have two hours a week, in between watching 10-20 hours of crap, to educate themselves. THAT'S why we're gonna end up going down.
To expound on what Wendy said, and your response, I wouldn't say that it's something "wrong" or "misdirected," but it's info that in order for us to have a chance at winning this world war, we should have known 12-24 months ago and most people still don't believe it, and again, this is only a fraction of it.
Other tidbits, that PSYOP-19 has been carried out by the same exact perps that did 9-11, as the "next step" back then. Same planning BEFORE It happened, same rollout plans already made, etc. Another being that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. Sure, it's getting out, but there's no reason why anyone alive today couldn't have known that all of their adult lives.
So we're here at mile-marker 50 just figuring this out, when the perps are at mile market 200 already planning the next 100 miles.
How many people do you know that came out and said tha this was all deliberate when it rolled out? I can't think of one besides myself.
We are so screwed.
I agree...we are screwed whichever way we turn and I agree it's because we are so far behind in the truthful reality of what they had planned for us decades ago. I went through my entire life not paying attention...on a side note, in my defense haha, I haven't had a Television for 12 years so I was not spending my time watching The Bachelorette (I think that's what they called it) or Someone's Got Talent and the like.
Nevertheless, I had no knowledge of the Federal Reserve being a complete sham until I read The Creature from Jekyll Island, but that was only 5 years ago ! Reading The Devils Chessboard was another eyeopener around the same time. I'm pretty sure that these two books are what gave me the skepticism necessary to evade the vast propaganda assault that came along with the whole Covid narrative.
It may be rude to say, but the dumbing down of the USA and Canadian education systems has not helped lead anyone to pick up these sorts of books. The vast array of lite entertainment at the flick of a switch (often with propagandized messages within) has not helped to steer masses of people into seeking any knowledge of the big picture, shall we say.
The revealing of the level of institutional corruption all across the board was an exceedingly slow process keeping us way behind the nefarious designs of the endgame in store for us.
My comment above stating I do not trust anyone was glib...and I certainly don't like living with that overview but in view of all I've observed to date it has held me in good stead. I said it knowing there ARE those among us who are brave and have exceptional integrity and Dr. McCullough is likely one of them. I just believe in these chaotic days, one is better served being highly wary.
There is a slim chance yet that we may prevail against the 'powers that be' but it will entail mass NON compliance. I am heartened by the moderate percentage of people who endured the punishments inflicted for not lining up for an experimental shot in the arm and then even more so by the numbers who called it enough and said no to the idea of boosters which together could represent some 50% here in North America.
The survival instinct is strong, so I am somewhat hopeful, but you are right, people have to know what and who they are fighting against in order to prevail.
Better late than never, I believe that's where we are at presently.
"It may be rude to say, but the dumbing down of the USA and Canadian education systems has not helped lead anyone to pick up these sorts of books."
Rude? Truth is never rude. John Taylor Gatto would have a LOT to say about that. Check out his work sometime.
The dumbing down of the pubic education systems has been planned since its existence, that's why it came into being. Rockefeller coopted the medical INDUSTRY as well and did away with nutriceuticals. Also, Edward Bernays would be interesting follow-up for you.
"There is a slim chance yet that we may prevail against the 'powers that be' but it will entail mass NON compliance."
Mass non-compliance is never going to happen. I thought that I would be dead thru this by now. I never wore a mask, anywhere, even at the height of this shit. Even in NY State where EVERYONE was wearing them. I went to a well attended funeral and was the only one not wearing one.
I can honestly say that I know of only one other person, someone that's studied all this stuff with me over the past 20 years, that never wore one. That's it.
Mass compliance will never happen. People are too afraid. On top of that they don't want to lose their precious wealth and status. They'll send their liberty downstream in hopes that their precious wealth and status won't be taken from them, foolishly, as they clearly don't know history.
They may not comply with injections or masks, but they'll comply with the next directive whatever it is.
Check out this blog when you have time, it's excellent. https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/
Well I see I'll be up all night reading all of that !
Plenty of headlines I believe in.....oh dear
Mass non compliance will not happen... But there are ornery people who won't.... I do think we'll win. You're a winner
Thanks, as are you. I still do not believe that we win. IMO there will be no winners.
I truly believe as I told my friend who understands this stuff at the level that I do, and I told him this on Day-1, less than 24 hours after it originally broke, I told him that this was the Global Elite's endgame. It is.
As I see it we are about to enter the time period described in Rev. 20:7-9. The "camp of the saints" is being encompassed as we speak.
Make no mistake, this is a war between God and Satan. But Jesus instructed us not to love our earthly lives to the death. Frankly, I'm surprised that I'm still alive right now.
Commies had much influence on public education. And it seeped into so called religious schools.
There is hope. We have good people doing stuff we will never know about.
F15 comment by Biden.... 4 real American soldiers vs 150 woke, cry trained soldiers...
no contest. AMERICAN SOLDIERS Are the best. Now, anytime.
Good reason for additional hope...thanks !
Darn! Righteous post.
I'm sedevacantist... Catholics who believe Francis ain't pope.
I got sent home, March 2020, my Sedes buddy (very few of us) said, I think something is going on. Within a short time, most Sedes had figured out broad strokes...
One prominent bishop didn't, I was shocked
9-11, I believe you're right.
Vatican taken over , 1958 same group.
So I said, Francis ain't pope, oh, by the way, covid is depopulation plot.. 😎😎😎😎 I kinda get it they think I'm crazy, but on other hand, they Never Ever tried...
9-11, Bldg. 7 is all the evidence that one needs. There's a mountain of evidence on top of that, but Bldg. 7 says it all. THEY "MADE THE DECISION" to bring it down. https://www.bitchute.com/video/fTLR0iHO5rY1/
Interesting. Converesly, i would say, controlled opposition give solid info at times. A good guy can be mistaken.
What do they say. No hero worship.
Yes, I didn't join a cult. I've seen cultish, stupid behavior in these groups. Absolutely hypocrisy, doing what msm, CDC etc doed. Despicable. And... It comes at a cost..
But... I do test people and do give them more and more belief. When wsrranted. And take back trust in judgement on certain issues.. While still believing they're honorable.
I've been through similar deception. Huge
I share those same concerns and I'm therefore on guard.
Yep, the PCR testing validation is concerning.