Mar 13Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

NYers used to be tough and smart. Now, they’re brainwashed sheeple pussies.

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Which is precisely why i left.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

It seems that the compliant behavior in North America is surprisingly linked to the authoritarian-loving importation of millions of peoples from the Sino-sphere. At least it looks that way to me in California. This includes a massive increase of property prices to unaffordable levels, the building of numerous stack and pack "condos", and the building of many multi-story "bio-tech" buildings.

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Chris, one should understand, that when one has no God to follow or believe in, he can easily be made to follow & believe anything! I.e. Climate doom, salvation through mask & jab compliance, killing full term babies is a Right! Etc.etc. I.e. Not, “The wages of sin is death”!

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I do indeed understand. I see it all around me every day.

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Many would say that it's the "believers" who are the ones who "...can easily be made to follow & believe anything!"

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Remember, California was descent until NY Democrat Lawyers took over in the 1970’s.

They destroyed everything

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They may have been tough but they were never smart or they wouldn't have chosen that rotten apple to live and raise families in.

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It wasn't always rotten. It was an incrediblly vibrant, diverse, cultural, hectic, crazy, wonderful city. I am glad I lived there in my twenties back in the 70's/80's.

It is shameful what they have done.

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I haven’t been there in many years but I found them rude.

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Just an outer veneer. In the old days they would help anyone if they were in trouble. Now?pfft.

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I also found them to be pushy.

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I miss those days.

Snowflakes and illegals now.

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If you are aware of the committee of 300 and its purpose ., Thiel is a "member"! If your aware of Agenda 30, its the endgame scenerio for humanity. so the 15 minute cities is one big zombie housing project! The Deagle population forecast for 2025 is USA to be culled by 233 million people! The club of Rome has mandated by 2030 the earth will have no more than 1 billion inhabitants. The Plandemic failed, as the 70% population on quartely kill shots has failed big time. What is plan B?

Open your eyes and see clearly the end game of tyrants is human slavery.

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So many of us on these forums know this. So howTF do we wake the rest of humanity up? They are voting for their own demise?

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SB as frustratingly slow as it is.. we do the methodical work of spreading the word everyday.. while look to being more effective till we can drag the Monsters into Nuremberg..

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I feel we are past the point of no return. I could choose to move almost anywhere and yet am unable to find a good reason to do so. A national -even global- insane asylum is all I see anymore.

Seems like Hochul desires to get ahead of (or find favor with) the powers behind the WHO's International Health Regulations which will control us from some unknown place by a untouchable quantity. At any time a simple "concern of global emergency nature" may be declared and the boom will fall. Hochul is just giving those of us paying attention a preview.

From Karen Kingston: "James Roguski has received the unofficial document that appears to be the amendments to the WHO's IHR amendments and here's the kicker...the document has nothing to do with global health or your personal health. It's a draft plan to give the WHO tyrannical power over nations and will negatively effect every life (including non-human species such as livestock) on this planet with no accountability and no checks and balances. Please share James Roguski's diligent work." https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/these-amendments-are-unacceptable

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Very good interview with him yesterday on VSRF with Steve Kirsch.


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The WEF tyrants have spent decades installing their evil puppets into the highest positions of governments & militaries & intelligence agencies worldwide to prepare for their NWO agenda.

As they allow crime to explode in our neighborhoods to keep us distracted, they quickly deport any illegals that show up near them to a sanctuary city.

They have purposefully destroyed & indoctrinated our youth with drugs, lies, self hatred, fake racism, hatred for their country, no real education, etc…

I believe God’s Word is true & our redemption draws nigh.


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In Chattanooga (where another Smart City is planned), WEF Mayor Kelly appointed a police chief that has come under scrutiny for exactly where IS her residence. This has caused quite a hoopla over exactly what "residence" means? She said she lives in TN (police officers caught on camera joke "she lives in TN but has no furniture in her house., and no one in the neighborhood ever saw her") but she came from Atlanta and has filed for the Homestead Rebate in Atlanta the past few years in which she certifies that Atlanta is her home. Chattanooga statute says police must be residents. So the police chief's response is that she will have to talk to her tax preparer. Can't make this shit up.

