So how patriotic do we all feel now!!! Our country is just as evil as China but our corrupt government has been good at hiding this from us. The people in the US are good (mostly) as I believe the people of China are, too. Unfortunately, all of us have been misled and the media shares the blame with the government. We used to think our intelligence agencies were working for us. HaHa. I love my country for what I used to imagine it was but I am having a very hard time loving what I am finding out it really is and has been. I feel so betrayed!

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Is Hunter Biden a CIA operative. Is he part of the CDC, DARPA and CIA biowarfare program?

Is that why he is being protected. Is his outrageous behavior a cover?

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Basically, Putin wanted to clean up post Soviet mess/weapons, the US volunteered in Ukraine and essentially repurposed the labs in the "clean up" via the DoD (weaponzing and rebuilding vs eliminating) and simultaneously started taking natural resources like oil/gas via the Bidens/Burisma, (who were also involved in bioweapons per this article), etc.

Nah, c'mon man!!!

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I meant “repurposed” the new labs that the US funded from “defense” to the more nefarious under a mask of beneficence that they were professing to the American public and Ukraine. So I agree with your comment.

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