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Maui changed their law to hire their new police chief, John Pelletier. Prior, one had to live on the island for 4 yrs to be qualified to be PC. Pelletier was also in charge of investigating the Mandalay Bay "mass shooting" in Las Vegas. I'm sure that's all just a "coincidence". 🤷‍♀️

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Thank you for reporting on this! Do you know what happened to the people on Noogavoices? There seemed to be a lot of good information getting out to local residents, but I can’t find anything anymore on the internet. Not sure whether that’s by design, or out of simply not renewing websites.

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I believe Noogavoices disbanded or (most of the founders) are not together anymore....at least that's what I think happened. But there is a new group you can contact for more info. They are SaveChattanooga.com. Their meetings are informative.

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The fight in me has significantly dimmed after that concise round up of facts (yes I 100 believe every word)! Is there anyone on our side, like AT ALL 🤔

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How many gun owners does the US have? What if only 10% resist using their God-given right? How many police and military will really turn on their families and fellow citizens? There may be lots of SHTF, but all of the WEF and Bilderburgers may not see their paradise come to fruition.

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Montana is Number One, just saying.

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deletedMar 13
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In Colorado, even the Dems have guns.

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Good morning, so I’m working on my deep thought for today. We have all heard that US Treasurys Owned by China, in USD Billions

As of Oct. 2022, China owns $769.6 billion of the total $7,565 billion U.S. national debt. But, I am now becoming convinced that they have been trading out silently for land and businesses. That would explain why the Chinese now own so much in the USA. They are eventually going to dump their bonds. I am leaning towards around April 15, because there’s tons of Americans who cannot afford to pay their taxes. It’s a recipe for disaster and a perfect storm. And, let’s just face it, they have killed off a very large part of the tax base in the last two years. Grim.

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Not sure of the timing but, this is the plan I, too, imagine is in the works. Even those with whom I research seem unwilling to call out those of other countries in this intricate puzzle of conflict competition (for fear of being labeled 'racist?'). The PollyAnna/Rodney King in me wants to shout, "We are all part of the Human race. Can't we all get along?" The Christ in me says, "I believe in miracles."

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I agree with you.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Very grim. Enraging. The Chinese are ruining California. San Diego, where I live, has seen a massive influx of Chinese nationals since 2020, coupled with housing prices that are unaffordable for everyone except for the Chinese and their client peoples in bio-tech, who apparently are being supplied massive amounts of money by the controllers. It's very obvious to see for anyone with eyes. I pray to God and Jesus for help.

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Yes, one of my friends commented just this morning about that. Here’s what he said; “I think they are going to give them California. That's why they are driving everyone out and that's why most the Chinese illegals are going through the California border.”

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Is this why Newsom cleaned up San Francisco for Xi's visit? I too pray that corruption from all levels be revealed to wake the masses up as well as his intervention.

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Plus our National Parks...

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You do great research and present comprehensive coverage of the destruction of freedom and free minds on this planet. For me, the details of such are no longer of value. I connected the open border with martial law awhile ago, as well as with cells of enemy combatants. It's about to get hot up in here.

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I think any position with any influence in any western government is a bought and paid for position, politicians just slot in and it does not matter which political party they belong to because the people who have bought this position of influence do not change. It matters not a jot who the politician is as he who pays the piper calls the tune. Governments are well and truly captured.

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As usual, an excellent and highly informed article. Clearly, as many of us as possible, must decouple to the fullest extent we can from the captured societies and regions in our own country. When we look at the trajectory of the big cities like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc. we see that they are on a path to their own destruction and collapse. We need to avoid those areas to the fullest extent possible.

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Kathy is such a horrible person together we were able to beat Howard Stern on Battle of the Douchebags. I brought Eric Adams too but he may be more dumb than evil.


Getting turned away from restaurants I had been to for years was the final straw for me, I knew I had to leave. Can't live in a place that is capable of that.

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Don’t discount Hochul…. She’s definitely comfortably on the spectrum herself.

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Tyson Foods is closing a pork processing plant and intends to close more of their chicken operations.

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Oh look there are bunch of people from the Sino-sphere wearing masks. What a shocker.

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2nd Smartest Guy,you are humble ;-)

mask/horse bridle/Mk ultra, iatrogenesis, gene therapy, doctors’, scientists', governments' complicity, depopulation > last phase of trans-humanism >> POST-HUMANISM

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Run Rabbit Run, but to where?

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